The Tower Of The Watchful Eye: The Legend Of Kairu Book 1

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The Tower Of The Watchful Eye: The Legend Of Kairu Book 1 Page 31

by Tim McFarlane

  “Let’s give this lightning a try,” I said as a bolt shot out from the tip.

  The Mages threw up a barrier but the sheer power of the crystal and staff cut through the barrier and hit one Mage square in the chest. The lightning jumped to the two other Mages and they all screamed as the electricity coursed through their systems. The light in their eyes went out and they dropped to the ground twitching.

  Son of a pickled beet! Cathy exclaimed.

  My back grew warm as a Fire Ball hit me and I turned around to find a Mage running at me with his hand growing red. I pointed the staff at him and a steady stream of Ice completely froze him solid. Out of the corner of my eye I saw two more Mages approaching and put my staff up against the frozen Mage. Aiming him towards his friends, I sent a Pulse through the staff that launched the Magesicle. One of the Mages dodged out of the way as the other bore the brunt of the attack. The frozen Mage exploded into ice shards that pierced the targeted Mage.

  The remaining Mage just continued to charge at me with no sign of caring for his other Mages or how much power was in the staff. I aimed the staff at him and he stopped and threw up a Ward. I focused my power and launched a Fire Ball at him. The Fire Ball struck the Ward, effectively destroying it and knocked the Mage off his feet. He was still alive but the flames had covered his robes and he batted at them to put them out. I aimed the staff and sent an Ice Bolt to finish him off.

  All the expelled magic was sure to draw the attention of the remaining Mages but I continued to press forward to the temple. The staff and crystal was definitely the equalizer Mistress Velias said it would be. It’s a shame I didn’t come here first and have the staff for everywhere.

  You know for next time, Cathy said.

  I stretched out with my mind to find my next victim. The temple was getting closer and I still couldn’t pinpoint where the Masquade was hiding. The temple’s energy was even making it hard to figure out how many Mages were left. I was stuck with seeking them out the old fashion way.

  Scanning the forest, I caught a flash of purple to my left and a couple red and blue robes to my right. The purple robe was going to be first to go down. Years of torment in the Tower will always teach you to take out the Spiritual Mage who can screw with your mind first.

  I stopped and turned towards her. She approached with her arm out and I shielded my mind in time to feel her probing around. I sent out a Fire Ball and she threw up a Ward to protect her. I diverted my attention to the Elemental Mages as her screams broke through the trees.

  The Elemental Mages were close together as they ran and I slammed the staff into the ground and sent an Earth Rift towards them. They dived out of the way and immediately started shoot Ice and Fire at my staff. I swatted them away with my scaled hands as the Mages closed in.

  One Mage’s hands froze into a lump of solid ice as he swung at me. My scaled shoulder took the hit and pain exploded throughout my body. The second Mage launched a Fire Ball at my staff and I staggered around to take the attack with my back. Icy Hands still pressed the attack and I dodged what I could before falling over backwards. As I hit the ground, I launched a pulse at him with my hands and turned the staff towards the second Mage. A stream of Ice shot out towards him and froze him in place.

  Icy Hands was back swinging at me and I rolled away from his blows. His speed was impressive and I had to reach out with my hand to send a Pulse to knock him back. He staggered back a couple of steps and I was able to get to my feet and point my staff at him. He watched me in anticipation as I noticed two more Mages approaching.

  If you go to shoot he’ll try to dodge, Cathy said.

  I launched a stream of Fire at him and, as predicted dodged to his right. I swept the area with Fire and caught the Mage as he was rolling into a stand up position. He screamed as he tried to cover himself with Ice to stop the flames but I continued to shoot my stream of Fire. Overwhelmed, he grew quiet.

  I turned my attention to the new Mages and just caught sight of the green robe as a vine grabbed a hold of the staff. I pulled against it with all my strength as I turned the tip to face the vine. A small stream of Fire freed the staff from the vine and I aimed the staff at the newcomers. A stream of lightning shot out of my staff hitting one, but the Nature Mage managed to dodge behind a tree as the lightning shot out at him. The trunk of the tree exploded and the tree fell to the ground as the Nature Mage continued to run at me.

  Another vine grabbed at the staff and two more wrapped around my feet and tried to pull me away from the staff. Holding on tightly with one hand, I used the other to grab at the vines at my feet. A bolt of lightning from the Mage hit me and my whole body twitched violently but I held onto the staff with everything I had. I reached down for my feet and sent a stream of Fire to destroy the vines holding my feet. With the vines destroyed, the staff and I were thrown forward by the remaining vine and I pulled the staff loose as I crashed into the ground.

  I dragged myself to my feet and hid behind a tree as the bark erupted from another lightning bolt. I circled around the tree with the staff and shot a lightning bolt back at the Mage. He shuddered violently then dropped to the ground twitching. I took a deep breath and felt around with mind. I couldn’t feel any more Mages but it couldn’t be the last of them.

  That was 12 by my count, Cathy said. If the Sister is right and there are 15, they will be waiting for you at the temple.

  I rolled my shoulders and focused on healing the sore muscles. If they were waiting for me, I was going to make them wait. When everything was back in order, I started towards the temple again.

  I felt another Mage approaching and readied the staff but lowered it when I recognized the girl standing in front of me in her blue and red robes. It was hard not to recognize your old bunk mate and best friend, even with the glowing eyes and pale complexion

  “Lily,” I whispered.

  She stopped and smirked at me. “You recognize this one?”

  “How did you get her, Demon?” I asked raising my staff.

  “This one came with the second wave,” she answered. “Little girl fought hard but fell like the others. No one resists the Master.”

  She sent me a Fire Ball and I batted it away easily as I backed up.

  What are you waiting for? Cathy asked. Kill it.

  I can’t.

  Another Fire Ball that was easy to defend. Lily’s face twisted in frustration.

  It is not Lily anymore! Cathy exclaimed.

  She could still be in there.

  Lily gathered her strength and sent a steady stream of Fire at me. I hide the staff behind my back and covered my face with my free hand.

  Listen, Cathy started. She is not in there! That is not a normal possession. All these Demons have been bound to dead bodies by some serious magic. What was your friend has already left that body and moved on. Destroy the Demon desecrating her corpse.

  The Fire died down and I looked at the Demon in Lily’s body. She snarled at me and I smirked. “Is it my turn?” I asked turning the staff towards her.

  Fire erupted from the staff and engulfed the Demon in Lily’s body. She screamed and I continued to burn her.

  “Get out of my friend’s body, Demon!” I shouted as a tear slid down my face.

  Even after her screams ended, I still burnt the body to ash. Never again would anyone possess the body. It was the least I could do for her.

  I didn’t…I mean…I’m sorry, Cathy said no doubt sensing my emotions.

  The Fire stopped but I couldn’t stop looking at the body. Lily was the one person who cared about me when no one else would. The one person who helped me up when everyone else put me down. Her belief in magic being used for good was the only light in Tower’s darkness and they handed her away to some Demon.

  I’m sure she volunteered for this mission, Cathy countered. She seemed like the type who would jump at the opportunity to save the forest. I’m sorry for your loss but we must continue. The Demon and guardian must be stopped.

  I sighed.
She would volunteer. She probably would have tried to save the whole forest by herself. The Demon will pay for this.

  Good, Cathy said excited. You will need this anger to win. Go in there and kill them all for her.

  I will and…thanks…

  For what? She asked.

  For everything. Being patient with me when I was…

  A wuss? Cathy asked.

  …HIDING IN MY SHELL. For merging personalities with me. For teaching me what I need to know and for making me laugh along the way. We’ve accomplished so much together and I am the person I am because of you. I owe you so much and one day I WILL repay you for it. You have my word.

  Cathy chuckled awkwardly. Well… know… she sighed. You’re welcome. Now, enough of the soppy stuff like you are about to die. Let’s kick some butt. Get angry again.

  No, extreme emotions aren’t going to help us here. We need to be calm and do this like we have everything else.

  Let’s go make an ancient guardian cry then, Cathy said excitedly.

  Chapter 38

  Pressing forward through the trees, I emerged in a clearing outside the temple.

  Well, if you were to call the small stone building a temple. It looked more like a crypt mixed with a cave, the stone covered with grass to blend naturally into the clearing around it. Two Mages stood guard in front of the entrance and another Mage stood on top.

  I walked towards the temple and caught the attention of the two Mages at the entrance. They started to run in my direction and I smiled as I aimed the staff at them. With a push of power through the staff, lightning shot out of the crystal and connected with one and jumped to the other. They both screamed and dropped to the ground.

  The Mage on top turned towards me but didn’t make a move to attack me. I walked to the entrance of the temple and looked up at him. He still didn’t move and I was growing tired of waiting.

  “So, do I have to come up there or are you going to come down?” I shouted up to him.

  “Are you the meddlesome Mage that has been killing my army?” He shouted back.

  “That doesn’t really answer my question but yeah, I guess I am,” I shouted. “Are you going to answer mine now?”

  “I will not be joining you yet,” he replied. “The Masquade has been really looking forward to meeting you and I’d hate to disappoint it.”

  He raised his fist and punched down into the hill. The whole hill started to shake and I reached out with my mind to probe the temple. From within, a large source of power drew closer and closer. I backed up and a black blob emerged.

  You might want to keep backing up, Cathy said. I was afraid it would be this.


  The blob glowed brightly as it grew in size. I continued to back up as the blob started to form features. When the glowing died down, a bear, about five metres long and three metres high stood at the entrance. It let out a roar that shook the ground under my feet.

  Time to start running, Cathy suggested.

  I took off like a shot, not specific in any direction just as long as it was away from the bear that used to be a blob. I felt the ground shake as it lumbered after me. Out of the two of us, I was the quicker and I used that advantage to get a good distance away before turning around and launching a Fire Ball from the staff. The Fire Ball hit the Masquade straight on but it continued to run as the fire burned out.

  I need a plan!

  Uh...use your speed! Cathy said with desperation in her voice.

  I started running again as we circled around the temple. The ground still slightly shaking as the Masquade followed behind me.

  Something tells me this thing isn’t going to get tired anytime soon.

  I know! Cathy exclaimed. I could feel her frantically searching around my mind. might just have to keep pressing the attack. The Staff is powerful enough to do some damage to it. Just use your speed to dodge its attacks.

  I stopped and turned around. I planted my feet, gripped the staff and aimed for the Masquade’s head. I forced a lot of power through the Staff and a steady stream of Lightning shot out of the crystal. The Lightning struck the bear’s head and it howled as it continued to approach me. I pressed the attack until the last second and dove out of the way as the Masquade tried to charge through me.

  It spun around and snarled at me as I jumped to my feet. I aimed the staff and sent another stream of lightning into its head. It howled again and stood up on its two hind legs. The sheer height of the guardian was intimidating and I had to force myself to focus on my attack. It dropped back down to all four feet and charged at me again.

  I dodged at the last minute but the Masquade stopped quickly and spun around to swat at me. Its giant paw caught me in the side and the sheer force of its strength knocked me off my feet and drove me into the ground. My scales were enough to prevent major damage but it didn’t stop me from feeling the full force. I tried to get to my feet but the Masquade knocked me over again with a strike to my back.

  I rolled over and sent a Pulse out with my staff. It caught the Masquade head on and it stumbled back. I launched another and started to drag myself backwards. The Masquade shook off the attack and I launched an Ice Bolt into its face. It howled and took another step back and I scrambled to my feet.

  The Masquade stared me down, not willing to try another charge at me. I looked for a place to attack it. All my attacks had shown no effect on the guardian and I needed a sign that there was something I could do to emerge victorious.

  You are doing well so far, Cathy said. Stick to this and force it to change shape. I think the only way to hurt it is to attack it in its natural state.

  So get it back to a blob is the plan.

  Until I can remember everything I know about it, she replied.

  The Masquade took two steps towards me and swung out with its massive paw. I jumped back and sent an Ice Bolt into its foreleg. The Ice pierced the leg but dissolved away without the beast even staggering. It jumped at me baring its teeth and I leaped to the side and launched three Ice Bolts into its side quickly. The Masquade groaned and hit me with the back of its paw. I was launched off my feet and crashed into the ground. Scrambling to my feet, I saw the beast charging at me again. It was coming in low with its teeth bared. I swung the staff over my head and forced a lot of power through it and as the crystal made contact with the top of its head, I launched a Pulse.

  The Masquade’s head was driven into the ground as it came to a complete stop at my feet. I jumped back as it started to glow and change shape. I aimed the staff at it and let out a steady stream of fire. The entire body was engulfed in flames until a black blob shot out and covered the crystal in my staff.

  The blob tried to wrestle control of the staff out of my hand and I forced a lot of power through the staff into the blob. The crystal grew brighter underneath it until it exploded and launched both of us backwards. The Staff flew out of my hands as I hit the ground hard.

  A high pitched squeal ripped through my head and I covered my ears as I tried to get to my feet. The blob glowed brightly again as it shifted into a new shape. I uncovered my ears and looked around for the Staff but couldn’t find it anywhere. When I heard a sharp bark, I took off running immediately.

  I looked back and saw the Masquade was now a giant wolf and it was gaining on me. I frantically ran around looking for the Staff but still couldn’t find it. How a white Staff blends in with the green grass, I’ll never know.

  It is possible the Mage cast an Illusion spell over it, Cathy suggested.

  Where does that leave us?

  I was knocked off my feet as the weight of the giant wolf struck my back. I managed to roll myself over during the tumbling and grabbed the head of Masquade as it tried snapping at my throat. The weight of its paws was crushing on my chest as the scales kept my ribs from breaking.

  I forced power through both my hands and a stream of fire flowed through me into its mouth. It jerked its head away and moaned before returning to bite down at me. I sen
t a Pulse that knocked its head up but it pressed more weight onto my chest. Its head snapped back down at my throat and I grabbed it with both hands to hold it back.

  I have a plan but I need to merge our powers completely, Cathy said.

  Is that safe? What will happen to both of us?

  It’s safer than those teeth and you are going to have to trust that I can handle it in here, she replied.

  Of course I trust you.

  So I can? She asked.

  The weight intensified and I felt a couple of ribs snap.


  The weight on my chest disappeared as a massive surge of energy exploded through my body. The Masquade’s expression changed slightly as I gathered the new energy and launched the giant wolf off me. The wolf flew backwards and landed hard on its back before jumping to its feet. I stood up and stared down the guardian with a new confidence.

  You have my power, Cathy said as the scales dissolved off my body. Kill this forest wuss.

  Blue veins glowed brightly across my whole body as Ice formed around both my hands. The aura of the guardian shone brightly as the colours of the world became more defined.

  Admire the scenery later, Cathy said. You have to damage the creature from within. Use the Ice Hands to deal some damage. I’ll take care of things in here.

  I charged at the Masquade and it lunged at me in return. I drove my fist into the side of its head and it spun from the force and landed on its side. It jumped to its feet and for the first time seemed to question its motives. It blinked and crouched down into an aggressive stance. Whatever corrupted the guardian had complete control over it and would never back down.

  It jumped at me again. I went for an uppercut and caught it under the jaw as its weight crashed into me. On top, its head lunged at me teeth first and I defended myself with several punches to its head. The Masquade tried slashing at my bare stomach but the skin would heal quickly, the pain brief before it disappeared.

  Is that really the best it’s got? Cathy said with a laugh. Push its head back and two hands to its chest for me.


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