The Lost Treasure Map Deluxe Book Collection (2017 Edition)

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The Lost Treasure Map Deluxe Book Collection (2017 Edition) Page 92

by V Bertolaccini

  There were vague things in orbit and mists over the upper atmosphere that shifted, with the world’s vague rotation, and he saw some signs of its faint rain having fallen. And he put the exploration of the island as his main activity, except he had to find a way to return home!

  One time he dived deep into the sea, as fast as he possibly could, and admired the surreal abyss below and enjoyed the swim, going fast and furiously into it. It was a dreamland and he treated it like a holiday, especially compared to the conditions of the castle, and he realized how bad the conditions at the castle had been and that the warmness there was ecstatic compared to the cold and snow and he wandered around enjoying the solitude and bright light, and exploring an unexplored alien world.

  Chapter 3

  Back in the Castle

  Deep in dark regions and lights surrounded Bryson in his dream as it started ending and he started waking, and he caught sight of things shifting about with no form and wondered what they were or were doing there as he opened his eyes and examined the sun beaming into his castle room, and the snow falling outside.

  After all he had been through the dreams still never made any sense and he still insisted in trying to examine it to find some clue to what he was missing.

  The dream had been about nothing and eventually bored him, and he rested in his bed with his blankets wrapped tightly on him.

  Yet the lights in the dream reminded of the supernatural vortex he had been in and he now wondered if it had anything to do with the supernatural or something else.

  The dream had allowed him to forget all the events of the previous day and his return to the castle. It had been incredible! He had been exploring the shore of the island when he had found footprints, which could have only have belonged to a human put there like him, and he had traced them for hours, thinking it had to be Mitchell or his man who had been behind him in the tunnel, but he had been surprised that it had been another human.

  They had talked for hours, and he had realized that the man was almost crazy in places from being stranded there for many years, and the man had loved hearing his accounts of what the outside world was like, and all the new technology that now existed, and Bryson had learned that he had been there for decades and from the Second World War, surprising Bryson with his young looks, and that he was far older and had clearly not aged.

  Bryson had learned about him being in the castle and their search for the treasure there with great interest!

  Even though Bryson had been surprised at his search for the treasure he was sure that he had not known much about it and had been there to help.

  Both of them had thought each other had been dangerous at first but had slowly realized that they had finally met other humans, and though he had been amazed at Bryson’s accounts of the castle and the tunnel he had been surprised that there had been stairs in the tunnel and Bryson had realized that the man and his two associates had been in another tunnel and that they had been sure the treasure had been buried away there.

  Yet one of the biggest surprises had been when the man finally remembered his own name again, as he had been so delirious for so long that he could not recall things about himself, and he had told him that his name was Pendleton, which Bryson had heard of in the accounts of some of the people who had vanished there.

  The man’s view of the island had been startling and he had even thought that he had missed something as the man had not fully believed that he had been transported there through a vortex and had religious beliefs of what had occurred! He surely had thought he had gone into his own place in the afterlife and was unsure whether it was heaven or hell, and had beliefs that he was still being considered for both, and he had watched him regularly praying to be saved.

  Yet after being there, and all that had happened, he almost felt like copying him, but had thought better of it. It clearly had not saved him for one thing!

  One of the problems had been there was little to do! There was no need for food and they never got tired or slept! And if it had not been for the fact that they never felt properly bored, agitated, or, in fact, anything really, and he would have been worried!

  One time they had visited a strange phenomenon on the island, which Pendleton had told him of, which was a large hole going into a hard region of the island, which seemed to go down into an abyss far below the island, which had actually looked volcanic, and had grasped Bryson’s attention as if it was volcanic it could have proven that the island had been formed in the same way as the world, and, of course, given him some form of insight into how the world had been formed and what it actually was.

  Yet after a great deal of examination of the substance there he had still found nothing! There had been no sign of anything that remotely came out of volcanoes!

  About a day later, when they had started to think about leaving there they had suddenly started vanishing, which had grabbed Pendleton’s attention first and the most as he had not experienced it before and he had prepared himself for years to meet something there and enter some other place in the afterlife.

  They had both appeared in the castle, surrounded by scientists, to their astonishment and confusion!

  How the hell did they get there? Neither of them could explain anything! Bryson could not explain anything and why they had not gone through the vortex and Pendleton could not explain anything either! And Pendleton could not even recognize the castle after such a long time! He must have been the only person in the history of the world to have been in such a place and have returned to the world after such a long time!

  The simplest things confused Pendleton and his now normal human body staggered him, and he had a hard time adapting to it and having such things as feelings. He could not understand and remember what hunger was and why he grew tired, and even thought that he was ill most of the time, and occasionally gasped at what he had been missing – yet as he was still the same age as he been when he had left he still had the same amount of years that he would have had!

  He also never recognized people, and they were different from what he had remembered them as, and he had not seen anything of the future! He was like a time traveler in a future world! He also thought of himself as having been put there to start over again and repent, in another attempt at entering his relished afterlife.

  He spent most of his time studying everything that he met with in fascination – like he were an alien being visiting this world in the form of a human being.

  Chapter 4

  The Psychic Research Equipment

  When Bryson had recovered and rested from everything that he had been through he decided to go and visit Merton and Mortimer in their new psychic research room, which was located behind the wall of the tunnel at the exact spot he and Mitchell had vanished into the supernatural vortex – where they were most likely to get the best response – and where all the action must be.

  When he entered he was surprised at not only how advanced their equipment had become but at the capabilities of other stuff they had there. Their visit to the last castle had clearly given them far more of an insight and knowledge than he had realized. He was positive that they had found far more than they had indicated, and were keeping secrets from him.

  What confused him the most was how they had managed to get him back to the castle! He had not thought of anything himself, and continuously tried to think of a good way to get them to tell him as they had avoided answering his and everyone else’s queries on it and were clearly hiding things. What sort of equipment could have taken him back into the castle almost instantaneously with Pendleton?

  He recalled seeing Pendleton wandering around dazed exploring the inhabited region of the castle, getting use to his new body and life on the Earth. He mainly remained on his own the most of the time, as he had become use to, but was still excited to meet the others in the lounge. The police there had examined him wondering what he was doing there as they had been given strange vague replies and detailed explanations by the scientists, which had
left them baffled.

  Mitchell’s return had confused everyone as he had given them the strangest replies that he had heard from any of them, and he was particularly interested in where he had ended up as he had not arrived at the same place or even universe that he had, and he clearly was covering things up on what was there, which they had not been able to get why. It was in his nature not to say much and be secretive, and it was not apparent if there was anything they should know there and that he was really keeping something that they had not even imagined.

  The other man, Mitchell’s man who had been behind Bryson in the tunnel, had seen and acknowledged everything that had happened in the tunnel and had returned to the top, which explained why nobody else had entered it, looking for them, and it had been him that had told the scientists what had happened and what he had seen happen, and they had immediately started work on getting him returned.

  It surprised them and Bryson that only the three of them had returned, and he and them believed that the rest had all died a long time ago at where they had been located, and Bryson realized that it proved that there was no immortality in the places that they had gone and that the other places were vastly different, which could also be proven from what they had seen of the other events that they had heard of, and what they had seen existed.

  Bryson believed from what he had overheard from some of the other scientists in the room that they had temporally deactivated, for a brief amount of time, what was in the tunnel with their own energy field in the room and had allowed them to return, and he was sure that it had been dangerous, which he believed was because it might cause whatever was in the castle to become more activated again as it had done at many times in the past.

  Chapter 5

  Reverse Sequence of the Spectral Maelstrom

  Bryson was growing in determination to find out what they all knew that he should know, so he was glad to see Mitchell and his man who had been in the tunnel turn up at the room seeking answers to what was going on there.

  Bryson examined all their equipment for clues, and recalled reading about some of the work that Merton and Mortimer had done recently, after they had given out documents of some of their investigations on the paranormal investigations at the other castle.

  Their stuff had been surprising, and even alarming in places, which had drawn his attention at the time, and he had just dismissed it later as them using it to advertise their work! At times he had thought they were deliberately putting the psychic research there to cover their real work and discoveries! They never mentioned anything on the other stuff that they did, which he had found existed at many occasions, and he had hardly even seen anyone even check what they did or had created. They ignored them as being fake ghost and alien hunters!

  Merton and Mortimer informed him that they were checking for virtually all known forms of energy and matter disturbances in and around the void and gateway in the tunnel and he was sure that they could have reversed what was in the tunnel instead of what he had heard earlier from some of the other scientists who thought that they had just deactivated it. They could have caused a reverse sequence of the spectral maelstrom!

  By the way that they reacted he believed that they might have something that could detect aliens, so they would know if there were any about. But he was unsure and he was sure that they were unsure if it worked, and at what distance from them would it work, and he wondered if they had anything that could be used to catch them, and even catch and kill the things in the wood!

  Presumable their presence could produce effects to indicate them being there – such as altering air currents, gravity, magnetic fields, radioactivity, scent, sound waves, static, and the light spectrum ...

  Most of the equipment in the surrounding laboratory was there to check everything in a degree that had not been done before!

  Bryson finally made a proper move to find out more and moved over to some equipment that he had heard them talking of, with suggestions that they might being able to detect aliens with, and he asked Mortimer, “Would this detect an alien at a distance?”

  “It may detect temperature changes at really far distances! I am unsure what temperature readings aliens create though – or if they, in fact, have any temperature here! But we do have stuff here that we use to check a whole range of things to show us exactly what is occurring and what we may be missing. Information such as it is vital! We may be able to acquire some type of insight into what is happening – with the right information?”

  Bryson realized once again that he was avoiding telling about things, as he had clearly heard them mention things that he had avoided telling!

  “So are you using any of the equipment in the wood?” he quickly replied.

  Mortimer strangely glared at him, and asked, “What take the stuff over there? Why should you want to do that? It’s too expensive! Besides we believe that we may get the opportunity to use it in the castle!”

  “To find out if we are missing something out there! Those things could kill, and they have not come up with anything to destroy them with yet! And if things go the way that they are I am sure it will! Those police could enter there later at night ... If you have anything, even if it just helps locate their position, then it will be of great use ...”

  Bryson glared and wondered how much he had exaggerated the situation – or if it was really far more.

  “That may be a good idea,” Mortimer replied after some time, still considering it. “But are you fully sure they just want to kill?”

  His reply surprised Bryson and he was sure that he had forgotten all the accounts of occurrences there, and he wondered what he thought those things in the wood had been up to. Did he think that they were just animals protecting their territory or something?

  “I’ve a few good ideas about that you should know ...!” Bryson warned. “So when was the last time you read up on all the deaths that have been occurring around here?”

  “They may have been done by something else!” Mortimer firmly responded.

  Chapter 6

  The Psychic Research

  Bryson removed a container from his bag and poured the drink from it down his throat.

  “Perfect!” he announced to Merton. “What type of surveillance stuff have you for detecting it then?”

  “We have a great deal of stuff as we’ve already shown you! We specialize and experiment in detecting things! This is the best there is, and we love investigating anything extraordinary! Even if it is an assassin that could try to wipe us out ... And we would love to help stop it ...”

  Bryson was surprised and wondered what he was talking about now! He knew they were hiding things, and were hiding what their equipment was and was for. Even the most craziest things that they had come out with had something!

  There was something strange about the way that they insisted something of a paranormal nature existed and that it was entirely new, and had not existed in the last castle, especially after considering that he had not actually heard them come out with anything that existed there and that their work showed how accurate they were and always kept to the facts, only showing what truly was there and what they believed was there.

  Bryson had a great passion for the new and fantastic and the investigation of the paranormal activity was really interesting even after him actually being in what he considered was a supernatural universe, even though he now had thoughts that it could be something else, and he was surprised that they never questioned him much, but he had realized that they had been affected by meeting Mitchell first and him avoiding saying virtual nothing about what had happened, which made Bryson very curious, and he noticed that they all had an interest in Pendleton for some reason, which he was convinced was to do with his free way of saying things, when he did talk to them. He had a hard time explaining what was there though!

  The dreams of the supernatural vortex that Bryson had enlightened them about only confused them and he was sure that they thought he had imagined it and was exaggerating
anything that might have existed.

  The problem, he was sure, was that they never properly knew what they were up against, as it was a different castle with something else, and that they were not entirely sure what had been at the last one, and that it had not fitted into everything that they had known and had been trained to deal with, which was very vague, unexplored and unproven, and he was sure the vast amount of it had been created to fill the void of nothing occurring.

  He believed there were strange phenomena that had not be fully explained everywhere and that the scientists there mainly knew it!

  Could this thing they were considering as being from beyond the realms of the universe, and some form of supernatural being, actually be some form of alien? He had not fully proven that the supernatural universe that he had been in had been! Why could such things not exist with hidden science that they never knew of?

  What was classed as supernatural? Anything could exist with the right science existing and he wondered if he could actually believe it if he fully encountered it!

  It was incredible that nobody had fully proven and investigated anything of that nature, and that all the scientists only considered it when it was brought up, and the other castle seemed to be the only proper case of anything of that nature existing!

  He and Merton and Mortimer always saw their point of view and that there was barely any real evidence! They could barely even establish anything and jumped at the chance of finding the slightest suggestion of something that actually was there, and finding new ways of detection! They were fanatics and crazy to achieve what kept proving itself as being fantasy!


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