The Tentacle Awakens

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The Tentacle Awakens Page 29

by J. J. Pavlov

  I extend my right hand to the side and morph it into the same huge pincer that Kamii has. Daica gasps and covers her mouth with her hands at the sight. Kamii stumbles backward in shock, but I catch her with my other hand before she can trip and fall. Then I revert the transformation and bring my hand closer to her, to show that everything is alright.

  "And this is my true form." This is a necessary step; I turn my entire arm into its real appearance - that of over a dozen tentacles twisted together to simulate muscles. Separating them and wriggling each one individually, I demonstrate that it's all real.

  "I've seen enough hentai to-"

  "Shut up, Senka." I transform the arm back into its human shape. From inside my palm, I pull out the knife that was included in the starter kit I'm keeping in my body. Daica flinches at the sight of it, but I press the blade into my other palm, where it disappears in a slight ripple, without leaving a wound. "What do you think?"

  The two dark elf sisters are speechless, but not one of them is screaming or trying to run away. In fact, Daica seems to have a hint of weird excitement in her eyes, but it may just be a trick of the candlelight; I'm not using night vision right now, even though it's dim in the room.

  "Mahkotoh... is not... a human?" Finally, Kamii asks slowly. Even though she's childlike, she isn't oblivious.

  "That's right." I spared her my actual face since that might be too much of an impact for the first reveal. Maybe someday I'll be able to show her when she knows and understands what to expect.

  "But... Mahkotoh... is still Mahkotoh." She mutters and stares into my eyes with conviction. Then she snuggles into my chest and hugs me tightly, as if not wanting to let go of me - in various ways. I return the gesture and stroke her hair.

  What a sweet child!

  I didn't make this decision lightly. While it's true that I revealed myself with my giant bulging stomach earlier, I could have come up with some explanation other than that I'm a demon. The matter of the fact is that it has been three weeks now since I saved her from her cage. In that time, I've given her a lot of love and warmth, and I'm sure that it was more than she experienced in the past eleven years. She knows that it couldn't have been just an act; she should understand that, even though I'm a demon, I would never harm her.

  "What about you, Daica?" I turn to the big dark elf, who looks at me with mixed feelings. "Does knowing that I'm a demon make you feel disgust?"

  At these words, her eyes widen in surprise. They're a throwback to what she said back when I first learned that she was cursed, and I didn't react according to her expectations. Averting her eyes, she thinks for a moment, before looking at me with a determined expression.

  "N-nothing has changed, has it? It's e-exactly as Kamii said." With a nervous stutter and an awkward smile, Daica gives me the answer she has decided on.

  "Come here." I wave the big dark elf over to pamper her a little, just like her older sister on my right. She's shy at first, but slowly comes over and sits down to my left. I pet her hair, and her ears twitch at the sensation.

  "Worked out perfectly, didn't it?" Senka comments as she watches the three of us with her arms crossed.

  "Jealous?" I smirk at her, and she rolls her big blue eyes in response.

  Yeah, that's how our relationship goes. Senka isn't a little girl, even if she looks like one; we can talk eye to eye like we're the same age, though I have a feeling that she's far older than I am. She does sometimes lose me with statements that sound like they would be breaking the fourth wall if there was one; I'm fairly certain I'm not in a comic book featuring a certain red-hooded mercenary, though.

  "Umm..." Daica looks at me with upturned eyes and fumbles with her dress. "Can we..."

  I blink in confusion for a second before her expression and blush open her thoughts up like a book for me to read. She must have been holding back for a long time now, after my initial seduction-like approach to sealing our contract. Since Kamii is always sleeping in this room, she couldn't do it herself, either.

  In other words, she's horny, and she wants to do it now.

  "Hm, do what?" I lean in on her and grin, knowing exactly what she wants. But of course, it's fun to tease her and act dense.

  "Daica?" Kamii obviously doesn't miss that there's something up and wants to join in on the fun. I doubt she understands what we're talking about, but since she's the older sister, I shouldn't feel bad for involving her, too.

  "H-huh? No, it's..." Before Daica can retreat from the issue, I put my arm around her shoulder and pull her closer. She only becomes even more nervous, and the coloration of her face reaches critical levels. "I-I..."

  "Come on, say it. We're all adults here." I have the image of an older sister to keep up in front of these two after all, even though I'm just as inexperienced as she is. It's just that I'm not so easily shaken. And after having spent several weeks with these two dark elves, I feel quite ready to finally seal the deal.

  "I-I would... C-can you..." The big dark elf attempts to line up a coherent sentence but cuts herself short repeatedly. Then, she breathes in and out to calm her nerves, before looking into my eyes with the same determination she had when she agreed to our contract back then. She doesn't lose her stutter, though. "P-please use your h-hand to... t-touch me. Your... r-real one."

  Wait what?

  "Aaand I'm out." Senka stands up on her chair, jumps up onto a roof beam like it's nothing, and fades into the darkness without a trace. Even with night vision, I can't see her anymore. Is she a ninja?!

  "Mahkotoh is mine." Kamii, having missed the doll girl's performance, looks at her little sister with a pout and nuzzles into my side.

  What's going on? Am I a harem protagonist all of a sudden?

  Though, to be fair, I wouldn't mind. I can't decide between these two sisters, and I feel that I could get away with this once I'm officially declared the crown princess of the Dominion.

  In other words, I'll just take them both.

  "Don't be selfish, Kamii." I pet her hair, and she closes her eyes in enjoyment. Taking that opportunity of inattention, I turn to face Daica and pull her towards me, before pressing my lips onto hers.

  This is literally my first kiss, so I don't really know what to do. But while I have no experience, I'm a healthy young girl who has read some thin books that covered such things. I at least understand that just touching lips isn't enough. However, she keeps her mouth pressed shut tensely, so there's no continuing.

  "Relax." I separate from her and whisper into her long ear. When she hears it, she opens her mouth to take a breath. I take the opportunity to go on the attack, as I part her lips further and insert my tongue to meet hers.

  I understand why people say that kissing is the most sensual thing a couple can do. The world around me seems to fade away completely, as all my sensations are focused on my lips and tongue, and the slippery feeling as it coils around my partner's.

  When we finally separate, I find that Daica's eyes are glossed over and her mouth flaps like a fish gasping for air. Then she goes limp and seems to slip into unconsciousness again.

  "Umm..." I motion to shake her but feel a nudge at my side. Kamii is staring at me with a frown, and her glowing amethyst eyes are fixed on mine in silent reproach. It seems I stopped petting her at one point and she noticed what I was doing with her little sister.

  I lay Daica down on the bed and cover her with a blanket. Baby steps, I guess. The first time, she fainted from seeing Senka speak. The second time, it was from just a peck on her cheek. This time we got quite a bit further than that, so let's see how it goes on our next try.

  "Do it... with me, too." Kamii says with upturned eyes, muttering in a reserved manner. I didn't expect that she even understood what we were about to do if her sister hadn't fainted, but now I have to question my impression of her mental age. Well, she is the older sister, even if she looks so much younger - although that's only because dark elves don't grow up beyond Kamii's size, and Daica is special.

  "Do y
ou understand what you're asking?" I bring a hand to her cheek and brush a loose strand of hair behind her long and pointy ear while looking into her eyes. Her mesmerizing irises are drawing me in, and I feel like I'm losing myself in their glow. Still, I have to stop myself until I have confirmation - consent. "What it is that we'd be doing?"

  "Yes... make love." Unblinking, she continues to lock her gaze with mine and speaks with a hint of bashfulness. Still, it's nothing on the level of Daica's fumbling. Could it be she's actually experienced? I mean, she was a slave for so long, somebody could have...

  No, she wouldn't be so open to doing it otherwise; if she had any experience, they wouldn't have been good ones. And I doubt anybody would even want to touch a cursed person anyway. I noticed how deeply rooted that stigma is when I saw that the tailor who made her clothes was careful not to come in contact with her body. He didn't have such apprehensions with Senka, even though she looks much more distressing - although that could be because he thought she's just a doll.

  "Have you ever done it before?" Still, I need to ease my mind and silence my doubts. It may be petty to want her to be untouched, as many virgin men expect of women to be, but it would make a difference in what we could do - even if it won't in regards to how I feel about her.

  "No... but I have seen... others do it." She looks slightly embarrassed while saying this, as a blush develops on her cheeks. Then she returns her eyes to meet with mine. "I heard... that it's reserved... for those who love each other. And I... love you, Mahkotoh."

  Her statement echoes in my brain and its implication sinks into the depths of my mind, overwhelming my thoughts completely. There's no more need for any words; I'll let my actions speak for me now.

  I approach the little dark elf's face with mine, seeing myself reflected in her eyes as I draw closer. Before I reach her, she closes those amethyst mirrors in anticipation and slightly puckers her lips to meet mine.

  When we brush against each other, it feels like electricity is running through my body. Is this what they mean by 'fulfilled expectation'? Unlike with Daica, who was tense and from whom I didn't expect she would return it, Kamii actually reciprocates the kiss proactively. She's much more mature than I thought she was.

  Suddenly, she separates from me and stands up. For a second, there's an immense sense of loss washing over my senses as her warm lips disappear. Then doubt fills my mind as I wonder why she broke our connection so abruptly. Did I do something wrong?

  Yet, her actions suggest otherwise. She pulls the single shoulder strap of her dress down, upon which it drops to the ground with a quiet rustle. Then she loosens the strings on her bloomers and slips out of them delicately. Hiding her crab arm behind her petite body, she averts her gaze for a moment, before batting her eyelashes once and making eye contact again.

  Before me is a sight for the gods. Spotless mauve purple skin stunningly illuminated by the candle's flickering flame, a youthful shape that stirs one's basest desires, and a shy gaze filled with the knowledge of what's about to happen, but not shirking from its implications.

  This is perfection. She is perfection.

  "Kamii..." My body grows hot just from seeing her like this. I quickly stand up and follow her example, taking off my clothes in a far less graceful manner. She looks at me with upturned eyes, her ears quivering slightly, either due to anticipation or anxiety from finally taking this irrevocable step.

  Yes, we're passing a point of no return with this, and I'm very well aware of that. But it's what we both want at right now.

  Wordlessly, I put my arms around Kamii and hug her to me, before bringing a hand up to the back of her head, while seeking her lips once more. She loops her left arm around my neck in return and welcomes me in. As our breaths grow more and more heated, we share a connection far deeper than the previous one.

  Our tongues coil and dance around in the rhythm of our quickening heartbeats. She pulls me closer on her own volition, although there's still a hint of hesitation in her actions, undoubtedly the result of her inexperience. But I can tell that she clearly knows what she wants right now. I respond to her silent longing with the appropriate passion.

  Finally, we separate, breathless. With slightly glazed eyes, Kamii looks up at me, before a radiant smile filled with love and affection lights up her face. The sight sets my desire ablaze, and I guide her to the bed across from where Daica is sleeping. When I sit down on it, she immediately places herself on my lap while facing me. She knows exactly what I have in mind.

  I put one hand on her back and begin to trace every individual bone of her spine, as we share a passionate kiss once again. Slowly running my fingers downwards, I feel a shiver travel through her body in response. At the same time, I bring my other hand to her front and let my fingers play over her ribs, tracing their shapes. Just three weeks ago, one could see every individual one very clearly even in dim light. Now, she has filled out a bit and no longer looks malnourished.

  We separate once more, and I immediately bring my lips to Kamii's neck. As I begin to suck on her skin, she runs her fingers through my hair and tries to suppress her voice from leaking out. Resting the crab arm on the bed beside me, she makes sure not to move it needlessly.

  Tracing her collarbone with my tongue, I get a taste of her skin. We haven't taken a bath tonight, so there's a light hint of salt from her sweat, but also a note of dirt from the crypt. But underneath all of it is an aroma that conjures the image of an ancient forest before my mind's eye. It's a flavor she couldn't have picked up from anywhere around here, something that even eleven years of metal bars and dusty storage rooms couldn't take from her. Her personal, unique flavor.

  And I'm getting to taste it.

  The thought is driven through my mind like a stake, as I realize what I'm doing with this beautiful little dark elf in my arms; I'm learning every secret there is to know about her with each of my senses. She's opening herself up to me completely, devoting her very being to my flaring desires.

  I lightly bite her shoulder and hear her sigh next to my ear. It only serves to further fan the flames of my rising lust. My hand on her back reaches down to the base of her spine, where I find the spot that connects to the pelvic bone. Massaging it with two fingers, I can feel a tremble run through Kamii's whole body at the sensation.

  "Ahhh... Mahkotoh..." Her voice is already close to a moan, as she breathes my name into my ear. I want to hear more like that, and bring the hand that was tracing her ribs up to the small mounds that are her breasts.

  At the same time, I move my mouth across her collarbone and kiss it all along the way to the center of her chest, before motioning over to the tip of her other mound. Attacking three erogenous zones at the same time, an indescribable feeling of pleasure wells up inside me at the thought that I'm giving the same to my partner.

  So this is what it means to 'make love', huh?

  Kamii presses her face into my hair to stifle her voice, while her left hand tries to find something to do. She settles on using it to hold herself against me, as she's too preoccupied with the sensations assaulting her body.

  As waves of shivers race down the little dark elf's back, I understand that she must be ready for the next step. With a swift motion, I flip her over and lay her down on the bed, before pressing a kiss on her lips. It serves as reassurance, that what is coming now is something completely normal.

  As I slide down her body, I spread her legs gently and find the most sacred spot between them. As far as I can tell, it's never been touched by anybody else before, so I'm treading on literal virgin ground. The orchid purple slit, hiding a treasure trove between its two folds, is already glistening wet.

  "M-Mahkotoh?" With an unsure tone, Kamii looks down on herself, and our eyes meet.

  "Don't worry, leave everything to me." Smiling with a comforting expression, I bring my lips down to kiss her lower ones. She gasps at the sensation and grabs my hair with her left hand. Luckily, she still has enough self-control not to use her cursed arm and whac
k me across the head with it.

  Grasping Kamii's thighs, I bury my face deeper between her legs and begin to probe with my tongue. She arches her back and tries to push me away, but is unable to do so from her position.

  "N-no, that place-" She begins to protest, but I twist my tongue around and take her breath away. Her struggling ceases, and she lets go of my hair, to cover her mouth and stop her voice from leaking out.

  I actually want to hear her moans of ecstasy, so I intensify my assault on her most important place. Bringing up my hand, I find the bud at the top of the flower and rub my thumb against it. Apparently, that was too much, as a clear spray of love juices hits me in the face.

  "Nnnaaah!" Kamii cries and her whole body shakes a few times before she goes limp. I stand up and look down on the dark elf's petite figure, finding that she's still conscious. That's good; I'm not done yet, and I consider this only the foreplay. Licking my lips and savoring the taste of her proof of ecstasy, I signal unmistakably that more is to come.

  Her eyes are clouded from the climax, but unexpectedly, she doesn't look averse to the idea of doing more. In fact, she spreads her arms towards me with a weak smile, the look in her eyes suggesting an unconditional surrender and longing invitation.

  "Come..." She breathes, and my reason is blown away.

  From my one-sided pleasuring, we quickly progressed to her actively mimicking my earlier moves and returning the favor. I learned that her stamina is incredible despite her small frame and that her appetite doesn't match her otherwise modest appearance. We drove each other to many climaxes and at one point, the first rays of the new day peeked through the wooden shutters of the room to illuminate our glistening bodies.

  We did it through the entire night with barely any rest. I thought I had infinite stamina, but the mental strain of continuous ecstasy has driven even me to the brink of my strength.

  Thus, we lie on the bed, exhausted and messy, embracing each other weakly but with tender love, as we welcome the new day. Throughout everything, even the unbridled and most vocal expressions of our pleasure, Daica has been sleeping. But now that her usual time to wake up has come, she stirs and awakens.


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