Gathering Darkness: A Paranormal Romance Collection

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Gathering Darkness: A Paranormal Romance Collection Page 102

by Anna Zaires

“Not going anywhere, babe.” Green eyes glittered down at her. “Pretty sure I demanded a full explanation. And I intend to collect.” He dropped his hand from her neck. “Who put that on you?”

  “A group of Vipers.”

  “A group?” His jaw hardened. “Are they…do they force you t—”

  She guessed his question and didn’t want him to have to verbalize it. “No. Not that. They’re holding me and my brother, Logan. They run an underground fight club here in the city.”

  “Why are they holding you? Does your brother fight for them?”

  “No.” She rubbed her temple. “Logan is younger than me. He’s only twenty-one. Neither of us is trained to fight. They…they use me for my ability. And they hold him as leverage. They threaten to beat him—well, they have beaten him before. Me too. They also say they’ll throw him into the ring, even though they know he’ll die. All if I don’t…” Her voice faded, crushed by the horror of what she’d been doing.

  “If you don’t…what?” His voice was gentle, yet insistent.

  She swallowed hard. This was it. Guilt and shame tightened her lungs and she could barely get the whispered words out. “Bring in males to fight in the ring.”


  Blood thundered in Tanner’s ears as everything that was wrong with this picture reared its ugly head. Underground fight club. Beautiful Saige and a brother whom she obviously cared about, beaten and held as prisoners. But his tactical mind snagged on her last words. “Bring males in? How?”

  Her shoulders hunched. “What you saw in the park. I…” She drew in a shuddering breath. “I have the ability to exert a temporary mind control over others. The Vipers found out and they…make me go out and recruit males for their fights.” Her arms wrapped around her waist and her anguish saturated the air.

  Tanner’s chest tightened at the mix of rage and protectiveness that tore through him. She was terrified, and he knew part of it was worry about what he’d do with the knowledge she’d just shared. “Saige.” He skated his hands along her biceps. “What you’re describing is coercion. They put this collar on you. They beat you. You’re a victim as much as the males who they force to fight.” He took a deep breath, trying to keep his voice calm. “I will go in there and skin every one of those fucking Vipers.”

  Brown doe eyes met his, brimming with fear. “No. You can’t. Logan—”

  “We’ll get him out first.”

  She shook her head. “No, it’s worse than that. Sometimes they follow me, sneaking around, hiding, spying, to make sure I’m doing what they want. If they followed me today, and saw me with you, but then if I show up without you…th-the beating will be worse.” Her voice broke on the last word.

  Fucking hell. She’d been scared for him back at the park. He pulled her close, forcing down the new rush of rage at the Vipers’ manipulation. “No one will beat you or your brother again. I’ll kill them first.”

  “Tanner, they’re horrible.” She buried her face in his chest. “The fights are to the death. They love it.”

  “I’ve dealt with my share of Vipers.” He stroked her hair. “The necklace, it doesn’t show them your activity?”

  “No. It just has a tracker, so they’ll know if I leave the city. If I set one foot outside, they’ll take it out on Logan.”

  He muttered a curse but he didn’t let her go, sensing she needed him close. “Your ability…why can’t you just mind control the Vipers and get out?”

  She sniffed. “It only works for fifteen minutes, twenty tops, and then I black out. Also, I can only use it one predatory creature at a time. On fae, I can manage to control two. But that’s it. There’s no way I could control the whole Viper gang.”

  Well, shit. Of course she couldn’t overpower the group. Doing so could be dangerous and they might come after her once they recovered. “And the individual you use your talent on? When do they come out of it? The trance?”

  “Usually shortly after I pass out, or so I’m told. I’ve only been conscious for one or two.”

  “Does the person suffer any ill effects?”

  “Only that they’re furious with me. They get pretty creative with the ways they say they want to kill me.”

  A growl started low in his chest. No way was he letting this shit continue. He tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and softened his voice. “Your ability—that’s incredible. And one that needs to be protected and developed. I bet your control of the power and its after-effects will get better over time. How old are you?”


  “Gods.” She was practically a baby. He tilted her chin so he could look into her eyes. “I know people who can help you get stronger.”

  Her breath caught. “At Watcher Headquarters? W-with the Commander and all his top fighters? No, I’ll be in trouble.”

  “You mean Arawn?” Tanner shook his head. “Yeah, he’s not exactly Mr. Congeniality, but he is fair. He won’t stand to see a creature used and abused, especially not one of his own people. The inner circle lieutenants are the same way.”

  “But.” Tiny, ragged pants of air slipped from her parted lips. “What if…”

  He waited, watching the racing pulse in her neck, wishing he could ease her fear by sheer force of will. “You can tell me.”

  “What…what if I was the one doing the using on his people?” Her voice was small and broken.

  He searched her face, trying to read her. “But you just said the Vipers forced you to use your talent to…” Bring in males. Holy shit. The Lash demon in the park. He held her gaze for a beat as understanding surged around his heart. All of the missing Lash demons.

  She moved to pull away. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to, I—”

  “Saige.” He held her hands, not letting her separate completely. “You’re being coerced.”

  “This…what I’ve done… is so bad,” she whispered.

  “You didn’t have a choice.” He stroked a finger along her jaw. “You won’t be in trouble. Arawn will be glad to know where the missing Lash are.”

  “He knows they’re missing?” Her voice rose and she clapped a hand over her mouth. “Oh my gods. I’m dead.”

  “Of course he knows. That’s why my team and I are in Halice. We’re trying to track them.”

  Her breaths came so fast he thought she’d hyperventilate. “Oh my gods, he knows. You all know. I’ve brought the attention of—”

  In one fluid move he picked her up, cradling her to his chest, taking a selfish second to savor the softness of her body against his, then lowered them both to the floor. He leaned back against the wall and held her close. “Shh. No one is going to punish you. I promise.”

  “How can you be sure?” Slender fingers clutched a handful of his T-shirt.

  “I’m three hundred years old and I’ve been a Watcher for over two hundred. All of my life, Arawn has led our race. And I know his leadership style might involve a lot of yelling and hard-ass training, but it’s all geared to help the Lash stay strong, and help the realms stay peaceful. And one thing he won’t stand for, above anything else, is a powerful creature using a less powerful one. Manipulation, beating, spells, torture, anything like that, he’ll send us out to stop it immediately.”

  She peeked up at him through long eyelashes. “Really?”

  He nodded. “And he listens to his soldiers. I may not be in his inner circle, but on details of missions, my word counts as much as anyone else’s.” He twined his fingers through hers. “I know you have no malice in your heart. I can sense it. And I’ll make damn sure he knows that.”

  Her soft thumb rubbed across his knuckle as she stared at their joined hands, then looked back up at him. “Thank you.”

  He gazed at her, absorbing the trust and relief that rolled off her. But also fear. Her nightmare wouldn’t be over until they got her brother out. And why had no one reported the two of them missing? “What about your family? Parents?”

  “They’re gone.” Her eyes dropped to a point beyond h
is shoulder, unfocused. “They were killed when Elegia’s forces swamped our village six months ago.”

  Tanner cursed. That goddamn bitch. Even in death, her maniacal quest for power still carried fallout for the innocent. Her armies had risen up and attacked multiple areas of the realm, all at the same time. Arawn’s forces had been able to help some regions, but hadn’t been able to avoid destruction completely. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Me too.” She took a deep breath and her slender shoulders sagged further. “The village was destroyed. Logan and I had gone to another town for the day, to sell some of our family’s baked goods in a big market. When word hit that the realm was under attack, we got home as fast as we could, but we were too late. Everything was gone. Burned. We’ve been on our own ever since.”

  He squeezed her closer to him. “I wish I had been there that day to fight for your family. No one deserves to go through that.”

  She released a shaky sigh. “I miss them.”

  “Of course you do. But you don’t have to be on your own anymore. With your ability, you’d be welcome to live at Watcher HQ. Your brother too. You can train with the Elders or witches, whomever can help you control it.” And be with me.

  What the hell? Stay with me. His brain was stuck on an insistent repeat that made no sense. The need to keep her close, know she was safe, and learn everything about her, roared to brilliant, primal life.

  Tanner stared at the cluster of bangles on her wrist. He’d never felt this way about a female before. What was going on? A hero complex? No, he’d helped dozens of creatures in less than fortunate situations, and hadn’t felt the pull to protect. Not like this.

  “Live there?” Her voice cut into his thoughts. “I don’t know.”

  “That’s okay.” He shook his head, remembering her trepidation over her actions, coerced or not. Her emotion was real and palpable to him. “You don’t have to decide anything right now. All we need to do is get your brother out of there.”

  “Oh no. What time is it?” Panic infused her voice as she glanced at her watch. “I have to get back.” She scooted off him and got to her feet.

  He leaped up beside her. “You’re not going back into that hellhole.”

  “I have to.” Brown eyes went wide with certainty. “They’ll hurt Logan if I’m late. Or if I don’t have someone with me when I return.” Her breathing sped up. ”They may be waiting outside right now.” She gestured to the library wall.

  “Let me call my team.” He pulled out his phone.

  “You can’t make that call in here. The wards?” She flicked a glance to the ceiling. “No intent to harm, even if it’s to harm bad guys.”

  “Shit. I’ll call as soon as we get outside.”

  She took his hand and pulled him toward the door of the rare book room, then through the rest of the beautiful old library. Reaching the front, they stepped out onto the stone…and she froze.

  Tanner’s skin prickled. He drew a breath, scenting what she’d already seen. Three Vipers lurked in the trees along the stone path.

  “They’re here. It’s them.” She turned to him. “”I’m in huge trouble.”

  “Time for Plan B,” he muttered, and started dialing.

  “What are you doing?” she hissed through clenched teeth.

  “All the missing Lash males made a phone call saying they had something to do and they’d be back.” Tanner dropped his voice to a barely audible level, aware of both Saige’s hearing ability and that of the predators thirty feet away. That should be far enough to keep their conversation private, but he wasn’t taking chances. “I’m making that call.”

  Confusion furrowed her brows and she opened her mouth as if to speak.

  He gave a slight shake of his head. “No talking. I’m going to ask you questions and I want you to whisper or mouth your answers. I’ll read your lips. What’s the Vipers’ location?”

  “You—” she gaped at him, but followed his instructions. “You can’t. They’ll put you in the ring as soo—”

  “I can and I will. You’re out of time, and there’s no way I’m letting you go back in there alone.”


  Saige stared at Tanner, dread building in her belly. She didn’t want him anywhere near the Vipers. But he was calm, he projected safety and, right now, he was in some kind of warrior mode. Yeah, he was still sweet, but a new determination poured from him.

  “Saige. Location.” His urgent, hushed words jarred her from her internal debate. His gaze was fixed on her, though she heard a male voice speaking through his phone.

  She rattled off the location of the warehouse and he repeated it to the other male.

  Tanner’s green eyes locked on her. “Saige, how many Vipers and how many prisoners?”

  “Um.” She’d never counted the prisoners, torn by guilt that would accompany the knowledge of just how many lives she’d destroyed. And she honestly had a hard time telling the green-skinned Vipers apart. Nerves swept through her at the knowledge they were being watched and every second counted. She needed to guess, fast. “I think…at least twenty of each. But I’m not positive. There could be more.”

  He relayed the information and ended the call. “Let’s do this.”

  “I don’t want to use my power on you,” she whispered. “Can you, um, pretend?”

  “I can do anything.” His words weren’t cocky, just all-business. “What are the rules?”

  “Okay, like I said in the park, don’t ask questions. Don’t speak unless spoken to. Act kind of zoned out. Follow me as if you don’t know where we’re going. Don’t use your weapons. You have to go along with it, like you’re just another male I brought in.”

  “What happens when we get there?”

  “They’ll take your weapons, phone, any amulets, and put you in a cell. I’ll have to walk you there with a guard, but then, I have to try to make it back to my room before I black out.”

  “Except you won’t black out today.”

  “I don’t want you to go in there, Tanner.” The words formed silently on her lips as hope and apprehension collided in her chest. A strange need bloomed, to keep him away from harm. Him. A big bad Watcher. What the heck?

  “I know. But there’s no way in hell I’ll let you be alone with those assholes again. Let me fight for you, Saige.”

  Warmth shone through the tactical calculations in his eyes, and she realized she trusted him. For the first time in months, a flicker of light glimmered in her heart. “Okay.” She squared her shoulders. “Follow me.”

  They descended the library steps and walked onto the path. The Vipers flowed out from the trees, two moving behind Tanner but keeping a distance of ten feet. The third Viper walked beside her. “Took you long enough, you dumb bitch. And you let that other Lash get away? We’ll see how you like being whipped for your insubordination.”

  Fear flared, but she tried to tamp it down. How could she spin this? “I was going to take the first male, but then this one showed up. A Watcher.” She dared a glance at the angry Viper. “He’s so much stronger than the other one. And you know I can only control one predator at a time.”

  “Hmm, true. You lucked out. This time. I don’t want to see you let Lash demons get away again. And I don’t like you sneaking into the library. Effective now, it’s off limits.”

  Saige gulped. “What if I need to go in to get a male?”

  “Find another. We need to keep eyes on you.”

  Through her fear, a frisson of anger bloomed. “Doesn’t it count for something that I’m bringing in a Watcher? The strongest of the strong? He’ll draw huge crowds.”

  The Viper cast her a slit-eyed glance. “You’re not in a position to bargain or advocate for yourself, female. I suggest you stop talking.”

  Tanner’s boots scuffed the path behind her, kicking a stray pebble forward to roll between her feet. She wasn’t alone. She had no idea how he thought he’d get them all out, but she trusted him. He had a team. He had a plan.

  Gods, he had the
entire Watcher army at his back, probably, if needed.

  Trust him. She took a deep breath and walked silently in step with the Viper, not talking until they reached the compound.

  It was only when they stepped inside, and two Vipers grabbed Tanner’s arms while two others removed his weapons, that her resolve faltered. And gods, he had a lot of weapons, most hidden in places she didn’t know you could hide them. He remained staring straight ahead as if this were something he went through every day, but somehow she detected the undercurrent of his anger.

  How? She had no clue, other than to chalk it up to common sense. He was letting an enemy make him vulnerable. Of course he’d be pissed.

  But the tension in the air thickened to sword-slicing levels when the guards moved to pat her down. Saige did her best to look bored and unconcerned, praying that Tanner wouldn’t react to the Vipers touching her. She caught his eyes which flared with a low, menacing light. He clenched his teeth. Please, she willed her thoughts to him, as if that would somehow help. Act like you don’t care.

  Eyes locked, she endured the frisking while he stared, frozen, as if any little move would make him explode.

  Finally the guards finished and directed them down the dank stairs to the cells. Entering the corridor, she was met with the usual barrage of threats to choke, dismember, or violate her. She steeled herself, praying this would be the last time she made this walk.

  But a low growl escaped Tanner’s throat. Oh no. Please keep up the charade. She hunched her shoulders, embarrassed that he had to hear this. Just going into the cell, having his fire power and strength sapped, would be bad enough.

  They reached an empty cell. Yeah, the Serus demon she’d brought in yesterday had occupied the last available cell—but that was yesterday. Someone else had died in the ring last night, freeing up a spot for a new prisoner.

  The guard slid open the bars.

  “You need to go in there,” Saige told Tanner calmly, though her every nerve was screaming for him not to.

  Tanner obeyed, walking in and turning to face her. The bars slammed shut. He lunged forward, clutching the metal, staring at her, eyes on fire with an expression she couldn’t name.


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