Tristan's Destiny, Bonus Book #1.5

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Tristan's Destiny, Bonus Book #1.5 Page 3

by Mary J. McCoy-Dressel

  “I know you do.” She held back the tears that were gradually building behind her eyes. This was it with her mother. Tristan was right. She didn’t deserve this.

  Destiny wrapped her fingers around Nora’s arm as it rested on the console. “I love you, too, Nora-Mom.”

  Nora cradled the side of her face. “I sure love you bunches, sweetie.”

  “Sit back and buckle up, Des. We’re heading to dinner. Later, at the hotel, we’re hitting the pool first, then the hot tub in our room.” He checked she had buckled before dropping it into gear.

  “Okey dokie pokey, Daddy. Let’s roll.”

  Chapter 3

  “Are you ready to see this in person?” Nora said to Roxanne. “Dreams do come true.” Nora led her into the walk-in closet where her wedding dress waited. They stood there, beaming. The fact that Roxanne flew in for her February wedding meant everything to her. “Let’s take this to the living room. I’ll hang it on the door out there.”

  “I love the ivory color, Nora.” Roxanne walked around to see the buttoned back as Nora held the hanger up. “You’ll rock this dress. It’s elegant like you. The asymmetrical cut is perfect for a ranch wedding.”

  Nora chuckled. “It won’t drag in the sand or get caught on the dried grasses because the train doesn’t touch the ground either. This was the first one the attendant showed me when I told her about the wedding at the Double Dutch.”

  “Your pretty legs will show with the short front, too. Sexy. Tristan will be drooling.” Roxanne went to the counter and poured a cup of coffee. “I love the open layout of your townhouse.” She held up the pot.

  “Sure, I’ll have another cup.” Before hanging the dress up on a hook, Nora observed her pretty friend. Her medium blonde hair, with light streaks throughout, barely touched her shoulders in a bob cut. Her blue eyes sparkled below her long lashes. She wasn’t skinny but not overweight, either. She had a body that proved she worked out on a regular basis. Roxanne was taller than Nora, always had been. Her full of life personality matched her good looks. Since her recent divorce, she seemed happier, more herself like she used to be.

  “I’m happy for you, Nora.” Roxanne sat the mugs down and hugged her. “Are you having your hair and make-up done?”

  She had played with her hair a little and decided she’d wear it long and down her back. The two-tiered, elbow length veil she purchased would attach to her hair. “I’m doing it all myself except for my nails.” She wiggled her fingers to show them. “I’ll go get the veil and show you what I’ll do with my hair.” She was only gone a minute, and returned, wearing it.

  “Yay, girl! Damn, you look good.” Roxanne clasped her hands together below her chin. “I’m excited for you.”

  I’m excited for me! “I love that man and can’t wait to marry him, or to have his baby. Be a full-time mom to Destiny. I moved back to Canyon Junction and life happened.” Nora snapped her fingers. “That quick. Nothing has been the same since.” Her breathing slowed as the memory of meeting him in the post office parking lot took over. The day he locked his keys and daughter inside his truck—the very day she rescued him. She’d love for Roxanne to experience the same kind of love. “Maybe you should move back.”

  “Find me a job and I’ll consider it. I won’t be homesick for Broken Arrow if I leave.” Roxanne went to the dress. “The tulle and satin is soft, and the crystal and beads across the top are enchanting.” She hugged herself and swayed back and forth as if swooning. “I’m thrilled.” Tears fell from Roxanne’s eyes.

  It made Nora cry and get emotional over the love she had for her fiancé. Tomorrow, Nora would marry Tristan and everyone was busy getting the ranch ready. Collecting her composure, she took her cup. “Let’s go to the rooftop. I’ll be subletting this for a short time, but I’ll have to find someone permanent when they move out. I figured leasing it out for a couple months is better than nothing.”

  “That’s true. I can’t wait to see the rooftop. Let’s go.” Roxanne grabbed her cup and followed Nora. At the top, they stood at the rail. “I’m glad you moved home, Nora. I wish it could have been different with your mom.”

  Nora sighed. “I know. Last month when we had dinner at Brody’s, Mom was awful. It was like I was fifteen all over again. She stood there and was so mean to my face.” She shook her head. “I don’t know that woman.”

  Roxanne lowered her voice. “Will she be at your wedding?”

  “We sent an invitation. Brody said she wants to come, and even went shopping with Leann. Can you believe my mother bought a dress in the color that I requested? That was scary in itself because she has a mind of her own, and would rather wear a dress of her own choosing.” She shrugged. “I won’t worry about it.” If she’s there, fine, and if she isn’t, that’s fine too. It’s mine and Tristan’s happy day. “We won’t let her ruin our wedding.”

  Nora enjoyed the sight of the Superstition this morning, yet, she dropped her shoulders as she spoke. “After the weddings over, I’ll take it one day at a time where she’s concerned. Her trying to patch it up the day after that outburst, only confused me more. Brody says she isn’t as well as she wants us to believe.” Nora took a drink of coffee, hesitating before going on. “My brother is beginning to notice her anger toward me.”

  “Finally!” said Roxanne.

  She tapped her fingernail against the mug. “I thought she and I were moving on, but no matter what, I want her to be well and have a happy life whether I’m part of it or not.”

  “Well, as far as I can tell you’re better off not being part of it.” Roxanne hugged Nora and left her arm around her. “Don’t forget I’ve been with you through all the tough times, and I have your back.”

  “I know and thank you.” Nora peeked at her watch. “We’ll need to get to the ranch soon so we can all go through the rehearsal and the dinner afterwards.”

  “Is there a chance Tristan’s younger brother will be home?” Roxanne asked.

  “Not likely. It’d be a miracle if he made it, but he could be anywhere in the world. We never know. His family is always concerned for him, and Judy worries like crazy over Dane. Tristan Skyped with him the other night, but there was no giveaway about his location.” Nora finished her coffee and headed toward the door. “We better get ready. I’m glad you’re here, Roxanne. Too much time passes between our visits.” Nora held Roxanne’s arm. “Look for a job while you’re here. After all, I’ll be gone for almost five days, and this place is yours for the few days after the wedding until you fly back home.”

  “What a great idea. Don’t forget to leave your car keys for me. I’ll check the paper and even go into Phoenix if I have to. The idea of moving back home is sounding better all the time.”


  At the ranch, Nora flitted around the kitchen making sure to get as many decorations for tomorrow, finished before rehearsal. She peeked out the window and her brother stood outside talking to Tristan. Nora leaned her elbows on the sink and smiled as she stared at her handsome fiancé. Everything about that man evidenced hotness. The way he carried himself, his hair always out of place, his sexy smile… She could go on and on. Fanning herself, she left the window and set a pot of flowers in the dining room.

  A few minutes later, Roxanne stood at the window in the kitchen. “Nora, who’s that tall guy out there standing beside your fiancé? He sure is a cutie.”

  Nora made her way to the kitchen, laughing as she entered. “My brother! You have been gone too long.”

  “No, the other one.” She smacked Nora on the arm when she came over. “I know your brother.”

  Nora peered out the large window over the sink. Tristan held Roark by the reins, pointing to different spots on his horse, as if giving Brody a lesson on wild mustangs. Jase stood beside them. “Can’t you see the resemblance? That’s Jase. Tristan’s older brother. You’ll be introduced to him at the rehearsal. He probably came over to check the time which is a great idea since he’s the best man.”

  “Yes, he is
a best man,” said Roxanne with a snicker. “Is he…you know…available?” Roxanne laughed. “I’m bad.”

  “Come sit down a minute.” Nora pulled out a chair at the kitchen table for Roxanne to join her.

  “Where’s your little girl?” Roxanne asked.

  “Grandma is homeschooling her. She’ll go right into first grade when school starts. They’re probably in Destiny’s study room trying to get in a few hours before our excitement begins.” Nora poured a little cream into her coffee and offered the container to Roxanne. “Back to Jase though. He’s available in a way but not looking. He’s going through a tough time right now, and is hesitating about standing up with Tristan. A wedding was the last reminder he needed. His wife left him and he’s in a bad way.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. But…he’s too cute to sit around and mope. I can’t wait to meet him.”

  Nora stood. “Put on a suit of armor. He might have an attitude so get passed it the best you can. He has good reason though. Don’t hold it against him.”

  They went outside and Tristan came up to Nora, kissing her on the cheek. “Hi, ladies.” He nodded to Roxanne. “It’s nice to see you again.” Tristan put the reins over Roark’s back and let him loose.

  “That’s not Roxanne!” Brody said. He hugged her, lifting her off her feet before lowering her back to the ground. “You sure grew up pretty.”

  “Yes, it’s me, Brody Trinity. Look at you, a dad and all. Where’s your wife and kids?”

  Brody hugged her again. “They went into town with Judy and Destiny. Seems somebody forgot something.”

  “I thought they were studying. So much I know,” Nora said with a laugh. She slipped her arm around Tristan’s waist. “I came to introduce Roxanne to Jase since they’re standing up with us.”

  Tristan called him over. “Tie the horse up and get over here, Jase.”

  After he finished securing the horse, he sauntered over. “Hey, what’s going on, I’m about to leave. I have to change before rehearsal.”

  Nora took his arm. “Jase, meet my best friend Roxanne Conner. She’s my maid of honor so you two will be together for pictures and things.”

  Jase reached for her hand when she offered it. “Nice to meet you.” He released her hand after a short shake. “I was just leaving, so I’ll see y’all a little later. I have to get this horse in the trailer.” He went back to his horse, got on it, and rode down the driveway to his truck.

  “Hey,” said Brody holding up his phone. “I have to take this call. I’ll head inside.” He gave Roxanne and Nora a hug before leaving. “See you all later.”

  “My brother isn’t always that rude,” said Tristan. “He’ll come around when he has a couple beers.”

  “Not a problem.” Roxanne looked toward the mountains. “I kind of miss this old sight. Maybe before leaving I’ll take a ride up into the Superstitions if you guys loan me a horse.”

  Tristan chuckled. “I think we can make an arrangement.” He gave Nora a kiss, and said, “Now, I have to finish up some chores before it’s time to practice. We’re working on the dance floor.” Tristan took her arm. “Ya know I don’t really need practice, darlin’.” With a smirk on his face, he took Roark’s reins and walked away.

  Nora laughed. “Humor me, sweetheart.” She had no problem watching as he went toward the barn sporting his sexy swagger, but he turned and winked, catching her ogling him.

  Roxanne used her hand to fan Nora. “Whew, that was hot and sexy. He doesn’t need practice, darlin’, huh?”

  “He’s right!” Nora tapped Roxanne’s arm. “Let’s get back inside and finish decorating the great room and patio. I’m so excited I can’t wait for tonight’s dinner. I swear I won’t sleep until I marry that man.”

  “Me, too! I mean…you know, sleep. We stayed up so late at your townhouse last night, and I suppose we will tonight, too. Your last night as a single woman.” Roxanne watched Tristan talk to a hired hand at the barn door. “Hey, who is that guy? He’s cute too.”

  “That’s Randy Drake, one of the ranch hands. Now he is single since his girlfriend dumped him right after Thanksgiving. I bet he’s looking,” Nora said. Tristan walked back into the barn, but Randy remained near the door with a horse on a lead rope.

  “Hmm, maybe he’ll ride into the mountains with me.” She watched every move he made. “He seems to know his way around a horse.”

  “He does!” Nora chuckled. “Roxanne, what has gotten into you?”

  “I’ve been lonely too long. Besides, being here makes me homesick.” She continued to stare at the ranch hand, Randy.

  Nora grabbed her by the arm. “Come on.” She waltzed her over to the barn. When she got there, Randy stepped away, but Nora called him over. “Hi, Randy, I’d like you to meet my best friend. She flew in for our wedding.”

  “Hold on,” he said, lifting a finger. He hooked the horse in the cross ties, and returned. Removing his hat, he stuck out his hand when Nora introduced them. “Welcome to Canyon Junction, ma’am.” His gaze did a quick perusal up Roxanne’s body.

  “Oh, I grew up here,” said Roxanne, still holding his hand. “I live in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma now. I’m thinking of moving back.”

  “Is that right. Hmm, that’d be nice.” He diverted his gaze back to Nora, but as if his eyes had their own will, turned back to Roxanne. “Well, good for you. It’d be hard for me to leave this little town again.”

  Nora pulled on Roxanne’s sleeve. “Randy, we have to get inside and finish up. We’ll see you at dinner tonight.”

  “Nice to have met you,” said Roxanne as Nora dragged her away, but her gaze went back to him as he unhooked the horse in the barn. He walked out toward the ring and she still stared.

  “Hey, lookin’ forward to seeing y’all later,” Randy said as he walked on.

  “Doggone it! He knows I was staring at him. He’s in the wedding, too?” Roxanne glanced back again.

  “Yes, you flirty little thing, he’s an usher in the wedding. Randy will be at dinner.” Nora flipped her thumb back. “Tristan has a lot of respect for him. He started out training here, but he’s moved up in ranks and is about the best ranch hand at breaking horses. Other ranchers hire him to break their horses. Randy has a nice little non-working ranch not far from here that borders the Double Dutch.” Nora entered the back door. “Randy is a little younger than us, you know. He did a stint in the army, too.”

  “I don’t care if he’s younger, if he doesn’t.” She shrugged. “Nothing wrong with a younger man. How much younger?”

  “Two years. Not so bad, eh?” Nora winked.

  “I should change the subject, but I love his deep blue eyes, my gawd.” She grabbed hold of her head. “Sorry to go on about him.” They went about setting pots of flowers around the dining room. “Nora, I love my new dress for tonight. Yours, too, because you look so good in turquoise. Your dress is sexy sweet. Makes your eyes shine, girlfriend.” Roxanne rolled her eyes. “Speaking of eyes, Tristan’s are different.”

  “Yes, they are. So unique.” Nora swooned as she crossed through the dining room toward the great room. “I hope our baby has his eyes. He said Destiny’s eyes have always been baby blue. I’m surprised they aren’t blue and green like his.” Nora peered over her shoulder. “Speaking of, you better get busy and have your own.”

  “Tell me about it,” Roxanne said with a big sigh. “Not like I haven’t been looking, obviously.” She peeked out the window. “I’m glad I didn’t have any children when I was married to the jerk. Then I’d be stuck with him all my life. I’m not sure I’m rid of him yet.”

  “Well, I saw Randy’s eyes all over you in the short time we were there. I’ve never seen him act like that before—not even with a girlfriend.” Nora eyed her friend. “You having trouble with jerk?”

  “I’m not talking about him. But, Randy’s even cuter up close. Lean and tall, too. I like tall men. He should be in the movies, he’s handsome enough!” Roxanne made a swooning motion like they’d do in old movies
.” She moved to the sink to peek out the window. “I sound like a teenager.”

  “I’ll try to sit you with him tonight.” Nora glanced at Roxanne and the gleam in her eyes didn’t lie. Hmm, this could be the start of a new romance.

  “Please do!”


  Destiny skipped around the dance floor and stood beneath the floral arch where the altar had been erected. “Nora’s marrying my daddy. Nora’s marrying my daddy.” She sang out loud and clear.

  As a matter of fact, Nora thought, she had a cute singing voice. Something she inherited from her dad and grandmother? Tristan and Nora glanced at each other after rehearsal.

  “My daughter looks happy, Nora.”

  “I’m so pleased about her happiness, too, honey.” Nora took hold of Tristan’s hand and brought him closer. “I can’t wait until tomorrow.” She stretched up to kiss his lips. “Rehearsal went well.”

  Tristan embraced her. “Either way…tomorrow night is our wedding night, and I’m sweeping you away after the reception.”

  “Without telling me where, I must add. It’d be nice to know what to pack.” To be safe, she packed a couple bathing suits, a few nice dresses, casual and business casual outfits, and shoes to match it all. “I mean shall I take a heavy coat or bathing suits?”

  “No heavy coat is needed. A warm jacket might be handy. Let me surprise ya, honey.” Tristan rested his arms over her shoulders. “You probably don’t think I have this in me, but trust me, it’s all good.” He caressed her cheek. “I want to give ya things you don’t have here. It’s a special day and I want the upcoming time with ya to be, too.”

  “It’d be special if we did nothing but stayed in my townhouse.”

  “Nope, nothing boring like that. It’s my time to shine. I’ll tell ya if you want, but I’d rather keep it as a surprise.” He gave his not-so-innocent smirk and she was swept away by his charm.


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