Deventer (Netherlands), 3, 6–11, 19, 27
Devotio Moderna (“Modern Devotion”), 4, 10, 11, 17, 30, 112
dialectical method, 60–61, 77
Dialogue Against the Presumptuous Conclusions of Martin Luther, 314
Dialogue Concerning Heresies (More), 743–744
Dialogues of the Gods (Lucian), 142
Diet of Augsberg (1518), 315, 330, 331–339
Diet of Augsberg (1530), 725, 726–735
Diet of Nuremberg (1522), 545, 564–569
Diet of Nuremberg (1532), 759
Diet of Speyer (1526), 709, 722–723
Diet of Worms (1521), x, 413, 416, 435, 436–440, 442–443, 444, 447, 448–449, 450–465, 478, 479, 493, 751
Dietrich, Veit, 729
dining, Erasmus on, 513–514
dispensations, 164
disputation, 58–59
“Disputation Against Scholastic Theology” (Luther), 81
Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences (Luther), 283
divine grace, Augustine on, 136
Erasmus on, 320, 375
Henry VIII’s right to divorce, 747
Luther on, 424–425
Doctors of the Western Church, 94, 138
Dominicans, 302, 309, 313, 314, 347, 711
Donation of Constantine, 43–44, 377, 389
Donatus, Aelius, 98
Döring, Christian, 451, 548
Dorp, Martin, 246–247, 261, 290, 379, 647
Doubleday Publishers, colophon of, 146
Drechsel, Thomas, 531
Dreckapotheke (excrement pharmacy), 720
Ducal Saxony, 167, 762
Duhren, Johann, 639
Duke of Alva, 788
Dulce bellum inexpertis (adage, Erasmus), 213, 214, 215, 291
Duns Scotus, John, 66, 78, 79, 279, 590
“Dunsman,” 67
Dürer, Albrecht, 167, 376, 385, 443, 473, 565
Dutch Reformed Church, 790
Dutch Republic, 788, 790
Eck, Johann Maier von
debate with Karlstadt, 357
debate with Luther at Leipzig, 357–364, 369–376
at Diet of Augsburg, 727, 733–734
Erasmus and, 296
on indulgences, 370
Luther and, 398, 718
Obelisks, 303
papal bull and, 398, 400, 420, 426
Eck, Johann von der, 454–457, 459–460
Eco, Umberto, 798
Economics (Aristotle), 81
Edict of Nantes (1598), 787
Edict of Worms (1521), 479–480, 497, 709, 722, 726, 735
classic languages, 202, 597
Collegium Trilingue, 294
Erasmian curriculum, 345
Erasmian educational program, 202–203
Erasmus on, 201–203, 257–259, 291, 598
humanist curriculum, 201, 202–203
Luther and, 279, 328, 597–598
The Education of a Christian Prince (Institutio Principis Christiani) (Erasmus), 256–258, 260, 291, 402
Eighty Years’ War, 787–788
Einsiedeln (Germany), 516, 662
Eisenach (Germany), 20, 49, 50
Electoral Saxony, 166–167, 776
Eleutherius (pseudonym), 301, 327
Elizabeth I (queen of England), 687, 749
Elizabeth of Hungary (saint), 12, 488
Elzevir, Abraham and Bonaventura, 262
Emser, Hieronymus, 446
Enchiridion Militis Christiani (“The Handbook of the Christian Knight”) (Erasmus), xi, 111–114, 235, 241, 243, 247, 257, 261, 301, 321–322, 346, 430, 505, 556, 679, 686, 687, 689, 710, 786, 794
Encomium Matrimonii (Erasmus), 348
Encyclopédie (Diderot), 793
The Enemy of the Jews (Pfefferkorn), 179
Engels, Friedrich, 533, 662–663
Act of Supremacy, 750
Church of England, 818
Coverdale’s Bible, 751
disestablishment of Catholic Church in, 686–688
Erasmus’s influence in, 686–687, 855
evangelicals in, 818
Reformation Parliament, 747
Submission of the Clergy, 748
vote to leave European Union, 799
English clergy, Colet’s chastisement of, 210–211
English Reformation, 686
Enlightenment, 793–794, 804–806, 809
Ephesus, 227
Epicurus, 93
Epistolae ad Diversos (Erasmus), 550
epistolary art, Erasmus teaching, 68–69
Erasmi Roterodami Blasphemiae et Impietates (Stunica), 509
Erasmian humanism, 789, 795
Erasmianism, 679, 785, 787
Erasmians, 260, 261, 301
Erasmus (Erasmus of Rotterdam) (Desiderius Erasmus)
about, xiii, 240
adages, xi, 89, 90, 145, 148–150, 213, 214, 241, 243, 261, 266, 556, 687, 755–756
Adrian VI and, 560–565, 570
on Agricola, 18–19
Aldine Press, 146
Anabaptists and, 738
ancient proverbs, 88–89
annotations to the New Testament, 249–250, 279, 280–281
appearance of, 71
on Aquinas, 252–253
associated with Luther, 441–442
attack by Luther, 599–600
attack on Luther, 601, 605
attacks against, 348–350, 600, 678
on Augustine, 252
bachelor’s degree in theology, 67
in Basel, 318–323, 508, 756
Béda and, 646–648, 678, 695, 711
on the Bible, 255, 672
birth of, 4, 5–6
books and essays of, xi
books banned during Counter-Reformation, 785
brother Pieter, 5, 28, 29
in Brussels (1516), 257
Budé and, 486
in Cambridge, 205–212
catalog of scriptural emendations, 115–116
Charles V and, 391, 402
childhood of, 6–10
on Christ, 72, 143, 189, 295, 712
on Christian unity, 752–753
on Cicero, 153
on clerical celibacy, 320, 520
Colet and, 72–74, 75, 87, 116, 200
on the comma Johanneum, 475–476
condemnation of his writings by Paris faculty, 710–711
critiques and objections to Vulgate translation, 246–247, 261–263
death of, 757
denounced by Counter-Reformation, 785, 786
departure from the monastery, 47, 56–57
disdain for Jewish texts, 184
dislike of Rome, 152–153, 159
on divorce, 320, 375
Eck and, 296
editing Jerome for Froben, 243–244
on education, 201–203, 257–259, 291, 598
in England, 70–75, 140–143, 160, 198–199
English Channel crossings, 69–70, 143, 216, 246
Enlightenment and, 793–794
fastidiousness of, 26
on fasting, 520, 557
fear for safety, 485
financial life of, 87–88, 89, 143, 257, 476
on food and dining, 513–514, 519, 520
on free will, 589–590, 601–604, 606, 672, 784
in Freiburg, 716
Froben and, 216, 242–243
Gaguin and, 67
on God, 604, 712–713
on the Gospels, 508–509
on governance, 260
gradual reform espoused by, 520–521
Greek language and, 74, 75, 88, 91, 93, 94, 109, 114, 248
health of, 30–31, 46, 69, 87, 477, 571, 736, 756
Hebrew study by, 114
Henry VIII and, 208–209, 588, 609, 715, 752
Herder on, 794
Huizinga on, 795
as humanist, xiii
Hutten and, 377–378, 584–588
impact on Luther, 264–266, 301–302
importance of, xi
on Index of Prohibited Books, 785
influence in England, 686–687, 855
in Italy, 143–154
Jerome and, 94–109, 129, 243–244
“Jerome’s Dream,” 99–100, 109
Jerome’s letters, 96
on the Jews, 184, 185, 187
on languages, 202
Łaski and, 678–679
leaving Basel, 715–716
Leo X and, 560
letters from Luther, ix–x, 355–356, 679–683
letters of, 205, 289, 297, 354, 550, 756
Lord Mountjoy and, 69, 70, 71, 114, 159–160, 241
in Louvain, 114, 289–291, 375, 416
love of books, 29, 32–34, 36–37, 56
Loyola on, 786
on Lucian, 141–142
Luther and, xii–xiii, xv, 310, 327, 345–347, 353, 377, 408, 417, 425, 441–442, 474–475, 477–478, 484, 492, 550, 557, 565, 570, 599–606, 609, 670–676, 680–682, 684, 718–719, 753–754, 758
on marriage, 250, 320, 348, 512, 669, 687–688
on martyrdom, 418–419
on Mary, 250–251, 374
Melanchthon and, 609, 684, 731
monastery life of, 29–32, 45–47
on monastic life, 322, 711, 757
More and, 70–71, 87, 140–141, 142, 161, 192, 204, 261, 293, 318, 405, 482, 486–487, 693, 694, 712
on Muslims, 214
on the nature of man, 712
New Testament translations, 243–245, 247–256, 319–320, 324–326, 354, 374, 443, 475, 695, 755
ordination of, 46
on original sin, 250, 263
in Padua, 150
pan-European identity, 290–291
parents of, 5–6, 19, 28
Pastor on, 795
on peace, 291
Peasants’ War, 645
philosophy of, xiii, 18, 475, 478
on piety, 113
place in European history, 790–797
on princely rule, 793
Renaissance and, xi
Reuchlin and, 183, 184, 185, 186
revised translation of Vulgate Bible, 243–245, 247–256
Roman literature and, 33, 34
in Rome, 150–153
Rotterdam statue of, 5, 790
on Sack of Rome, 703
scatology avoidance of, 141
schooling of, 4, 6, 9–10, 19, 28
Scotists and, 66, 67, 78
scriptural preferences of, 553–554
on sermons, 51
Servatius Rogerus and, 31–32
on sexuality, 320
sexuality of, 31–32, 68
shortcomings as an editor, 261–263
Spalatin and, 263, 266, 354, 414
Spinoza and, 791–792
study of the Bible and, xi–xii
on Thomas à Kempis, 18
on the Trinity, 251, 295, 298, 771
tutoring by, 31–32, 68, 143, 145, 150
on tyrants, 215
urged to repudiate Luther, 484
Valla and, 45–46
in Venice, 145–150
on Virgin Mary, 250–251
visit to Oxford, 71–74
Voltaire on, 793
on war, 212–214, 258
Zweig on, 795–797
Zwingli and, 515, 516, 557, 558, 582
Erasmus, works of, 260–261, 291
“The Abbot and the Learned Lady,” 512
Acts of the University of Louvain Against Luther, 411
Adagiorum Collectanea, xi, 89, 90, 145, 148–150, 213, 214, 241, 243, 261, 266, 556, 687, 755–756
Antibarbari, 46, 47
Apologia ad Fabrum, 296, 301
banned during Counter-Reformation, 785
Carmen Buccolicum, 33
The Ciceronian, 153
Colloquies, xi, 68, 142, 510–514, 521, 678, 686, 687, 785
A Complaint of Peace, (Querela Pacis), 291–292, 301, 794, 797
Consilium, 413
critiques and objections to Vulgate translation, 246–247, 261–263
De Copia (“Foundations of the Abundant Style”), 201, 202, 241, 243, 686
De Esu Carnium (“On Eating Meat”), 520, 521
De Ratione Studii (“On the Method of Study”), 202, 598
Defense Against Some Spanish Monks, 711
Enchiridion Militis Christiani, (“The Handbook of the Christian Knight”), xi, 111–114, 235, 241, 243, 247, 257, 261, 301, 321–322, 346, 430, 505, 556, 679, 686, 687, 689, 710, 786, 794
Encomium Matrimonii, 348, 647
English love of, 686–687
Epistolae ad Diversos, 550
“A Fish Diet,” 514
Formulas of Familiar Conversation, 510
The Freedom of the Will: A Diatribe or Discourse, (De Libero Arbitrio), 601–604, 609, 669–670, 676, 684
“The Godly Feast,” 513
Hyperaspistes, 680–682, 684, 693, 694, 695, 712
“Inns,” 511
Institutio Christiani Matrimonii (“Institution of Christian Matrimony”), 687–688, 785
Institutio Principis Christiani (“The Education of a Christian Prince”), 256–258, 260, 291, 402
Julius Exclusus e Coelis (“Julius Excluded from Heaven”), 292–293, 301, 327
“Letter Against False Evangelicals,” 736
“Life of Jerome,” 243
“A Marriage in Name Only, or the Unequal Match,” 512
Novum Testamentum (Novum Instrumentum), 255–256, 260–261, 264, 327, 354–355, 381
On Mending the Peace of the Church, 753, 791
“On the Troubles of Old Age,” 143
pamphlets of, 353
Paraclesis, 254–255, 393, 523, 533, 598, 647, 689
“A Pilgrimage for Religion’s Sake,” 687
Praise of Folly (Moriae Encomium), xi, 51, 142, 193–197, 204, 241, 243, 246, 247, 261, 290, 417, 521, 785, 794
Ratio Verae Theologiae (“True Theological Method”), 325–326
revised translation of Vulgate Bible, 243–245, 247–256
“The Shipwreck,” 512–513
Spongia Adversus Aspergines Hutteni (“The Sponge Against the Aspersions of Hutten”), 587–588
“Summary Arguments Against Certain Contentious and Boorish People,” 326
Erasmus Program, 798–799
Erfurt (Germany), 76, 266
Erikson, Erik, 21–22
Ernst (count), 643, 654, 655
Ernst (duke of Bavaria), 254
Eschenfelder, Christoph, 324, 756–757
EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, 797
Eucharist, 387, 621–622, 627, 679–680, 687, 713
euro (currency), 797
anticlericalism of the Middle Ages, 14
anti-Judaism in, 179–181, 185–186
Battle of Mohács, 704
capital punishment, forms of, 25
Eighty Years’ War, 787–788
Erasmian educational program, 202–203
European Union, 797–799
Hebraic studies in, 178, 185
humanism in, xiii, xv
hygiene of cities and towns of, 6–8, 35, 140–141
influence of Catholic Church, 11
Italian Wars, 144, 481, 697–702
justice in medieval Europe, 25
mining in, 22–23, 24
modern history of, 796–799
Nazi Germany, 796, 811–812
obsession with death, 25
Ottoman wars, 312–313, 333, 704, 730
pan-European identity, 797
Peace of Westphalia (1648), 789, 803
Peasants’ War (Germany), 632–644, 645–646, 648–660, 663–664, 691, 808, 811
plague (Black Death), 11–12, 19, 25–26, 82–83, 90, 267, 298, 412, 517, 563, 698, 703, 706
purging Jews from, 185–186
testants in modern Europe, 814
re-Catholicization of, 802
Renaissance, xi, 34, 40
serfdom in, 617, 630–631, 641
social and economic inequities in cities, 569–570
Thirty Years’ War, 788–789, 790, 803
European Coal and Steel Community, 797
European Economic Community, 797
European Union, 797–799
Eustochium, 103–106
about, xiii, xv, 446
Capito and, 623, 645
Erasmus on, 600, 610
on the Eucharist, 622
in Europe, 569, 590, 630, 634, 635, 658, 681, 707, 710, 713, 717, 720, 731, 765
Henry VIII and, 685
Łaski and, 679
in Rome, 569
in Switzerland, 557, 558, 621, 713, 714, 741, 744, 767, 772
term evangelische used by Luther, 496, 743, 830
in the United States, xiii, xv, 815–816, 820
Evangelische Kirche im Deutschland, 446, 802
evil, Augustine on, 130
excommunication, 308
excrement, More on, 141
Explanation of the Ninety-Five Theses (Luther), 309, 358
Exposition on the Canon of the Mass (Biel), 122
Expostulatio cum Erasmo Roterdamo (Hutten), 587
Exsurge Domine (papal bull), 398–401, 409–410, 411–412, 414, 415, 420–421, 426–427, 430–432, 433, 435
Extravagantes, 336, 340
extreme unction (Catholic sacrament), 424
Faber, Johannes, 413
Fabri, Johannes, 589
faith, in Christ, 237–239
“false prophets,” 740
Farel, Guillaume, 767
Farnese (cardinal), 313
Erasmus on, 520, 557
Luther on, 265
Zwingli and, 515, 518–519
Ferdinand (archduke), 581, 619, 648, 664, 715–716
Ferdinand of Aragon, 210, 391
Ferrara (Italy), 150
Fetti, Mariano (friar), 274
Ficino, Marsilio, 272
Ficker, Johannes, 220
Field of Cloth of Gold, 404–405, 481
Fifth Lateran Council (1517), 311
“A Fish Diet” (Erasmus), 514
First Great Awakening, 819
Fisher, John (bishop of Rochester), 205, 206, 482, 590, 750
Fisher, Robert, 68, 74
Five Books of Moses, Luther’s translation, 577
Florence (Italy), 16, 42, 144, 697
Flugschriften, (short pamphlets), 304, 352, 447–448, 464
Folly (Erasmus). See Praise of Folly
food, Erasmus on, 513–514, 519, 520
Formula of Concord, 803
Formulas of Familiar Conversation (Erasmus), 510
“Four Articles of Prague,” 368
Four Books of Sentences (Lombard), 61–62, 79, 126, 219, 235
Fourteen Holy Helpers, 5, 12
Fourth Lateran Council (1215), 62, 494, 621
France, 787, 801, 802, 807
Francis I (King of France), 334–335, 403, 404–405, 646, 678, 787
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