A Modern Day Sense and Sensibility: An Adaptation of Jane Austen's Classic

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A Modern Day Sense and Sensibility: An Adaptation of Jane Austen's Classic Page 21

by Kaitlin Saunders

  Drained by the entreaties of this broken-hearted man, coupled with the sleepless and worrisome night, Ellie nodded without giving any thought to her earlier misgivings. She would tell Marianne about her conversation with Willoughby, about how he’d laid his heart out on the table, apologized, and how he would forever love her. Although Ellie hadn’t appreciated hearing everything Willoughby shared, she was grateful for his honesty. The sincerity he’d expressed as he relayed his love for Marianne, and also his heavy regret over leaving her, had touched Ellie’s sympathetic heart. But it was the simple act of coming all this way to the hospital, albeit under the impression that Marianne lay dying, which most influenced her decision to speak to her sister.

  Ellie took her time returning to Marianne’s room, wanting to process all that had just occurred. She knew her face must betray the emotional aftermath of her conversation with Willoughby, but it didn’t seem the right time to tell Marianne about it. Pacing the hospital corridors for about ten minutes, she eventually entered the familiar room where Marianne resided and was greeted by her mother and Brandon.

  “You just missed seeing the doctor,” Brandon announced. He looked like a transformed man now that Marianne was recovering.

  “The doctor said he’s amazed by Marianne’s rapid improvement,” Diane added proudly, getting up and kissing Ellie on the cheek. “She should be able to go home in a few days if she keeps this up.” Diane looked back at Marianne with a smile. “Would you like a glass of water, honey?” she asked, and Marianne nodded.

  “Let me,” Brandon offered, moving swiftly to where Marianne’s empty water glass sat before Diane could respond further. Smiling sheepishly, he walked out into the hallway in pursuit of a refill. Yet before he was out of hearing, Marianne’s sweet voice called after him; surprised, Brandon quickly returned to see what she needed.

  “I just wanted to say thank you,” Marianne’s vulnerable smile melted Brandon’s heart all over again.

  Fighting the temptation to engulf her in his arms, Brandon nodded smilingly but stayed on course, going back out into the hallway.

  If Ellie had been a betting woman, she’d have to say Brandon’s chances were getting better by the hour.

  Marianne’s health improved dramatically with the arrival of Diane, her motherly magic restoring the patient almost to her former self. Along with this improvement came the return of Marianne’s appetite and infectious spirit—leaving the doctor baffled by this seeming medical impossibility. Diane, however, explained it as a miracle of God.

  Three days later, the patient was finally discharged and placed on a plane to Portland.

  After making sure Marianne was tucked into her window seat with a traveling blanket, Diane proceeded to place her carry on into the upper compartment above the row she and Ellie shared. Ellie was already buckled in and glancing through the sky mall shopping catalog when they turned to observe Brandon’s approach. They couldn’t help but notice the special gift he had in his hand for Marianne. As if he hadn’t done enough already—having made all the arrangements for their trip back home!

  “Marianne. . .” Brandon said softly after receiving an inviting smile from her. “I thought you might enjoy looking at this during the plane flight.” Diane and Ellie watched as he took a seat beside Marianne and placed in her hands a beautifully bound book.

  Marianne thoroughly studied the cover before reading its description aloud. “A review of the newest works in modern art,” she turned to Brandon with a pleased expression. “Oh, thank you!”

  Given the green light, Brandon scooted a little closer and opened the book on her lap. “I hope you don’t mind, I flipped through it earlier and there’s this painting I wanted to show you. It’s on page forty-five, I think.”

  While Brandon proceeded to show Marianne the pictured artwork, the observant mother and sister exchanged knowing smiles. Seated beside her eldest, Diane leaned in close to Ellie. “I will forever be grateful to Brandon for all he has done for us,” she commented quietly.

  “Me, too,” Ellie agreed.

  In many ways, Brandon had been an integral part of Marianne’s recovery, providing her with what she needed most during her recuperation—devotion, support, the presence of loved her ones—and now, tender and consistent care. While Ellie hadn’t yet been given an opportunity to thank Brandon for everything he’d done and was still doing, she wasn’t worried about him going anywhere any time soon.

  By the time their plane landed, it was nearly nine in the evening, and Brandon, always putting the patient’s best interest first, wanted to get Marianne home as soon as possible. They had no sooner stepped inside the familiar apartment before Brandon insisted the welcoming party be postponed till morning so that Marianne could rest. Despite knowing it would separate him from Marianne for the remainder of the evening, it was more important to Brandon that the fragile patient get a good night’s sleep.

  Brandon was back early the next morning to check on Marianne, and thus began the daily receiving of him at the apartment. Brandon could always be seen at her side. Whether it was spoiling Marianne with this or that, reading to her, or even prompting her to paint once again, his attachment warmed Diane’s heart as she watched on with pleasure. As days stretched into weeks, it brought Diane joy to see Marianne’s heart softening toward Brandon’s kind and gentle manner. She knew that if Marianne ever allowed herself to love again, her daughter would be a very happy and cherished wife.

  Margaret was overjoyed by the return of her older sisters and had zillions of things stored up to tell them—like how she’d placed first in the spelling bee and that Mr. Middleton had gotten a new hair cut. Meanwhile, Diane was anxious to show them some of the improvements she’d made to the apartment during their absence.

  For starters, Diane surprised them by retrieving all of their old Christmas decorations from storage, and with Margaret’s help, the two had displayed them sprucely throughout the apartment. Everyone felt the festive atmosphere aided Marianne’s continued recovery, for how could one not cheer up when recalling all the wonderful memories which accompanied the majestic holiday of Christmas? It brought to mind delicious hot chocolate, sleigh rides around their old neighborhood, caroling as a family, and their dad reading to them around the fireplace . . . things they would forever cherish.

  Then, using some of the earnings from her florist job, Diane purchased new furnishings for the family room along with decorative pictures to hang on their once barren walls—both of which definitely made the apartment feel more like home.

  While Diane and Margaret worked to reacquaint Marianne with their new life at home, Ellie dealt with the bittersweet aspect of letting go. In the safe harbor of familiar surroundings, Ellie cherished her quiet walks in the bright, crisp outdoors as she stitched back together the pieces of her broken heart. Although she ached to confide in someone, Ellie didn’t know how to express her feelings and thus kept them to herself. Every day was a burden trying to disguise her sorrow from the rest of the family. Saving her tears for the secrecy of barren trees and vacant park benches, Ellie would have torn up pictures of Edward if she’d had any. At times, she would find herself sitting on her bed, fingering the handkerchief Edward gave her. She couldn’t decide whether it would be best to mail it back to him or simply destroy it—yet the very thought was unfathomable. This article was her very last link to Edward, and she would forever treasure it.

  Despite Ellie’s best efforts, her family was not blind to her depression. They could hardly escape noticing Ellie’s withdrawn behavior, how frequently she preferred to be alone, and how she tried to keep busy all the time—even offering to work extra hours at the hotel. Although they wanted so badly to comfort her, they understood Ellie’s desire to grieve apart.

  Diane’s heart was especially full with Ellie’s pain. She wished as a mother there was something more she could do. But what? Contact Edward and call him on the carpet? What good would that do? No, Diane would just have to help ease Ellie’s agony for the time-be
ing with a silent prayer, and then when the right moment arose, encourage her to move on and be open to seeing someone new. She realized, however, with Ellie’s loyal heart, that transition might be a lengthy one. Ellie, while quiet and more reflective than her younger daughters, had just as much heart as Marianne or more. When Ellie loved, she loved deeply and wholly. Her sentiments would not merely dissipate overnight.

  As such, Diane invested her energy in trying to distract Ellie while continuing to aid in Marianne’s full recovery. To spark this, she initiated Friday night movie tradition, but wisely shied away from romantic films. Instructing her daughters to take turns in selecting a comedy (which could include a trilogy or series), they would gather together every Friday night in the family room, cuddle up in blankets, and munch on popcorn. It gave each of them something to look forward to. Brandon, of course, joined faithfully in this new tradition.

  One particular Monday evening, Marianne suggested they start watching the first season of I Love Lucy the next movie night. Everyone loved the idea, and Diane procured a copy of it from their local library. That Friday night, they gathered together and laughed their way through several episodes while watching Lucy’s hilarious antics. It was then that Brandon took a chance and asked Marianne if he could sit next to her on the couch. She said yes, and although Margaret wedged herself in between them, the stomachs of the two turned somersaults throughout the entire evening.

  As the ending credits began to play, Diane made a suggestion. “I’ve been thinking that since we don’t have any plans for tomorrow night, what if we watch a few more episodes and extend our movie night to Saturday just this once?” Everyone voiced their hearty approval except Brandon, leading Diane to think it was because she hadn’t personally invited him. “Brandon,” she began, “you’ll be able to join us, won’t you?”

  “As much as I’d love to, I can’t,” Brandon answered to the Dashwoods’ surprise. Marianne, most of all, displayed her concern, and for this Brandon had to hide his delight. “I have to go out of town on business for a few days,” he explained.

  “You’re going out of town?” Marianne asked with genuine disappointment. Brandon nodded. “We’ll just have to wait and watch it when you get back then,” she delcared. Marianne’s decision was immediately backed by all, and Brandon liked knowing he was important to the family—but most of all to Marianne.

  As it was getting late, Brandon said his goodbyes and Marianne offered to escort him to his car. It only took Diane seconds to reach the window after they stepped outside, eager to see the two alone together. Although Ellie’s intent was to pull her mother away and give them some privacy, her interest was inevitably piqued when she saw the two talking in front of his car.

  “I never did tell you what Brandon revealed on the plane flight to Denver, did I?” Diane asked Ellie without averting her eyes from the scene playing outside before them.

  Ellie shook her head. What could Brandon have told her mother that she hadn’t already seen reflected in his eyes whenever Marianne was near?

  Diane turned to elaborate. “He opened up his whole heart to me, Ellie. Brandon loves her . . . he loves our Marianne—” Overjoyed, Diane wrapped her arms around the blanketed Ellie as they continued to watch the pair. “Ever since the first moment Brandon saw Marianne, he’s been bewitched,” Diane finished, sighing at the romance of it all.

  Ellie glanced up wistfully at her mother and Diane snuggled against her. Was there really such a thing as love at first sight? Ellie had to admit she was skeptical. She couldn’t imagine falling in love without really knowing someone. It seemed only possible in the movies, not real life, right?

  It was time for Ellie to keep her promise. Having observed Marianne the past couple of months, Ellie knew her sister was ready to hear of Willoughby’s confession. All she had to do now was wait for the right opportunity. It finally arrived when they were both outside raking the leaves which had accumulated over the winter months.

  As the leaf pile grew in height, Ellie got the sudden urge to toss a handful of foliage at Marianne. Marianne shrieked with laughter, yet resisted the pull to fight back. Oddly enough, Marianne’s reaction only encouraged Ellie to try again. Throwing some leaves at her sister once more, this time she hit Marianne square in the back of the head. Marianne gasped and turned to look at Ellie wide-eyed before finally throwing down her rake and reciprocating—initiating an epic leaf war.

  Peals of laughter prompted Mrs. Jennings to peer out her window, and she chuckled at witnessing the happy scene. She called Mr. Middleton to her side, and the two of them shared a giggle.

  “I’m so glad to see the girls being themselves again,” she mused. Mr. Middleton nodded agreeably before returning to his desk.

  After twenty minutes of running around like children, Ellie and Marianne, now completely covered in nature, collapsed onto the undone leaf pile. Feeling both warm and chilly at the same time, the sisters silently reflected for a few moments before Marianne broke the stillness with a poem.

  Time to move on

  Leaving you in the past

  Where you belong

  We’ve both changed

  I’m not who I used to be

  I’m beyond thinking of you

  As a need

  If this is true then

  Why does thinking of you

  With someone else

  Send me through the roof?

  It’s like a part of you

  Will forever be with me

  Complicating my life

  Not setting me free

  But one day

  Someone will take your empty place

  Hold my heart

  Like it’s a fragile vase

  Then I’ll forget about you

  I’ll be so in love

  This time, he’ll really

  Have been sent from above

  Ellie, at first speechless, was touched by her sister’s words. She knew Marianne was into poetry, but didn’t recognize the poem as any she’d ever heard before. “Who wrote that?” she asked softly, glancing over at her sister.

  Marianne looked as if she would cry. “I did,” she whispered.

  Ellie turned to Marianne and gently took her hand. Taking a deep breath, she looked into her sister’s eyes, “Marianne, I need to tell you something. . .” Marianne gazed back questioningly, and Ellie continued, “. . .and it has to do with Jim.”

  Marianne nodded, turning to gaze again into the sky as a tear rolled down her cheek. She was ready to listen. And then Ellie did it. She told Marianne everything. She told of how Willoughby still loved her, how he’d regret his decisions for the rest of his life, and lastly, about how sorry he was for everything. Marianne only listened. It was when the sisters were walking back silently to their front step that she suddenly stopped and turned to Ellie. While waiting for her sister to speak, Ellie observed the glistening tears on Marianne’s soft cheeks and how her eyes glowed with gratitude for the disclosure—both of which prompted her to ask one more question.

  “Marianne. . .” Ellie hesitated, “Marianne, would you have wanted to stay with Jim, knowing of his deception and that he’d impregnated another woman? I mean, could you have dealt with his past and the child inevitably being a part of your future?”

  Marianne thought for a long moment before answering, “I know it’s possible for a man to change, but . . . I don’t—I don’t think things could ever have been the same between us.” Marianne wiped a tear from her cheek and hugged Ellie for what seemed like an eternity before finally pulling away. “Thank you, Ellie,” she began carefully, as if selecting each word, “What you’ve told me today has given me closure, and the satisfaction of knowing I will always be loved by Jim and remembered as that beautiful young woman from his imagination,” she stopped, wiping another tear from her cheek. “Maybe it was a blessing our break-up happened when it did? If we’d married, reality would have settled in, and—Ellie, sometimes I wonder if Jim could have been content being poor and in love. Would y
ou tell—” Marianne paused, her voice cracking with emotion, “Would you tell Mom what you’ve told me?”

  Ellie nodded. Marianne smiled through her tears before squeezing her sister’s hand and dashing inside to the haven of their room.

  Diane, who was preparing lunch in the kitchen, observed Marianne’s retreat before looking to Ellie for an explanation. Ellie took a deep breath before coming inside, digesting the realization that Marianne was no longer a child. Those sensibilities which had guided her sister all those years had now been replaced with womanhood. Marianne’s feelings concerning Willoughby, although evidently still painful, showed she now understood what true and lasting love was all about. Love is not just about being young, beautiful, and in the prime of your life—overwhelmed with passion—but rather standing beside someone through the ups and downs, good times and bad.

  As Ellie went inside to face her mother, she tucked these thoughts away in her head, promising herself to never settle for less.

  She’d finally finished it. Dropping her paint brush into the rinsing jar, Marianne sat back to admire the piece in its entirety. The painting she’d started all those months ago while still living at their home in Seattle could now be framed and admired. But oh, how much it had changed, a change reflected in the new Marianne. The more mature Marianne no longer believed love meant to burn with or be swept up in passion. Rather, it was a slow blossoming of the heart.

  Having completely painted over the original infusion of orange, purple, blue and green, Marianne had replaced it with delicate hues of light purple and blue as a backdrop for the image of two people holding hands. This time the painting didn’t need calligraphy to convey its message, the emphasis on unity spoke volumes.

  Glancing at the clock, Marianne was surprised by how slowly time seemed to be passing. What she’d thought would be a full day’s work of dedicated painting had actually taken only several hours. She had hoped the activity would give time wings, considering how hard it was to fill the empty days since Brandon left. He’d only been gone two days, yet Marianne was surprised by how much she missed him.


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