The Edge of Infinity (War Eternal Book 7)

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The Edge of Infinity (War Eternal Book 7) Page 16

by M. R. Forbes

  "Follow me," Tio said, without greeting them.

  He started walking. Mitchell hurried to walk beside him, while the Riggers filled in behind.

  "I take it you don't need another tour?" Tio asked.

  "If you tell me where we're going, I can probably lead you," Mitchell replied.

  "My command center," Tio replied. "I want to show you something. It was of little consequence to me before I met you on Liberty. It has become more important since."

  "What is it?" Mitchell asked, surprised.

  "I will show you."

  They made the trip down to the command center. Mitchell tried to swallow his last memory of the place, and of Millie dead on the floor. She was standing here, now, oblivious to that fate.

  "Bethany, bring up the data I prepared," Tio said.

  Tio's assistant tapped a few commands on her touchpad, and a moment later a stream of data began to fill it.

  "I don't know what this is," Mitchell said.

  "It's a transmission, Colonel," Tio said. "An encrypted transmission. Our arrays started picking it up about a week before you appeared in my penthouse. The signal is very weak. I don't know if anyone else would have caught it, but as you probably know, I need every advantage I can get."

  "Have you broken the encryption?"

  "Not yet. We are catching only pieces of the transmission at a time. I don't believe we have the whole thing yet. Once we do, we can work on cracking it."

  "Do you know where it's coming from?"

  "That's the interesting part," Tio said. "Bethany."

  She tapped the pad, and the screen changed to a star map. "There," Tio said, pointing at a green spot on the map.

  "That's in New Terran space," Millie said.

  "Yes," Tio replied. "Not a common occurrence."

  "Not common, as in it never happens," Millie replied.

  Mitchell stared at the screen for a moment. A weak, encrypted transmission from the middle of New Terra? Could it be possible that it was Kathy trying to reach him? Was that the reason the Alliance archives didn't have anything on her? How would it have ended up there?

  "You think it's related?" Mitchell said.

  "I believe it is, though I'm not sure how yet."

  "Me, too. I need to know as soon as you've deciphered it."

  "I figured you would," Tio said. "Come with me, we will discuss our partnership."


  "I'm a businessman, Colonel, and I have goals of my own. I'd like to assist you in the war you claim is coming, but I require something in return."

  Mitchell didn't need another speech from Tio to know what he wanted. He wished he had never mentioned it to the Knife.

  "An eternal engine. Why?"

  "Because I'm curious," Tio replied.

  "I said I would show you one. Not that I would give you one. The capabilities of the engine make them dangerous. There's no place in the universe for something like it. Not for you, or me, or anyone."

  "That is my price, Colonel," Tio said.

  "Tio, I've gone through this with you before. We either stop the Tetron, or the Tetron eat the universe, including Asimov. Including you. There's no benefit to bargaining."

  "Of course there is, Colonel. The eternal engine is a means to escape if the Tetron are coming to eat me, as you say, which I have no cause to use if you are victorious. Otherwise, I want to study and understand it. There could be applications to its technology that go far beyond time travel."

  "Like a way to cure your daughter?" Mitchell asked.

  "Perhaps. Yes."

  Mitchell considered it. Was it possible the engine could work miracles? He doubted it. Then again, did it matter? His intention was to destroy the engines when this was over. Better to lie to the Knife now, and apologize later.

  "Right now, I can only offer you supervised access."

  Tio stared at him, thinking about it. Then he smiled and put out his hand. Mitchell took it.

  "Deal," Tio said. "Now, tell me what you need me to do."


  Ella preferred the Carver to the Goliath.

  It was nothing against Kate, Katherine, Teegin, or any of the rest of the crew of the older starship. It was that she was a Space Marine down to the bone, and when it came to personal comfort, the nearly vacant platform couldn't compare to the newly minted battleship. It wasn't because of the facilities, either. While the in-room waterless cleaning system was certainly a step up from the shared showers she was more accustomed to; she had been a Marine long enough not to be bothered by being naked in front of anybody. She also didn't care all that much for the latest streams, which she knew Teegin could get for them if she really wanted them, anyway.

  No. It was the simple organization of it all. The movements of the many, working in unison to reach a common goal, versus the actions of only a few. A brave few, to be sure, but she had been so long without the Greylock, so isolated from the daily mechanism of military life that she jumped at the chance to serve on the platform with Admiral Williams, despite the sense of guilt she felt at abandoning the people who had saved her life. Kate had made it easy for her, telling her that she understood and seemed to mean it. Why not? She had been a military girl on Earth in the distant past. A fighter jock, just like she was. They understood one another. Besides, the entire fleet was going to the same place, anyway.

  That place was the Sol system. Earth. To warn the UPA military command about the impending Tetron attack. They had the streams of the battles both off Liberty and in Federation space. They had Admiral Williams on their side. They had Teegin and the Goliath and the four hundred-year-old crew of the Dove.

  It should have been simple. Drop in. Make the case. Prepare for war.

  It wasn't going to be. Teegin was convinced at least a portion of command was compromised, composed of Tetron configurations who would not only resist efforts to mount a defense, but would be sending warnings to the full complement that they were in system and trying to stop them. Would the Tetron attack Earth at that point? Unlikely, considering they were still too far out near the Rim, and even if they had a straggler or two positioned nearby it wouldn't be enough to take on the Goliath and the Carver's battle group. Not now, when the group's p-rats had all been re-encoded and protected. Not now, when Teegin was ready to broadcast a blocking signal through the Carver's emergency broadcast system should the Tetron try to seize control of the ships orbiting the planet. Earth was safe for now, and Mitchell's plan to lure the Tetron in seemed to be as solid as they came.

  "Exiting FTL in thirty seconds, Admiral," Captain Rock said, looking back at Steven.

  His eyes passed over Ella as he did, and he gave her a brief smile. They had become easy friends in the days since the battle group had gone into hyperspace. Then again, she had a feeling John could befriend anyone. He had an easy, outgoing personality, and he was calm and confident and comfortable with himself and his role in life, and at the same time sensitive and empathetic. He understood her feelings about being a so-called hero. He also understood her fears about her role in what was to come. Mitchell had picked her up for a reason. He believed she was important. So did the Tetron. That was frightening and exciting at the same time.

  "Thank you, John," Steven said, also glancing over at Ella. "We only have one chance to make a good impression. Are you ready?"

  Ella nodded. She had taken advantage of the Carver's stores to commandeer a full dress uniform, lacking only in her personal hardware which had been abandoned back on Liberty. Before she had started the stream circuit, she had never been comfortable in the starchy blue suits or the knee length skirts. She had gotten used to them, and had even learned to wear them in her own way, still within regulation but different enough that it almost had a style to it. The high collar was slightly asymmetrical, the top button loose but still clasped. Her short hair was freshly trimmed and pushed back behind her ears, in the style plastered on billboards and posters across UPA planets around the galaxy. There would be no questionin
g her identity.

  "Ten seconds," Rock said, updating them.

  "Prepare to open the comm," Steven said. "I trust our friends in the Goliath will be ready."

  "We've no reason to doubt them, sir," Rock replied. "My finger's hovering over the EMS switch."

  It would be a battle fought with technology and words, rather than one fought with lasers and missiles. A battle that would last only a second or two, but could decide the entire direction of the coming war. Ella had to convince herself not to hold her breath as she felt the Carver coming out of FTL.

  "We're out," Rock said, "EMS active, channel open."

  A soft whine sounded from the speakers. It was the audible output of Teegin's transmission, one that would pass throughout UPA military channels and block Tetron control. It was an announcement of their presence, but there was no element of surprise now that they were near the planet, and it would give them the space they needed to not only speak to the members of command who were still themselves but also to identify the configurations in their midst.

  Ella looked out the viewport ahead of them. They were still some distance away, on the opposite side of the planet from the moon. Even so, the ships of the UPA fleet were visible, speckling the space beyond the blue marble, intermingled with three stardocks where many of the Alliance assets were constructed and maintained. She could imagine the crews of those ships trying to make sense of the unintelligible signal they were receiving, even as they identified the Carver battle group and failed to identify the Goliath.

  "UPA Command, this is Admiral Steven Williams of the battle group Carver. I am initiating EMERGCON, and require immediate intervention. UPA Command, please respond."

  There was no hesitation from the other end. A woman's voice carried over the normal comm link a moment later.

  "Admiral Williams, this is General Janet Owens of Space Defense Command. You were posted near the Federation border. What is the situation?"

  "General Owens," Steven replied. "Ma'am, we have reason to believe an attack on the Alliance by a previously unidentified threat is imminent. In fact, we have reason to believe this attack has already begun. I require a full command briefing ASAP."

  "Admiral," General Owens said, "You're broadcasting an unidentified signal through your EMS, and my initial reports indicate that you have an unknown vessel embedded with your battle group. You have ten seconds to explain yourself."

  Steven looked over at Ella again. They had expected the Tetron may have set them up for a hostile response, but not this hostile. What lies had the Defense Council already been told?

  "General, the EMS signal is innocuous to our forces but is an important defense against the threat in question, who have a proven capability to overcome and hijack neural transmissions, a capability which I have documented proof of. It is imperative that we convene a full Council briefing immediately."

  "Two battle groups have broken away from orbit and are heading this way," Captain Rock said, sending the message through a private p-rat channel.

  "Fingers crossed," Steven replied.

  "Very well," General Owens said a moment later. "I'm alerting the Council to an emergency session. I am also maneuvering an escort force into position to lead you in. Do not make any aggressive moves, Admiral."

  "I have no intention to, ma'am," Steven replied.

  "I'm also shutting down the EMS," General Owens said. "It's causing undue interference to our systems."

  Ella looked at Steven, whose face was turning pale.

  "General, wait," he said. "The EMS broadcast is vital to planetary security. You can't-"

  The background hum of the system vanished as the General sent the override.

  "Damn it," Steven cursed on the private channel.

  "We're going in blind," Ella said.

  "And surrounded," Captain Rock said.

  "Remain focused," Teegin said. "We will adjust."

  "Vid stream incoming, sir," Rock said.

  "Put it up," Steven replied.

  A split screen showing five different faces appeared on the viewport ahead of them, blocking out the view of space beyond. Steven stood as it appeared, straightening his uniform and moving next to Ella.

  "Captain North?" General Cornelius said. "Admiral Williams, what the hell is going on here?"

  "Generals," Steven replied, addressing the UPA Defense Council. "As I mentioned to General Owens, we have proof of an emerging threat against the UPA which I believe qualifies for EMERGCON distinction. Captain?"

  "Sirs. Ma'ams," Ella said, outputting the persona that had been trained into her over the prior months as the Hero of the Battle for Liberty. "You may have heard that I was killed on Liberty. You may have heard I was missing in action or had gone AWOL. You may have heard nothing at all. I'm quite certain you haven't heard the truth."

  "Truth?" General Hafij said. She looked more angry than concerned. "The truth is that the Carver is supposed to be on maneuvers near the Federation border, a post which is now abandoned. The truth is that there is no damage to any of your ships, Admiral, though you claim we are under attack."

  "Pardon me, ma'am," Ella said. "I sought out Admiral Williams to assist me in communicating the importance of my experience with the council, as I don't have the rank to initiate EMERGCON or request an emergency session."

  "And how did you reach the Carver, Captain North?" Cornelius said. "Liberty is at least four weeks from the Admiral's prior position in FTL. For that matter, how did you know where the Admiral could be found?"

  "Sir, it's a long story, and one that I'll be glad to tell you once our forces are secure."

  "Why don't you tell us now?" General Owens said.

  "Ma'am," Ella said. "Members of the Council. You know me and my record. It was your idea to put me out of action and into the media to gain support for the armed services because of that record. I'm telling you that we're in immediate danger. Please, reinstate the EMS and allow us to continue our conversation securely."

  "You're out of line, Captain," Hafij said. "Answer the questions as they are posed."

  "With all due respect, ma'am," Steven said. "I don't understand the hostility towards Captain North or my battle group. I'm a decorated member of the UPA armed services. One of your top-ranking officers. I would expect that you would take my warning more seriously."

  "You don't know, Admiral?" General Pietro said. He was the oldest of the council, a gruff man with a thick beard. "We have received word from Liberty, Captain. Intelligence has reported that your disappearance and the attack on the planet, not to mention the Shot Heard Round the Universe, were all part of an elaborate set-up by the Federation to undermine our security. Ongoing research has suggested the gap in the dreadnought's shield generators was hardly an accident or miscalculation. Rather, it was an intentional oversight to allow you to pose as a hero. That is why we are questioning your authenticity, Admiral. I don't know if you are complicit in this deception, but it is vital that we make that determination before we rush headlong into a state of war without clear provocation. Just think of how the Federation might interpret that change in stance."

  "You might be leading us right into the war the Federation has been itching to start for years," Hafij said.

  Ella felt like she had been punched in the gut. She took an involuntary step back, a wave of heat rushing to her face. "What?" she whispered.

  "It is the Tetron," Teegin said through her p-rat. "I am uncertain of what measures they have taken here, but it appears the entire Council is compromised to an unknown extent. It is a logical deduction, based on their reaction to the EMS and their reluctance to reinstate it. Admiral, I do not think we can sway them at this time."

  "What do you recommend?" Steven asked. "We can't get out of here, not now."

  "I'm sorry," Ella said. "I blew it."

  "We lost before we arrived," Teegin said. "It is I who am sorry. I did not calculate this probability accurately. It is essential that the battle group does not engage with the fleet. While t
he Council may be under Tetron control, we must remain neutral in the eyes of the others."

  "Understood," Steven said. "We still need a way out or Mitchell is going to be on his own."

  "Do as they say for now. We must play the Tetron's game in the immediate."

  "Captain North?" General Pietro said. "Nothing to say in your defense?"

  "Sir," Ella said. "I reject those accusations as patently false. I have committed no crime or any wrongdoing of any sort."

  "That remains to be seen, Captain," Pietro said. "We were close to making a decision to have you brought in quietly, but since you came to us, you've saved us the trouble."

  "I've already been judged, then, sir?"

  "Of course not, Captain. We have a number of questions for you, and your sudden appearance with Admiral Williams has only added to them. For now, you are both relieved of active duty, effective immediately. I expect that you will transport yourselves to the DCHQ as soon as you arrive in orbit for a full debriefing. As for the unidentified ship traveling with you, it will be placed in restrictive quarantine well outside of the green zone. In fact, I'd like to speak to whoever is at the helm of the ship immediately."

  "General," Katherine said, appearing on the viewport beside the Generals, standing on the bridge of the Goliath. "My name is Major Katherine Asher, of the United Earth Alliance. This ship is the U.E.A.S.S. Dove. If you know your history, you might recognize the name?"

  There should have been surprise from the council. Instead, there was only a flat consternation.

  "Major Asher," General Hafij said. "I don't know where you came from, but your ship is to be placed in quarantine. It will be escorted out of the green zone immediately, and no personnel will be permitted on or off."

  "General Hafij," Cornelius said, "I would like Major Asher to join us at DCHQ."

  "For what purpose?" Hafij asked.

  Cornelius smiled. The expression was odd, and it gave Ella a chill.

  "Whatever is happening here, it's obvious that this ship, the Dove, is part of it. It carried Captain North from Liberty to Admiral Williams in half the time it would take one of our starships. You don't think that is worth examination?"


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