Regency Romance: A Duchess in Disguise (Historical 19th Century Victorian Romance) (Duke Fantasy Billionaire Romance)

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Regency Romance: A Duchess in Disguise (Historical 19th Century Victorian Romance) (Duke Fantasy Billionaire Romance) Page 66

by Sarah Thorn

  “The Earl…”

  “Yes, I heard him tell Earl Barnaby that you wouldn’t stop talking about how you had planned the dance on the veranda and that you were sure to get his money or a title soon. He was calling you some terrible names, implying that you are not a clean or a good woman.”

  “Why would anyone believe him?” Isabeau was incredulous.

  “Well, obviously not everyone did. But I guess Earl Barnaby has heard that said so many times, he just believes it without thinking twice about it.”

  Isabeau was dismayed. Her dance with the Earl had been the highlight of her evening. She had felt comfortable, happy and safe with the Earl. The thought that he would ever want to court or marry her hadn’t crossed her mind. She’d enjoyed herself and genuinely liked him. Now he was inaccessible. She sighed.

  “I do not understand why he is doing this.”

  “We know why he is saying those things, Izzie! You told him you weren’t going to court him, didn’t you?”

  “I had to. He was making demands.”

  “I would have done the same thing, dear. We’ll get through this. We’ll straighten it out somehow.”

  “If he is saying these things to everyone here, I can only imagine what he will tell the Duke. He has always been so kind to my family. He came to speak to father when Tomas Hurley came by. He has never said a cross word to anyone that I know of. I don’t want to be the first.”

  “I just don’t think the Duke will do that.” Anne shook her head. “He is a good man. Everyone likes him. He’s the complete opposite of his brother. It’s as if he got all the good traits and Tomas got the bad.”

  “Perhaps that’s why he’s such a sour man.” Isabeau sighed.

  “It would not surprise me.” Anne agreed. “There is one more dance; we should go inside, so they aren’t looking for us. Who is on your card?”

  She didn’t have to look. After the dance with Tomas, she’d looked for both Lords to make sure they were there and she would be able to escape after her dances with them. She and Anne went back in, and Isabeau tried to ignore the looks she was getting from both Lords and Ladies all around the room. Tomas had made the rounds, whispering in the ears of the gossipers and pushing his story to the limits. When Isabeau approached Lord Dyason, he very obviously backed away from her, holding his hands up in the air in a “stop” motion. He shook his head and laughed loudly.

  “Oh, I think I will keep my money, Lady Isabeau if you don’t mind. I’m sure you will find a nice wealthy man to keep you in your lavish lifestyle, don’t you?” He continued to laugh and those around him began to laugh, as well.

  She looked around at them, her cheeks a deep red and her face hot. Her heart thumped painfully in her chest as the humiliation ran through her.

  “I…I never said anything of the sort about Earl Barnaby!” She exclaimed, grabbing her skirts in her hands and clutching the fabric tightly.

  “If you didn’t, how did you know who I was talking about?” The young man said in a teasing voice. Again, the group around him began to laugh.

  Isabeau didn’t think her cheeks could get any redder. She huffed and turned away from him.

  The sound of their laughter echoed in her ears as she dashed for the door. Tears had erupted in her eyes and were streaming down her cheeks. She saw Anne hurrying after her, brushing off the waiting arms of her last dance partner. Anne caught up with her outside near the carriage they had taken together and pulled her into a hug.

  “Come on, Isabeau, I’ll take you home. I’ll stay with you tonight. Things will look different in the morning.”

  Chapter Three

  The next morning, Isabeau woke up with a pounding headache. She spent the entire morning nursing it, trying not to speak too much or let a lot of light into her eyes. She discussed the night before over a late breakfast her mother prepared for her. Lady Camm could only shake her head in disgust.

  “That young man is vile,” she said angrily, shaking her head. “I knew that every time he came over here. Your father knows it, too. He will not give his permission for your hand to that Tomas Hurley, I promise you.”

  “Oh mother, I’m so glad to hear that. I don’t know what I would do. I worry about what the Duke, his brother, will think. Do you think he will take his support from father’s business?”

  Lady Camm laughed softly, bringing over a cup of hot tea and setting it down in front of Isabeau before sitting down with her own. “No, dear. The Duke is good friends with your father. Raymond had said several times that if he had a son, he would have wanted a son like Edward.”

  “But the Duke’s devotion to his brother might change their relationship.” Isabeau spoke weakly, wishing she could ignore the pain in her head.

  “I am told they spend very little time together when they are not destined for the same place. I do not think they are very close. It never appeared to me that he was tightly knit with Tomas.”

  “I wish I knew.”

  An hour later, Isabeau was feeling better. She had begun a game of cards with her mother, and they were laughing when a knock on the door got their attention. They both turned and waited to see who would be announced. The door swung open, and Hannah put her head in.

  “Ladies Camm, Duke Edward Hurley is here for a visit.” She opened the door the rest of the way and showed the Duke in.

  Both ladies stood up and curtsied to the Duke. He bowed to them.

  “Ladies, it is good to see you on this bright morning. I do hope you have had a good day so far?”

  “Yes, my Lord.” Isabeau and her mother spoke at the same time.

  “Lady Camm, I believe you were a little under the weather last time I was here. I trust you are on the mend?”

  “Completely mended, thank you, your Grace.” Isabeau’s mother smiled. “Please do have a seat.”

  The Duke nodded and sat in a chair that was nearer to Isabeau. The women sat and tried not to stare at the Duke. He was a handsome man to say the least. He had dark brown hair that waved down to his shoulders and soft chocolate brown eyes that sparkled with good humor.

  “I have come to see you this morning, Lady Isabeau, I hope that’s all right.”

  “Certainly, your Grace.”

  “I was witness to what transpired last night with my brother.”

  Isabeau felt her heart jump up into her throat. She kneaded her hands together in her lap, nervously.

  “If you don’t mind.” Her mother stood up suddenly. “I do believe I will give you young people some privacy.”

  “You may stay if you would like, Victoria. I do not push people out of their own homes.”

  “No, I would be more comfortable letting you discuss this with Isabeau.”

  “All right.” He stood up as she went to the door. When she passed through it, he sat back down, looking at Isabeau once more. “As I was saying, I was there last night and saw what happened with Tomas.”

  “I do apologize, your Grace, I was not aware that he would…that he would…”

  “Make up fiction and tell stories about you behind your back?” The Duke supplied the words. Isabeau looked down at her hands and nodded. “You must not feel sorry about it for even a moment longer, Isabeau. No one with any substance believes a word that my brother says. Those who know him best, know him for the liar he is.”

  Isabeau closed her eyes, feeling her headache disappearing. “It relieves me to hear you say that, your Grace. I was…quite devastated last night. And Earl Barnaby…”

  “My brother was quite bold with him.” The Duke interrupted her, putting one hand up in the air. “I am sure you know of his affection for you. Affection is the word he uses, but it is not my word for what he feels for you.”

  “What word would you use?”

  He thought for a moment. “Obsession comes to mind. Property also comes to mind. I have no doubt that he thinks of you as his property, simply because he wants you.”

  Isabeau clenched her jaw, trying not to look as angry as she felt. She ke
pt her eyes averted from the Duke, not wanting to offend him.

  “You need not try to hide your disdain for my brother.” The Duke easily saw her feelings and leaned forward to speak in a softer voice. “Jonathan Barnaby is a good man, but he has been taken by women in the past because he is such a wealthy man. He is very sensitive when it comes to that issue.”

  “I would never say…”

  “This being your first season, he doesn’t know you very well. When you danced with him on the terrace, Tomas became very jealous. I regret that I didn’t say something about it then and stop the progression of his betrayal.”

  “There is no chance now that Earl Barnaby would ever consider me, not after being told such vile things about me.”

  “I have come to know Jonathan as a very forgiving and trusting man. But I have a different proposal.”

  Isabeau tilted her head, looking at him. “Please tell me what it is.”

  “I understand how devastating being humiliated at the dance was last night. I would like to propose a courtship anyway, except between you and I, rather than you and my brother.”

  Isabeau thought she might be sick for a moment. Her headache returned with full force. If it wasn’t one brother trying to force her into something, it was the other. She closed her eyes and prayed that her face would not betray her thoughts.

  “I…I would have to think about it.”

  “It would help you to save face in society, as well as give you some status. You will be well regarded if you were to become my Duchess.”

  Titles didn’t interest her. She wanted love. She blinked a few times, trying not to look directly at him. “Will…will you give me time to think about your proposal?”

  “Yes, of course. I do hope you will consider it. When you come to a decision, please let me know so that I may talk to your father.”

  “Yes, I will do that. I will send a messenger around to you…tomorrow, if you agree?”

  The Duke smiled at her. She admitted to herself that his smile was completely genuine, and his eyes were kind. He didn’t seem to be manipulating her, but she couldn’t believe that he was asking her out of his own affection. He was trying to do an honorable thing for a woman his brother had betrayed and lied about. She felt like a rag doll being thrown between two brothers.

  He said goodbye and left her to her thoughts. She didn’t have to wait long for a distraction because Anne was soon hurrying across the huge front lawn. Isabeau spotted her through the window and ran out to greet her.

  They hugged and walked to a table and chairs that sat outside the front door.

  “How have you been feeling today, Izzie? You look like you didn’t get any sleep at all.”

  “I didn’t. And I woke up with a headache. I didn’t want to even get out of bed this morning.”

  Anne nodded. “I have been out talking to some of the ladies. They all say that Duke Hurley is going around town apologizing for his brother. Has he come to see you?”

  “He did, yes.”

  “Well, then you were worried for nothing. Did he apologize for what Lord Hurley said?”

  “Yes, he did.”

  “That’s wonderful! You don’t have to worry about this little thing disrupting your father’s business with the Duke.”

  “He was here for another reason, as well.”

  Anne lifted her eyebrows. “Oh? What was that?”

  “He wishes to marry me.”

  Anne sat back, a look of surprise on her face. “He does? Has he ever shown any great affection toward you?”

  “He has never been unkind.”

  “But he has never approached you or spoken to you about it at the dances this Season?”


  Anne was quiet for a moment. “Could you have missed the signs?”

  Isabeau pressed her lips together. She thought back to when they had danced together and when he had visited to speak to her father. “I suppose I could have. He…does have a particular way of looking at me. And he always smiles. But many gentlemen father does business with are that way. They are not all suitors.”

  “Perhaps other men have looked at you the same way,” Anne said. “But Edward has not looked at other women that way.”

  Isabeau hadn’t thought of that. She pictured Edward’s smile in her mind, the way it reached his eyes, how genuine he seemed.

  “You should talk to your mother and father. He may have mentioned this to your father before, in passing, in a subtle way that made your father not mention it to you.”

  “Perhaps.” Isabeau was thoughtful. Her initial response had been one of anger. She didn’t want to be forced into a marriage with any man. But when she thought about Duke Hurley, it didn’t seem like there would be much force needed.

  “Do you think you could love the Duke?”

  “Oh yes, I believe I could,” Isabeau stated without hesitation. She smiled. “I do believe I could.”

  “You should speak to your father, then. Get his advice. He knows Edward from their business dealings. Surely he would have the best opinion.”

  “The Duke is very well liked in the town, you know. He has used his status to help people less fortunate than him.”

  “I know. I would not want to be considered a charity case.”

  “Oh, I don’t think that’s what is happening at all, Izzie! He wouldn’t consider the daughter of one of his friends to be a charity case. It isn’t as if you need his money. That’s why it was so surprising that Earl Barnaby would think you did.”

  “I don’t think the Earl knows much about me, Anne. We didn’t talk enough for him to know my family. And he’s never visited here.”

  “I wouldn’t worry about it for another moment, then, Izzie. You should consider The Duke’s proposal. It would be good for you. And you would have what you wanted. You would be marrying a man you can love instead of for social status. The Duke become so popular by being a rake. He is a genuinely good man with few obvious flaws. And he is a good-looking man, which means you would have beautiful children together.”

  Isabeau flushed. “My goodness, Anne, you have thought into my future quite a lot.”

  They both laughed.

  “I am glad to see you are feeling a little better, Izzie. You have been under too much stress since last night.”

  “It didn’t start last night,” Isabeau responded. “I knew that Lord Thomas was interested in me, but I never thought he would become so demanding and forceful.”

  “This was our first season. I expect he thought you would just refrain from dancing with anyone but him.”

  Isabeau shook her head. “That would make him truly delusional, Anne. I have never given him any reason to think such a thing.”

  “Yes, I know. The whole thing is very surprising to me. It’s amazing how things can change so quickly. Yesterday, you were still waiting for a suitor, and now you have a Duke and his brother fighting over you.”

  “I certainly hope they do not fight over me.”

  “It was just a turn of phrase. I don’t think they will need to fight. The Duke is in control.”

  “It’s a good thing.”

  “Yes, it definitely is.”

  Chapter Four

  With her parent’s permission, Isabeau decided to skip out on the dance Friday night. She had been looking forward to it, as it was a masquerade ball, her favorite during the entire Season. But she wasn’t up to facing the Lords and Ladies, so she stayed at home and played cards with her mother. She was interested to hear what Anne had to say about the masquerade ball and didn’t feel bad about not going.

  She had not mentioned the Duke’s proposal to her parents yet. She had been thinking about it for a few days. She was waiting for her father to come home so that she could speak to them together. Over the past 48 hours, she had reviewed nearly every encounter she could remember with the Duke, every time he had spoken to her and any occasion she could remember where she had heard something about him. She had searched her memory for something ne
gative but had found nothing.

  She concluded that Edward would be a good match for her. She was sure that she would be able to love him, if he was truly as genuine as he seemed.

  It was late before her father came home. She found that she was unable to speak to him about Edward because when he came in the door, the Duke was with him. The Duke greeted her and her mother amiably.

  “Good evening, ladies,” he said, bowing low. They lowered their heads in return and stood up. “No need to stand, please stay comfortable.”

  “How are you this evening, your Grace?” Isabeau’s mother tried to keep her surprise at his entrance hidden but was unable to.

  He smiled wide. “I see I have surprised you both. I do apologize. I noticed that Lady Isabeau did not come to the party tonight, and I wanted to check on her welfare. How are you feeling, Lady Isabeau?”

  “I’m doing quite well, thank you, your Grace,” she responded.

  “I do hope you didn’t stay away from the ball because of my brother.”

  Isabeau chuckled. “Not entirely,” she replied.

  The Duke nodded. “I do understand. Would you care to go for a walk with me? I realize it is somewhat late. We will stay close to the house.” The Duke smiled at Isabeau’s parents, who returned his smile warmly.

  “I would be delighted.” She looked at her mother and gestured to their unfinished game. “Mother…”

  “Go ahead, Isabeau. Your father can take your place, and I will just beat him instead.”

  “I heard a challenge!” They all laughed when Lord Camm stepped over to take his daughter’s seat.

  The Duke held out one hand, and Isabeau took it. His grip was warm and inviting, not at all like the forceful clutching of his brother.

  Isabeau remembered to pick up a shawl as she went to the front door with the Duke. It was a bit cool in the evenings. She didn’t mind. The crisp air made her feel refreshed and alive. She breathed in deeply when she stepped through the doorway. The Duke held the door and passed through behind her, coming up to walk beside her down the pathway.


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