Hearts on Fire 4: Kisses Sweeter Than Pie (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Hearts on Fire 4: Kisses Sweeter Than Pie (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 12

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Did you not hear what I told you? He’s crazy. He’s obsessed and he said I could never be with another man. He said that he owns me and he meant forever.”

  “You don’t know if he’s still looking for you.”

  “I know he is. No one defies Rico or ignores his orders without there being serious consequences. I tried to kill him. I wouldn’t let him rape me and take what he wanted. He’s going to look for me until he finds me. I know this man well. He never gives up, and one day he will succeed. That’s why I can’t get involved with any of you. I can’t take that chance. He’ll find me and he’ll hurt or kill you.”

  * * * *

  Trent was furious as he looked at Buddy. Then he looked at Johnny just as Nina was pushing away and trying to keep some distance between them.

  “Nina, look at me,” Trent said.

  He knew that his brothers cared for her already. He knew he did as well. They had been hurt before. Hell, he had been with women who found his scars disgusting and they kept their eyes closed when they were having sex. He said he didn’t care and thought it was a means to getting what he needed, but that was a lie. He understood about scars that ran deeper than the surface. He needed to protect his family, his brothers. He had to get proof about this guy.

  She looked at him.

  “Be honest now, are you attracted to the three of us? Did you feel as amazing as we did when we had the chance to kiss?”

  Her eyes welled up with tears but none fell. She covered her mouth with her hand and started to shake it side to side but then closed her eyes and sobbed the word “yes.”

  “Give me his full name. This Rico guy.”

  Her eyes widened and she shook as she began steeping away from him. “No. No, Trent, what are you going to do?”

  “I’m just going to see if he exists. If his club exists, and maybe if there were any reports of you missing, or his assault.”

  “Why are you doing this?” she asked, and then her mouth gaped open. “You don’t believe me. You don’t believe a word I said.”

  “That’s not what he’s saying and why he’s asking. We’re investigators,” Buddy added.

  “Investigating is one thing, but that’s not what’s happening here. You want more proof, yet you expect me to truly trust you, which I did and shared my entire fucked-up life with you and how this man used me, assaulted me, and then you do this?”

  “We have our own hang-ups and insecurities when it comes to women and relationships, Nina,” Trent told her.

  “And this gives you more rights than me?”

  “Trust me please. If things work out the way we hope, then I’ll have an opportunity to explain it to you one day really soon,” Trent added.

  “Please, Nina. We can help,” Johnny offered.

  “We’re not leaving you or going anywhere. We’re right here,” Buddy said, and Nina looked at the three of them.

  Trent feared she might push them away entirely, but he had hope when she whispered, “Fine. But please don’t let him find me.”

  Trent nodded and knew he would have to be extremely careful with this. He was going to need Jake. No one was going to hurt Nina ever again.

  Chapter 6

  “This guy, Rico Montero is a real piece of work, Buddy. You both need to check this out.” Jake passed over a folder.

  Trent opened it up, and it was Buddy who was shocked at the details.

  “Fucking great. The FBI are investigating him?” Buddy asked. Jake nodded.

  “Where did you get this information? How come they haven’t arrested him yet?” Trent asked.

  “I spoke with Turbo Hawkins,” Jake said.

  “Deputy Turbo Hawkins? What does he have to do with this?” Buddy asked.

  “Turbo and Nate’s brother, Rye, was involved with a special team of military soldiers for the government. Anyway, he’s got some major connections in the federal government and ways of snooping around without raising red flags.”

  “Rye, who does handyman work and construction?” Buddy asked, sounding shocked.

  Jake smirked and nodded his head. “You’d be surprised at what a lot of the residents of Treasure Town have been involved in and are capable of. So far so good, of course, but still.”

  “So what did he think of all this? What do we do?” Buddy asked.

  “Well, Rye is currently trying to speak with an old military buddy of his to find out where they are in the investigation and if there are any updates. It seems the gambling thing is what the feds are really after. Rico runs multiple high-roller games in his club in the back room. Completely illegal of course, and it just so happens that a few people have disappeared after engaging in these illegal games.”

  “Someone is killing people?” Trent asked, rubbing his hand along his chin.

  “Someone is ensuring that no one finds out about these dead people. But recently, some senator’s son was involved in one of these things, a man with a bad habit, and he lost big. When he did, he didn’t want to pay up and started talking about reporting Rico and the gambling operation, and getting away with the money he owed because of his father. Needless to say, the kid turned up dead that night after he left the club.”

  “Holy shit. So that’s the only reason why the FBI are interested. This senator has been making a stink, I bet,” Trent stated, sounding annoyed.

  “Whatever, just as long as it puts the pressure on this Rico guy. Maybe they’ll gather some evidence to prove he was part of those murders and he’ll go away for a very long time. Nina would be safe then,” Buddy told them.

  “Yeah, well it doesn’t seem like it will go that easy. Was Rye able to find out more from his friend about where they are in the investigation and an arrest?” Trent asked.

  “He’s working on it. They didn’t want to snoop too much. Rye’s connection will call in a day or so,” Jake told them.

  “Well, there’s not much we can do right now but keep an eye on things around here,” Buddy stated.

  “And of course keep an extra eye on your woman, Nina.” Jake smiled as he walked around his desk.

  “Our woman?” Trent asked.

  “Well, unless you’d like to set the record straight and say she’s available? I can tell you for certain that the majority of the firefighters in Engine 20, never mind a good number around town, are interested in Nina. She’s a gorgeous young woman.”

  “What the fuck?” Trent stated aloud and Jake laughed.

  “Well, like I said, your woman.”

  Buddy took a deep breath and released it then looked at Jake.

  “She has to accept us first, Jake. Nothing is concrete, and to tell you the truth, she’s been avoiding us since explaining about her life, and refused to even get together to eat.”

  “She’ll get over it, Buddy. It’s your jobs, all three of you, to help her feel safe and know you can be trusted.”

  “I’m worried. Johnny said before all this, the other day, she nearly passed out,” Buddy told him.

  “Passed out? From what?”

  “I thought it was heat stroke. When I saw her at the pizza place on the boardwalk a couple of weeks ago, she seemed overheated,” Trent said.

  “Nope. Johnny questioned her. He found out she had a granola bar for dinner the night before and nothing else all day. She needed the bike to go to the store but she also doesn’t eat three meals a day. We think it’s because she couldn’t afford to.”

  “Damn, that’s terrible. She really needs you guys,” Jake added.

  “Well, whether she wants to accept the help and the caring or not, she has no choice. We’ll gain that trust eventually, but for now, she needs protection and men who can do just that,” Trent said, and Buddy agreed. Jake shook their hands good-bye.

  “I’ll keep you posted. Go get her, Trent. Make her see that the Landers brothers are for real.”

  * * * *

  “So you’re avoiding them?” Cindy asked Nina after she dropped off an order of pies to Sullivan’s.

it’s easier this way,” Nina said, sitting down and crossing her legs. She looked tired and thinner than just a few days ago.

  Cindy reached over and covered her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. Nina jerked but didn’t pull away as they locked gazes.

  “When was the last time you ate?” she asked her.

  Nina’s cheeks turned a nice shade of red. “Just a little while ago?”

  Cindy pulled away, feeling annoyed that Nina for lying. She crossed her arms and gave her a mean look. “You’re such a liar.”


  “Yeah, you suck at lying. It’s written all over your face. Why aren’t you eating? You’re making good money, the Landers brothers aren’t even charging you rent. You’re still wearing the same four outfits you’ve been wearing since you got into town. Don’t you think it’s time for a change?”

  Nina shrugged her shoulders. “I have a lot on my mind.”

  “The three brothers?” Cindy asked. Nina went to speak and Cindy held up her hand. “Please don’t even try it, girl. You like them.”

  “What’s not to like? They’re perfect.”

  “They like you, so what’s the problem?”

  “A lot of things.”

  “Like what?”

  “Please, Cindy. I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “A guy from your past did you wrong and now you think all men are the same?”

  Nina shot her head up, eyes wide, mouth gaped open. Cindy nodded.

  “I think we can start a club around Treasure Town with other women just like us.”

  “This is different.”

  “How so?”

  “Well, like I said. I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Well, you can’t let the past and some asshole ruin your future and your happiness. Take it from me, I know firsthand. My ex was a real piece of work. I had to sneak out of town before he could catch me.”


  “Well, the fact that I stole five thousand dollars out of his not-so-secret hiding spot in his apartment might be why he probably would like to wring my neck. But, it’s been two years, so I’d say he’s moved on with some bimbo and more than likely not the one I caught him in bed with.”

  “Oh no. The same thing sort of happened to me.” Nina started to explain a little bit about her ex and how things went down. Cindy got the gist of it.

  “You should meet Tasha and Michaela. They both went through some crazy stuff. Tasha was forced to work under cover for the federal government and date a man who killed her father. She nearly lost Eddie, Lance, and Tyler Martelli.”

  “Oh my God, that sounds so intense. Wait, Martelli? Why does that sound familiar?”

  “Oh, you probably met their father, the fire chief for Engine 19 when your apartment was on fire. As a matter of fact, Ace and Bull were two of the firefighters there.”

  “My, this really is a close-knit town. Everyone seems to know everyone.”

  “I told you it’s a great place. I was on the road for a while when I came across Treasure Town. That was two years ago, and I don’t plan on leaving here. Besides, the prospects in the male department are pretty damn awesome.”

  Nina looked around them and then stared back at the table. “I don’t think I’ll ever feel confident enough to date anyone or let them get close.”

  Cindy touched her hand. “Hey, in time you’ll heal from whatever that ex of yours did to you. You’ll get stronger, especially if you take care of your body and eat well.”

  “Okay, I’ll work on that.”

  “You’d better.”

  “Well, I’d better head back to the apartment before the guys get home from work.”

  “Oh, they have you on a curfew or do you have a hot date with them?” Cindy teased.

  Nina widened her eyes. “Neither. Of course neither. I just want to get there and be inside before they get home. I told you, avoiding them is easier and safer than facing them right now.”

  “You won’t be able to avoid them for long. All three of them are pretty stubborn and bossy men. They’re used to giving orders, organizing investigations, and have amazing reputations. Johnny is probably the most easygoing of the three and he’s so damn adorable. How can you resist those big muscular arms and sexy blue eyes? I could just eat him up.”

  Nina looked away and then whispered to Cindy, “If you like him, you can ask him out.”

  “Are you out of your mind? He wants you. Gosh, Nina, I don’t think you shared enough information about your ex. I can tell he must have weakened your self-esteem. We need to get that back.”

  “Get it back?”

  “Yes. I think I have an idea. Can I pick you up tomorrow at noon?”

  “Sure. I only have tomorrow off and then I have more orders to bake.”

  “Cool. I’ll see you then. Oh, do you need me to call one of the guys to come get you?”

  “No,” Nina said and looked at Cindy like she had two heads.

  Cindy laughed. “I was just messing with ya. But don’t be surprised if your little trick doesn’t work with avoiding them. They’re detectives after all.”


  * * * *

  As Nina rode her bike back toward the apartment, she thought about the guys. Cindy was right. Johnny had the most amazing blue eyes and adorable face. He was muscular, yet kind of reminded her of a buffed-out Tom Cruise. She laughed at that. Many probably flirted with him like crazy and especially on calls with work. Damsels in distress. That was something she didn’t want to be to them.

  He was definitely the most compassionate out of the three. It was he who offered their apartment for free to her, a perfect stranger.

  Then there was Buddy Landers. Boy could that man stop traffic with his looks and his muscular body. He was sexy, tall, and had dark hair that somehow made his blue eyes stand out. She couldn’t help but stare at him in awe. He was that handsome. But he had a way about him. Tough, bossy, and charismatic were pretty good words to describe Buddy.

  Then there was Trent. That man gave her palpitations from his authoritative, “guilty before proven innocent” expression every time their eyes locked. She couldn’t help but to feel that Trent trusted her the least and, like her, had difficulty opening up his heart.

  As she got closer to the street before the driveway to their house, she heard a truck approaching. She looked over her shoulder to see who it was, hoping that it wasn’t Buddy, Trent, and Johnny before she could get inside her apartment and hide. It was Trent. She turned around a little too quickly and lost her footing. Her balance went next as the handlebars shook and she rode over the gravel on the side of the road and into a rut. In a flash she was on her side, elbow burning and ass stinging.

  She heard the tires squeal as she tried to unwrap herself from the bike.

  “Nina, my God, are you okay?” Buddy asked.

  She looked up to see Trent and Buddy. Buddy got to her first. He carefully pulled the bike out of the way, tossing it to the side. Nina tried to stand up, but the second she moved, her ass and back hurt.


  “Whoa, slow down. You’re hurt.”

  When Buddy reached out and touched her cheek, she froze in place. They locked gazes.

  “Let me help you.”

  She stared at him until her elbow began to throb something terrible.

  “I can get up,” she said, but in her position she couldn’t. Buddy reached down and lifted her by her waist. She wound up against his chest on the side of the road, and before he lost his balance, he hoisted her in the air and stepped toward the truck.

  She straddled his waist. “What are you doing?

  “Looking over the damage. Come on now and sit down on the bed of the truck.”

  Trent pulled the back tailgate down and Buddy placed her on it. She cringed and ran her hand to her ass and tried rubbing it where it hurt. It was her lower back and butt that ached. She felt like she was bleeding.

  Trent walked over with a first aid kit as Bud
dy ran the palms of his hands on her thighs. “Where does it hurt the most?” he asked. But she couldn’t concentrate. Not with his large hands rubbing up and down her thighs.

  “Her elbow is bleeding. Let’s get this bandaged up and then take her back to the house to look her over better,” Trent said.

  Buddy held her arm and looked at the damage. “We should really wash this out first.”

  “I’ll wrap this gauze around it for now but when we get to the house we’ll clean it out good.”

  “That’s okay. I can do it myself. Johnny gave me that kit.”

  Trent ignored her and wrapped the elbow with the gauze. Then Buddy gently raised her arm and leaned down to kiss her bandage.

  “What are you doing?” she asked in shock pulling away.

  “Kissing it to make it better. Did it work?” he asked her teasingly.

  She felt her cheeks warm, and her body was suddenly overheated. Why whenever these men were around did her pussy leak cream and her nipples actually harden? Was this even normal?

  She tried to slide down off the truck but Buddy caught her. He helped her down, slowly, letting his body rub up against hers. The feel of steel-solid muscles aroused every part of her. She was overwhelmed at her response, even her throat felt as if it had closed up and she could barely breathe, panting instead.

  “We’ll bring you home. Come on, honey,” Trent said. She heard his voice, it felt like little vibrations of desire traveled over her from Trent’s voice alone. She held Buddy’s gaze, mesmerized by his expression. A firm hand guided her toward the passenger side of the truck and before she could climb in, ass aching, Buddy lifted her up. She gasped and gripped his shirt.

  “You’re hurt. As soon as we get you to our place, we’re going to look you over. Thoroughly.”

  All she could do was gulp. Buddy was an extremely macho, tough man. He had this look in his eyes all the time. Same with Trent. It was like they were a force to reckon with, but not in a bad way, more like for the good guys.

  She felt as if that thought was rather delusional. Was she thinking positive thoughts in order to condone her body’s reaction to these men? Was she simply looking for excuses to try and open up her heart one more time? Fear gripped her insides as she prayed she didn’t get sick.


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