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Jessie Page 29

by JJ Aughe

Putting emphasis on his name, Monica brought the topic back to what she wanted to hear. “Okay, Bailey. What happened after you found those devices?”

  Bailey wanted to finish the story so he leaned back in the recliner and answered her. “Not much really. The second bug being caught in the Velcro of Jessie’s bootstrap changed the idea I had of just placing the first one on a truck’s trailer with tape. I went into the food mart at the station and bought a packet of self-adhering Velcro squares. As I paid for them I asked if the clerk knew where the lone semi with a set of double trailers in the parking lot was headed. He told me he thought it was going to Omaha, Nebraska which fit nicely into what I wanted to do.”

  “I went back to the car and placed the bugs between two of the pads of Velcro. So it wouldn’t be obvious what I was doing, while Melissa took Kerry for another short walk in the grass behind the parking lot, Jessie and I strolled hand in hand to the far side of the semi’s rear trailer. Pretending to be passionately kissing her, I gently pushed her back against the bed of the trailer out of sight of the people in the car and the station. I had taken a grease rag with me and as I kissed Jessie I wiped the under edge of the frame of the trailer as clean as I could, peeled the protective tape from the back of the Velcro pad and stuck the pad on. We drove over to the fast food place and sat inside until the truck took off. If those bugs are still being monitored, whoever is doing it will think we have hit the road for someplace east!”

  Monica was grinning as she shook her head. “I have to tell you, Bailey. It really sounds like you guys have been through hell in the last few days! I am just glad you’ve all survived. Now what are you planning to do?”

  Monica was alarmed when Sean, who had insisted he would be fine sitting in the living room for a short time, relayed what their plans were. She had thought they would be taking off in the opposite direction of the bugs. But no! They were going right into the jaws of this monstrous terrorist!

  “You can’t be serious! Just from what you have told me Bailey, about that monster he has a network of people working with him. And he also evidently has access to an unlimited supply of weapons. To try what you are saying you are going to do will be suicide! You just can’t do it!” As she opened her mouth to continue, Bailey interrupted.

  “Just calm yourself, Monica. I’m not anxious to face Almed either. But we have discussed this thoroughly between us. I know what we have planned sounds almost ludicrous, but Almed has to be stopped. He is a terrorist of the worst order. He has already caused the deaths of at least two innocent people right here in the Puget Sound region. There is no telling what he has planned or how many more people has already killed or will try to kill.”

  “But I do agree with you, Monica,” he continued. “What we are planning to do is very dangerous. But Almed has to believe that he has us cornered in an out of the way area and are helpless. We won’t be, but he has to think we are! In fact, if the plan we have worked out is going to be successful, he has to be convinced we are helpless!”

  “And, though I would rather not ask,” Bailey waited for a beat before finishing in a rush. “That is where you come in!”

  Monica’s eyes got enormous! She suddenly stood as a flush came over her face, her eyes darting to each person in the room. She cocked her head to the side a little. “Me? What do you mean by ‘Where I come in’?”

  Before Bailey could tell her what was needed, Monica’s eyes happened to focus on a photo hanging on the far wall. Immediately her countenance completely changed. The meek, gentle, frightened woman who had been standing before them was suddenly transformed into someone completely the opposite.

  The woman now standing there was self-confident and appeared to be in complete control. She held up her hands signaling for silence and slowly gazed around the room. When her eyes had touched on each of them in turn she steadied her gaze on Bailey. Keeping her voice steady and matter-of-fact, she responded. “Bailey. I have heard of things like this happening to people in the movies, but never in real life! It’s almost too much to grasp. What you are asking, what all of you are asking, may well ruin my good reputation, if not get me and all of us killed.”

  “That said, Bailey, I want everyone here to understand who I am and what I stand for. I know you said you would rather not ask me to help you. I can appreciate that. It is liable to get me killed. But, knowing the risks involved not only to us but to every American, I will do what is needed because someone very dear to my family once stood before this whole nation to give what amounted to a Presidential summons for each and every American to step up to the plate and ask not what this great country could do for them, but what he or she could do for their country. That photo on the wall over there is dated just days before he was assassinated! It is signed, ‘To a true Patriot. My dear friend, Roddy. Jack.”

  Complete silence followed for a few beats as Monica let the weight of those words from that great President register on each of her guests. She broke that silence but not before her eyes misted as she fought back threatening tears. “I see that what you are going to do is something that needs to be done.” Her determined countenance broke for a second as a tear coursed down her cheek. Roughly wiping the offending wetness away with the back of one hand, she brokenly finished. “I-I ask you. N-no! For our country I-I implore you! Please allow me to do whatever you need or help in whatever capacity I am needed!”

  Holding back her own tears Jessie glanced at Bailey, nodded her approval, stood and gave her dearest friend an affectionate hug. She pulled back, clasp Monica’s hands in her own trembling ones and spoke in a tone of voice just a bit huskier than usual. “You are right, Monica. I think each one of us in this room understands what you are saying. This is not about what Ahmed has done to us. It’s about the threat he represents to our nation and the free world as a whole. You are also right that this may get us all killed. But it needs to be done and you are welcome to join us as we proceed.”

  Bailey quickly went over the plan.

  On Tuesday he wanted Monica to leak to the media that they had Melissa’s flash drive which contained damning information on the leader of the terrorists. Then she was to say that they were going to turn it over to The Department of Homeland Security on Friday. He knew the reporter or operator who took the call would ask where the people were that had the flash drive. To that question she was to only say that for their safety that information could not be divulged. Then he wanted Monica to off-handedly say that the people who had the flash drive were, themselves, searching for the Terrorist leader and were ready and willing to take action to take him down. A statement that would hopefully put urgency into Almed’s plans. An urgency that would hopefully cause him to make an error in judgment that would eventually cause his downfall.

  Bailey explained what was needed and assured her that she would be kept anonymous. He told her she would be using the cell phone Carol had taken from the terrorist’s vehicle in Bellevue. Using that phone, he told her, would eliminate the possibility of the call being traced back to her.

  Now all they needed was to find someplace to make a believable base that Almed would believe was a good place for an ambush, do what he intended to do to them, get the flash drive and disappear again. Bailey was all set to ask her to use her computer to find a base when Monica, again, inadvertently threw the proverbial monkey wrench into the whole plan.

  “Isn’t there another way, Bailey? Because what you have planned is liable to cause chaos in the Puget Sound area, if not the whole United States. What I’m trying to say is that when the media reports that there is a foreign terrorist cell working right here in the Puget Sound the populace here is apt to react in a negative way. You know, like arming themselves and going out searching for the terrorists themselves. If that happens, innocent people are liable to get hurt or killed. Also, won’t the authorities be all over us for letting that information, which is top secret, by the way, leak to the press? That is providing any of us survive.”

  Astonishment written all over his
face, Bailey’s eyes locked with hers. I can’t believe she just said that! Our lives are not of more importance than stopping Ahmed! If he is successful here, he could easily cause havoc all over the United States!

  Then Bailey’s own mind rebelled. Or is it your own conscience or the revenge you so want that is driving you to do this, Bailey? You know she is right. There has to be another way to accomplish what needs to be done! All you have to do is put your revenge aside and think about it for a decent amount of time!

  Blast it, Bailey argued. We all agreed that this was the best course of action. Now though, I can see that Monica has put doubts in all our minds. Okay. I’ll see what the others think. He was opening his mouth to start when Monica stopped him cold.

  Taking Bailey’s hesitation as her cue, Monica voiced her reservations and her estimation of what could be done differently. “Bailey, Guys. Please listen to me for a minute before you make your final decision and begin something that could cause you years, if not the rest of your lives, of regrets. If the news of an active terrorist cell working in this area gets out you guys are going to be up against public opinion. Not only that, Homeland Security, the FBI, the CIA and the local authorities are going to be all over it. I wouldn’t be surprised if the President calls in the Defense Department, meaning the Army based at Joint Base Lewis-McChord.”

  “That said, I have thought of something else to say if you are open to hearing it?”

  Bailey was starting to shake his head when Jessie cut him off. “Maybe we are too close to this Bailey. No matter where she has worked, when it comes to getting the job done right, Monica has always been the go-to person. She has been involved with strategic maneuvers in the business world for years. Maybe she will give us another perspective, something we can work with that would be more effective than what we have discussed.”

  Nodding his agreement Bailey gave Monica a thumbs up and she began. “I know you didn’t want to involve me, Bailey, and I do appreciate that. But I am involved. I became involved the second Jessie called me and I feel I have an obligation, . . , No. That’s not even close to the right term. I have a duty to the United States to stay involved. This terrorist must be stopped! If there is any way I can help, then I am patriotically bound to do so. Now I’ll get off my soap box and tell you what I think would be better than getting the media involved.”

  Making eye contact with each of her audience in turn, she began. “If this Almed person is like the terrorists in Afghanistan he will be very cautious of a trap in any given circumstance. But, if we, including yours truly, can put the right type of urgency to finish this into the equation he might just make a mistake and fall for our trap.”

  “But how do we do that Monica without getting the media involved?” Sean, who had been quietly listening to what was being said interrupted. Everyone’s eyes turned to him and he finished with, “What would be something to cause him to get careless?”

  All eyes turned back to Monica who smiled knowingly at Sean. “Well, you were going to use it. And you had the right idea. But you were going about it in completely the wrong way.”

  “What do you mean, Monica?” Jessie asked. “Bailey and I have racked our brains, as have Sean, Melissa and Carol. Even Eddie has had a shot at trying to figure out what we should do. This plan was the best we could come up with.”

  “Okay, Jessie. You asked. Now I will tell you.”

  “The first thing we have to do is, ah. Dang it!” Shaking her head, she paused before she asked, “How do I say this without making you think I have gone crazy?” she glanced over at the photo of her father and JFK as she paused to get her thoughts together, then continued. “Okay, I’ll say it just like I thought it.”

  “You have to call this Dennis person. Sean is related to him, so he should make the call. He needs to tell Dennis that you are all okay and that you are holed up somewhere safe. Inform him that you will be making two, maybe three calls to him to let him know what has been and will be happening. Then hang up. You have to keep your call short so that Dennis can’t ping it. If you have several phones, use a different phone each time. Then, after each call immediately pull the SIM card and the battery, pack them in cloth and then in Aluminum foil to protect them and save both for later use. It is always possible that things will change and you will want him to be able to locate you. So be sure to keep each phone and its SIM card and battery together and handy.”

  She glanced at Sean, gave him another knowing smile and started naming off things that needed to be done and the order she believed they should do them. She cautioned them not say anything to Dennis about Sean’s injuries because that might preoccupy Dennis’s mind and make him begin an all-out search for Sean that could very possibly be detrimental to their carefully laid out plans. The last she said while again smiling at Sean. That was when Bailey had seen enough and interrupted.

  “Just a minute, Monica,” Bailey interrupted. “I am sorry if it seems I am being nosey here, but I have noticed a few knowing glances between you and Sean. Is there something important going on that the rest of us should be informed of?”

  Monica glanced at Sean, smiled knowingly at him again and answered. “It’s nothing that has any bearing on what we are doing now, but, yes, I met Sean years ago during a very traumatic time in my life. Truth be told, he actually saved me from myself. It’s a long story and, if you don’t mind, something that I am sure can be better shared later.”

  Bailey spoke for his whole crew as he told her he and the others understood and, after complimenting her on her insight and thought processes on their present situation, he asked her to continue. Monica told them her motor home in the R V shed out back would be available if needed and there were a couple of her late husband’s tents and other camping gear in the garage that could be used for setting up their site for a false base. Other than those things she didn’t know what else she could offer them.

  They discussed where they could find a secluded site for a base camp that would serve their purpose. The site had to be far enough from populated areas to minimize the possibility that innocent people might be hurt or involved in any way.

  Monica suggested that they might find a good site by checking her late husband’s maps of camping areas all over the Northwest. She brought the maps in from the garage and they carefully searched each map, checking each site on the internet until they found a State Park near-by that was temporarily closed for major maintenance.

  The park was miles from the nearest town and had a large camping area with restrooms and bathing facilities. Eddie made the statement that if the facilities were shut down he could reactivate them with little difficulty. If nothing else could be activated, the small generator that Monica had in the garage should get the water pump working. There were a lot of plans to be worked out and timetables to be formulated. By the time they were satisfied they had everything satisfactorily worked out it was almost 10 pm.

  “Now,” Monica said as she stifled a yawn. “Since we know what we are going to do tomorrow, you guys know where the bedrooms are and can decide on sleeping arrangements. I am going to say good night. I’ll see you all in the morning.”

  Bailey’s gaze went to Sean who was stiffly rising from the couch. He noticed that a small dark spot had formed on the upper left front of the detective’s shirt. Knowing the wound had begun to bleed through its bandage Bailey insisted that the dressings be checked and changed. He suggested the detective and Eddie take the bedroom with twin beds so the doctor could be near in case Sean needed more pain medication during the night. Glancing at Jessie he told Carol and Melissa they could take the bedroom with the queen size bed and Jacuzzi.

  “I won’t sleep much anyway,” he claimed, “‘cuz I have a lot to think over so sacking out right here on one of these recliners is the best place for me.”

  “And I’ll take the other side, Bailey Gilmore!” Jessie forcefully proclaimed as she plopped into the other side of the double recliner. In an aside that everyone heard, she finished with,
“I wouldn’t be able to sleep in another room anyway. With what we are planning on doing I am going to keep you as close as possible.”

  Chapter 17: Alone Time

  When they left the kitchen earlier to take the tour of Monica’s home Jessie decided she needed to create some alone time with Bailey.. She would have done anything within reason to get that time, too. So the present sleeping arrangements suited her purposes just fine! She anxiously waited for an hour after everyone retired before sneaking a peek to see if Bailey was asleep. Through the two sky lights above the couch and double recliner a full moon illuminated the room with soft, almost glowing, pale light, allowing Jessie to see that Bailey was laying there staring up at the ceiling. She wondered if he was seeing the full moon too and thinking along the same lines as she.

  “Is it nerves, Bailey, that’s keeping you awake?” she softly asked. “Or the approaching confrontation that’s doing it. Or is it something more, ah, personal?”

  Bailey let his gaze fall to where she lay. He studied her for a few seconds before answering. “It could be nerves. It could be the thought of finally taking Ahmed down. But it’s not.”

  Jessie let silence reign for a few beats, then asked, “Want to take a walk and talk about it?”

  “I was just going to ask you that. But, where can we go?”

  “Well,” she mischievously returned, tilting her head to the side. “Though the dinner Monica served us was delicious, I think I could do with an order of fries. And a cocktail would sure be nice. But Monica went dry two years ago so I know she doesn’t keep liquor in the house. I did notice a little bar and grill in town though. It’s only twenty past eleven so they should still be open.” She finished with a giggle because Bailey was on his feet and reaching for her hand.

  For twenty minutes, having decided alcohol would be inappropriate since they were staying in Monica’s home for the night, they sat side by side enjoying a slice of apple pie a la mode and talking quietly in the intimacy of a darkened corner booth. Jessie had relayed what Monica had told her, Melissa and Carol about the surprise kitchen renovation and receiving the roses and card from her late husband eight years after his death.


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