Marsais zar’Vaylin - A rather sexy ancient.
Medwin - A barbarian tribe in Vaylin.
Miera Malzeen - A Wise One teacher who tried to link with Isiilde and was subsequently burned to a crisp.
N’Jalss - A Rahuatl Wise One who sided with Tharios.
Nereus - God of the seas.
Nine Halls - A realm that was overrun by the Void.
Oathbound - Inhabitants of Fyrsta take oaths, vowing to remain together as a couple for a specified amount of time determined by the couple.
Oenghus Saevaldr - A formidable Nuthaanian Berserker. Also known as: Wise One of the Isle, Bone Mender, Skull Crusher, the Bloody Berserker of Nuthaan and the Grimstorm of the Fell Wastes.
Oshimi - Guardian of Wisdom, also known as The Serene One.
Pip - A street urchin from the Dock Districts of Drivel. Brother to Zoshi and Tuck.
Pits of Kiln - A deep chasm in Kiln. Criminals are lowered into the gorge and none ever emerge.
Pyrderi Har’Feydd - The first fey.
Rahuatl - A race of humanoids who live in the Jungles of Rraal. Their culture is steeped in ritual and pain.
Rashk - A Rahuatl Wise One who has a knack for enchanting.
Reapers - Voidspawn with a taste for fresh blood. Sometimes called Death’s children.
Rivan - A young paladin of the Blessed Order.
Shattering - A powerful artifact that the Sylph imbued with her power to fight the Void. When Dagenir, its own guardian, attempted to steal the Orb for himself, Zahra tried to stop him. During their fight, the Orb was shattered, releasing a cataclysmic wave of power that nearly extinguished life on Fyrsta.
Shimei Al’eeth - A Kilnish Wise One
Sidonie - A Mearcentian Wise One
Soisskeli - The Chaos Lord who crafted a stave capable of opening Runic Gateways and binding any creature not of Fyrsta. Oshimi, the Serene One, defeated him in battle.
Somnial’s Realm - The Realm of Dreams, where all realms touch.
Spine - A tall, naturally formed spire that towers over the Wise Ones stronghold.
Suevi - A barbarian tribe in Vaylin.
Sylph - The Goddess of All.
Tharios - A Wise One from Xaio.
Thedus - A sunburnt man who wanders around the Wise Ones tower naked.
Thira Olander - Wise One of the Isle, Mistress of Novices, and High Alchemist.
Tuck - Urchin from the dock district in Drivel. Brothers: Pip and Zoshi.
Ulfhidhin - The wild god who once abducted the Sylph and fought Karbonek on the Isle.
Unspoken - or Disciples of Karbonek. A group of devout Bloodmagi who worship the Greater Fiend.
Void - Everything opposite of life.
Weeping Mark - A very poisonous spider.
Westhaven - The west side of the city of Haven, separated by the Gate and chasm.
Wisps - Tiny faeries who are often captured, put in jars, and used as a light source until they die.
Witchwood - A rare wood that has a natural resistance to enchantments.
Xiao - A merchant kingdom in the Bastardlands known for their pleasures.
Zahra - A Guardian of Iilenshar, also known as the Radiant One, Goddess Of All That Was Just, Guardian of Good, and the Divine Savior. She battled with Dagenir when he tried to steal the Orb.
Zander - A Wise One who served Tharios, attacked Isiilde, and was burnt to a crisp.
Zianna - A gifted Apprentice who served under Taal Greysparrow, and mocked Isiilde. She was burned badly.
Zoshi - Urchin from Dock districts in Drivel. Brothers: Pip and Tuck.
King's Folly (Book 2) Page 46