Held Down

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Held Down Page 4

by Pamela Prim

  Ted looked at her and sat forward in his chair. His hands went to his zip as he said, ‘Come here and give this a kiss.’

  Catherine let the smile fall from her lips. She wanted so much to crawl forward and see what was going to happen, to let them do whatever they wanted with her, and so doing take her to a place of ecstasy. But that wasn’t the game. They wanted to teach her a lesson, and she had to give them the reins to do so.

  ‘Make me,’ she said in an imperious voice.

  ‘Don’t get up,’ said Jeff to Ted rising and stepping over to her.

  She smiled sweetly up at him. He bent down just far enough to grab her hair and pull her face close to his. He kissed her hard his teeth bruising her lip. She kissed back biting.

  ‘Ow. Fuck.’ He was smiling, with his middle finger he invaded her mouth, pushing aside her smiling lips. She met his finger with her tongue, rolling her tongue around the nail, enjoying the feel of this warm fleshy body penetrating her. She couldn’t wait for Ted’s cock to replace it, but she was still playing the bossy termagant still to be put in her place.

  To this end, when the finger slid smoothly out of her mouth over her lips, she hefted up as much saliva as she could and spat in Jeff’s face.

  Jeff laughed. ‘His turn, darling.’ He wiped his face and jerked her head round, pulling her along the floor. She walked forward on her knees feeling her tights break and ladders appear down her shins.

  The pain in her scalp was a throbbing ache where Jeff was holding her as he pulled her along she looked up and could see through the blur of tears the pink fleshy protuberance jutting from Ted’s trousers. With the hand she was’t using to get a bit of slack on her hair she wiped her eyes and gave it a good look.

  Doesn’t look like much, she thought. Just a wrinkly curl of flesh, kind of ugly looking really. Was this what other girls made such a fuss about?

  Jeff dumped her at Ted’s feet and with his hand still firmly grasping her hair, he pushed her face forwards towards Ted’s cock. With a little guidance from Ted the little flesh lump found its port in her mouth.

  It didn’t really taste of anything. This surprised her, it looked so exotic and odd she had expected it to taste of something. But no, just a slight salt flavour and…

  Oh my god, she thought. It moved.

  The cock jerked a little in her mouth each time she sucked it, drawing it into her mouth and swirling her tongue around the floppy bit of foreskin. It was definitely getting bigger, this was more like it.

  She let it slip from her mouth, shiny with her spit and gave it another look. Now it looked almost pretty, standing up of its own volition. The grip on her hair had relaxed while she sucked it. Now it reasserted its insistent pressure. She didn’t need to be asked twice.

  This time she pursed her lips so the foreskin rolled back her tongue coming up under the head in one long slick motion. Catherine was rewarded by an ecstatic groan from Ted. She bobbed her head up and down, enjoying the feeling.

  ‘I think she’s getting the hang of it now,’ snarled Jeff next to her ear. ‘How much more can she take do you think.’

  The pressure on her head now pressed her down onto the cock.

  God, she thought. It really has got bigger. She could no longer fit it all in her mouth before her throat began to close up on it. It seemed she had found her limit. But with each stroke she made, Jeff’s hand pushed her a little deeper onto that dick until it was cutting off her breathing and she was tearing up again. It felt amazing, his groans of pleasure, and a part of him, so intimate, and so deep inside her own head she could feel his pulse behind her eyes. Her whole body given over to these two men’s control, and she felt sure her own pleasure coming soon.

  Jeff’s hands moved from her hair running down to her waist, hitching her skirt a little higher. Ted had taken over controlling the movement of her head so she let her concentration slip down to where Jeff’s hands were rolling under the elastic of her tights, pulling them down so they bound her thighs together.

  He seized her underwear and pulled them tight so the gusset of them pressed between her lips and put an exquisite pressure on her clit, his fingers following the line between her butt cheeks and cupping her crotch.

  She felt her panties take up her juices like a wick as he began to rub with the flat of his hand, stimulating her lips and clit at the same time. His hand was gripped between her thighs in a way that made his movements clumsy, teasing her, rather than giving her the pleasure she craved.

  His other hand was absent, and from his groans, she could only assume he was pleasuring himself to the same rhythm that he touched her up with.

  Both men seemed painfully close to finishing. Ted jerked her head off his cock and she opened her eyes to look at the veiny member, dark purple head shiny and smooth and joined to her lips by a long sticky strand of saliva.

  With rough hands he pushed her back onto her knees and stood over her. ‘Show me your tits, Cat,’ he moaned.

  She dutifully undid the top five buttons of her blouse and pulled it, her jacket and her bra straps off her shoulder exposing her tits. ‘Please, sir,’ she begged. ‘Give me your cum.’

  He obliged. She was rubbing her nipples, enjoying the sensation when from the tip of his gigantic cock spurted strand after strand of thick white liquid which spattered her exposed breasts and the black inner padding of her bra.

  She looked down at how it hung from her thumb and pinched the gobbet of spunk onto her nipple. The lubrication made it feel even better when she rubbed.

  Kneeling as she was had given Jeff better access to her pussy and she could feel his fingers getting more inquisitive. They circled her clit more professionally now, and the shuddering pleasure of it mixed with her own breast play. On his wider circles his fingers also teased her opening, dipping in to sample the slick produce of her organs. She could feel an orgasm coming, building up layers of pleasure towards some final breaking point.

  Then it stopped. With a schoolboy’s clumsy groping he shoved her forward on all fours and pulled her panties down. She felt the patter of his spunk, far more voluminous and thinner, more liquid, spraying first her buttocks, then her panties, then her thighs, dripping the last few drops onto her shoes.

  Disappointment flooded her. She had been so close to the promised land. She had never orgasmed before, not even with just herself alone working her fingers inside herself.

  In a daze she let them pull her to her feet and dress her. Their hot and saucy play now cooling to damp patches in her bra, panties and tights. The room was full of the tang of cum and she could smell her own sex’s musty wetness in the air mingling with their manly scents.

  Jeff pulled her skirt down while Ted wiped her face clean of mascara and spit. She felt like a doll, empty of anything but a disappointed desire.

  ‘Tomorrow,’ Jeff said. ‘No underwear. A white cotton shirt. Your strappiest five inch heels. No touching yourself before then.’

  Chapter Four

  Following Jeff’s wardrobe instructions, Catherine returned to the office for her second day at B&B with her heart in her throat. It became immediately apparent from the discount her taxi driver gave her that the cotton of her blouse was obscuring the dark circles of her aureolas. She buttons up her jacket and crossed the street on a painfully high pair of heels, carefully dodging the grill of a drain and walking in.

  The same security guard was on the front desk. Jeff and Ted were chatting with him.

  ‘Morning, Catherine,’ he said smiling.

  Jeff and Ted turned and said, ‘Morning, boss.’

  ‘Let me get your bag for you,’ said Ted taking her handbag.

  ‘And I’ll take your jacket, you must be boiling.’

  Without saying a word she let Ted take her jacket, immediately aware of the security guard’s shifting gaze. He didn’t know where to look. Shuffling his papers and looking up at her chest then glancing away quickly. Jeff was struggling to get her jacket off deliberately, pinning her hands behind her back and
thrusting her chest forward. He even nudged her so she was pushed up against the counter which pulled her shirt tight across her breasts. The security guard met her eyes and his hand even formed a half grope towards her tits. She looked down and could see with almost photo clarity her nipples pressed against the cloth, hard from the cold and the soft caress of the cloth. Jeff finally got her jacket off and gestured towards the elevator like nothing had happened.

  The elevator doors closed on them and Ted looked up at the floor number. A digital ‘G’.

  Jeff dropped to his knees and lifted Catherine’s skirt and without any preamble his lips pressed against her clit.

  ‘One,’ called out Ted.

  Catherine closed her eyes, there was a delightful, wet, slick tongue, making quick little circles around her clit. It was heaven. She felt her clit swelling, pressing up to meet this delightful playmate.

  ‘Two,’ called Jeff, idly reaching over to play with one of her breasts, hardening her nipples up with his gentle twiddling motions. The tonguing continued for a few moments then was snatched away. A kiss was planted on her neck leaving a wet spot that smelled of her own sex then the door pinged and Jeff, hands clasped behind his back called out ‘Three.’

  They walked into the office.

  ‘First thing,’ said Jeff. ‘You have a meeting with Derek.’ He pushed her towards Derek’s door and swept off to her office bearing her jacket away and leaving her exposed to any passing colleagues gaze.


  ‘How do you think your first day went?’ asked Derek.

  With almost perfect gentlemanliness Derek had looked straight at her nipples which were forming hard little points against the shirt that imprisoned them, then pulled a fatherly face and treated her exactly as if her nipples were not on show for his personal enjoyment.

  ‘Well, I think,’ she answered.

  ‘Jeff and Ted doing as they are told?’

  ‘We’ve reached a kind of balance I think.’

  ‘Excellent. They’re good lads, but a little unruly. Your father wanted you to learn about leading, well, if you can handle those two that’ll give you a good start.’

  ‘I think I can handle them.’

  ‘Good lass. Let me know if you need any help with anything. I don’t like having you unsupervised like this, but your father signs the cheques so here we are.’

  He stood up, and Catherine was shocked to see the sharp outline of an erection beneath the pinstripe of his trousers. He showed her to the door, seeming to be very careful not to look down or touch her in any way.

  I wonder if he’ll go jack off in the bathroom, she thought to herself. Or right there under his desk. The thought of him getting off to her was a little disgusting, and very flattering.

  Let him have it, she thought.

  He had managed to be very un-creepy for a middle aged man with an actual hard-on for a girl young enough to be his daughter.


  She took the long way round the office, saying hello to everyone, finding with every leering glance that her confidence and arousal was getting stronger and stronger.

  If Jeff and Ted don’t make me cum today, I am going to scream, she said to herself. Only realising afterwards that she had said it out loud. Glancing around it appeared no one had heard her so she breathed a sigh of relief and made her way to her office.

  To her outright fury, Ted and Jeff were already working and barely looked up from their work when she walked in. Each was sat at their desk in their shared office typing up minutes for the meetings of the directors of several different trusts.

  Neither gave her a second look when she said, ‘Morning, boys.’

  Clearly this was some part of the game, she thought to herself and set herself to work. Over the morning the tension built and built. She found her hands in moments of idleness going to her breasts or sliding between her thighs. She couldn’t focus, her mind slipping constantly to what the two men might be planning, what they had in store for her body.

  But the clock’s hands slid round its face without her feeling the men’s hands slide over her body. The room was cool but she could feel herself sweating.

  Jeff got up and left the room. Ted sat there and stared fixedly at his computer, typing away. Time passed. Catherine imagined a thousand different violations. The door opened and Jeff came back with a dozen sheets of printed minutes. He laid them on the table.

  ‘You need to check these, boss. Can’t give em to Derek with errors in ‘em. You need to focus real hard to get all the details right.’

  Catherine looked at them, and frustration growing in her belly she shifted in her chair, crossing her legs so she could rub her thighs together. She glanced to the side and could make out the semi-erect bulge in Jeff’s trousers.

  She grabbed a pen, bit the end with concentration, then leaned in to read the first line of the minute. Right off the bat there was a typo. She grabbed the pen and scribbled the correct spelling above it. And there, a missing comma.

  Jeff moved round the table, she was aware of his eyes on her. Then, to her joy he went down on his knees and disappeared beneath her desk.

  She uncrossed her legs and shifted forward in the chair. Ted stood up and barked, ‘Those minutes need correcting, Cat. Set to.’

  She read the next line, adding a dash here and correcting a word, then writing ‘stet.’ beside her correction. She felt hands on her knees pushing her legs apart. The wider angle of her legs made her skirt ride up until she could look down and see her own cunny and the shiny bead of quim that was forming at the entrance to her sex.

  Her hand slid down, but Ted, from his desk barked out: ‘Hands above the table, Cat. I want to see you making edits.’

  Jeff’s mouth was forming wet kisses on her inner thigh, going higher and higher and leaving a cool patch behind. The mix of sensations was setting her heart racing and every nerve in her body seemed to be functioning on a hair trigger.

  She had edited the first paragraph by the time he reached her crotch, pulling her forward so that her belly was against the desk, and her back was pinned against the upright of the chair.

  Jeff’s actions were completely hidden from her. All she could go on was feel. The feel of his breath hot on her cunt, from a mouth so close, but not touching.

  All morning he lets me stew, she thought, now he teases me. She tried to refocus on the next sentence and realised she had read it five times now with out spotting that it was missing all of the nouns. She scribbled in the margin and felt the gentlest brush of Jeff’s lips on hers. So gentle that it barely brushed the fine stubble that had grown back since she shaved the night before.

  His lips traced the line of her lips as she strained to move a little closer, to close the gap. She let out a small moan, like the mew of a kitten, and slapped a hand over her mouth in surprise.

  That must have been a signal because the brush of lips turned to a hard kiss, tongue pressed against her skin as he sucked first one lip then the other into his mouth. They were left slick and wet and her cunt was now open to him.

  Next his tongue entered her, as far as it would go. Pleasure rushed up her from the caress of his mouth on her sex up to her breasts and as she focused on the next line, she also slide one hand to cup her breast hard. Her thumb circled her nipple through her shirt, adding its pleasure to the mouth below.

  So far he had with surgical precision avoided even the gentlest brush with her clitoris. Even as the pleasure moved up her she felt that absence as a more and more intense frustration.

  His mouth moved away kissing her inner thighs, and a tentative finger took its place, positioned so it could slide into her, still without disturbing her neglected clit.

  It penetrated her just a little way and she felt her body tense around it. A little shock of delicious pain as her body adjusted, then it slid out a little way, drenched in her juices. She felt a droplet run down onto her arse, then it entered her again. It felt less uncomfortable this time, her body resisted less. In it went just a fra
ction more than last time.

  Within a few strokes she had opened up to the thin digit, which seemed to be setting every nerve in her body on fire. She wanted to take it into her and above all she wanted to be able to grind her clit on Jeff’s face.

  She could feel the pleasure building again, spreading from her groin, through the tightly bunched muscles of her stomach, in a pounding throb in her breasts, even her mouth seemed close to orgasm.

  Then he added a second finger, on one long stroke. She felt the two fingers hook up into her and she melted. She felt her whole body clamping down in rhythmic spasms on those two fingers as they traced their line back and forth inside her. Her seat was soaking wet and she could feel the leather sticking to her arse. She dropped her pen.

  Using just the one hand which was partially inside her, Jeff pushed her chair back and rose up. Pulling her to her feet he moved around her, kicking the chair out the way he turned her around and sat her on the desk.

  His cock was already out, hard and jutting in his hand. She took hold of it and shifted herself so her weight wasn’t on her legs which were still shaking from the orgasm that had rocked her.

  His hands slid around her to cup one buttock each, and he pulled her close. She needed no further prompting, using her hand on his cock to guide him to her entrance.

  Lucky she was so wet, she thought looking at the thickness of it. Much more than two fingers on that. More than four, she speculated.

  He pushed it in. Just the head at first, then inch by inch the shaft. It was all one slow movement. She felt so tight around it, like he was stretching her out. Her body seemed full like she’d eaten a large meal. But finally, with his head pressed hard against her cervix, she felt his hip bone grind against her.

  Finally, she thought as his pubic bone pressed against her clit. She could feel his balls tight up against her taint. She began to grind on him.

  It felt amazing, her hips thrusting against his and with that magnificent cock balls deep inside her, barely sliding in and out, but there as a gorgeous, filling presence.


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