Tristan's Destiny, Bonus Book #1.5

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Tristan's Destiny, Bonus Book #1.5 Page 14

by Mary J. McCoy-Dressel

  “I’ll try not to.” She clung to him and cried on his shoulder. “Tell Destiny I’m okay.”

  Thank God. Tristan wrapped her up in his arms. “Yes, ma’am.”


  When Tristan left for coffee, Nora took stock of what had happened. She couldn’t remember the impact, yet the sound of shattering glass came to mind. Bright lights still blinded her. That’s the part she wanted to forget—the lights…pain in her chest. She’d have to be real careful now with the placental tear. The doctor explained the risk, but on the positive side, he said it could heal. It hurt to breathe. Her ribs would heal, too. One day at a time now.

  She must’ve fallen asleep for a few minutes. Upon waking she lowered her hands to her abdomen, whispering, “Little one, I’ll take care of you. Your parents love you.” She smoothed her hands over her stomach. Wait till you meet your big sister.

  “Wow.” Tristan stood in the doorway smiling with a bouquet of flowers in his hands.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “You doing what you’re doing. Your compassion tugs at my heart, girl.” Tristan shook his head. “Don’t make me admit to all this mushy stuff. Hell, I take that back. I don’t care who hears it anymore.”

  “No one will know.” Nora took in a breath but winched when she exhaled.

  Tristan sat the flowers on the table beside the bed. “I figured you needed a pretty flower to add cheer to the room. I called my mom. She’ll call your mother in a couple hours.”

  “You’re sweet. Thanks.” She folded her arms across her chest and leaned forward to take a deep breath. That seemed to lessen the pain. “I feel like I got ran over by Roark galloping at full speed.”

  “You need to rest, honey.”

  “So do you, Tristan. You couldn’t have slept last night.” She lowered the head of her bed, but put it right back up a bit. “How will I do breathing in labor with broken ribs?” If her pregnancy went full-term, her ribs would be nearly healed. She’d put it out of her mind for now.

  His eyebrows pulled down over narrowed eyes. It broke her heart to see his worry, yet she did her best to appear better than she was. To deter his fear…to hide hers. To think of the hell he had gone through when he got the word about the accident, crushed her sanity. “I’m so sorry to have put you through this.”

  “Your ribs should be healed by time the baby comes.” Tristan took her hand from her abdomen and pressed his lips against her fingers. “You don’t have to be sorry. This was out of your control.” He left the side of her bed, again pacing to the window. “Maybe I slept a bit in the chair.” Tristan stuck his hands into his front pockets. His shoulders rolled in. “Once the fetal monitor stopped.” He dropped his head back. “I thought I’d die.”

  “Come over here.” When he came back, Nora reached for him. “What was it, Tristan? Why did the monitor stop?” She squeezed his hand. “Tell me.”

  After reliving that hellish moment, he told her what the nurse said. Tristan held her and shuddered.

  “The fear must’ve been awful for you knowing what you already went through once.”

  “So much hell that I can’t think about it. I’m holding you now. That’s what matters.” He lay beside her and put his arm around her waist. “Your chest is badly bruised from the seatbelt. That has to be extra pain.”

  “I want our baby to be okay…I’m so worried.” So much for hiding her own fear. She didn’t mean to cause him more agony.

  “Don’t tell anyone I’m in your bed. Someone will probably try to kick me out.” He snuggled against her. “I know we’re so close. She’ll be here…he’ll be here. Our baby will come soon.”

  Nora relaxed against the pillow and held his forearm. “Don’t leave me.”

  Tristan settled in, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “They’ll have to call the sheriff to get me outta here.”


  Nora spent six days in the hospital, only allowed up to use the bathroom. The doctor released her with orders to stay off her feet as much as possible throughout the upcoming second week. Tristan insisted she didn’t come to work. Two more weeks at home was about all she could take of sitting around, feeling helpless. At least Tristan let her work at home the fourth week but returned throughout the day to make sure she rested.

  Finally, she was given permission to sleep upstairs. Today, she made the bed and smoothed out the comforter. She strolled to the window afterward. Destiny was in the ring with Tristan. Destiny rode Betsy alone. She’s a happy child. What a great dad he is. Nora changed from her comfortable clothes into what she called pregnant jeans.

  Taking her car keys, she got in her new four-wheel drive and drove over to the ring. On the way to the bleachers, she read the scornful look on Tristan’s face when he spotted her.

  “Destiny, slow it down while I go talk to Nora a minute.”

  She pulled on the reins like she had been taught and went into a walk. “Hi, Nora!”

  Nora took a seat on the bottom bleacher seat. “Hi. You look good up there on Betsy. Be careful.”

  “I will.”

  Nora’s gaze followed Tristan until he stood at the railing. She cocked her head, giving him the scornful eye right back. “Don’t lecture me. I can’t stay in that house any longer. I’m doing fine now.”

  His eyebrows lifted, yet tiny lines crinkled around his eyes when he was happy. “You know what’s best. A little sunshine won’t hurt ya.” He nodded toward Destiny as she rode around the ring. “She’s doing great. After we have the baby we’ll ride together. I can’t wait to take her out into the desert a little ways.”

  Nora blocked her eyes from the sun and propped her other elbow on the second rise behind her. “Why not take her now. She’s probably bored riding in a circle.”

  “Maybe I will after chores tomorrow.” He smiled at Nora, a softness in his eyes. “It’s great to see ya out here. How ya feeling?”

  “Really good. Baby is active. Everything seems normal again. Now I’m waiting.”

  “You’re waiting?” Tristan removed his hat. Using his sleeve, he wiped sweat from his forehead. “Do I have to tell ya what I’m waiting for, darlin’?”

  No, he didn’t have to tell her. She had the same physical sensations going on inside her body, so when he turned back from watching Destiny, she said, “I know how to take care of you.”

  “Yes, you do, but I was teasing. Since you put it that way, though, when are ya going to? When do you think we can, ya know?” Tristan walked over to Destiny when she stopped. “Go ahead, you can get down yourself. Take your foot out of the stirrup, throw your leg over. Slide down.” Tristan moved closer, ready to grab her if necessary, but she did it all by herself.

  “Yay, Des, you did it,” said Nora, clapping. “Good for you.” She has spunk. Destiny removed her helmet and beamed. She ran over to sit beside Nora.

  “Hey, girl, you’re not finished with this.” He came to the rail holding the reins. “You have to untack this horse and hose her off.”

  Destiny jumped to her booted feet. “Okey dokie.”

  “That’s all part of it, kiddo. You ride, you take care of your horse. Brushing Betsy after a bath will take some time.” Tristan wrapped the reins around the rail before joining them outside of the ring.

  “I can do it, Dad. I love brushing all the horses.” Destiny got up from the bleachers, untied the reins, and headed toward the barn like a little adult.

  “Dang, my little girl is growing up fast.” Tristan brushed sand off his pant legs. His eyes were bright as he watched her shuffle toward the barn.

  “You walked away before I could answer you earlier.” She took hold of his hand. In a slow stroll, they followed Destiny to the barn.

  “What’s that?” he asked, pulling his hat low over his forehead.

  She chuckled. “Look at you, playing all innocent. I know what you want. Tell me when you’re ready.”

  A corner of Tristan’s lip quirked, yet concern showed in his eyes. “How can we?”

; “Leave it to me.” She missed being intimate with him. They slowed down their pace. Nora always loved when he pulled his hat low like it was now. How it shaded his eyes, making him look all sexy. Rugged. She looped her arm around his. “I’ll not have an unsatisfied husband. Besides, the doctor sorta said it’d be okay if we were, you know—”

  “Sort of said?” Tristan twisted his mouth into a cockeyed smile. “Woman, you’re just now telling me?”

  “Well, we can play carefully.” Nora slowed even more, putting some distance between them and Destiny. “It wasn’t until my appointment yesterday that it came up. My pregnancy is progressing normally now. The issue I had after the accident did heal itself.”

  “Hmm…” Tristan removed his leather glove and ran his fingers over his jaw. “Now I must find a way to get creative.”

  She tossed her head back, laughing. “I bet you won’t have much of a problem, as you say, getting creative.”

  Tristan halted them. He stuck his hands into his back pockets, confidently rocking from heel to toe. “Well, now, I can’t wait to find out what I come up with.”

  “Me, neither.” She gave her eyebrows a little wiggle. “Is it a date then?” They drifted on toward the barn again.

  “Des, I’ll be right there to help you get her into the cross ties.” Tristan stopped Nora outside the barn door. He clasped his fingers around the back of her neck and leaned in. With his lips against her ear, he whispered, “It’s a date. I know a little girl who’s going to bed early.”

  “I know a daddy who’s going to bed early.” Nora gave her shoulders a shimmy but clutched her chest. She bent forward a little, her ribs still a bit sore at times. “But I’ve been wanting you, too. With this big belly to go with crazy moods, I still want you. Now that I know we’re doing better, my mind has been free to think of other things…like you.”

  “Other things. All right!” Tristan held her by the shoulders and kissed her, slipping a little tongue action through her parted lips, quick as if reminding her of what she’d missed. “Now, let’s get you off your feet while Des finishes up with the horse. It’s great to have you out here with us.”

  He brought Nora a chair from the office, then carried the saddle into the tack room. Destiny used the curry comb on Betsy before picking her hooves. “Your daddy has taught you a lot already. You have a special touch with horses. I’m proud of you.” Destiny was so involved in brushing with long strokes down her flank.

  “Thanks! I can’t wait to ride Dusty Girl. Daddy and Randy are still working with her. Moonlight Shadow, too.”

  “I’d say by next spring we’ll both be riding our new horses.” She gazed at Tristan when he came out of the tack room talking on his phone.

  “Let me call you back. I have to talk to Nora.”

  “What is it?” she asked when he ventured over.

  “My cousin Caulder. He wants to meet for dinner since he’s so close.” Tristan smoothed his hand over Betsy’s back. “He’s stopping for a break about an hour from here before driving another couple hours into Yuma. He swore they’d never come back to Arizona, but this is part of his summer tour. Something special, I guess. You shouldn’t sit in the truck that long though.”

  “I know, the seatbelt alone would be awful, although I know my ribs are nearly healed. But you go. Take Destiny and your mom. You don’t get to see him that often.”

  Tristan untangled some of the long hair of Betsy’s mane. “Correct. Maybe I’ll talk to Mom. Jase is still at an auction, so he won’t be home tonight.”

  “It’ll do you all good.” He and Judy both needed a break. This would be a good opportunity for them to get away.

  “Yeah, he still feels bad he didn’t come to our wedding.” A slight grimace appeared on his face. “Well, you remember what happened with him and Velia before his season started.”

  “Right, but we understood.” Nora rose from the chair to give her arms a tall reach as high as she could to experience a good stretch. Destiny banged the brushes together to clean them. She had everything under control. Nora glanced out the barn door. Getting on a horse and riding at full speed toward that old Superstition sounded like fun, but there’d be time later. Much later.

  Tristan unhooked one side of the cross ties for Destiny. “Take Betsy into her stall, sweetie. We’ll forget the bath for now. I’m impressed with your ride today. It’s good we started your training.”

  Destiny beamed when she took hold of the harness. She walked Betsy to her stall.

  There went a tiny little girl in total control of a huge horse. “Well, while you’re gone, I’ll put a movie on and stay in bed. I promise.”

  He put his hand on his daughter’s shoulder when she came back. “Let’s get you washed up. Wanna go with me see the adrenalin-charged bull rider?”

  “Okay, Daddy! I like him.” She bounced away like a little pony. “I’ll get ready at Grandma’s.” Destiny ran out of the barn toward the back door of the house.

  “I’ll text my mom again.” When finished, Tristan took Nora’s arm. “I’ll drive you home. Tonight, we’ll drive your vehicle to meet Caulder. You know, to get some miles on it.”

  She chuckled. Or maybe because he liked driving something brand new. “Sounds fine. Don’t worry about me. I’m kind of exhausted anyway.”

  In the driveway, he opened the door for her, leaning in after she got situated. “You don’t think I forgot later, do you?”

  Nora glowed inside. “Good, because I sure haven’t. Why do you think I need a nap?” She pulled him down for a kiss. “I can be creative, too.”

  “Woman, I love being married to you. We won’t be late getting home tonight.” He kissed her one more time and checked a text before getting in. “I’ll call Caulder from home.”

  Nora truly was exhausted. Probably from not doing anything for nearly five weeks. She’d need some major exercise when this was over.

  When they got to their house, Tristan called his mom. Judy had told him she’d make sure Destiny had a bath, not to mention a change of clothes. They’d be ready when he came to pick them up. After he called Caulder to confirm, he turned on the shower.

  Nora took her time going upstairs. She stripped in her bedroom and entered the bathroom. “Hey,” she said when she pulled the shower door open. “Need some company?”

  Tristan’s gaze ran up her body. “You best believe it.” He hugged her as tight as possible. She winced when he squeezed a little too tight, but she didn’t let on to him. Being in his arms like this was worth it. “Has your muse helped with creativity yet?”

  He held her hair back from her face and leaned forward to give her a kiss. “Has yours?”

  The heat from his wet body traveled down her spine, reminding her of how much her body craved him. Gentle fingers slid over her back, lower to her buttocks, and tiptoed across her hips to the front of her body. A low, sexy moan escaped from her lips. “Mm, you remembered the magic spot.”

  “I know. My God does it feel good. My body has been neglected. Fix that, sweetheart.” Tristan pushed her hair aside and placed kisses across her neck. Her legs parted, giving easy access as his fingers gingerly teased. Tristan’s heavy breathing raged on; his body as needy as he had claimed.

  Nora turned in his arms. She dragged her fingers down his chest, grasping him when her hands went lower. Tristan dropped his head back, his eyes closed. “Ah, yes, my love. We both need this.”

  He clasped his hand around her nape and lowered his forehead to her shoulder. His shoulders rose, then fell with each blissful sigh. “Nora…” The sound of their heaving breaths filled the shower. Tristan gulped. “Are you sure the doctor said it was okay if we…” Tristan kissed her neck and held her as his body quavered, but he took her hand. “No, girl, wait.” He studied her eyes for an answer.

  Nora caressed his face. “Be gentle. Very gentle.”

  He pressed his lips against hers, ending the kiss with out-of-breath sighs. “I can be gentle.” He turned the shower off, grabbed a towel long e
nough to do a half-ass job of drying them, and carried her to bed.

  He rushed to the door to lock it. Nora lay across the bed with opened arms. “Lie your naked body next to me. I’ve missed you.”

  Tristan lowered himself over her but moved to her side. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Nora wrapped her arm around him. “Easy, just a little. I need you, Tristan, as much as you need me. I never want us to wait this long again.” Nora ran her finger over his chest, down to his navel, and stroked him, giving a slight squeeze.” His phone rang from his jeans pocket. “That’s your little girl, I bet.”

  “Ahh, voicemail can get it. I’m late getting there, but I don’t care.” He cupped her breasts, his lips following, kissing her with tender suckles. Tristan’s gaze traveled over her body. He smoothed his hand over her abdomen, lowering his fingers against her with gentle fluttering’s, causing her to squirm. Her fingers to claw at the blankets. The room filled with the mingling of their quiet moans.

  Tristan pressed his lips to the flesh between her breasts. “I’ll kiss your fractures to make them better.” Kissing her lips again, he whispered, “I won’t hurt you. I want to remember what it feels like.”

  “I know you won’t.” Her fingers tightened against his back. “I need you.”

  Tristan scooted down on the bed, his lips soft, and kisses passionate. He slipped his hands beneath her, holding right where he wanted her.

  She whispered out his name between heavy breaths and quivering limbs, floating on each ripple of satiation. Lost in the journey he hadn’t forgotten how to take her on. Tristan crawled on top of her without letting his weight bear down. He gingerly entered her—barely—but enough for them to know he was there.

  She arched against him just a bit, wanting more. “It’s okay.”

  “No, babe.” Tristan rocked as gently as he could, holding back what she wanted, what he needed, but it was enough for satisfaction and he lifted himself away, ending with a long, drawn out sigh of pleasure. He moved to her side.


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