“Bother it all.” she said and gave up pushing her hair back and pulled out her hair pins.
Lara turned to speak to Aodhan and stopped when she saw the look on his face. Aodhan stood transfixed as he watched her Auburn hair fall against the green of her dress. He looked from her hair to her face as the firelight made soft shadows that surrounded her.
“Oh God help me.” he thought to himself. This might have been a bad idea.
Lara stepped to the overstuffed chair in front of the fire place, looked at
Aodhan and watched him as he studied her. Even though she had noticed him before, in the firelight she couldn’t keep her eyes off of him. The crackling fire’s shadows danced on his face highlighting every strong angle. He looked even more handsome. The way his eyebrow rose and blue eyes squinted a bit when he was serious or annoyed. His good strong chin and that accent. Why was she always a sucker for a good Irish accent?
Aodhan was struggling to get his emotions under control. He took in a deep breath to steady himself and his thoughts.
“I would like to talk to you about the situation with Bevin . . . and with us.” He looked at her and raised his eyebrow.
Lara moved around the chair and took a couple of steps to get closer to Aodhan. She put her hand on his forearm and looked up at him.
“We cannot change it.” she let out a sigh. “I truly dislike politics.”
Lara stepped closer to him and moved her hand from his arm to over his heart. She felt his heart start to pick up and she was getting that feeling in her gut. The feeling that she had only felt once before with a man. And also, she had to admit to herself, earlier that day. She knew that she was in some serious trouble. Lara looked up at him as if struggling with her thoughts and couldn’t hold back any longer.
“Bother with it.” she said and reached grabbing the back of Aodhan’s head pulling him to her and kissed him. She felt herself let go and gave into him as she felt his lips grow from unmoving surprise to slanting his mouth to meet hers. Aodhan drew back with their noses barely touching. He was a looking at her with a confused smile on his face. Lara kissed his chin.
“We leave tomorrow to head out to battle and I think we both have to at least get this out of our system.” she said with her lips just a breath away from his.
Aodhan grabbed her waist pulling her closer and kissed her until she felt she was going to melt into his arms. She thought yes lips any woman would love. As Aodhan felt his control slip even more he put his cheek on hers.
He whispered “I think you are terribly wrong. Instead of getting it out of our system. We might have made things worse.” He reached down and scooped her up in his arms and walked to the overstuffed chair by the fire sitting down with her in his lap.
Lara drew in an unsteady breath “You may be right but I couldn’t resist.” She kissed him again and laid her head on Aodhan’s chest. He tightened his grip and pulled her closer. Lara felt herself falling asleep in his arms and she pulled back to look at him.
“I think we should head to bed to get some sleep.” she looked into his eyes wondering how he would react to what she just said.
Aodhan surprised her. He did the exact opposite of any man she dated would do. He grabbed her waist and moved her to the arm of the chair so he could stand up and stepped back giving her a slight bow.
“I will be a gentleman. This time. And take my leave.” he skimmed his hand down her cheek. “I will make this right one way or the other, a chroí.”
Aodhan leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. She felt her insides melt again, unsteadily stood up from the arm of the chair and followed him to the door. He opened the door, grinned at her and shut it behind him. Lara leaned heavily against the door with her hand over her heart.
“My heart” she whispered. “He called me my heart. OhmiGosh, what have I gotten myself into?”
Chapter 15
The next morning Kedryn washed up and decided to go and check in on his mom. He found Shanna sitting with her in the kitchen of the cottage having coffee.
“Go on with the girl talk ladies I won’t interrupt. Is Annie still sleeping?” he asked as he grabbed a muffin from the table and poured himself a mug of coffee.
“Good morning Kedryn.” Shanna and Lara both answered at the same time.
“Annie is in the rose garden with Emma. You could always go join them.” Shanna teased.
Kedryn decided not to answer and sat down in the big chair by the fireplace and placed his mug on a end table. He listened to them talk and watched the crackling fire. His mind wandered to hearing Aodhan come back shortly after he got in bed. Probably not much to tell if she said anything at all. He was still curious as he glanced over to where they were sitting.
“I hate to leave here. When this is all over do you mind if I paint your home and cottage?”
“Is there anything you can’t do?” They both laughed and Kedryn let out a little chuckle
“A lot.” Lara said and took a sip of coffee.
“Of course you can. As long as you would do me the honor of painting one for me. There is a spot just above the fireplace that I haven’t found anything to place there.”
“Absolutely. I think I will need some relaxation when this is all over. If you don’t mind I would love to come back and visit. After we figure out whether or not it is possible to go back through the portal. There is plenty I can’t do. Especially cook and make pies like you. I tend to burn things if I’m not paying attention. Believe it or not, I burned water once.”
Lara heard Kedryn laugh and say “So true.”
“I would like you to hold onto something for me. If you don’t mind. I’ll be right back.” Lara stood and walked to the bedroom. She picked up a square leather bag out of her pack and walked back to the kitchen handing it to Shanna. It was a bag that she had bought in Ireland and it held the sketches and what she had written about her journey so far.
“May I look?” Shanna asked and Lara shook her head yes.
Shanna skimmed through the sketches. She pulled out a picture of Aodhan and Kedryn sitting around a fire. Shanna pulled out others and looked at Lara stunned as she set them on the table.
“You are brilliant. Now I am more excited than ever for you to do a painting for me. When did you have the time to even do these?” Shanna asked as she pulled out one of her, Carrick and Annie.
“Last night I couldn’t sleep and decided to sketch a few things from memory. The paper is small but you can have the one of your family if you like.”
“Thank you I love it. I do not have one of the three of us and this is perfect. I will hold onto these with prayers that you and yours will come out of this unscathed.” Shanna took a sip of coffee and Lara watched as Shanna’s smile faded and she gave Lara a devious look.
“Are you going to tell me?” Shanna looked over to where Kedryn was sitting he stood up and walked over to the table, pulled out one of the chairs backwards and sat down. He rested his arms on the back of the chair and looked at his mom.
“Tell you what?” Lara asked innocently.
“If Shanna is thinking about what you and Aodhan talked about last night. I’m just as curios.” he said almost surprised that Lara hadn’t said anything to Shanna yet.
Lara looked at both of their expectant faces and took another sip of her coffee deciding what to omit and delaying the inevitable.
“Ganging up on me now are you two?” Lara looked at Shanna. “How did you know?”
“Carrick went to check on his horse after all of you stepped out and he saw Aodhan enter the cottage as he was heading to the stables.” She grinned at Lara “Now spill.”
“Stables? Guess I missed those on the tour. Where are they anyway?” Lara asked trying to change the subject as she toyed with her coffee mug.
“The stables are set behind the house.” Shanna said and gave her a pleading look along with a wide grin.
“I’ll spill…some of it. Some is private between myself and Aodhan. He wanted to exp
lain again the situation between himself and Bevin. I mean seriously, I have a battle to think about and keeping Kedryn’s and my own skin alive. I don’t want to be in some sort of love triangle. I don’t have time to think about anything like…”
Shanna sighed and finished Lara’s sentence. “Romance and love. It is sad because you two look really good together. I know Aodhan’s engaged but I believe the first chance he gets he will talk his way out of it. Bevin wouldn’t be too broken up about it either.”
Lara picked up a stir stick next to her coffee mug and started to twirl the coffee thinking about the kiss. She looked at Kedryn and quickly changed the subject again to something more important than her Love life.
“I think that there is something more important that we should be talking about today.” Lara said looking at Kedryn.
“Oh, yes, that’s right!” Shanna said and watched as Lara got up and picked up a small package off of the counter. She looked over at Shana and mouthed the words Thank you and gave Kedryn the package.
“Happy Birthday!” Lara said as she gave him a hug and sat back down at the table.
He looked at her surprised “With everything going on I forgot until I saw Aodhan this morning. I’m surprised you remembered.”
“And forget my Favorite son’s birthday?” she said as she put a hand up to her mouth in mock disbelief.
“Your only son’s.” he said as he unfolded the cloth that was used as wrapping paper.
He let out a laugh as it reminded him of his Uncle Glenn’s world famous shirt wrapping. His uncle didn’t believe in buying wrapping paper and he always got the shirt back. Kedryn looked at the dagger and sheath that was in his hands. On the hilt a phoenix was engraved into it that matched his sword. He was speechless.
“I’ll have to admit that I had a little help. Shanna, Aodhan and Carrick should get most of the credit. Your gift at home. It’s a PS3.”
“Thanks!” Kedryn said and his heart went out to his mom looking at the sadness on her face. “This is great. Love you.” He stood up from the chair and walked over to where she was sitting and gave her a huge hug.
“Love you too.” she said and squeezed him back.
“Happy Birthday. I believe the men have something for you.” Shanna paused for a second and realized what she had just said. “Banshees scream! That was supposed to be a surprise. Apologies.”
“I kind of caught on this morning when I saw all of them sneaking around. Don’t worry I’ll act surprised.” he looked at her amused at the supposed curse word she said and walked over to Shanna and gave her a hug too.
There was a knock at the door and Eion stuck his head in. “Hate to break up the gathering but it is time to leave in order to make good time.”
“You should go. Get your gear ready and I’ll come out in a minute after I make sure everything is in my pack.” Lara stood and turned to Shanna giving her a huge hug. “Thank you again.”
“It was my pleasure.” Shanna said as she took the bag Lara handed her and watched as Kedryn walked out. Shanna stopped in the door way and turned to Lara. She closed the door behind her so that no one would hear what she said next.
“You know he’s fallen in love with you. All the years I’ve known Aodhan I have never seen anyone touch his heart the way you have. Nor have I seen him look at a woman the way he does at you.”
“I feel the same. We kissed last night and I’m seriously frightened that I will get hurt all over again. I haven’t felt this way in a long time. That’s too long of a story to go into and one I’d rather forget. This whole situation with Bevin and the upcoming battle just make the kiss and the way I feel all wrong.”
Shanna patted her arm “You cannot help falling in love with someone. I pray it all works out. I will leave you to gather your things and you can keep the dress it suits you. My sister will love being able to brag about the Lady Battle Raven wearing one of her dresses she designed herself. It will be great for business, so if you don’t mind…”
“If anyone asks I will tell them. What is her name? I don’t believe you ever told me.”
“Gobnait Delaney. She is married to the head black smith for the Milesian army.” Shanna sighed. “She has been trying to talk her husband into joining the Danann side. So far, I have not heard anything from her.
“Gobnait Delaney.” Lara repeated for memories sake. “I will make sure I remember the name.” Lara said and watched Shanna walk out and close the door behind her.
Lara gave all of the rooms in the cottage sweep and when she was satisfied she wasn’t leaving anything important behind she grabbed her frame pack and walked out the door. The men were all gathered by the archway. Lara walked over stopping next to Eion.
“May the smile of God light you to glory.” Shanna said to them all.
Carrick put an arm around her waist and lovingly squeezed. “I will go with you as far as the gates of Tralee that lead to the Duir Plain. I know that you wanted to avoid the fact that Lara is here. Emma spoke of Lara to her aunt and Cecil is the gossip of the town.” he said a bit annoyed and grunted as Shanna gave him a playful elbowing in the ribs.
“It would have gotten out soon enough.” Lara said.
“I told the men to not get in your way when you head through the gates. It probably would help if I was with you the men are strict of who comes and goes through.” he turned and gave Shanna and Annie both a kiss.
“As well they should be.” said Eion
Lara walked over to Annie and squatted down to her. She handed her the pouch that she kept the hot chocolate in. Annie peeked in the pouch and gave a squeal of excitement. She almost knocked Lara over with a hug.
“Thank you. I will save a couple for when you come back.” Annie said.
Lara hugged her back and kissed to top of her head. She looked seriously in Annie’s eyes. “Look after your mother.”
Annie waved a pretend sword in the air and very seriously said. “I will.”
As Carrick led them down the rutted dirt path and onto the main road Eion handed Kedryn a small cloth covered item held together with twine. Aodhan and Carrick followed suit. Kedryn looked at them all overwhelmed and didn’t even have to fake surprise.
“Happy Birthday Kedryn!” they all said together so loudly that Carrick had to grab tightly onto the reins of his horse.
“Just open them.” Lara said as she walked up next to him and took two of the packages so Kedryn wouldn’t drop them as he opened the other.
Kedryn pulled on the twine of the one Eion gave him and opened up the cloth to find two leather sheaths and long strips of leather with buckles. One for his sword and the other for his dagger. Kedryn looked them over and knew exactly what to do with them from one of the lectures that he actually listened to that his mother gave on ancient weaponry.
He slipped them over his head so that the straps crisscrossed over the front of him and back. He put his sword through the sheath in back and his dagger in the one down at his side. He examined the design that was pounded into the belt. A phoenix design was embedded onto the leather along with a Celtic cross and knot work.
“You actually listened to at least one of my lectures.” Lara said as she handed him another twine wrapped cloth.
Kedryn opened the cylinder shaped one that Aodhan had handed him. When he pulled the cloth apart he was holding two long leather and metal bracers that matched the phoenix design of everything else he had. He slid them over his wrists and his mom handed him the last and final gift from Carrick.
This one was not wrapped and it unfolded into a dark green long sleeved leather jerkin that was slit at the sides and fell to his ankles. It has four phoenix clasps down the front to his waist and there were embroidered phoenix and Celtic cross designs at the bottom of the jerkin. Kedryn stopped and looked at them all overrun with emotion.
“Thank you. I appreciate all of this. How is it that everything matches? I’m sure you didn’t have time to imprint all of these.” he said.
“Whoa.” Car
rick said to his horse as he noticed Kedryn had stopped.
“Do you remember me telling you of who the sword possibly belonged to?”
“Yes. “ Kedryn said.
Carrick sharply patted his horses flank and motioned for everyone to move on. “I will tell you what more I found out as we walk.”
“What’s the story?” Lara asked as she tried to keep the wind from blowing strands of her hair in her face.
“Shanna had a chest full of these items. What she failed to mention was that she heard a tale that there was proof that they truly are McGraith’s. She really didn’t think it important until I asked. It was just myth to her family. We dug through the trunk last night and found a letter from McGraith’s widow to Shanna’s many greats grandfather Nolan.”
“Where was it? Why didn’t Shanna’s family find it?” Lara asked.
“It was sewn into the side of the very jerkin that Kedryn is holding. Saundra McGraith wrote that she had a premonition that all of his armor and weapons should be passed onto a great warrior down the bloodline. Shanna’s family has kept an eye out for that person until a few generations ago. I believe Kedryn to be that warrior.”
“I am honored that all of you think that I’m worthy. Why didn’t McGrath’s wife trust her own family to keep the armor?” Kedryn asked.
“In the letter Saundra talks about how her children were squabbling over the items. She was afraid they were going to sell them off as souvenirs of the goddess’s lover. She did not blame Donavan for his actions for the goddess has the power to make any man to fall in love with her against his will. Unfortunately, Donavan McGraith’s bloodline died a few generations down the line. Shanna’s family packed everything safely away. We talked about it last night and decided that you are the true heir and should have them.”
Kedryn stopped as the men walked over to him each giving Kedryn a bear hug. Further down the road he could see through the haze the outline of a huge wall.
Celtic Rain (The Battle Raven Series) Page 19