Tristan's Destiny, Bonus Book #1.5

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Tristan's Destiny, Bonus Book #1.5 Page 5

by Mary J. McCoy-Dressel

  Nora tapped Judy’s shoulder. “He looks nice all decked out in a suit.” She turned to Leann who wore a dress similar to Roxanne’s but floor-length. “Wow, you’re looking hot, Leann.”

  A flush crept across Leann’s cheeks as she fiddled with her bouquet. “Your brother thinks so too. All is good.”

  Nora asked her, “Is my mom here?” She glanced back toward the window, but Roxanne tugged her arm.

  “Oh, no you don’t. You can’t look out in case Tristan is out there.”

  “I was hoping,” Nora teased. “I want to see him.”

  “But he might see you,” said Roxanne. “He can’t see what a beautiful bride you are yet. Time’s getting closer.”

  “I know. I’m nervous now,” Nora said. She made eye contact with Leann, questioning her again. “My mom?”

  “She’s not here. Or, she wasn’t when I came up. Brody called her, but there was no answer.” Leann tapped her finger against her bottom lip. “Maybe she’s on her way.”

  Judy came up and put her arm around Nora. “She’ll be here, honey. I spoke with her yesterday. She was looking forward to coming.”

  “Thank you, Judy.” Nora still had a heavy heart when it came to her mother. She was concerned over her heath, and now that Sandy was living on her own again, Nora worried her mother might not take care of herself. Nora’s concerns were one issue, but she wasn’t able to face her mom alone yet. It was almost back to what it used to be all those years of being gone, except now she made a point to call her weekly, keeping an inkling of hope alive.

  Judy knelt to straighten out the hem on Destiny’s dress. “We’ll get your cowboy boots soon, sweetie. They’ll look fine with your dress.”

  “Thank you, Grammy.”

  Leann stood at the window. “She is here, Nora. She looks pretty good and Randy is escorting her to the first row.”

  “Thanks, Leann.” Nora was almost relieved she didn’t come inside to see her but not surprised either. In a way, she wished she had. She watched Roxanne strut to the window, probably to check out Randy. He did look hot in that black suit earlier.

  “Brody is bringing the kids in now,” said Leann. “Madisyn is nervous and afraid she won’t toss the flowers right. Ethan is excited to be in a suit like his dad and carry the ring.”

  “I’m happy they’re in my wedding.” She released an appreciative sigh as her voice cracked with emotion. “So thrilled to have my family here…all my family.”

  “Well, dear, I need to get Destiny down there.” Judy held her hand out to Destiny. “Come on, honey.”

  Destiny hugged Nora. “I will see you soon so you can marry my daddy. Yippee!” She skipped to Judy and they left.

  “I’ll go down first to see if it’s clear, Nora. You’ll find me waiting at the door with Brody and the kids.” Leann hugged her. “It’s exciting to see you marry the man of your dreams. We’re all so happy for you.”

  Nora gave her a squeeze. “Don’t make me cry, now.” When Leann left, she clapped her hands to her chest, saying to Roxanne, “I believe it’s time. Thanks so much.”

  Roxanne brought Nora close for a hug. “Oh, come on, how could I not be here? I’ve sure as hell seen the bad, and now I want to see the good.”

  Roark whinnied outside and Nora attempted to head to the window, but Roxanne wouldn’t let her. “No, get this straight. You’re not seeing each other.”

  Nora gave a thumbs-up. “Gotcha!”

  “You’ll have the rest of your life to look at one another. Come on, I’ll check with Leann. Tristan better not be in the house or I’ll kick his ass.” They left Tristan’s bedroom, and Nora lagged behind while Roxanne called from the top of the stairs. “Is it safe?”

  The kids squealed at the bottom, their laughter sending a calming warmth throughout her body. She was about to marry Tristan Carlson, and all of a sudden her knees were about to buckle. Picturing the first time she saw him in the parking lot, and the way his eyes glittered when she noticed their uniqueness. How he focused on her eyes, straight on, before he kissed her the first time, and continues to do so.

  Being near him was mind-blowing, and she couldn’t understand the attraction to the man so early on. She put her hand to her abdomen. She was already the mother to his child. And now she was only moments away from becoming his wife.

  “Nora?” Roxanne touched her arm. “Are you okay?”

  Tears flowed yet she had no control over stopping them. She closed her eyes to savor the experience. “I’m fine. It hit me that I’m minutes away from marrying him.”

  Roxanne removed a tissue from the box on a table in the hallway. “Here, dab those tears. I bet he’s going through the same emotions right now.” Roxanne hugged her again. “You two need to be together. Sure, it was hard to believe in the beginning, but the first time I saw the both of you there was no doubts.”

  “I know, and it happened so fast. Him, the baby, and now a wedding.” She dried her eyes, but as soon as the music started, tears poured out again and her heartbeat quickened. Nora laughed. “Look at me, I’m a mess.”

  “What’s going on up there?” called her brother from the bottom of the stairs. “You got a guy out there waiting for you, girl. Best get down here.”

  “I’m coming, Brody. I’m having a problem with these tears, is all.” She rolled her eyes at her own words. “I’m coming.”

  He held his arm out and winked at her. “Come on, sis.”

  She glanced down at her handsome brother in his tux, and jeans? His hair was recently cut, kept on the short side for his job. “You look great.”

  Roxanne went ahead. “Follow me, you beautiful bride.”

  She turned to her brother. “No tie? Jeans?”

  Nora took Brody’s arm at the bottom of the stairs without commenting. She took a deep breath and released it before taking a step toward the door. Through the side window she saw everyone seated, and her gaze went farther up the aisle. There he was. Standing there all hunky and hot, his baby girl at his side with her hand in his. She fanned her eyes so she didn’t cry.

  Leann pulled the door open for Madisyn as she took her flower basket and walked down the aisle with her brother Ethan. They looked so lovable.

  Leann beamed. “My turn.” She gave Brody a kiss. “See y’all up there.”

  Brody patted her on the behind when she turned.

  Roxanne stopped before exiting the door. She brought Nora into an embrace, then hugged Randy before walking down the aisle with him.

  She and Brody stood arm in arm. Nora studied his face. “You’ve always been here for me.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He brushed his arm forward and she stepped out the door, waiting until the wedding march began again.

  “Okay, deep breath. Keep me going, Brody.”

  They took the first step, and more slow steps until Tristan sauntered to the center of the aisle where he waited for her. He looked so good from the distance. When she saw him close, she’d lose it. Or gobble him up! But…he apparently pulled rank on her. Jeans. No tie. Tux jacket. That’s my guy all right. Jase was dressed the same way. So was Randy. She laughed inwardly.

  Tristan’s hair was combed back, but that sexy lock she loved fell across his forehead. She was amused when he kept pushing it back, but it didn’t stay. Their gaze remained locked on each other the whole way down the aisle. When she got almost to him, he winked at her. That simple token of love about did her in. Destiny stood at his side and took his hand as Brody took hers. The two of them connected Tristan and Nora’s hands.

  Tristan clenched her fingers, immediately taking her into a dip. “You’re gorgeous,” he whispered. “I love you.” He brought her up against him and peered into her eyes, millimeters away. He lowered his gaze to her lips and back to her eyes before he took a step back. “Let’s do this.”

  She held both of his hands. The preacher said the words necessary to make them a married couple. Her heartstrings stretched to the limit. Finally, after slipping rings
on each of their fingers, they were pronounced man and wife. Tristan was given permission to kiss his bride. He took hold of her and dipped her again, slowly lowering his mouth to her lips. Tilting his head, he gave her a wild frenzy of a kiss, taking her breath right away. When it ended he lifted her up, held her face, and kissed her a second time. Nora circled her arms around his neck to hold him tight, letting the kiss go on until the crowd clapped and cheered. Their lips separated and they faced their audience.

  “Meet Mr. and Mrs. Carlson,” the preacher announced.

  Tristan walked her down the aisle to the waiting carriage. Selva gave her a hand up and they both got in. Once inside and the door closed, Tristan took her into his arms, kissing her again, a long, slow kiss, caring, loving.

  “That went well.” She loved when he smiled, the special one just for her now, and she couldn’t have loved this man more. “I can’t believe we’re married.” Nora lifted their hands, checking out their wedding bands. She whispered, “My heart is full.”

  The carriage moved forward and Tristan squeezed her. She snuggled into the crook of his arm. “Your dress is pretty, Nora. Perfect on ya. I knew you’d be a beautiful bride. Your hair glistened as you walked down the aisle, and your blue eyes sparkled. I see the love in your face, and I know how happy ya are.” Tristan caressed her cheek. “You’ve made my life complete. Destiny’s, too. You’re our special gift. I promised to always love you, to cherish you. No matter what. Please know, it’s forever.”

  “The same here. You’ve given me life. Thank you.” Nora leaned against him. “Now, can you tell me about our honeymoon? The surprise has gone on long enough. I need to know what else to pack.”

  “I suppose you’re right. You won’t be disappointed. Remember I said I want ya to have what we don’t have here? We don’t have an ocean here. Would you like to see the ocean?”

  Nora nodded as he spoke and laid her hand over her heart. “I’d love to see the ocean. Which one?”

  “Pacific? San Diego? A fancy hotel—the fanciest one there…for you. To top it off, you get a wedding night with me.”

  “Sounds fabulous because I haven’t forgotten about the long one after all. At least I can still fit into my bathing suit, well, a bigger bathing suit.”

  “It’ll be on the chilly side in February. You may need to save that suit for the hot tub.” Tristan licked his lips. “I’m waiting patiently.”

  Wait until he saw the skimpy bathing suit she bought for him, although it was only to be worn in the hot tub in their hotel room. Oh, yes, he made sure to tell her about the hot tub. Too bad she wouldn’t be going in, yet dangling her legs over his shoulders as he soaked, could lead to fun. Nora pictured him in the swim suit. Or at least what there was of it, which wouldn’t cover much.

  “You’re smiling. Are ya up to something?”

  “Yes. I say no more.” She laughed.

  Tristan peeked out the carriage window. “Our guests are waiting.” Lanterns glowed and tiny lights hung around the dance floor. Their four layer cake sat on a table near the buffet. Selva came around to open the door. Destiny and the kids ran over.

  “Was it a fun ride, Daddy? I walked with Grammy.”

  Tristan stepped out. “It was a lot of fun, honey.”

  “Did Nora like it, too?”

  “Well, let’s ask her,” he said, holding his hand out to Nora and assisting her out of the carriage.

  Nora hugged Destiny. “Yes, your Nora-Mom loved it.”

  “Yippee!” She ran off to be with the other kids, who came with their parents.

  The grounds looked delightful and she was thrilled to have chosen the ranch for their setting. Her visualization for their wedding at the Double Dutch came to life. Nora peered into the crowd. Roxanne talked with Randy and they stood very close to each other. “Has Randy said anything to you about Roxanne?” Nora asked.

  “Maybe.” Tristan twisted around to see the two of them together. “That’s all I’m saying. Woman, you’ll get no guy secrets from me tonight.”

  “Damn!” I know how to get it out of him. They waited until Rob took the microphone to introduce them coming in as Tristan and Nora Carlson. They went toward the pavilion that Jase and the ranch hands had built. “Let’s roll right into our future, darlin’. When we get on that plane tonight, it’ll be a great way for us to begin.” He nudged her. “It might be a while before I have another chance to sweep you away.”

  That’d never be true. “Oh, no, you’re mistaken. You sweep me away more than you even know.”

  “That’s what I wanted to hear, Mrs. Carlson.”

  Nora and Tristan were surrounded by everyone they didn’t get a chance to see at the ceremony. Afterward, they went to Nora’s mom as she waited at the end of the long table close to where the wedding party would sit.

  “Mom, you look great today. Thank you for coming.” Nora hugged her. “There’s a seat for you at the table up there with us. Please sit with us?”

  Sandy stood. “I’d like that. And before we go further, I’d like to say how beautiful you are this evening. Nora, honey, you’re a stunning bride.” She surveyed the front table. “Now where do I sit?”

  “Right this way.” Like the gentleman he was, Tristan took her elbow. He escorted her to the table, directing her to the chair beside Leann.

  Nora observed, wondering how she’d react to Tristan since he made them leave Brody’s that night. She should’ve been embarrassed, but if ill, she wouldn’t have known the difference. Nora lied. Her mother didn’t look great at all—more like hell. Her skin was pale, she’d lost weight—nothing about her looked well. Sickly, and if she knew, she kept it to herself.

  Nora wrapped her arm around Tristan’s when he returned to her. “My mom doesn’t look good, does she? It’s not just me thinking that, right?”

  Tristan took a deep breath. “No, you’re right. She looks bad.”

  “I’ll talk to Brody later.” Nora glanced behind Tristan, and Jase stood. “We better go sit down, your brother has the microphone.”

  “Yeah, let’s get over there.” Tristan escorted Nora to the table and pulled out her chair, focusing on Jase as he waited.

  “Okay, little brother. You made me the best man.” Jase looked out at the guests. “But, you knew best, and I’m not sorry to stand here at your side while you begin your life with that gorgeous redhead beside you.” Jase held up his champagne glass. “To you, Nora and Tristan. Congratulations to you both.” He turned to Destiny. “And you, my little sweetie. Congratulations to you, too, because you have the most wonderful family.”

  “Thank you, Uncle Jase!” Destiny snickered and crawled onto her dad’s lap.

  Tristan hugged her tight with both arms around her. The local DJ started the music, and called Tristan and Nora up.

  “It’s time for that first dance, you two. Bring your bride, Tristan. This one’s for you.”

  Nora said, “It was nice of Rob to MC our wedding. How’d you get him to do it?”

  “As simple as going to the bar to ask him. He still has a crush on you from high school, darlin’. Maybe he wanted to see if you’d go through with marrying a rancher.”

  “Haha, so funny. He never had a crush on me.” Nora gave a quiet laugh. “I wish he would have, back then. Not now, of course.”

  Tristan narrowed his eyes at her tease, his fingers drumming against the table. “Yes, he did, but his loss. My gain.” His brow lifted. “Now, I want to dance with my wife.”

  Destiny slid back into her chair.

  Tristan stood and held out his hand. “Come on, bride. I’m not doing this alone.”

  Nora curtsied, probably something she’d never done in her life. “It’ll be my pleasure.”

  They ran all the way across the dance floor where he spun her around once, then back to the center. They both laughed.

  Rob tried to speak, “Um…ladies and—”

  “Hey, Rob,” said Tristan. “I need a minute to kiss my bride.”

  “What are you do
ing, cowboy?” asked Nora.

  “This!” He lifted Nora off her feet, then turned in a slow circle as he kissed her. “I didn’t think you’d mind kissin’ your husband in front of a crowd.” He put her down.

  Nora brushed her fingers through his hair. “You’re right. My lips are here for you anytime.” She nodded toward Rob. “He’s waiting.”

  Tristan grinned. He gave Rob a thumbs-up.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Carlson in their first dance as husband and wife. Let it rip, Tristan and Nora!”

  Tristan held his arms open to her. When she went into them, he did a dance dip and kissed her again. “I’m not a great dancer.”

  “You’ll manage.” The music started. “Our song is so fantastic. I’m glad we decided on this one.”

  “Playing around on the Internet helped find it.” Tristan moved in closer. A yearning look burned in his eyes. Remember these words are for you.”

  “You as well, my love. It was the reason we chose this song.” With a deep, savoring breath, Nora slipped her arms over his shoulders, snuggling close as Rob played “Frozen in Time” (The New Wedding Song) by James Collins. “Hang on to me, Tristan. You’re my fantasy husband.”

  “Even when I’m not with you, I’ll be holding you. Always.” Tristan lowered his voice and held her tighter. “Don’t ever forget that, Nora. I’m always with you, and if I was ever frozen in time…I’d want to be with you—like the song says.”

  Nora became lost—held in his strong arms, the scent of him, his warmth, as they listened to the words of a beautiful song that spoke of their love, and as usual, she was swept away by him.

  When the song was almost over, Jase picked up Destiny and spun around a few times on the way to the center of the dance floor. He danced her up to them. Tristan took her into his arms. Destiny hugged both her parents. They finished the song together. Nora cried and wiped a tear from Tristan’s cheek.

  “Daddy, you crying?” Destiny touched his cheek with one finger. She brought it near her face to examine the wet spot on the tip.

  “Daddy’s very happy. Everything I ever dreamed of is right here in my arms.” He kissed Destiny on the cheek while sneaking a wink to Nora. “Everything. You’ll understand one day, baby cakes.”


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