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Say You're Sorry: A Gripping Crime Thriller (A DCI Campbell McKenzie Detective Conspiracy Thriller No 1)

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  And how can it be that his father, long dead and buried, is now very much alive?

  Has James gone mad? Or is there something far more sinister happening?

  This book may scare you, will make you laugh and cry, and everyone that reads it will ask the simple question: ‘What if this happened to me?’


  The Messiah Conspiracy -The race to clone Jesus Christ : The Controversial page-turning Medical Thriller

  The Messiah Conspiracy is a fictional thriller which takes place in the field of genetics and human cloning.

  Hugely controversial, you will either love this book or hate it. Some will feel challenged and uncomfortable by the topic it deals with, and others will be drawn into it and unable to put it down . . . the question is, what will you think?

  A young student at Oxford University has an idea for his doctor's thesis (Ph.D.), which fulfils not only the criteria for 'originality', but goes far beyond it. For if Jason Dyke is right, his idea will soon change the world and shift the delicate balance of power from one nation to another.

  Jason's idea is simple: In the genetics laboratory at Oxford University, he will clone Jesus Christ.

  But when the CIA finds out about his plan, the President of America realises that if the UK succeeds, the balance of power will shift from the USA to Europe. And he realises that the only way to stop this happening is for America to create its very own clone of Jesus Christ.

  The race is on . . .

  Genetics is the future. In the coming years, or maybe even months, the single most important scientific development in the history of mankind will be the development of human cloning. This book is based upon a simple idea, which takes the inevitable science of human cloning, one step further.

  What makes this book stand out from other novels that deal with a similar concept is the way the author makes the science seem plausible, by explaining simply what genetics is and how cloning works. By leading the reader through the latest advances in cloning techniques until even the impossible seems possible, the reader cannot help but get sucked into the story. Right to the very end the author successfully maintains the thrill of the ride, and manages to keep a surprise up his sleeve . . .

  Whoever reads this book will never forget it. And they will ask . . . .one of two questions:-

  1: Is it really possible?

  2: When will it happen?

  Alexis Meets Wiziwam the Wizard

  'Alexis Meets Wiziwam the Wizard' is an exciting, imaginative adventure thriller for independent readers aged from 6 to 9 years old. It is also for parents who still believe in the magic in life and who want something fun to read to their children themselves!

  The Story:

  One morning, whilst playing in the school playground of her school, Alexis Morgan is somehow turned into a small, green frog.

  Luckily, a friendly Wizard comes to her rescue and turns her back into a six year old girl. But how did this happen? And who did it? And why?

  In the days following the 'green-frog-accident', some of Alexis's other friends are also magically turned into strange furry animals. Alexis realises that she has to find out why this is happening, and stop it!

  Alex soon discovers that during break times at her school, a magician called Wiziwam the Wizard is holding secret Magic classes in the Wooden Annexe in the playground. All the Fairies and young Goblins in England come to this school to learn Magic!

  Alexis has always wanted to learn to fly. She finds the Wizard and persuades him to let her join the School of Magic. At first, everything is very exciting, but then Alexis soon uncovers a secret plot by an evil goblin, who plans to make her school, her friends, and all her teachers vanish into thin air . . . forever!

  Only Alexis can stop him. Only Alexis can save the school, her friends, and her teachers!

  But will she succeed, or is it too late?

  Join Alexis on her quest, and find out for yourself . . .

  an exciting, imaginative adventure ho still believe in the magic in life and who want something fun to read to their children themselves!

  The Story:

  If you have any comments, please contact the author at :-

  To connect with Ian C.P.Irvine on Facebook, please go to: FACEBOOK


  To connect with Ian C.P.Irvine on Twitter, connect with Ian at @IanCPIrvine


  To keep up to date with other news, events and ebook releases, please visit the website at: or sign up to my mailing list at CLICK HERE.


  I am also indebted to my friend Sue Alexander for helping review this book, and my agent Alan Guthrie for suggestions on how to improve it!

  My other friend throughout the writing of this book has been Wikipedia. A great source for everything.

  Table Of Contents


  A Personal Note from the Author

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  A Note To Book Clubs

  Other Books by Ian C.P. Irvine




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