Sharp Edges

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Sharp Edges Page 8

by K. L. Middleton

  “Well, well…look who it is,” he said, shutting off the lawnmower. “Tina’s new little buddy.”

  I ignored him and kept walking, angry at myself for even choosing that particular route home.

  He sauntered towards me, taking a swig from a bottle of beer. “You’d best keep on walking, you nosy little bitch, if you know what’s good for you.”

  I stopped and glared at him, unable to help myself. “You know, it’s sure a pity.”

  He smiled coldly. “What’s a pity?”

  “It’s a pity that a woman is beaten by someone who’s supposed to uphold the law and keep everyone safe. It’s even more of a pity that a grown man would use his fists not only on his pregnant wife, but also his little girl.”

  His lips curled into a scowl. “You don’t know what you’re talking about, you cunt.”

  I glared at him. “I think I do, and I certainly know a coward when I see one.”

  His face turned red and he took another step closer to me. “You know who you’re messing with, bitch?”

  “You don’t scare me,” I said, raising my cell phone. “And I’m certainly not afraid to call for help.”

  His nostrils flared. “You should get the hell away from my property.”

  I pointed at him. “And you should keep your fists off of your wife.”

  We stared at each other with mutual hatred until I pulled myself out of it and began walking away.

  “That’s right, you should be scared, Lindsey!” he hollered. “And don’t forget to lock your doors, especially at night. Keep out the boogieman!”

  I froze and turned around to face him, wondering how the hell he knew my name.

  He finished the rest of his beer and smiled. “Bye, now.”


  By the time I made it home, I was nauseated and shaking, but not from running. I decided to tell Jake about the confrontation with Jerry as soon as he came home. It certainly troubled me that he’d found out my name and hinted at knowing where I lived.

  Locking my doors, I grabbed some clean clothes and jumped into the shower. When I was done, I noticed that Darcy had left me a message to call her back.

  “Hi, lady,” she said. “Just calling to see if you received my little gift in the mail yet?”

  I raised my eyebrows. “Little gift?”

  She sighed. “Guess you haven’t.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “What exactly did you do this time?”

  “It’s a surprise and you’ll just have to wait,” she teased.

  “A surprise? You have to quit spoiling me like this.”

  “You’re my best friend, for God’s sake. Someone’s has to look out for you.”

  I smiled. “Well, thank you.”

  “So, did you talk to Jake about the woman we almost ran down last night?”

  I told her what had happened, including my most recent episode with Jerry.

  “That son-of-a-bitch,” she snapped. “I think you should report that.”

  “It’s my word against his and really, nothing happened.”

  “Well, tell Jake and keep your doors locked at night. This guy sounds like a real asshole.”

  Thinking about him prowling around near my house in the middle of the night gave me goose bumps. “Oh, I will.”

  “Shit, it’s getting late and I’d better get back to work. Now, don’t forget about Saturday.”


  I smiled. “Thanks, Darcy. I’ll pay you back as soon as I can.”

  “I’m not worried about it. I also might have some leads on a couple of jobs. I’ll email you the information to see if you’re interested.”

  “Okay, thanks,” I said.

  “Call me later, okay?”

  “Sure, talk to you soon.”

  After I hung up, I cleaned up around the house and took out the garbage. Two hours later, I noticed Jake’s car pull in to his driveway. I immediately went over and told him what happened.

  His jaw clenched tightly as I finished the story. “I think he needs a reminder of who he’s messing with,” he growled.

  “I’m sure it was all talk, but I have to admit, it freaked me out.”

  “Don’t worry about this, Lindsey. I’ll take care of it,” he said, preparing to leave.

  I raised my hand. “Wait, I don’t want this to turn into something worse than what it already is. I mean, it was just words.”

  He shook his head. “He’s a police officer. He shouldn’t be threatening anyone, let alone defenseless women and children. Now he’s trying to frighten you? That’s bullshit.”

  “Please,” I said. “I don’t want him to know he made me nervous. If you go over there, he’s going to think he’s won. I think a guy like that gets off on scaring people and I don’t want to give him the satisfaction.”

  He stared at me for a few seconds and then let out an exasperated breath. “Fine. But if he gives you any trouble, let me know.”

  I nodded.

  “Can I see your cell phone?”

  I took it out of my pocket and handed it to him.

  “Here’s my number,” he said, adding it to my contact list. “Call me, day or night. I don’t care.”

  I smiled. “Thanks, Jake.”

  His eyes softened. “No problem.”

  Just then, a FedEx van pulled up in front of my house. The driver got out and was holding a small box.

  “Oh, looks like that’s for me. I’d better go,” I said.

  He nodded. “Okay, well I’ll catch you later. I’ve got to get back to work anyway. I just stopped home to pick up a couple of things.”

  “Well, see you tomorrow, Jake.”

  “Count on it.”

  I walked back home, accepted the package, and opened it as soon as I stepped back inside. When I saw the contents, I gasped in shock.

  A vibrator!

  I took it out of the box and examined it, wondering what the big deal was. I knew my sister had once raved about hers, my mother had a collection of different sizes and speeds hidden somewhere under her bed, and Darcy – well she couldn’t survive a night without one.

  “Darcy, you little freak,” I giggled, noticing that mine included the batteries and was ready to rock.

  I looked at the clock and bit my lower lip. The kids wouldn’t be home for another couple of hours.

  Eh…what the hell.


  Five minutes later, I lay in bed, trying to catch my breath. My legs were still trembling, my heart rate definitely up. I stared at the new toy and smiled.

  Oh, my new friend. Where have you been all my life?

  Chapter Fourteen

  Later that night, I sat in the kitchen on my laptop and started searching the Internet for jobs in the area. When I came across an ad for a store clerk in a local boutique, I filled out an online application and sent it in. The pay wasn’t the greatest, but it was definitely a start.

  “Mom,” said Regan, stepping into the kitchen holding out her cell phone. “It’s grandma.”

  I sighed and grabbed the phone.

  “Why haven’t you been returning my calls?” murmured my mother. “You have no idea how worried I’ve been about you, dear.”

  I went over to my purse and pulled out my phone. She’d called twice in the last hour.

  “Mom, you haven’t given me a chance to call you back. Believe it or not, my phone isn’t attached to my hip twenty-four hours a day,” I said, sticking it into my back pocket.

  “I keep mine with me all the time. You never know when there could be an emergency.”

  “Sorry, mom. Is it an emergency?” I asked rubbing my forehead.

  “Apparently, it is. Regan told me that Scott is staying with his parents? What’s going on?”

  I paused, not sure how much to tell her. She’d be livid if she found out he’d been cheating on me. She’d probably be here in the morning when I awoke, packing up all of his things in garbage bags to be shipped out to the Goodwill.

  “Well, we’re having some
problems and thought it would be better if we separated for a little while.”

  “Did he cheat on you?”

  Why in the hell was that everyone’s first guess?

  “Mom, I don’t really want to get into it.”

  “He did, didn’t he? That selfish prick.”

  “Well, there’s more to it than that,” I said.

  “Oh,” she groaned, “don’t let him off the hook; there are no excuses for cheating on your spouse.”

  I nodded. “I know, you’re absolutely right, mom. Look, I have to go. I’ll call you tomorrow and we’ll talk about this.”

  “Lindsey, I’m flying out there,” she said. “I’m not going to let you go through this all by yourself.”

  I groaned, inwardly. “Mom, it’s okay, really. Darcy’s been wonderful and we’re all doing fine. You have your store to run and shouldn’t abandon it.”

  “You’re my daughter and much more important than any old store. Besides, Kyle can handle everything.”

  I started to pace. “Thanksgiving is coming up in two weeks. Why don’t you just wait until then and fly out here? I’m really doing fine, mom. I swear.”

  She didn’t say anything and I could picture the wheels turning in her head. Finally, she relented. “Okay. But if you need me, call me right away. I’ll be out there faster than you can say ‘Scott’s a fucking idiot.’”

  I laughed. “I will, mom. Otherwise, I’ll see you on Thanksgiving.”

  “I love you, dear.”

  “I love you, too, mom.”

  I hung up the phone and handed it to Regan, who was eating a banana and watching me like a hawk.

  “When is dad coming back home?” she asked.

  I shrugged. “I really don’t know, sweetheart.”

  She sighed and threw her banana peel away. “Well, I’m going to bed. I have a major test, tomorrow.”

  I walked over and kissed the top of her head. “Night.”

  I followed Regan upstairs and then stopped into Jeremy’s room. He was on his computer and closed the window he’d been staring at when I walked inside.

  “Hey, kiddo,” I murmured, grabbing his dirty clothes hamper. “It’s time to get ready for bed.”

  He sighed and then turned to face me. “Just a little longer?”

  I looked at my watch. “It’s nine o’clock.”

  He scowled. “Fine.”

  “Don’t forget to brush your teeth before you fall asleep, too.”

  His last appointment with the dentist had been a major disappointment, three cavities and a referral for a nearby orthodontist.

  “I know.”

  “Did you get all of your homework done?”

  He snorted. “It was done hours ago.”

  I stared at him for a moment. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”

  “I just want to make sure. I know, with your father out of the house…”

  “When is he coming back? He’s been gone for almost two weeks.”

  I sat down on his bed. “I really don’t know, honey. He might not.”

  His face darkened. “He wants to come back. It’s your fault if he doesn’t.”

  I sighed. “I know you can’t possibly understand what’s going on, and the less you know the better. Just remember we both love you and this has nothing to do with you.”

  “It’s not fair. You won’t tell us anything and expect it to be okay?”

  “The only thing I can say is that it has to do with honesty and trust. If there isn’t any in a relationship, then it won’t last. Your father lied about a few things, very important things, and it’s very difficult for me to let it go.”

  “Even though he loves all of us? What if he promised to never lie again, would you let him move back in?”

  “Making promises and acting on them are not the same thing, Jeremy. Right now, I need time to think things over and he needs time to realize how very wrong he was, so that it doesn’t happen again.”

  Just then my cell phone began to ring.


  “Get your pajamas on,” I said. “I’ll be back soon to say goodnight.”

  “Fine,” he mumbled.

  “Hey, girlfriend,” said Darcy, “how’s it going?”

  “Good,” I cleared my throat. “I um…I received your little present today.”

  She chuckled. “Nice. Did you try it out yet?”

  I paused, my face turning red at the memories of earlier.

  “You did, didn’t you?” she whispered. “Tell me I’m wrong but those things are better than chocolate!”

  I laughed. “I wouldn’t go that far…but they certainly have their uses.”

  She giggled wickedly. “So, did I do good?”

  “It definitely brightened up my day.”

  “Good. Now, hate to change such a fun subject but I think I might have found you a job.”

  Thank God.

  “Where?” I asked.

  “The Sheriff’s Department in Irondale. They’re hiring for a Records Keeper.”

  I bit one of my nails. “Seriously?”

  “Mm hmm…and I met Sheriff James earlier today, oh man talk about a freaking hunk! What is it with all these handsome devils in law enforcement?” she sighed. “Makes me want to commit a crime, just so I’ll get frisked.”

  I laughed. “I know, right?”

  “Anyway, he had some tax questions and that’s why he’d stopped into the office. We got to talking and he said they needed someone right away since the other gal just up and left.”

  “How do I apply?”

  She gave me the information and told me to send a resume.

  I groaned. “One problem: I still don’t have a resume.”

  “I kind of figured that. Don’t worry, hon, I’ll help you create one after work tomorrow night. Then, we’ll email it directly to Sheriff James. From there, he can forward it to the Human Resources Department. Piece of cake.”

  I smiled. “Thanks, Darcy. You don’t know how much all of this means to me.”

  She sighed. “You were there for me, sister. Just paying it forward.”

  “Well, thanks.”

  “I’d better go. Max just got out of bed.”

  “See you tomorrow,” I answered.

  “You too. Say hello to your little friend for me.”

  “Little friend?”

  She chuckled.

  “You’re so bad,” I whispered.

  “I call mine ‘Herbie’ and when he goes bananas…good Lord, watch out!”

  I laughed. “T.M.I. I’m ending this conversation right now.”

  She burst out laughing.

  I hung up, put Jeremy to bed, then decided to do some reading. I grabbed the Kindle, went into my bedroom, and started searching for books that might help me figure things out with my husband. After finding one that interested me, I turned off my bedroom light and began reading. Within minutes, I drifted off.

  Chapter Fifteen

  I woke up in the middle of the night to a loud thump just outside of my bedroom window. Thinking it was a squirrel or the neighbor’s pesky cat from across the road, I got out of bed, went to the window, and peeked through the blinds. Sure enough, the bush was moving, a sign that some sort of animal was probably lurking around in the yard.

  Sighing, I closed the blinds and turned to get back into my bed when a pair of strong hands grabbed me and shoved me down onto the mattress. Before I could scream, the assailant covered my mouth with his gloved hand and straddled me between his thighs.

  “Shut the fuck up,” he growled, pushing against my mouth. “Don’t give me a reason to kill you, bitch.”

  My eyes filled with tears as I stared up at the man whose face was covered by a black ski mask. All I could see were his glittery dark eyes and scowling mouth.

  “I’ve got a message for you,” he whispered, staring coldly into my eyes. Raising a switchblade, he pressed it against my cheek. “A warning. One that will allow you to live should you b
e intelligent enough to heed it. Keep your nose out of other people’s business.”

  I stared into his cruel eyes, unable to breathe.

  “Got that?” he asked, his breath hot on my face.

  I nodded vehemently.

  We stared at each other for what seemed like forever, when something changed in his expression. I recoiled in horror, recognizing the look.

  “You smell good,” he whispered huskily. He licked his lips and began moving a hand over my body, making me shudder in terror. I wasn’t sure if he was going to rape me, kill me, or both. “If you tell anyone about his,” he breathed, his hand squeezing my breast. “Anyone – you’ll fucking die.”

  I closed my eyes and began crying into his glove.

  He brushed his lips against my throat and then moved to my ear, breathing heavily. “You cause any trouble for anyone,” he whispered, “your children will die first, and I’ll make sure you get a front row seat.”

  My muffled cries turned to choked sobs and he squeezed my mouth painfully.

  “Shut up,” he spat, “or I’ll kill everyone, right now. Wouldn’t bother me in the least.”

  I reached somewhere inside and forced myself to quit sobbing for my children. They needed my courage more than anything at the moment.

  “That’s it,” he whispered, loosening his grip on my mouth. After a few more horrifying minutes of being felt up, he lifted himself off of the bed and ran a finger down the sharp edge of the knife. “Just so you know,” he smiled darkly, “I’ll be watching you. You can’t hide and don’t even think about running. I have connections all over.” Then he turned and slipped quietly out of my bedroom.

  I didn’t even hesitate; I immediately jumped out of bed and grabbed the metal bat hiding underneath it. Ironically, I’d hidden it there in case of intruders when Scott had begun “working” his longer hours. Breathing heavily, I moved slowly out of my bedroom and down the dark hallway towards the stairs, hearing nothing but the ticking of the Grandfather clock. When I heard a creak from somewhere upstairs, my heart stopped.

  If that bastard touches my kids, I’ll fucking kill him!


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