Hybrid (The Healer Series Book 2)

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Hybrid (The Healer Series Book 2) Page 32

by B. N. Toler

  “Sarah, let him go.”

  Sarah pushes off of Thomas and he rubs his arms where her grip held him. “So this is Thomas?” Sarah gives him a once over before walking towards the door. “I’ll give you two a minute.” She leaves the room, shutting the door behind her.

  Thomas immediately grabs me, pulling me close to him, pressing my head against his chest. “I was so scared,” he whispers.

  “Thomas, where is Kaitlynn?” I pull away from him.

  “Carter took her somewhere to hold her until we figure out what to do. Where are Corbin and Lucas?” He stares down at me with his dark eyes and I know I have to tell him.


  He sighs heavily and shakes his head.

  “I’m sorry, Thomas.” I squeeze his arm.

  “For what? He deserved it for what he was going to do to you...for what he has done to you.” He takes my hand from his shoulder and presses it to his face. “You’re better now?”

  “Yes. Much better.” I murmur completely shocked he doesn’t ask how they died.

  “If anything would have happened to you, I—”

  “Thomas, we need to talk,” I interrupt him, pulling my hand away from his face.

  “I know,” he nods.

  I don’t take time to think about how to delicately tell him we’ll never be together again; I just go for it. “I can’t deny seeing you again has kicked up old feelings. You were my world once.”

  “I know I failed you, and I’m sorry. I just want the chance to—”

  “There’s someone else,” I blurt out.

  Thomas steps back with a sullen expression. “The blood healer?”

  “It was him, but not anymore.”


  “That’s not important right this second.”

  “You still love me. I know it.”

  Before I can answer, Sarah opens the door, interrupting us. Her eyes are wide as if giving me a warning when suddenly Rhett bursts into the room. All four of us stand frozen for a moment, when Rhett finally moves to me, pulling me into him. My body immediately collapses into him, selfishly grateful for his touch. I know this moment is fleeting. When he finds out about Daniel, he’ll lose it and hate me forever.

  I’m not sure how much time passes when I remember we’re not alone and pull away to see Thomas staring at us.

  “I have her now. You can go.” Rhett turns to Thomas.

  “I’m not leaving her.” Thomas steps toward him.

  Rhett smiles condescendingly, humored by Thomas’s stance. “I think you should leave, now,” Rhett’s voice booms and fear curls in my belly.

  As they continue to bicker back and forth, growing more and more heated, I wonder if I should tell them my theory about them being brothers. Rhett grabs Thomas’s shoulder and I realize things are about to get really ugly. “Stop it!” I shout at them so loudly even Sarah seems surprised. Rhett releases Thomas and they both stand staring at me, wearing similar expressions.

  I take a deep breath. Here goes nothing. “Rhett and Sarah, I would like you to meet Thomas, your half-brother.”

  The room is silent for a few moments as the three of them stare at me, and then at one another. “What?” Sarah sneers.

  “Tell them the name of your biological father Thomas.”

  Thomas and Rhett look at each other and an awkward moment passes before Thomas’s gaze moves back to me.


  Rhett and Sarah look at each other, their eyes wide with shock. They simultaneously look back to Thomas who shoves his hands in his pockets, a habit of his when he feels awkward or uncomfortable.

  “How long have you known this?” Rhett looks back to me, his brow creased with confusion.

  “A couple of weeks. You never told me your father’s name, but your last name is Mason and the timing matches. Plus…you’re all dream walkers.”

  Rhett turns and sits on my bed, shaking his head. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “You didn’t miss much not knowing him, Thomas,” Sarah sighs and places her hand on Rhett’s shoulder. The day Rhett told me about his father, when I was trapped in my subconscious and didn’t know, he was very vague and didn’t really want to talk about him. It was the only time since I have known him he ever spoke of his father. I never pushed him on the subject because it was evident he didn’t want to think about him. As much as Rhett blames himself for what happened to his mother and Sarah, I don’t doubt he blames his father as well. How different could their lives have turned out had his father not bailed on them?

  “Did they turn him?” Rhett looks up at Thomas.

  “I was told he volunteered for it willingly and after they were finished with him, he left wanting to remain human.”

  Rhett stands, getting close to Thomas, staring at his face as if searching for any sign of resemblance. Rhett’s eyes are green while Thomas’s are brown, but they had different mothers so that isn’t so hard to believe. Seeing them so close together, their side profiles are like mirror images. Sarah, who now stands beside them, on the opposite side of where I stand, stares at them and her expression changes when she sees what I see.

  “I see it, Rhett,” Sarah whispers, turning away from us and facing my dresser.

  The three of them are lost in thought, Rhett and Sarah more hurt by this revelation and Thomas more confused and unsure.

  “Guys, let’s go into the kitchen and sit down. You have a lot to talk about.” They all turn and exit my room and head to the kitchen quietly. I enter behind them and pull the bottle of Early Times Carter keeps in the freezer out and pour the three of them a shot each. They all take their shots without hesitation and there is silence.

  “I can see the three of you have a lot to talk about. I think I’ll go down to the club to let Carter know I’m all right.”

  “That’s not a good idea.” Rhett stands and grabs my arm. The way he looks at me makes me weak in the knees, but more so it warms my blood. The anger and hurt from days ago seem to have vanished from his eyes and now there is a familiar look, a look of love.

  I touch his face gently and he closes his eyes as if relishing my touch. “I won’t be long, maybe an hour. It will give you time to talk and allow me to relieve Carter’s worries.”

  “Let her go, Rhett. She’ll be fine.” Sarah assists me in my efforts, knowing Daniel will be contacting me at any moment and Rhett’s presence will make that difficult. Keeping Rhett out of the loop, after everything, feels so wrong, but his involvement puts him in danger and Sarah is on my side when it comes to protecting him. He would surely do anything to protect Sarah and me so we must do the same for him.

  I look back at her, when I catch a glimpse of Thomas who has been staring at me and Rhett. His expression is somber with his lips pressed together. I take my hand away from Rhett’s face, not wanting to hurt Thomas, but Rhett grabs my hand as it drops and squeezes it.

  I look away from Thomas and make my way to the door. “I’ll be back shortly.” I smile and catch Thomas’s eye again. I quickly shut the door behind me and leave, trying to shake Thomas’s image from my head. I can’t deny old feelings have come to life within me in regard to him, but it is Daniel that has my heart now. Still, I wonder will I ever shake Thomas, or is he right when he insists we are tethered to one another.

  I hail a cab and head to Daniel’s apartment. I assume he’s probably worried about me. When I reach his door, I tap lightly. The door flings open and Flynn’s big, bright eyes meet mine, instantly flooding with relief.

  “Thank God,” he sighs jerking me inside and enveloping me in a giant hug. He pulls away and looks at me, scanning me from head to toe to see if I’m hurt. “You okay?”

  “Yeah,” I nod.

  Flynn quickly moves aside, and I’m immediately embraced by Eileen, followed by Nick and Cassia.

  “Oh, mamacita, you had us so worried. And Daniel. He’s been crazy.”

  “Where is he?” I glance around the apartment, but see no sign of him.

  “Looking for you. I’ll call him.” Flynn walks to the opposite side of the apartment as he pulls out his cell phone.

  “Where’s Bridge?” I ask Eileen, my tone rich with contempt. I’m glad he’s not here.

  “He’s watching the nest,” Nick answers for Eileen.

  I try to explain to the others what happened without going into full detail, but it’s pretty much impossible. The entire time I’m speaking, I’m simultaneously trying to hear Flynn talking to Daniel.

  Flynn finally hangs up and joins the group huddled around me as I sip a cup of coffee Cassia made for me.

  “Is he mad?” I ask meekly. Daniel has no idea why I’ve been missing for two days, but now that I’m here I’m sure he assumes I disobeyed him.

  “Prepare to be punished,” Eileen laughs and winks at me.

  “Punished?” Cassia asks confused.

  “Daniel’s going to really give it to her,” Eileen jokes knowing full well Cassia has no idea she’s talking about in the bedroom.

  “Surely his punishment will not be too harsh.” Cassia rubs my arm trying to comfort me.

  “I’m thinking it’ll be the worst punishment of her life,” Eileen continues and Flynn presses his lips together to stop his impending laughter while my face flushes with heat.

  Cassia looks back and forth between the three of us. “What is so funny?”

  “I don’t know but all this talk about punishment makes me want to do some punishing of my own.” Flynn’s eyes flicker as they hone in on Eileen. Oh no. Here they go again.

  Suddenly, the apartment door flies open and Daniel storms in. The air turns frigid as everyone immediately goes silent. He stomps over to me, takes my arm and pulls me into him. As he takes my head in his hands, bringing my eyes to meet his he says, “Leave.” It’s an order for the others and they all scurry out closing the door behind them. He holds me in place a moment and I watch a series of emotions flash in his eyes. He’s angry, happy, but what I see most is relief.

  “I’m sorry if I worried you,” I say meekly. My hands slide into the opening of his jacket and wrap around his waist.

  “I knew you’d be the end of me,” he says through clenched teeth before pressing his lips to mine. “Thomas told me you were taken, but he couldn’t figure out where you were.” When he pulls away he takes my hand and leads me to the couch where he motions for me to sit. “Explain,” he orders as he pulls the small arm chair and places it in front of me before seating himself in it.

  I explain about Lucas and Corbin. I tell him about how Sarah saved me and how Lucas and Corbin are dead. He runs his hands through his hair and rests his elbows on his knees. I slide off of the sofa and fall to my knees, shimmying between his legs, kissing him softly before resting my head in the crook of his neck.

  “We should go meet with Carter,” I whisper.

  “Yes, we should.” He leans down and kisses my shoulder and something about that very simple kiss ignites a passion in me. Without thought I stand and begin to strip.

  Daniel leans back and watches me, eyes hungry, his breathing becoming heavier. Our eyes remain locked until I’ve removed the last article of my clothing. His gray eyes feel as if they are exuding a heat that could burn right though me as he stands and peels his shirt off. My nipples immediately harden and an ache roars between my legs. I want him inside of me. With crazed need, I quickly unbuckle his belt and pants, sliding them off with great ease.

  Daniel toes his shoes off and steps out of his pants. Our eyes meet again, but there’s a change. The desperate girl I was before is gone. The girl that pined for him and feared rejection has evaporated. The woman I am right now knows what power I possess. Daniel is tough, fierce, and has jagged edges I feared before, but now the power between us has shifted. I am a female hybrid. I own Daniel. He is mine. It’s an odd feeling to know you possess so much power over another; a power that can make them crazy, make them lose their senses, but it’s also a major turn on when that person is one of—if not the strongest—beings in existence.

  As if he’s been reading my mind he growls, “So take what is yours, kitten.”

  A smile slowly plays across my lips as I step closer to him. “Have I mentioned how much I hate you calling me that? Every time you call me that it makes me feel like punishing you.”

  “Then I’ll never stop calling you that.” His mouth curves into a wolfish grin. He just challenged me and all the blood in my body surges between my legs. My fangs pop out, and his follow suit at the sight of mine.

  “So be it.” I pounce on him and we crash to the floor as our bodies collide in a frenzy. His hands grope me hard everywhere while I straddle him, licking, kissing and biting him. When I can’t take it anymore, I reach down and take his massive erection, that is hard as stone, and position it so the head is at my entrance.

  “You are so fucking wet,” Daniel hisses as he thrusts his hips up to force his way inside me, but I rise with him, preventing it.

  “Look at me,” I order him. His eyes immediately meet mine. “You are mine. Do you understand?” He sits up so fast I gasp. His arms pull my body to his so his face is between my breasts.

  “Completely,” he growls and with a strength I could never overcome he forces me down on his erection and I shriek as he fills me. He lets out a moan as he presses his forehead to my chest. “Go slow,” he moans through clenched teeth.

  Once the initial shock of his entrance passes, I begin moving up and down, moans and whimpers escaping me as I do. Every time I come down, I gasp as my body tries to accommodate his size. My climax begins to build and I move faster, chasing it, but Daniel’s arms pull me down, trying to slow me.

  “I won’t last much longer if you keep going so fast.”

  I grab two fistfuls of his hair and pull his head back. “Come with me,” I order him and in a flash were standing, his hands grasping my ass, my back pinned against a wall as he thrusts into me. Within seconds I’m wailing in ecstasy as my orgasm roars though me.

  “Bite me,” he growls and I obey, sinking my teeth into him, pulling his warm blood into my mouth. My body is on sensory overload as I squeeze him not wanting the sensations I’m feeling to stop. The taste of his blood, the way he feels inside of me, his hands gripping my ass, the sweat that glistens on our skin, his smell, and the most intense of all—the sound that escape him each time he thrusts into me—moans and grunts of need and want. I unravel again into orgasm and his body tenses as I do and he releases into me. His body is plastered to mine, sandwiching me between him and the wall. We’re both breathing heavy as we cling to one another, neither of us wanting to disengage ourselves from the other.

  Daniel finally lifts his head and our eyes meet briefly, a moment of understanding flickers between us. The intensity that just transpired means more than either of us understands. To want and need someone this much might be unhealthy—even insane—but there’s no undoing it. We’re each other’s drug now; each other’s addiction. Nothing can change it, and we wouldn’t want to even if we could. He presses a soft kiss to my lips, his fangs still out.

  “Drink.” I bend my head to give him better access to my neck.

  “No,” he shakes his head. “You’re still gaining strength. I can feel it.” With that he removes me from the wall and walks without pulling out of me, carrying me to the bathroom. We shower, washing each other, stealing kisses and touching each other everywhere. When we get out, we dress and he makes me another cup of coffee. Daniel had Eileen bring me some of the clothes I left at the beach house. We sit back down in the living room, me on the sofa and him in the armchair in front of me. He places my feet in his lap and rubs them as I sip from my mug.

  “We need to go talk to Carter.”

  “In a few minutes.” His eyes meet mine. “Let me spoil you for a second.”

  “Better be careful,” I smile. “A girl could get used to this.”

  “You should. All I plan to do is spoil you.”

  “While allowing me to be myself and make
mistakes, correct?” I want to reiterate our agreement from the other day. I belong to Daniel and he belongs to me, but we both need certain things from each other our new addiction to the other might make difficult. He needs a blind trust from me and I need him to let me make my own decisions even if he thinks they are bad ones.

  “Yes, kitten,” he purrs.

  “You really are a glutton for punishment, aren’t you?”

  “If what just happened is your version of punishment, then yes, I am.” He smiles wickedly.

  “Living for eternity doesn’t seem long enough if I have sex like that to look forward to.”

  “We’re just getting started.” His gray eyes darken and his hands clutch the foot they’ve been massaging. I’m wet in a flash, but we have to focus.

  “You better call the others and have them come back. We have plans to make.”

  Disappointment dances across his face, but he stands and grabs his cell phone from the breakfast bar. He knows I’m right. Our incredible sex life will have to wait until we deal with the daunting task of bringing down an entire nest of vampires and blood healers.

  When the others arrive, Eileen gives me a knowing smile and I roll my eyes at her. We all sit down and go through various scenarios. When we come up with a plan A, plan B, and what to do if everything falls apart, I go to leave. Daniel kisses me, hard and passionate in front of everyone. The room is completely silent as they watch us and when Daniel pulls away he looks back at them.

  Eileen is staring back at us with a giant grin across her face and Daniel snorts at her.

  “Yes. She is mine. She only just agreed to it a few days ago, but she’s been mine since the moment I first laid eyes on her walking half naked down a dark street.” He looks back to me and kisses me again. “And I am hers.” His words are deep, rooted with an emotion I’m surprised he shared in front of the others. I see they’re surprised by his admission as well because they all stand, gawking at us, mouths hanging open; except for Eileen. She’s still grinning at us like a loon.


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