Voyage of the Moonstone

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Voyage of the Moonstone Page 12

by Joe Dever

  Illustration X—‘The quarantine will be strictly enforced until the scourge of Bita Fever has been eradicated from our midst!’

  If you possess the Grand Master Discipline of Deliverance, turn to 265.

  If you do not possess this Discipline, turn to 178.


  The men standing at the counter move away at your approach, and one of them, a bilious rogue with close-set eyes and a cleft chin, casts you a murderous glance. You ignore him and ask the innkeeper for a room and stabling for the night. He says the tavern is full and he suggests that you look elsewhere. Chalked on a board above the counter is the message ‘Rooms — 2 Gold Crowns nightly’, and hanging on a line of brass hooks behind the innkeeper's back are seven room keys. The man is lying: every boarding room in this tavern is unoccupied.

  If you wish to ask the innkeeper why he is lying, turn to 131.

  If you decide to place 2 Gold Crowns on the counter, turn to 191.


  You swing aside in a desperate attempt to avoid being drenched by the deluge of sticky web-fluid. Your swift action saves you from sustaining a direct hit, but some of the gluey strands splash your legs and hold you fast. As you fight to cut yourself free, the giant spider shuffles about upon its perch and then descends towards you.


  This creature is immune to all forms of psychic attack except Kai-surge. Due to your restricted movement, reduce your COMBAT SKILL by 3 for the duration of this fight.

  If you win the combat, turn to 315.


  Consciousness returns through a kaleidoscopic swirl of colour and pain (lose 8 ENDURANCE points). Bruised and aching, you pull yourself into a sitting position and see the wreckage of the balloon hanging among the trees and scattered across the rocks nearby. A few feet away lies Yranai; he is still unconscious and you see at once that his left leg is badly broken. Gingerly you pull yourself over to his side and you are about to examine his injured leg when you hear voices calling you from among the trees. Three Vakeros natives appear from out of the pines and come hurrying over the rocks towards you. You examine the old magician and discover that he has stopped breathing: he is near to death. It is only through the use of your Kai curing skills that you are able to make him breathe again and bring him back from the edge of the abyss. You set his fractured leg but, despite your best efforts, you cannot return him to consciousness.

  The three Vakeros tell you that they know Yranai and they offer to take care of him. They construct a makeshift stretcher from their coats and carry him to their settlement which is less than a mile distant. You stay here this night and use your healing skills to save the old man's leg before you eventually settle down to a few hours' sleep. At dawn you awake to find him still unconscious. You are anxious to continue your journey, and yet you feel compelled to help Yranai regain his health. You talk with the Vakeros and tell them that you must leave and they assure you that Yranai is safe with them. They promise to take good care of him. They also offer to give you one of their sturdy mountain horses, an old mare called Jhani, to help speed your journey southwards. Gratefully you accept their generous offer and then you bid them farewell before you leave their settlement by way of a mountain track.

  It is around noon of the following day when the track finally emerges from the foothills of the Great Masourn Mountains and joins the coast road some 30 miles from Hikas. In the distance you see a village and you ride towards it. At first the villagers seem as friendly and as peaceable as the mountain dwellers who gave you your horse, but the moment they see you approaching they immediately freeze in their tracks. Some drop the items they are carrying and others begin to tremble with fear.

  If you wish to stop and talk to these anxious natives, turn to 171.

  If you decide to ignore them, you can continue riding the road to Hikas by turning to 273.


  The young ticket seller is sad to see the look of disappointment on your face when you discover that you do not have enough money for the caravan fare to Bavari. She whispers in the ear of her father, one of the owners, and with a shrug of his shoulders he consents to his daughter's request. The young girl beckons you to approach her table and she offers to accept one of your Weapons or two of your Backpack Items in exchange for a place aboard a passenger wagon. (Erase either 1 Weapon or 2 Backpack Items from your Action Chart.)

  The young girl smiles as she paints a dot of indelible crimson ink upon the back of your right hand to indicate that you have paid your fare. A few minutes later, an outrider comes cantering down the line of parked wagons announcing to everyone that the caravan will depart in five minutes' time. With mixed feelings of trepidation and excitement, you take a seat aboard one of the spacious passenger wagons and make yourself as comfortable as you can for the long journey ahead.

  Turn to 180.


  From the cover of the distant isles there emerges a fearsome warship. You magnify your vision and focus upon the oncoming vessel to see that it is rigged with a scarlet mainsail emblazoned with a strange design — a serpent entwined about the blade of a silver curved sword. You relay these details to Fernant, and Oriah gasps with fright.

  ‘It's the symbol of Ghol-Tabras,’ Fernant says, ‘the city-state ruled by Sesketera.’ The merest mention of her evil suitor's name is enough to make Oriah faint with shock. You catch her as she falls, and then Fernant lifts her into his arms and carries her below to her cabin. Once they have left the deck, you turn your full attention to the oncoming vessel for now it is clear by its course that it intends to ram The Pride of Sommerlund.

  Captain Raker sounds the battle alarm and his crew attempts desperately to bring the ship out of the enemy's path. Sergeant Dryan's marines hastily load their cannons and get ready to fire upon his command. The enemy vessel alters course to maintain its attacking line and, as it closes to within two hundred yards, you see that it is a formidable fighting craft. Plates of iron protect its prow and lines of warriors, clad in scarlet and silver armour, man its decks and forecastle. Then you notice a dark shape perched upon the ship's ram which protrudes from below its bowsprit. You focus upon this strange shape, but before you can determine its nature your senses are assailed by a wave of powerful psychic energy.

  If you possess Kai-screen, turn to 202.

  If you do not possess this Discipline, turn to 319.


  You toss some Crowns to the children (delete from your Action Chart however many you wish to donate — minimum donation = 3 Gold Crowns) and your generosity immediately attracts a much larger crowd. When you refuse to give them any more money, they become aggressive and you are forced to escape at a gallop to avoid being dragged from your horse. Upon reaching the road, you continue your ride east towards Hikas.

  Turn to 89.


  The east road threads a lazy path through miles of arid hills which border upon the wild blue ocean. Soon the oppressive arid heat of the Dry Main is tempered by fresh salty winds that sweep inland from the wave-smashed shoreline. These cooling breezes make the journey far easier and, as you ride, you are able to relax and enjoy the ruggedly beautiful scenery. As dusk draws its shadow across the sky you find yourselves approaching a village which lies sheltered in an emerald bay.

  If you wish to enter the village and seek shelter for the night, turn to 172.

  If you decide instead to camp out under the stars, turn to 65.


  You command the leader to break off his attack and he immediately obeys your mental suggestion. Yranai cheers but his triumphant cry is premature. You watch aghast as the following Itikars collide with the balloon and stab their talons into the canopy, shredding its cloth to ribbons before they fly away.

  The impact of the birds hitting the canopy knocks you off your feet. Yranai falls on top of you and, for a few nerve-racking seconds, you lie entangled at the bottom of the basket as the balloon rapidly loses altitude. When you pull yo
urself up and peer over the rim, you see the trees of the lower mountain slopes rising towards you at a dizzying speed. Yranai looks up to see shreds of cloth trailing from the punctured canopy above and the sight proves too much for him: he faints. Hurriedly you haul his frail body over your shoulder. Then you place one foot on the rim of the basket and get ready to make a desperate leap away from this doomed balloon as the tops of the mountain pines come into view.

  If you possess Kai-alchemy, turn to 107.

  If you do not possess this Grand Master Discipline, turn to 115.


  Your advanced healing skills neutralize the snake's deadly venom within seconds. Oriah and the others express their amazement at your apparent invulnerability, for it is well known that the bite of a Jubai will kill its unfortunate victim within one minute.

  Turn to 90.


  You take aim at the warrior's head and release your bowstring, sending your Arrow arcing across the water towards its target.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Weaponmastery with Bow, remember to add 3 to the number you have picked.

  If your total score is now 7 or lower, turn to 348.

  If it is 8 or higher, turn to 59.


  You call out a friendly greeting to the nearest villager and you see his face blanch. He throws up his hands in alarm and runs headlong into the nearest undergrowth. This begins a chain-reaction among the other villagers who shriek with panic and flee in all directions. Within a matter of minutes this village has been transformed into a ghost town.

  Bemused and a little unnerved by their inexplicable reaction, you pass through this cluster of empty bamboo huts and continue on along the road towards Hikas.

  Turn to 273.


  At the entrance to the village stands a ramshackle inn constructed from sandstone, driftwood, and canvas. A creaking sign above its door says: ‘The Serene Funtal’. Sligh laughs when he reads this — ‘Ha, I'd wager this weren't named after that mangy cur who rules Bir Rabalou now, that's for sure.’

  A lean-to built from old ship's timbers provides shelter for the horses. Two fresh-faced young boys take charge and you can tell by the skilful way they handle them that your steeds are in good hands. The inn itself, despite its dilapidation, has a warm and friendly feel. The owner seems genuinely pleased to see you and he is helpful almost to a fault. Food and lodging for the night is 12 Gold Crowns. The marines are able to scrape together six Crowns, leaving it to you to come up with the remaining six.

  If you possess 6 Gold Crowns and wish to pay the balance of the bill, turn to 95.

  If you do not possess sufficient Gold Crowns, or if you do not wish to pay the balance, turn to 58.


  Sweat trickles down your face and into your eyes as slowly you raise your left hand and hold it just above your left thigh. Then you sweep it across the top of your leg with the speed of a striking cobra.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

  If the number you have picked is 0–5, turn to 231.

  If it is 6–9, turn to 80.


  Oriah accompanies you as you make your way quickly towards the stone steps. The marines stay on the surface and observe the riders while the two of you investigate where these mysterious steps lead. Together you descend fifty feet into the ground and arrive at a chamber that is littered with skulls and human bones. There is a carved archway near the bottom of the steps but it is sealed by a slab of grey marble. As you inch your way towards it, you try to decipher some of the engravings which embellish its surface. They are in an ancient script, yet you are able to determine their meaning: they are clues to the number which must be spoken aloud if you wish for the portal to open.

  To discover the number which will make this portal open, you must first determine the distance (in miles) of your journey from Holmgard to Elzian. Having found this number you must then divide it by the number of Grand Master Disciplines which exist.

  If you are able to calculate the answer from these two clues, turn now to the section which has the same number as your answer.18

  If you are unable to determine the correct answer, or if you choose not to open this portal, turn instead to 39.

  [18] The section corresponding to the correct answer will have a footnote confirming that it is indeed correct.


  Suddenly six burly gladiators come rushing into the room with their swords drawn.

  ‘How dare you enter the Chamber of the Font!’ screams one scar-faced fighter.

  ‘It is forbidden!’ shouts another. ‘Only gladiators of Vassa lineage may enter here and drink the holy waters!’

  There is further outrage when they see your attacker lying on the floor. The scar-faced fighter kneels and places a hand to the man's neck, and then he glares at you and screams: ‘He's dead! You've killed Malduz!’

  ‘We'll see you pay for this,’ shouts another, and slowly the angry men advance into the room with murder blazing in their eyes.

  Desperately you look around for a means to escape, but the doorway offers the only way of leaving the room. You are about to rush at the advancing gladiators and fight your way through them, when suddenly you see something that stops you dead in your tracks.

  Turn to 91.


  You accompany the captain back to The Pride of Sommerlund where you are welcomed aboard by two men — First Mate Paoll, and a fair-haired young man whose blue surcoat is emblazoned with the scarlet anchor of the Kirlundin Isles.

  ‘My name's Dryan — Sergeant Dryan of the 1st Kirlundin Marines,’ says the proud young man. ‘I've a dozen marines in my charge and we've been assigned a tour of duty aboard this ship for the duration of its voyage south.’

  Paoll is eager to show you to your cabin which is situated at the stern, next to the captain's quarters, but you decline his offer. Instead you speak further with Sergeant Dryan and learn that he and his marines have been ordered aboard the ship by King Ulnar. Dryan's instructions are to protect the ship's cargo from the threat of pirate attack. At first you are suspicious; in his briefing Lone Wolf said nothing about an escort of marines. To determine whether Dryan is telling the truth, you probe the sergeant's mind using your psychic Kai skills and discover at once that he is genuine. He does not know or suspect the true purpose of your journey.

  ‘Well I'm glad to be sharing this voyage with you and your men,’ you say. ‘It makes me feel much safer knowing we have marines on board.’

  You salute the sergeant and he goes off to attend to his men. Then Captain Raker turns to his First Mate and bellows: ‘Alright, Paoll. Set the crew to work. I want us to catch the ebb tide within the hour.’

  Turn to 278.


  You reach an empty landing where a new circular stairway ascends to the top of the bell-tower. There are two sets of fresh tracks in the dust here; one set are human prints, but the other set are unlike anything you have ever seen before.

  With your Kai senses alert to every sight, sound, and smell, you ascend the spiral stairs. You are halfway to the top of the tower when you hear a man's voice whimpering for help. It sounds as if he is trapped somewhere near the top of the stairs. You raise your weapon and quicken your pace until you arrive inside the bell chamber. Here a great bronze bell hangs suspended by chains from the apex of the tower. Something moves in the shadows away to your left and you raise your weapon in readiness to strike out, but you stay your hand when you see that it is a bearded man. He is dressed in the robes of a cleric of the temple and he is cowering with fright. He sees you and points to the bell.

  ‘It's … it's there. Behind the bell. For Ishir's sake, help me … help me.’

  If you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery or Telegnosis, turn to 72.

  If you possess neither of these skills, turn to 297.


  You try to recall what you know about the sickness called Bita F
ever. During your studies of the Kai curing skills you were told about this tropical disease, but all you can recall is that it originated in the Bita Swamp of Dessi and that it is usually only fatal in the very young or the old. Healthy adults rarely die from it, although the symptoms in those affected are unsightly. Victims suffer a scarlet rash that often affects the face and hands. A normally healthy person who contracts the disease will usually recover completely within a month.

  When you look at the faces of the mourners you notice that many of them are red and swollen. The marines have never before encountered this disease, and when you tell them what you know, they insist on leaving at once, before the quarantine is put into force.

  Turn to 148.


  You wake early and take time to clean your Weapons and equipment before going downstairs to the taproom at dawn to meet with Yranai. Together you leave the tavern and pass through the town's east gate as a bell in a nearby tower clangs five times. For a mile you walk along the caravan route to Hikas until you come to a place where a fallen toa tree lies across a ditch beside the road. Yranai stops here and points to a gentle hill little more than half a mile distant. ‘I'm sure she's behind that hummock,’ he muses, and he sets off with you following patiently behind.

  As you reach the top of the hill you see his flying craft resting in a gully below. It is a huge balloon which is attached by steel cables to a basket that lies on its side. A tangle of metal pipes and brass cylinders hangs suspended in a cradle under the balloon, and several parts of this strange engine are dented and scraped, indicating that Yranai must have had a bumpy landing. On reaching the balloon, you struggle to set the basket upright while Yranai fits the repaired convexor. Minutes later, he turns a valve and the engine splutters into life. After a few bangs and wheezes it settles into a chugging rhythm, and you both scramble to climb aboard as the balloon rises and hoists the basket off the ground.


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