Regency Romance: A Duchess in Disguise (Historical 19th Century Victorian Romance) (Duke Fantasy Billionaire Romance)

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Regency Romance: A Duchess in Disguise (Historical 19th Century Victorian Romance) (Duke Fantasy Billionaire Romance) Page 52

by Sarah Thorn

  “They were impressed tonight,” he said.

  “Yeah? I thought I’d rely more on my team than try to win it by myself,” Chris replied.

  “They’re still a little slow to decide, but they said that it looks promising. I’ll keep my ear to the ground for you,” the coach said.

  “Thanks,” Chris said.

  “Get out there and party, tonight. You earned this one,” the coach slapped him hard in the arm and walked off toward the locker room.

  Chris snatched his helmet from the bench then looked over at me. He almost looked a little disgusted, but I couldn’t tell.

  “Hey,” I said.

  “Did you enjoy the game,” he asked.

  “Yeah,” I said, “you looked really good, and it sounds like those scouts liked you a little better this week, too.”

  “I’d be lying if I said I wasn't a little excited.”

  I laughed and walked over to join him.

  I wrapped my arms around him, giving him another big hug.

  “Are you sure Brad won’t get jealous,” he asked.

  “Why would Brad be jealous,” I questioned.

  “I saw you guys at the restaurant earlier. I saw you guys making out.” Chris said.

  I wanted to laugh but stifled it as best I could.

  “Brad ambushed me with a kiss,” I said, “I wish I hadn’t even gone to meet up with him.”

  “I was hoping that I’d get to talk to you before the game,” Chris said.

  “What about,” I asked.

  “I have started to see things in a much different light, since the other day. I’ve tried to do everything alone, and I had it handled until I met you.” He said.

  “What are you trying to say,” I asked.

  “I’m saying that my outlook has changed. I don’t want to sleep around with a bunch of girls; that part of me has died over the last week. I’ve had a lot of offers, believe me.”

  I laughed at the idea of him turning down sex. He joined in and pulled me in for a hug.

  “I want someone who’ll be there when I’m sad, someone who will cozy up with me and watch TV on a boring night. I think I just want someone I can go home to. And, I was hoping it would be you.”

  I could feel tears begin to well up behind my eyes. He was baring his soul to me, and it was hard to deny him. I pressed my head to his chest and pulled him in tight.

  “Would you like to go out on a date with me? It’ll be my first,” he asked.

  I pulled myself away.

  “Sure, but, this time, I get to take you to my favorite spot,” I replied.

  He threw his arm around me and we walked off the field, together.

  We had each other, and that was more than either of us needed.



  SPORTS Romance - Not With the Coach

  I tried, in earnest, to look a little relaxed. I inhaled deeply and slowly breathed out, hoping that my nerves would go with it. It didn’t seem to help in the slightest.

  Jennie didn’t seem fazed; she was a natural at appearing- well- natural. I always felt, at least, some measure of envy towards her when we spent time together.

  The most attractive men I’d ever seen paraded by us, giving large smiles at Jennie and avoiding my gaze as much as possible, it seemed. I was used to it by now. Yet, I still held a shred of hope that someone 'd notice me.

  “Yeah! Go Brad!” Jennie shouted while waving at the stand where the players congregated.

  I applauded and did my best to look the part as a fan of the team. The pep rally was full of fans, and the cheering onlookers were having the desired effect on the team.

  It hadn’t been my first rally that year, and for some reason, I felt my nervous at every one. I couldn’t tell what was causing it in the slightest. I wasn’t speaking in public, or expecting to be approached by a player, however, nice that would have been. I wondered if maybe they were jitters of excitement, and I was just hoping our team would crush the opposition.

  “We have to watch them practice tomorrow, Sandy,” Jennie said, as I clapped with the crowd.

  I nodded and smiled at her.

  I was always her tag along, as a handbag that fit her outfit perfectly. I didn’t mind, though, I just enjoyed being wanted.

  The crowd began to disperse a while later, and Jennie bade me stay so she wouldn’t be alone while she waited for Brad.

  “Hey, girl,” I heard Brad say from behind.

  We both spun and after taking her first look at him, ran to him and jumped up to straddle his waist. I might as not have existed; they paid me no mind and began to wander off. I checked the time on my phone; it was too late for any of the buses, and with no money for a cab, I figured that walking would be best.

  I palmed the can of mace I kept in my purse; an old habit and probably a good one to have. The street was still littered with people going in every direction.

  “So Jennie ditched you again, eh?” I heard an older voice from behind. It was Coach Reynolds.

  “Evening Mr. Reynolds,” I said curtly, “and, yes,” I added. He seemed amused, filling the evening air with laughter.

  “That girl is trouble, and I think Brad will find out soon enough,” he said.

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “She doesn’t know who her real friends are, yet. I think she’s a bit too boy crazy, which is fine. But, if she keeps that up she won’t have anyone to rely on.”

  I nodded, not really understanding what he meant.

  “Do you need a ride home,” he asked.

  I knew what I wanted to say, but I wasn’t able to say it.

  “I think I’m okay. I’ll just walk,” I replied.

  “Oh nonsense, I couldn’t let someone walk home in the dark alone like this. It’s only right. Just come with me,” he said.

  While it was a little demanding, I was glad that he insisted. I already felt a little safer now that he was nearby.

  We had walked another block before we got to his car; an old muscle car from the 60’s. The paint was a little rough from wear, and the interior was slightly cracked along some of the seams, but it looked like he prided himself on it. A great amount of care was put into maintaining this old thing. I felt a bit out of place sliding into the passenger seat.

  “So, where are we off to?” he asked, rumbling the engine to a start.

  I gave him the directions to the room I was renting. I liked being out of the dormitories and enjoyed the responsibility of living alone and free.

  The car vibrated and hummed as he pulled into the street, as though there was a purring kitten sitting on my lap.

  We pulled to a light, and not a single person was around. I felt a little nervous again, and I think he could tell.

  “Wanna have some fun?” he said.

  I inched away from him slightly, assuming something nefarious.

  “Not that kind of fun,” he inferred while revving the engine.

  I sighed with relief and giggled at my own misunderstanding; I had a feeling we were about to be very irresponsible.

  He stared at the hanging light, with his hand firmly grasping the shift lever. I wrapped my arm around the handle on the door, feeling my heart starting to race.

  The light turned green. His hammered the gas hard and the tires began to screech and howl. Grey dust filled the air, and we shot down the road like a bullet from a gun.

  He sped past more green lights, building up more speed until we reached my turn.

  “Here!” I shouted and pointed to the right.

  He smiled, revved the engine and shifted down, making the cars tail spin into the turn, causing the car to go sideways.

  An odd thing occurred during my brief glimpse of death; I found that I wasn’t so nervous anymore. I even loosened my grip on the door and started enjoying the feeling of swaying with the motion of the car. The engine thumped, and I could feel each and every patter strike me in ways I hadn’t felt before. It felt like liberation.

; “Woo!” I shouted.

  He laughed as he continued to drive like a maniac. And, before I wanted it to, our ride had come to an end. He slowed down as we approached the house in which I stayed.

  I sat for a moment in the passenger seat, shaking with excitement. I couldn’t stop myself from giggling with giddiness.

  “Okay, you better hop out,” he said, “I don’t want people to start talking.”

  I slid from the car seat, my legs still feeling a little rubbery from the excitement. With the door shut, I leaned over the open window and blew him a kiss. I immediately regretted it; feeling a little embarrassed as he drove off.

  My heart still raced, and my skin was still flush. I felt more alive now than any other time I could remember. I danced to my room, barely feeling the ground as I went along.

  I wonder how often he gives people rides.


  “Isn’t Brad just gorgeous,” Jennie said as we sat in the stands watching them practice.

  I rolled my eyes like I usually would; I doubt she ever saw me do it. She was always so absorbed by her boyfriend playing to ever really pay attention, anyway.

  I adjusted my glasses, putting them to rest on the bridge of my nose. They were just slightly too big, but there was nothing I could do, new glasses weren’t in the budget.

  “You know, I think Brad said that Mike was making eyes at you, I bet I could introduce you two, and you’d hit it off right away,” she said, rubbing my shoulder and shaking my glasses back down to the tip of my nose.

  I furiously tucked them back to their usual spot.

  “Mike is pretty cute,” I managed to squeak out.

  “Perfect! Come with me to the party tonight and you can meet him. I think you guys would make a cute couple,” she said.

  I hadn’t much interest, but I knew that Jennie would find another excuse to bring me to the party. Might as well just accept the first and move on.

  I set aside my books; they weren’t holding my interest. I dwelled on the ride from last night and still felt the pangs of excitement shoot through my head.

  I closed my eyes and relaxed my muscles. I somehow wasn’t feeling very anxious or nervous today as I usually did. It was as though a switch had clicked on in my head last night.

  When I opened my eyes, I saw the coach, watching from the sidelines and barking out orders. His clean and pressed button down belayed his more mischievous demeanor. He was quite attractive. Tall and sinewy, but still very muscular; his broad shoulders tapered down in a V-shape towards his waistline. His close-cropped hair framed his face while his sharp brown eyes gave him a stern but lighthearted gaze.

  I found myself watching him as he waved his clipboard through the air, and blew his whistle. My heart skipped a beat; the only other time it had done that was when I met my old high school boyfriend.

  “Alright guys, get in here,” he shouted.

  The crew of players did as told, huddling around the coach. I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but they listened intently to his words. Then they all broke off and headed towards the showers. Mr. Reynolds grabbed his bag and shoved the clipboard inside.

  “Okay, Sandy. I’m going to go wait for Brad outside the locker room door, coming?”

  “I think I’m going to stay here a while, you go on ahead,” I said.

  She nodded and happily skipped off.

  I tucked my schoolbooks away and trotted down the stairs. I barely made it halfway down when I saw the girls cheer team cease their practicing for the day.

  They looked like models, every one of them. Their long legs barely covered by a tiny skirt, and blonde hair tied back to a ponytail. I was envious of her good looks and chipper attitude. I could just barely make out their conversation.

  “Hey, Mr. Reynolds, what are you doing this weekend,” asked the prettiest of the bunch, “the girls and I were planning on having a little cheer camp and would love to have you there to coach us.”

  “Doesn’t the cheer team already have a coach?” he asked.

  They all giggled.

  “Well, we do, but we could always use a little more coaching,” she said through a bright smile.

  The squad captain did a flirty bounce where she stood. It was easy to see that she had taken a liking to Mr. Reynolds; I felt a little envious.

  “I think I’ll leave your training to your coach; I’m much better at teaching players.”

  The girls let out a collective ‘aww’ as he spurred their advances. He turned to grab his things as the girls wandered off to the field. I slowly continued to descend the stairs, and he flashed me a smile as I did.

  “Good practice?” I asked, making polite small talk.

  “Are you really here to talk about practice,” he asked, “where did Jennie go?”

  I pointed toward the locker room, and he nodded in understanding.

  “The players kept talking about a party tonight; they even invited me for some odd reason,” he said.

  “Jennie asked me to go; she wants me to hook up with one of the players. Mike, I think.”

  “Mike is a good kid, but a little daft in the head. You really have to grind things into that skull.”

  I sighed, realizing how long tonight was probably going to be.

  “If you go, I’ll buy you a drink,” I quipped, expecting to be brushed off.

  “I might have to hold you to that,” he replied.

  I coughed, nervously.

  “Why do you let Jennie boss you around,” he asked. He looked at me quizzically, and I realized I had no real response.

  I had never really thought about why I let her do it; she just did it, and I went along. It’s just the way our friendship has been since forever.

  “Because she’s my friend,” I replied.

  He set his things down and sat on a bleacher, patting the seat to beckon me to join him.

  I did as I was asked; taking a seat right next to him. I was closer now than I was last night, but I trusted him a little better today.

  “You should be friends with someone because they want to spend time with you; not just because they want you around, so they’re not alone,” he said.

  I nodded.

  “You’re a smart girl; you probably get good grades, and study in your spare time. But, you have to spend time with people that are good for you.”

  “Jennie is good to me,” I started, “she’s been my friend since grade school and is part of the reason I’m going to this college.”

  “But, did you want to go to this college?”

  I hadn’t thought of that. I was really hoping to get into something more upscale. For a long time, I had hopes of getting into an ivy-league school, and I had the grades to make it happen. Jennie didn’t, but she probably wouldn’t have gone to college if I weren’t here to support her the entire way.

  “I suppose I didn’t,” I replied honestly, “I just wanted to be there for my friend.”

  He nodded.

  “I bet you haven’t had very many boyfriends,” he said.

  I leaned back in shock that he would ask something like that. Though, he wasn’t wrong about that either. I shook my head no.

  “It’s confidence that you’re lacking. You accept what other people want you to accept.”

  I nodded.

  “See, you’re doing it right now.”

  I laughed when he pointed it out but really didn’t know what to say.

  “I’m only playing. I grew up in much the same way. I got good grades; I spent a lot of time to myself, and I went along to football tryouts even though I really didn’t have much interest.

  “I was a little stick figure of a kid, and I got teased a lot for it. Still, when I ran on the field, there wasn’t one person who could catch me.

  “Playing in this sport did something to me, I gained a measure of confidence I hadn’t had before. Then, I started working out, eating right and now I turn down people that wouldn’t have given me a second glance when I was in school.”

  I n
odded along.

  “So you’re saying I should workout and eat right,” I asked.

  “I’m saying that you need to find what works for you,” he said, “try a new sport or travel, take a class you never thought you could take; Or even something simple like a makeover; just one small change can have a large impact on your life. But, I wouldn’t change a single thing about you.”

  His words stirred in my breast, and I wanted to make a change. I had thought about what I would do if I could; his words were inspiring me to act. Still, I wondered what he meant about not changing a thing.

  “I think I have an idea,” I said.

  He laughed.

  “Good! Now get out there and make it happen,” he said. He sighed and stood to leave, but he lingered for a thoughtful moment after picking up his bag.

  “Coach,” I asked.


  “You seem to have something on your mind, is there something you wanted to add,” I asked.

  “Oh, it’s nothing,” he replied, “just a thought.”

  He grabbed his bag from the stand and started walking away, but turned before getting out of earshot.

  “Just make sure you don’t change too much because some people like you the way you are.”

  I nodded, confused, and wondered what he meant by that. I felt my heart race after what he said. It became a longing to spend some time with the coach, just him and I. Part of me wanted to surprise him, show him just what I could be.

  I’d considered doing a makeover for a while, and even Jennie had suggested it on more than one occasion. I wanted to be better and more attractive. Maybe, if I’m more attractive, someone like the coach would fall for me.

  Or, maybe even the coach would fall for me, I wondered. I know he’s attractive and not even that much older than me. He always has a way with people; a way that influences people to improve. I wondered if he would ever fall for someone like me as I was now, but he wouldn’t want someone that was so unsure.

  I needed help, and I knew who might just be able.


  Jennie and Brad were already making out on Brad’s car. I didn’t know whether to be assertive or disgusted. I chose the former.

  “Ahem…” I coughed.

  Neither of them paid any mind. I tried again but this time much louder.


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