Shamrock Kisses

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Shamrock Kisses Page 7

by M. K. Moore

  Chapter Eleven


  A few days later, our wedding day starts out with a little good luck rain. When I opened my eyes this morning, I just laid in bed. Thinking. That is never a good thing. Since it is a Wednesday, I have a stray thought my friends and I get married on very non-traditional days. Which causes me to laugh. The ceremony is taking place at noon at the Tumbleweed Ranch. Gage was kind enough to let us get married in his gazebo. I’ve been up for hours. I am anxious waiting for her to be mine. At eleven, I finally take a quick shower and get dressed. My kilt is blue, yellow and green with a hint of red, so Suzy made that the color theme. I am going traditional, with nothing underneath. My sporran and belt are black. In the sporran, I have her wedding band.

  It was actually my great-grandmother’s ring. My aunt gave it to me on St. Patrick’s Day. The history behind it is fascinating, but long. My tunic is off white, and I leave a couple of buttons undone, my dress jacket is short and when I put on the long socks and my dress shoes, I look at myself in the mirror. Not bad. I’ve got all of my groomsman in them.

  I have about twenty minutes to get out to the ranch. Gage is already out at the gazebo when I get there.

  “Gage, I can’t thank you enough for this.” I say shaking his outstretched hand.

  “Anything for the happy couple.” He says, smiling. He’s been drunk enough times at the pub for me and pretty much all of Kissing Junction to know how much he wants to marry Lorelei in the exact same spot. Too bad they can’t stop arguing long enough to get on the same fucking page.

  “Is Verity here?” I ask him. I haven’t seen her for a few days. She has been pretty much living at Donnie’s. I know it’s just in a nanny capacity, but from a few conversations with her, she wants it to be more. He is the one pushing her away. Her school recently copied me on an email where she gave up her dorm room. One less thing I have to pay for though. I just hope she knows what she is doing.

  “She is up in the house with Suzy. Helping her get ready.” He says.

  I can’t wait for Suzy to be back in my arms. Last night was the first night I’ve spent without Suzy since I got out of jail. That was the reason I didn’t sleep very well. My body is so in sync with hers. Just the sound of her breathing helps me sleep.

  There are already people here, though they are mostly Suzy’s family. I don’t have much family in Texas, but they are all here. I don’t know how she pulled this together in less than three days, but it’s official. She is amazing at everything she does.

  Before I know it, the bridesmaids are lining up. Verity nods at the bagpipe player, who happens to be my cousin Seamus, he begins playing. The girl he brought with him, Eleanor, looks so out of place. He is from New York, so I am surprised he made it out here on such short notice. The girl looks familiar, but I can’t place her. Cam, Marc, and Gage are by my side. Verity, Lorelei, and Teagan walk down the aisle. As Suzy’s best friend, Teagan is the matron of honor.

  When Suzy is at the other end of the aisle, escorted by her father, Jimmy, my breath catches in my throat. Her dress is amazing. It is the traditional white in the front, with a tartan sash draped over her left shoulder. However, the dress isn’t the only thing that catches my attention. Her hair is tied to the side and is in a sexy riot of curls. I can’t wait to get my hands wrapped around the silky strands. Her eyes are shining with what I hope are happy tears.

  I have no words to describe her beauty. She has always made me speechless, but on this day, at this moment everything else pales in comparison.

  Again, I wonder how the fuck she pulled all of this together in so short a time.

  When she reaches me, I shake her father’s hand and she places her hands in mine. Donnie begins the ceremony.

  We wrote our own vows. Donnie asks for Suzy’s first.

  “I promise to make you those fancy sandwiches you love, if you take out the trash which I hate. I promise to make the bed, which I know you hate.

  I promise not to force you to watch a Gilmore Girls marathon, again.

  I promise to turn on the air conditioning when you are hot, even if I am totally freezing.

  Oh, and if you turn into a zombie or a vampire, I promise to let you bite me, so we can be undead together.

  But mostly, I promise I will love you forever.”

  Laughing, I can’t help leaning over to kiss her quickly. Clearing my throat, I begin.

  “I vow to listen, for as long as it takes for you to feel heard. I vow to watch in awe as you kick ass and take names. I vow to be the unrelenting shoulder you lean on for the days that it feels like too much. I vow that I will love you until the day I die, but probably even longer than that. This love knows no boundaries, but I am always going to keep looking for them.”

  Winking at her, I slide her band on her finger. The plain rose gold matches her engagement ring. Once it is in place, I can finally breathe. She is all mine. She places my ornate rose gold band with a Claddagh etched into it on my finger. Her sigh of relief is noticeable, and I can’t contain my smile.

  “By the power vested in me by the great state of Texas, you may now kiss your bride.” Donnie says, with his amazing Texan drawl.

  Leaning down, I kiss her until she moans. Her father clears his throat in an exaggerated manner. Everyone laughs.

  Pulling back, I grab her hand, as we walk away Donnie says, “Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. and Mrs. Ryder King.”

  People clap, but I just need to kiss my wife again. When we get to the end of the aisle, there is some commotion behind us. Teagan and Marc are almost to us, Gage and Lorelei are behind them. When Cam held out his elbow to Verity though, that’s when shit got crazy.

  Tiff jumps up and charges toward the altar just as Donnie growls and steps in front of Cam, blocking Verity from his view. Cam quickly assesses the situation and grabs Tiff’s hand and walks down the aisle.

  Donnie holds out his arm to Verity, but she just looks at him, rolls her eyes and walks away alone. This causes a few laughs.

  Our pictures are chaotic, because no one stands where they should. Eventually the photographer just has the bridesmaids together with us, then the groomsmen.

  Then it’s just Suzy and me. My favorite pose is of her back to the camera, I am surprised that the entire back is my family’s plaid, while she coyly looks over her right shoulder at me her bouquet pointing down in her right hand. I am leaning on the gazebo with my leg bent at the knee and propped up on the wall, just staring at her.

  A thousand copies of this picture won’t be enough. Even though it is ingrained in my memory, but I want to see it everywhere. When we finally have a moment alone together, I am able to talk to her.

  “Anamchara, you look so fucking beautiful today.” I say as I nuzzle her neck.

  “Just today?” She asks, arching an eyebrow.

  “Of course not. You look beautiful every damn day. You have a different glow about you today.

  “You look so rugged and handsome. I assume you have gone commando today?”

  “Of course. It’s only proper.” I say, laughing.

  “How did you get this dress made so quickly?” I ask, running my fingers over the plaid.

  “Verity made it. We got a dress off the rack at a bridal store in Dallas and she got the plaid from your aunt. She got it from your father’s clansmen in Galway.”

  “Verity made this?” I am in awe.

  “She did. She hasn’t slept in days between this dress and little Victoria. I hope Donnie gives her the night off.” She says, smiling.

  “I thought she wanted to be a doctor?” I ask, but I am more thinking to myself.

  “I think you wanted her to be a doctor, Husband. She wants to make wedding dresses.” Huh, I had no idea. If this dress is any indication of what she can do, she’ll do a great job. “Do you think I pushed her into being a doctor?”

  “I honestly don’t know. Don’t give her a hard time when she talks to you about this. I don’t want her to know I talked to you about this. She is a
good person, I am honored to be able to call her my sister.”

  “I won’t, don’t worry.” I just wonder why she hasn’t already talked to me about this. I just want her to be happy.

  Kissing her again, I thank God she said yes. Yes, to every damn thing I’ve asked her. As I look up in the sky behind her, I notice the double rainbow. This particular rainbow is a sign of material good luck as well as spiritual well-being. Nothing could be more perfect on our wedding day.

  “Hey Viv. Can you get one more shot for us? With the sky in the background.” I ask the photographer.

  “Sure thing, Mr. King.”

  I lean back down and kiss her. This shot is going to be priceless.

  We enter the reception and immediately have our first dance. She chose Ed Sheeran’s Perfect. She is always singing that song under her breath, I should have known she would pick this one. Keeping her close, we sway to the music. Dancing is not my forte. God, my wife is beautiful. She dances next with her father. Dancing with Verity reminds me that I should be dancing with my mother. Fucking drunk driver. It pisses me the fuck off that our parents have missed every damn thing in our lives for the past twelve years.

  The chicken was dry, but I’d never tell her that. The cake on the other hand is another masterpiece made by Tiff. It’s a three-tiered monstrosity. Vanilla with buttercream frosting, decorated with butterflies and flowers. Cutting the cake was fun. She looks so adorable with the green icing smeared on her face. I want to lick it off of her.

  The reception is over too quickly, since we have a plane to catch at five o'clock. We have a ten-hour flight to Ireland. Our honeymoon will be spent going back to my homeland. I took care of all of the arrangements, once I was sure she had a passport. Seven days at Clontarf Castle in Dublin.

  Once we are alone, I can’t help wanting to be inside my wife. Mo bhean chéile. Once again, I thank God that she is mine. I have high hopes that I can make her happy and our lives as close to perfect as possible. The only thing that could possibly make this day better and our lives perfect is if we were already pregnant. The only thing I want to do is fill her so full of cum she has no choice but to carry our child. The thought brings a smile to my face and causes my heart to swell. I can’t wait to see what the next sixty years brings us.

  Epilogue One

  Six years later


  “Baby, it’s time get the bags.” I half scream, half groan as another contraction hits me.

  “Where the fuck are my keys? Anamchara breathe, hee hee hoo hoo.”

  I would laugh at how freaked out he is if I weren't about to pop out his twins. I groan and grab my stomach as another contraction hits me.

  “Fuuck.” I hear him run in to something as he makes his way out of the kitchen.

  “You better hurry your ass up before I pop these babies out right her on the living room floor!” Oh my God! I’m dying. You’d think that after three kids I would be used to this by now, but hell no. I was due a week ago.

  The doctors are surprised that I was able to keep them in as long as I have. They don’t know how stubborn King babies can be. They are only going to come out when they damn well want to, like right now. “Ahhhh....”

  “I’m coming love, I got the bag and everything else. Verity and Donnie will pick the girls up from school and take them to their house.” He says as he runs toward me.

  You’d think after Lily was born he’d be used to this by now, but every time I go into labor he freaks out and runs around like a chicken with its head cut off.

  “OMiGod…” I whimper as a stronger contraction hits me. It's so intense that my knees almost give out, but Ryder is there picking me up and carrying me to the car.

  “Shh baby, it's okay. I got you.” He says as he puts me in the car. He runs around the front and gets into the driver’s side. Pulling out of the driveway with his flashers on, luckily there aren’t many cars outside, we make it to the hospital in under ten minutes. Ryder broke every speeding law I can think of. He doesn’t bother going to the parking lot but goes straight to the emergency entrance knowing that it’s the fastest way to labor and delivery.

  When a nurse came out with a wheelchair I just shake my head. This is our third time here I know exactly what's going to happen. As if on cue Ryder throws the car in park and runs to my side picking me up.

  “Sir I can take her, so you can go park your car.”

  “The keys are in the ignition. You park it or leave it there, I’m not leaving my wife,” he says as he walks passed her leaving the poor woman staring at him, mouth agape.

  I chuckle and bury my face into his neck. When we walk in he by passes the nurses desk and just keeps walking. “Sir, Sir you can’t go back there. We have to check you in first.”

  He growls a little and keeps walking. “My wife is in labor and we need to go to labor and delivery right now.”

  “Owww… Fuck Fuck Fuck Ryder hurry they’re…” I groan as my stomach spasms and pulls tight. I can hear someone running up to us.

  “How far apart are the contractions Suzy?”

  Oh, thank god Meg is on call tonight. I whimper and hold onto Ryder a little tighter.

  “They are about five minutes apart.” Ryder says taking charge of the situation.

  “Okay let’s get you guys up there so we can have these babies.”

  The next couple minutes go by agonizingly slow. IV’s, baby monitors, and changing into the hospital gown. When I’m finally on the bed I feel like I can breathe a little.

  Ryder leans over me and kisses my forehead “You look so beautiful baby, I love you so much.”

  I know he is trying to be sweet but all I want to do is kick him. I glare up at him “You shut your mouth. I look like a beluga whale and it's all your fault. I am never letting your cock anywhere near my puss… Ahhh…” I scream out as another contraction hits me and I grab the front of his shirt as tight as I can.

  The doctor comes in twenty minutes later and checks me out. “Okay, Mrs. King, it’s time to push.”

  “Oh my God, Ryder King! I hate you so much right now! Ahhhh.” I scream at him as I squeeze his hand and push. After ten minutes of pushing and a lot of curse words later, Kaylin King is born at five pounds, ten ounces and nineteen inches long.

  “Suzy you gotta push for me, we got one more baby to go.”

  “I can’t, I can’t do this. I am so tired, please.” I start to sob as another contraction hits me. “No no no.”

  “Anamchara look at me.” Ryder says as he pushes my damp hair out of my face. He leans down until our foreheads or touching as he caresses my cheek. “You got this sweet love, you can do this. You're so strong.”

  I shake my head and squeeze my eyes shut as another contraction hits “No I can’t. Fuuck!”

  “Yes, you can baby, I'm right here. I got you.” “Suzy, I need you to start pushing on the count of three.”

  I take a deep breath and push with all my everything I have left in me.

  “Wait! Wait! Suzy stop pushing. Stop.”

  “What!” I cry out. They've been asking me to push and now that I am they're telling me stop. I look down at the doctor as she speaks.

  “Suzy, listen very carefully to me. I need you not to panic. The umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby's neck and I need you to not push.”

  I feel Ryder go still next to me and his breathing becomes heavy. I turn my head towards him. He looks so worried, like he doesn’t know what to do.

  We have had three babies so far and our fourth was just born but we have never experienced anything like this. I can tell that he is starting to panic and for some reason, like it always does, it calms me down. It gives give me a reason to focus on something else.

  “Ryder.” He doesn't look at me. He just keeps staring at the doctor. “Ryder.” I say in a firmer voice and he whips his head towards me. “Listen here, tough guy, you said that we could get through this and we damn well are. There's no quitting now. Now come here and hold my hand so I can
hurt you a little.” That gets him to chuckle and come back over to my side.

  “Okay Suzy we are going to have you push but only a small one. We want to be able to get the cord off of his neck before we have you push all the way.” I nod my head and squeeze Ryder’s hand as I bite my bottom lip. The next five minutes are hell and by the time little Aaron comes into this world I am completely exhausted, both emotionally and physically. Those five minutes were some of the scariest of my life. But when I hear those little cries I know everything is going to be okay.

  All I want to do is sleep, but the moment they place my babies in my arms for the first time is utter heaven. When I look down at my sweet little angels it makes me forget about all the pain and how exhausted I am. Ryder walks over to me and gives me that smile I fell in love with.

  “You did so great baby. I am so proud of you. Thank you so much for bringing our beautiful children into this world.” He kisses me softly on the lips and wipes away my tears that slipped free. When he pulls back I ask him, “how did I ever get so lucky to find my soulmate?”

  “No Suzy King. It is I who is the lucky one. You, my love, are everything and more.”

  Epilogue Two

  Ten years later


  “Don’t touch that.” I scold as I smack Ryder’s hand away from the birthday cake I just pulled out of the box.

  “Oh, come on love just a little taste.” He says as he comes up behind me wrapping his arms around my middle and kissing my neck.

  “Ryder, we have twenty people outside waiting to celebrate your birthday. None of that.”

  “Exactly. Which means no one will know we went missing for fifteen minutes.” He kisses up my neck. My resolve starts to weaken as he runs his hands around my waist and up to my tits massaging them while he rolls my nipples in his fingers. My head falls back on his shoulders and I bite my lip to keep myself from moaning out.


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