Breaking the Rules: The Breaking Series #1

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Breaking the Rules: The Breaking Series #1 Page 5

by Leigh, Ember

  Amara joined Eddie on the floor; he was gazing peacefully at the ceiling as he rolled back and forth.

  “This feels pretty nice,” she murmured after a couple of rolls. “Do you always warm up like this?”

  “Most days. There are different warm-ups depending on what we’re gonna do that day.”

  Of course Travis would be the expert on all that. Being able to drink from his spout quenched in a way she didn’t know she’d needed.

  After enough rolling, Eddie guided her to a stretchy band hooked to the wall. He helped her pull her chest open and stretch out the shoulders while Travis looked to be in a business chat with someone by the door. After a bit, Travis high-fived the slick-looking guy who’d come to talk to him, then headed their way. When he got close, he nodded toward Eddie. “Pullover press.”

  Eddie grabbed a steel bar hanging on the wall. Travis reached for another smaller bar and jerked his chin toward the ground.

  “Lie down.”

  The simple directive titillated in a way she couldn’t quite understand. She hurried to lie down, feet facing Eddie’s, and latched on to the steel bar that Travis lowered to her. The edges of his shorts hovered above her. Would she be able to see his penis maybe?

  “You’re gonna hold this bar like this”—he showed her how before he passed it to her—“and then just slowly lower it over your head. Easy does it. We’re just warming up, so don’t get wild with it.”

  “Do I look like a wild girl to you?”

  He smiled, but it looked strained, watching as she moved the bar up and down. “I’ve learned to not make assumptions about women when it comes to being wild.”

  She couldn’t fight the smirk. He’d probably been with enough women to generate his own statistical norms regarding them.

  “You’ve got it. Keep it slow.” He knelt beside her to watch as she moved the bar. His gaze followed her biceps like a laser beam. “You’re gonna feel it here,” he said, squeezing her shoulder. Goose bumps emerged across her back. “And down here.” He pointed toward her abs.

  “You mean my crotch? Yeah, it’s getting a real workout.”

  “Amara.” Eddie’s annoyance cut through like a knife. “Pay attention. This is legit training you’re getting.”

  She snickered, and Travis looked amused. “If we’re working out your crotch right now, I need to go back to school because I’ve been doing a lot of shit wrong.”

  It’s just all the clenching my pussy is doing with you so close to me. “Right. The abs. Yeah, I feel it there. I’ll feel it there for a week afterward, fuck.”

  Travis grinned and stole the bar from her after a few more reps. “Good. We’re not trying to make this your workout, though. Remember that. Just warming up, getting you loose.” He tossed the bar onto the holster on the wall with considerable ease; the thing felt like a ton when it had been suspended over her head, so she couldn’t imagine the sort of weight this guy could lift. Maybe he could lift all of me against a wall…

  He motioned for them to get up, and Amara stumbled to standing, woozy and bewildered. Travis made her weightless; his deep brown eyes on her body, anywhere, could send her into the stratosphere. Maybe this had been a bad idea. Maybe she could just wait for an accidental run-in after barre or Pilates like all the rest of the girls, instead of pursuing him for a one-night stand that might take her way out of her comfort zone.

  Eddie made his way to a machine on the far side after Travis gave him some directions. Then Travis nodded toward a bench near them where a steel bar sat suspended.

  “Sit down on the edge of the bench.”

  Again his directive was like a pinch on the ass. She put her butt on the bench, looking up at him with wide eyes. He could order her around anytime. He sauntered over to a row of dumbbells, his racer back tank top nicely showing off his golden, rippling lats. She gulped, thighs clenching around the bench.

  “We’re gonna start with these.” He showed her two ten-pound dumbbells, biceps rounding nicely as he displayed them.

  “Hang on.” She’d worn the sports bra under her tank top, just in case she got too hot during the workout. And though she’d heated up considerably during the warm-up, she thought it time to be a little provocative. She tore the tank top off, allowing her restrained breasts a tiny gulp of fresh air.

  “It’s so hot in here.” She dropped the tank top to the side of the bench, watching as Travis’s gaze traveled across the newly exposed flesh. The fuchsia garment pushed her boobs together nicely—made them look round and full and perky. It was more of a fashion bra than a workout bra, admittedly.

  “Ready?” His gaze met hers, but she swore there was something there. Something that might mean his little squeeze at the bar wasn’t simply the outcome of beer and a nearby pussy.

  She took the dumbbells and lifted them slowly, methodically, above her head as Travis described. He mimicked the movement in front of her with each rep, cheering her on when her arms got shaky. Watching his fine physique in front of her encouraged and distracted in equal measure.

  After a few moments of directed breathing and upward reps, Travis asked, “You found any jobs yet?”

  She huffed. “Nope. I got turned down for one today and missed my interview for another because the damn car broke down.”

  Concern crossed his face. “Shit. How’d you guys make it here?”

  “Eddie hustled and got the starter replaced.”

  He grinned. “He’s good like that. Keep your elbows in. Five more, okay?” He hovered his hand outside her elbow as she repeated the reps. The brief contact sizzled through her, but maybe he didn’t notice it at all, since he kept scanning the room like a lifeguard on duty. This was just another day at the job for him. He barked a directive to Eddie across the room.

  After a minute, Travis looked down at her, face soft and focused. “You’ll get a job soon. I know it.”

  “Well, thanks.”

  “You’ve already got it all.” He lifted his eyebrows as he looked her up and down. “It’s in the bag.”

  He motioned for her to follow. She stood on wobbly legs, despite not having worked them, and trailed after him, unsure if the comment had been meant as gym-time platitude or something more. Did she really have it all? And did Travis think that? It was hard to imagine Travis seeing her as sexy as she saw him. But maybe…

  But maybe not. She plopped down on the next machine Travis led her to and got to work pulling weights. It was hard to figure him out. But more than that, maybe she shouldn’t even bother. He could be sexy as fuck, but with Eddie in the way, she’d never be able to get to him.

  Unless she started getting crafty.

  * * *

  Travis high-fived Eddie and Amara after a sweaty, tough workout. He’d pushed them both hard, mostly because Eddie had skipped a day, and Travis didn’t want Amara to think he’d go easy on her. As a gym owner, he had a reputation to live up to, which he’d reminded Amara of once during the workout, to which she’d responded, “What, your biceps?”

  The training session had been equal parts difficult and easygoing. He’d spent way too much attention on her. As a novice, she needed the attention, but since she was gorgeous, she’d captured way too much of it. Usually his sessions with Eddie were mostly shooting the shit and laughing, but with Amara, he’d felt the pressure to perform but be distant.

  Not like being distant was possible around her. She always demanded he be on his toes.

  “Dude, what are you up to tonight?” Eddie pushed his shoulder. “Let’s do something tonight.”

  “Yeah,” Amara chimed in. “Let’s get in that rooftop hot tub.”

  Eddie arched a brow. “Whatever you think, buddy.”

  “Listen, I was gonna invite you and some other guys over tonight,” he said to Eddie. “If Amara wants to come, that’s fine.”

  Amara pumped her fists into the air, but Eddie just shook his head at her. “This is sacred man time, you know? You’re lucky.”

  “Oh, please.” She shove
d his shoulder. “I deserve a rooftop night.”

  “You’re right.” Eddie sighed. “My little sister deserves the swank treatment.”

  Travis smirked and strutted toward the foyer, practicing his cool while attempting to focus on anything other than how a drunken night at his apartment might go with both Eddie and Amara in the mix. Already he’d seen how alcohol combined with Amara. Now, if it were only Amara at his apartment, he knew exactly how it would end…in a way that Eddie would kill him for.

  But that wouldn’t happen. Couldn’t happen. No matter how much he wanted it to.

  * * *

  Later that night, after a hasty beer run postwork, he picked up the apartment as much as he could before the friends started rolling in. It would be Eddie and Amara, and their other buddies Jake and Lex. Both knew Eddie well enough to know Amara was off-limits, which put Travis at ease. At least he wouldn’t have to knock out a friend to make sure that if anybody had a chance with her, it was him.

  He didn’t know much about Amara yet, but he figured a bottle of wine wouldn’t be a bad choice. But would that look like he was trying to seduce her? Seduction wasn’t even on the table. If anything, he wanted to get to know her. Be near her. Even if it turned out to be the most hellish temptation of his life.

  A little after nine, Jake knocked on the door. His buzz cut looked freshly shorn, and he had a towel slung over his shoulder. “Holty!”

  They bumped fists, and Jake dropped off a twelve-pack on the kitchen island, sliding into a high swivel stool. Before they could say anything, Lex wandered in, an overstuffed paper bag in his arms.

  “Asshole wouldn’t even hold the door for me.” Lex glared at Jake. “See if I carry your tampons next time.”

  Jake laughed. “We brought whiskey and some shit for tomorrow.”

  “Some shit?” Travis peered into the brown bag as Lex set it down. “Looks like all this stuff will be for tonight.”

  “Guys’ night.” Lex punched Travis’s shoulder, one of the few guys who could punch him and make it hurt. “Guys’ night plus one girl,” Travis corrected. “Eddie’s bringing Amara.”

  Jake and Lex cast him curious looks. “Why?”

  “She wants in on the hot tub, of course.”

  “Is she hot?” Lex lifted a brow.

  “Killer. But it’s Eddie’s sister, so don’t even act like she exists, or he’ll snap.” Travis sent him a pointed look.

  “I forgot he even had a sister,” Jake said. “She hasn’t been here for a hot minute, right?”

  “She was living on the East Coast.” Travis put the twelve-pack in the fridge and pulled out already-chilled cans for him and his buddies. “Moved back because of all the shit with their mom.”

  As if on cue, knocking came from the front door. Travis lifted his brows and headed toward the door. When he pulled it open, Eddie high-fived him while Amara gazed at him with fuck-me eyes. Or was that his imagination? He couldn’t tell anymore. If she was gonna try to get into his pants, they’d have a real problem.

  He might be strong, but he wasn’t that strong.

  “Welcome, welcome.” He shut the door behind Amara, watching carefully as her head tilted up and around to take in the surroundings. She’d been so curious to see his place. Maybe it lived up to what she’d imagined?

  It helped that the apartment by itself was cool and modern, which meant he didn’t have to do much except buy expensive furniture and a couple of pieces of art. He kept it sparse and minimalistic so he could stay steady inside. Too much clutter drove him nuts, so the trendy approach of the apartment design—tall ceilings, clean lines, open floor plan, everything white and slate gray—appealed to him in a serious way.

  “Guys, this is my sister, Amara.” Eddie pushed a pack of beer onto the island and jerked his head her way. “She wanted to come check out the hot tub. Then she’s gonna head home.” He sent his sister a look.

  “We’ll see about the heading-home part.” She smirked, offering a hand to their buddies. “It’s a pleasure to meet you two.”

  Both Jake and Lex mumbled something and shook her hand; clearly his warning mixed with coming face-to-face with Amara had taken its toll on them.

  “You like beer and whiskey?” Lex raised his can. “That’s about all we’ve got in here.”

  “Not true.” Travis headed for the dark-marble countertop rimming the far wall of the kitchen. He snatched up the bottle of wine and set it on the kitchen island. “I didn’t know what you drink, Amara, so I got the most expensive.”

  She peered at it, a grin appearing. “Not bad.”

  “Probably weren’t too many choices at the Quik Mart,” Jake cracked.

  “Well, I like wine, and whiskey, and beer.” She shrugged. “So it looks like I will be spending the night.”

  “You should probably head home and keep an eye on Mama,” Eddie said, looking strained.

  “Why? You guys hiring strippers for later?” She looked suspiciously among them all. “I’d be down for that.”

  “You mean stripping for us, or—” Jake began, but Travis punched him in the shoulder.

  Eddie’s face darkened. “Don’t even joke.”

  “Listen, let’s take the cooler upstairs.” Changing the subject seemed like the best idea to Travis. Since his buddies had never seen Eddie around Amara before, they didn’t get it yet. “What do we want, beer for now?”

  “Everything.” Jake put the cooler on top of the island. “Grab some Coke for the whiskey.”

  Travis dumped some ice trays into the cooler, then started loading beers and cans of Coke. Lex added the bottle of whiskey on the top like a garnish.

  “Ready.” Travis shut the cooler, and Lex whisked it into his arms.

  “See you losers up there.” Lex cackled and disappeared into the hallway, Jake trailing behind him.

  “Let’s do it.” Eddie grabbed a towel from his duffel bag and headed toward the front door. “You ready, Mar?”

  “I gotta change into my suit.”

  “I thought you did that at home!”

  “I don’t wear my bathing suit as underwear, dummy.” She scoffed. “Not like guys do.”

  “Fine. I’ll see you up there.” Eddie let himself out of the apartment.

  Amara smiled at him. “Where can I change?”

  “Wherever you want.” He gestured toward his bedroom. “My room is there, or the bathroom is the other door.” Or right here, in front of me.

  She smiled sweetly at him, so he turned away, like it might be a defense against her charm. He downed the rest of his beer and then crumpled the can in his hand. When he turned, she was still there, watching him.

  “Thanks for inviting me here. I know you all are weirdos about your guy time.”

  He laughed. “It’s no problem. I’m gonna head up, so just take the elevator to the top floor. You can’t get lost.”

  “Thanks.” She grinned as he walked past to the front door, the curve of her lips staining his mind.

  The whole ride up the elevator he thought of her in there—slipping that gray tank top over her shoulders, tugging it over her head, letting it drop to the floor. Maybe she was in his bathroom, or maybe she’d chosen his bedroom. Either one was sexy enough.

  Images of what her breasts might look like unsheathed, heavy and full and round, made his head fall back against the wall of the elevator. He groaned, his cock twitching in his pants. Fucking Amara.

  The elevator doors opened at the top floor, and he moved but froze before his foot left the elevator. His towel. Downstairs, slung over the back of the chair in his bedroom. Fuck. He needed it, and he should go back for it.

  But Amara was there. Alone. Naked, probably. And just as gorgeous as ever.

  Maybe he should abandon the towel. Pretend like he didn’t care, didn’t need it.

  He pushed the elevator’s Down button. Definitely needed the towel.

  As the elevator descended, he gnawed the inside of his lip. She was probably changed by now. How long did it tak
e someone to get into a bathing suit? Seconds, these days. Besides, what did he care about Amara’s naked body?

  Nope, that didn’t help things. Guilt roiled around inside him. He couldn’t have these feelings for Eddie’s sister, even if they were strictly physical. He needed to act like—and believe—she was no different than any other girl.

  The doors slid open, and he hurried toward his door, fumbling with his key in the lock. It opened with a quiet whoosh, and he stumbled toward his bedroom.

  He rapped his knuckles against it. “Hey, you in there?” Turning the knob, he pushed on the door. No response.

  Pushing farther, he let the door swing open a little. He peered inside, eyes adjusting to the low lighting of the bedroom.

  Amara’s full, naked backside greeted him, all curves and roundness, gorgeous lines and sweet caramel. His jaw dropped.

  She looked over her shoulder at him, the fuck-me eyes back out to play.

  He pulled the door shut, heart pounding. Leaning his forehead against the door frame, he gripped the door handle so hard, his arm shook. Don’t go in there, don’t go in there, don’t you fucking dare go in there.

  “Sorry, Amara.” He struggled to make his voice clear. “I thought you were done. Forgot my towel.”

  “It’s okay.” Her voice came out muffled through the door. “Like you haven’t seen a naked body before.”

  He drew a low, shaky breath. True, he had seen plenty of naked bodies before. None that he’d wanted to ravage as much as hers in recent times, though.

  The handle turned, and the door swung open. He didn’t move—couldn’t move—from where he leaned. The glimpse of her nakedness had stolen his strength. He was useless now. Amara looked at him, grinning mischievously.

  “I’m almost ready.” She gathered her hair to one side, looking him up and down.

  Heart still pounding, his gaze careened over the soft arc of her hip as it transitioned from thigh to waist. He knew what she was hinting at. He could taste it like a shark near blood. He’d eat her up—all of her. From head to toe. He gulped.


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