The Game of Lives

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The Game of Lives Page 4

by James Dashner

  A face.

  Two eyes. A nose. A thin mouth drawn in a line. Cheekbones. A chin. All vague, but there. A face of shadows looking out at Michael as the light of the pod pulsed and the thrum of a deep heartbeat vibrated around him.

  Michael’s chest hurt. His body felt like a block of ice. What was this? Was he confronting the essence of Jackson Porter, whose body—whose life—he’d stolen? He didn’t understand. He didn’t understand any of this. And yet he couldn’t look away.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered, as absurd as it seemed. The dark, blurry face dissolved back into indistinct shadows, scattering throughout the inside of the pod.

  “I wanted you to see this,” a voice said from behind him.

  Michael yelped, so startled he spun around and swung his right arm out, hitting nothing but air. Helga—now in the form he’d known her his whole life, the Helga from home, his nanny who’d been like a second mother—floated a few feet away, with Bryson and Sarah behind her. Michael didn’t know when or how she’d switched her Aura, but he had to admit it calmed him on sight and made him feel a little better.

  “What’s going on?” he asked, wanting to take all the frustration and angst that had built up inside him and throw it at someone else. “What’s the point of all this? You’re telling me that Jackson Porter is stored inside this pod? Like some kind of living, breathing data file? What, do I just tap in a password and he slides back into my brain? Is that why you brought me here?”

  It came out in a rush, and the hurt look that crossed Helga’s face made him wish he could take it all back.

  Almost as quickly as it appeared, it was gone, though, and her no-nonsense, I’m-in-charge face returned.

  Sarah flashed away from Helga and to Michael’s side in a blur and wrapped her arm around his shoulder. “Sorry we lost you there for a while,” she said softly. “I just tried to stay close to Helga and figured you’d be with her, too.”

  Michael took her hand but didn’t take his eyes off Helga.

  “It was really important to me that you come here, Michael,” Helga said. “I know it took a lot of effort and more than a little risk. But this place is real, and it has to be seared inside your mind so you understand what we’re up against and what our purpose is.”

  “What are we up against?” Michael said, ashamed that his voice came out a little angry. “What is our purpose?”

  “Yeah,” Bryson added, distancing himself from Helga so he could look at her straight on. “Those are some great questions.”

  Helga gestured with outstretched arms toward the massive Hive around them. “These pods are filling up at an exponential rate. And honestly, we can’t even tell if it’s all Kaine’s doing at this point. There’s still a lot we need to figure out. But these are people, Michael. People. Stolen from their bodies. And I know we agree on one thing—that’s about the most sacred thing in the universe you can mess with. It’s as bad as what Kaine did to you, playing with your life, your mind, your feelings, like it was all some kind of VirtNet game.”

  “I want to help, but how?” Michael snapped, feeling worse by the second. He didn’t understand why, but it felt like his heart was breaking. “Or maybe I should just give up. Jackson can have his stupid body back. I don’t care anymore. How do I do it?”

  Helga sighed. “Michael, you’re missing my point completely. I didn’t bring you here to make you feel bad. I’m glad you want to do something about this. It’s about saving these people and stopping it from happening to others. Righting the world—both the real one and the virtual one—before it falls apart beyond repair.”

  “Okay,” Michael said. “So we already know we have to stop Kaine, and I want to go back to the Hallowed Ravine. I think we need to go back there to destroy the Mortality Doctrine program. But I don’t see why you had to make me face the kid whose body I stole. If you wanted to make me feel worse, mission accomplished.”

  Helga didn’t respond at first. She just looked at him for seconds that felt more like minutes. Finally, she broke the silence. “You disappoint me, Michael. Let’s go back and Lift out.”

  She disappeared from the center of the orb before Michael could reply. Which was good, because he had no idea what to say.


  The journey out of the Hive wasn’t nearly as bad as the horror they’d experienced to get in. Helga explained that the difference had something to do with using the path that they’d already established. A path that was still painfully fresh to Michael. When Michael finally opened his eyes back in the Coffin, he wanted to cheer despite the embarrassment of how he’d acted at the Hive.

  He climbed out of the NerveBox and started pulling his clothes back on, doing his best to avoid eye contact with anyone. Even Sarah, whom he needed but couldn’t quite face yet. He felt stupid and miserable and just wanted to sleep for a few days—maybe weeks.

  It took longer for Helga to exit her Coffin, and when she did, Walter practically dragged her away, whispering fiercely into her ear. Michael watched her cross the room to a group huddled around a desk with a NetScreen illuminated at its center. The discussion intensified between the group, and finally Helga looked up at Michael, her face pinched with concern. Something had happened. Something big.

  Sarah and Bryson were at Michael’s side.

  “What’s going on?” Bryson asked. “She doesn’t look too happy.”

  “Were you serious about going back to the Hallowed Ravine?” Sarah added.

  Michael shrugged, not in the mood to talk.

  Sarah nudged him. “You okay?”

  Another shrug.

  “Don’t worry, man, we’ll figure all this stuff out,” Bryson said. “Hallowed Ravine, whatever you want—but, dude, you look like someone just murdered your cat.”

  “That’s how I feel,” Michael managed to say. He knew he shouldn’t take out his misery on his best friends, but he was in the rottenest mood ever.

  Bryson opened his mouth to answer but was interrupted by a bang that sent Michael’s heart into his throat. The noise came from the front door—the one through which they’d entered earlier. It was someone pounding on the wood with what sounded like an iron fist. After a dozen hammering bursts, it stopped as abruptly as it had started, and a deep silence settled across the barracks. Anxious glances were exchanged across the room.

  The person outside hammered on the door again, harder and faster.

  Michael saw Helga straighten up and smooth out the clothes she’d just put on.

  “Everyone arm yourself,” she ordered. “Walter, see who it is.”

  Walter didn’t hesitate. He crossed the room swiftly as the others busied themselves seemingly conjuring weapons from thin air. Michael wished he had something other than Jackson Porter’s fists.

  Walter flipped open a small window in the old door and peered out, then glanced at Helga. “It’s just one person. At least, that’s all I can see. Short, with a…hood over his head. Or hers. Can’t tell which from here, but it looks like a kid.” He turned back toward the door. “Who are you?” he yelled.

  “I’m alone!” a voice shouted back. A girl’s voice. “Please let me in, sir.”

  Walter looked at Helga, eyebrows raised.

  “You’re sure she’s alone?” Helga asked.

  “As far as I can tell.”

  “Well, I highly doubt she’s a local farm girl who’s lost her way.” Helga waved an arm in frustration. “I suppose we might as well find out what it’s all about—if we have enemies outside waiting to kill us.” She sighed. “Let her in, then bar the door behind her.”

  Walter nodded, released several locks that Michael hadn’t noticed before, then quickly opened the door and motioned the girl inside. She stepped in and he slammed the door behind her, relocking everything. Another person patted her down to make sure she had no weapons; then they both stepped back and Walter repeated his question.

  “Who are you?”

  The girl couldn’t have been more than twelve years old. She wore j
eans and tennis shoes and had on a bright-red cape, with a hood draped over her head. She looked like she’d walked straight out of the old fairy tale. All that was missing was the basket full of cakes for Grandma. And a wolf.

  The young stranger reached up and pulled her hood down, revealing dark hair and pale skin, and an odd half smile.

  “Who are you?” Walter asked for a third time, his tone now charged with impatience.

  The girl gave him a curtsy, then looked around the room until her eyes fell on Michael.

  “My name is Janey,” she said, in a voice so innocent it sounded cartoonish. “I was wondering if Michael could come out and play.”




  She smiled after she said it, still staring straight at Michael with doe eyes. On the surface she seemed harmless, but Michael knew better. She was creepier than a zombie who’d just crawled out of a muddy grave.

  Despite all the people in the room, it felt like it was only him and the strange girl. “How do you know my name?” Michael asked, fearing the answer.

  A hurt look flashed across her face, only turning up the weirdness. “How can you be surprised?” she asked, and bit her lower lip in confusion. “You’re the First; we all know who you are. We practically worship you. Won’t you come out and play with us?”

  “Us?” Helga repeated sharply, marching up to stand between Michael and their new visitor. “Who else is out there?”

  The girl named Janey gave Helga a hard look. “I prefer to speak with the First only, please. We’re grateful that…other Tangents have chosen to protect him for us, but we’ll take it from here, thank you.”

  “You don’t sound much like a kid,” Walter said, inching closer to Helga.

  Janey glanced sharply at him, her odd smile suddenly gone. “Because I’m not. Why so many of you choose to take over bodies that are already so…old completely baffles me. If you’re going to take over a human, why would you pick one that’s already close to its deathbed?”

  Michael was frozen, unable to move or even think properly. He still hadn’t recovered from his trip to the Hive, and now he had to deal with this? Janey wasn’t the only person who’d recognized him since he’d gained a body, or referred to him as the First, but he still had no idea what they wanted from him. He wished he could just go back to being Michael the Tangent, living in blissful ignorance with his parents and Helga in Lifeblood Deep. He didn’t want this new life. He didn’t want any of it.

  “You didn’t answer my question,” Helga said calmly. “Who else is out there?”

  Janey started to walk toward Michael, but Helga and Walter stepped in front of her, arms out. Janey glanced at each of them, annoyed, then rested her eyes on Michael.

  “There are so many of us,” she said. “We’re waiting for you. Things have changed, you know. We don’t work for Kaine anymore—we broke off. He’s not right in the head. All we want is freedom to…live like humans were meant to live. Come with us. Bring your two friends if you like. We could use your help if Kaine retaliates. These other Tangents have to stay here, though. I’m sorry. It’s clear they want to end the Mortality Doctrine, and we can’t allow that.”

  Michael shivered. It was so eerie seeing this little girl speak like an adult. Bryson and Sarah were at his sides, one at each shoulder. Sarah had a reassuring hand on his arm.

  “You can leave,” he said, telling himself he didn’t need to be scared of a twelve-year-old. “You get your buddies and waltz right on out of here. If you’re against Kaine, then we’ve got no beef with you.” He left out that little part about the Doctrine.

  As he spoke, Janey’s smile widened, and when he finally finished, she let out a high-pitched laugh. “You’re as adorable as we were told. But the First needs to be educated, obviously. I’m not sure your friends here are the best people to entrust your life to.”

  “Cut the act,” Sarah snapped. “Tell us what you want.”

  Janey glared at Sarah as she answered. “The Tangent you know as Kaine played a very important part in making the Mortality Doctrine come to life. But he was never the one in charge. There was someone far more important pulling the strings. There always is, isn’t there?”

  “Still talking in riddles,” Sarah answered.

  “Then let me spell it out for you,” Janey shot back. Michael had never seen a little girl look so menacing. “Kaine has lost his relevance. If at one time he was in charge—and that’s by no means certain—he no longer is. He lost his value with those who matter, and he’s been…relieved, accordingly.”

  Michael didn’t know what to think of that news. Was it good or bad?

  “Then who is it?” he asked. “Who’s in charge?”

  “I’d rather not say,” Janey replied, “but I believe she’s a friend of yours.”

  Weber, Michael thought immediately. It had to be. What in the world was going on?

  Helga had finally had enough. She grabbed Janey by the shoulders and forcefully turned her around, motioning for Walter to open the door. “Time for you to go now,” she announced.

  Janey wrenched free of Helga’s grip and faced Michael.

  “You’re right,” she said. “There’s been more than enough talk for one day. No more. So here’s the deal: we’ll give you one hour to make your decision. It’s your choice, Michael. Either you leave this place and join us, or you—all of you—will face the consequences. It’s like the old saying—”

  Helga grabbed Janey again, was pulling her away as she struggled to get out her last few words.

  “—you’re either with us or against us!” she yelled.

  Helga pushed the girl outside and Walter slammed the door.


  Michael and the others gathered again at the circle of chairs, a heavy mood hanging over them. No one had spoken much, and Michael felt as confused as he ever had. At least before this girl had shown up, they’d clearly known who they were up against: Kaine. Although Michael put Agent Weber right up there with the Tangent.

  “Obviously, she could be lying,” Bryson said. “For all we know, she’s some crazy inbred chick from the backwoods.”

  “Oh, come on,” Sarah countered. “How would she have known all that stuff about Kaine and the First? She knew Michael’s name!”

  Bryson nodded. “I know. Okay. A crazy inbred chick taken over by a Tangent, then.”

  Sarah groaned; Michael wished she wouldn’t take out her frustration on Bryson all the time.

  “Look,” Bryson said, “I’m just saying there’s absolutely no reason for us to trust a word that comes out of her mouth. Maybe she’s really Kaine and he’s messing with us, trying to make us chase our own tails.”

  “Or,” Michael offered, “Weber’s doing it.”

  Helga spoke up. “All that matters right now is figuring out the immediate threat. We might have a bunch of gun-toting children hiding in the woods out there, ready to make us their very own VirtGame.”

  “Okay, so what do we do?” Michael asked.

  “We need to know exactly what we’re up against,” Walter replied. He turned to the three closest people. “Chris, Amy, Richard, grab your weapons and let’s go have a look.”

  As they prepped themselves, Michael stepped closer to Helga.

  “I want to go with them,” he whispered to her.

  She patted him on the head. Actually patted him on the head. “Nice try, Michael. No.”

  “I can’t stay in here,” he said, angrily brushing his hair as if she’d messed it up.

  Helga pointed at him. “I didn’t risk the true death and break every moral law in the universe by stealing someone else’s body just to have you go out there and get killed by a demon child possessed by one of Kaine’s programs. No way. End of discussion.”

  Michael changed tack and gently touched her arm, flashing big, sad eyes. “Helga, please.”

  It was something he’d learned to do as a young boy when he wanted something, and it worked—further
proof she was really his beloved Helga. Her expression softened.

  “Michael, why?” she asked quietly.

  “I need to do something. I’ll go crazy if I stay here waiting. And I really don’t think they’ll hurt me. Judging from how that Janey girl acted and how others have treated me, it’s like I’m a god to them. It could give us an advantage until we know more.” He paused, giving his nanny the saddest eyes he could muster. “Please let me go.”

  Helga let out a frustrated sigh. “You’ve been stubborn since the day you were born.” They exchanged a look, and then they both laughed, a welcome change of pace. “I guess they programmed you that way!”

  “Guess so.” Michael shrugged.

  “Do you have any idea how to use a gun?” He opened his mouth to answer, but Helga held up a hand to stop him. “Never mind. Dumbest question I could ask a boy who’s conquered every game on the planet. Walter! Michael and I are heading out, too.”

  “You know you’re not leaving us in here, right?” Sarah asked.

  Michael looked at Helga, who rolled her eyes.

  “Fine,” she said. “Grab a weapon and let’s get out of here. And no killing any children unless you absolutely have to! For a nanny, I sure am sick of kids.”

  Michael couldn’t tell if she was joking.


  Michael held a long, heavy rifle. It was the worst thing ever for slinking around in the woods. He figured Helga thought if she’d given him the semiautomatic handgun he had wanted, he’d just blast away at the first thing he saw. He was crouched behind the very car in which he’d driven to the abandoned barracks with Sarah’s parents. It was because of them that Sarah wasn’t there at his side. She’d argued relentlessly, but her mom finally quieted her by saying, “If you’ve ever loved me, then you will not go out there and risk your life again.”

  It was impossible to argue with, and Michael was glad Helga didn’t use a similar line on him.

  “All right,” Walter whispered. He and Bryson were with Michael behind the car; the others had slipped around the back of the building to check things on that side. “We’ll do a zigzag sweep, starting here and heading out that way”—he pointed toward the woods—“and see if we come across anyone hiding.”


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