Held Down

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Held Down Page 8

by Pamela Prim

“You don’t think I’m going to go, do you?”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “You didn’t have to.”

  “Will you at least call me and let me know what you find out?”


  Samantha hugged her roommate and silently thanked her for being such a good friend.

  The doctor’s office was clinically too white and smelled of disinfectant. The familiar scents triggered her,and the ache returned.

  “Damn it,” she said, clutching her side.

  She checked in and sat in the waiting room. It wasn’t long before she heard her name being called. She followed a man in dark blue scrubs into the back and into a small exam room.

  “Good afternoon, Miss. Cooper. Hop up on the table. What brings you in today?”

  Samantha looked at him and was immediately attracted to him. His chocolate skin glowed flawlessly as he smiled up at her. She had to force herself to concentrate on what he was asking her.

  “I have a pain in my side that comes and goes.”

  “Does it seem to come more than it goes?”

  Come? I’d love to.

  “Yes. Especially lately. The last few weeks it seems to be worse.”

  “I’ll take your vitals and then have the doctor take a look at you if that’s okay?”

  She nodded feeling her heart rate increase at the idea of his beautiful hands on her. She concentrated on his fingers when he wrapped the blood pressure cuff around her arm. As he squeezed the bulb and it tightened around her arm, she looked up at him. His hair was short and in place and his eyes danced. She fought the urge to reach up and touch his lips.

  “Good, a little high, but I suspect you are a little nervous to be here.”

  “Yes,” she said softly.

  He pulled the stethoscope up into his ears and rested the cold disc on her chest. She gasped a tiny gasp and concentrated on his facial features. He moved the disc,and she sat up straighter, hoping he’d graze against her breast.

  “Good. Everything seems like it’s working,” he grinned. “Why don’t you lay back and I’ll let the doctor know you are ready for him.”

  She nodded and watched him walk out the door, closing it behind him.

  She pushed a pillow up the small table and lay back on it, very aware of her body and her surroundings. She felt moisture between her legs and tried to suppress her urges of wanting to touch herself. As time ticked by, her libido took over her mind and seeped into her body until heat radiated from her face and her heart palpitated inside her chest.

  Glancing at the door, she slipped her hand between her legs and cupped her pussy. The sensation was intense knowing she wasn’t hidden away in her own room. She rubbed her hand back and forth increasing the intensity until the door opened. Pulling her hand away, she tried to concentrate on the painting on the wall as the doctor walked in with the male nurse following behind him. She watched him intently as he opened her chart and looked it over. Glancing up at her, he smiled and walked to her side.

  She stared into his deep blue eyes and enjoyed the wrinkles that formed when he smiled at her. He was gorgeous and blond and fit and looked nothing like a doctor. Her ache intensified.

  Chapter 3

  “Miss Cooper? Hello, I’m Dr. Christian. I understand you have been having some pain in your side?”

  “Sometimes,” she said, covering her stomach with her hands. “It’s never in the same place.”

  “Are you experiencing any other symptoms? Headache? Nausea? Fever?”

  “No. Not that I know of.”

  “Okay. Let’s justtake a look.”

  The doctor lifted her shirt and pressed his hands into her side triggering her arousal that she worked on suppressing. They were warm on her skin, soft to the touch.

  “Do you feel any pain when I push in?”

  She shook her head, her eyes glued to his lips.


  She shook her head, her thoughts beginning a far away fantasy about him. He lowered his hands to her hipbones and pushed his fingers into the soft flesh just above making her gasp.

  “Does that hurt?” he asked, watching her face.


  “Oh. I thought I hurt you.”

  She shook her head, sucking her bottom lip into her mouth.

  “Do you feel any aching now?”

  “Yes,” she choked. “It’s all throughout, right here,” she said, sliding her hands along her lower stomach.

  Dr. Christian glanced at the nurse and hesitated before looking back at her chart.

  “Are you sexually active, Miss Cooper?”

  “Excuse me?” Her eyes widened. She grabbed the bottom of her shirt and pulled it down over her.

  “I think your ache may have to do with your sexual appetite.”

  “It can’t be. I’m a virgin.”

  He looked at her and nodded. “With your permission, I’d like to run a few tests. Nothing that will hurt you and you can stop me at any time.”

  “What kind of tests?”

  “Touch tests mostly. I’ll hook you up to some monitoring, and it will tell me how your body reacts to certain stimulation.”

  “And it won’t hurt?”

  “No. I assure you, it will be fine. Andre will be right here, and any time you feel uncomfortable just let me know, and I’ll stop the tests.”

  She nodded and kept her eyes on his every move. He walked to the corner and pulled a machine close to the table she laid on. He unwound the long cords and handed them to the nurse to plug in. The monitor beeped and whirled as the small screen came to life with a bright green line.

  “Would you mind removing your shirt?” He held up small round white circles in his fingers. “These are electrode pads that I will place on your chest and stomach. I’ll then hook them to this machine called an electrocardiogram. It will read your heart rate as I do my tests.” He pulled clear tape from the back of one as Samantha pulled her shirt over her head and clenched it in her hand. “Just sticks to your skin.” He placed one on her upper chest. She watched him as he applied a few more, then hooked them to wires that led to the machine.

  He stood close to her side and rested his hands on her arm. “Are you ready, Miss Cooper?”

  She looked at the nurse and then back at Dr. Christian, nodding slightly.

  “Each series of strokes I do are meant to calm you.”

  He slid his hands up and down her arm, lightly kneading her skin like playdough. It calmed her like he said, and felt nice. She relaxed into it and enjoyed the massage. Andre came closer to her other side, the chart in his hand. He was writing as the doctor moved his hands up and down Samantha’s arm.

  “Now, moving to your upper stomach, and massaging lightly.” His hands did exactly what he said they’d do.

  Samantha tried remaining calm, but her arousal stirred within her. She tried concentrating on the ceiling tiles but found herself watching Dr. Christian. His lips were kissable. She swallowed hard. Andre leaned forward a bit, grabbing her attention and she concentrated on his shoulders; broad and wide. His scrubs fit tight around his chest,and she wanted to lick the part of his neck that barely stuck out from the collar.

  The monitors beeping pattern increased slightly as Dr. Christian’s hands lowered to her midriff. He pushed in slightly and watched her face as her lips parted and her breathing got a little faster. He leaned in toward her and softened his voice.

  “How are you feeling, Miss Cooper?”

  “Fine,” she said quickly, her gaze darting from his eyes to his mouth.

  Come closer, she thought.

  “Do you feel any pain?”


  “Is it worse?”

  “I can’t tell. My head is foggy.” She closed her eyes tightly.

  His hands lowered to just above her hip bones, and he rubbed her there. Her eyes flew open, and something in the doctor’s eyes told her this was more than just a medical exam.

  “This is where it gets controversia
l, Miss Cooper. I am going to slide my hand into your pants and rub your vaginal area. It will tell me a lot about your sexual tension. Are you okay with this?”

  Samantha felt her heart pounding through her chest as the monitor beeps increased. She felt herself nod and looked at Andre as if she was bracing herself for something painful.

  Andre set the chart down and put his hands on her arm much like the doctor did when he began. Her pants were unbuckled,and the zipper was lowered before Dr. Christian pulled them open for easier access. His hand was warm on her lower stomach. Her breath caught as he slid his fingers down into her pants and over her panties. He slid his fingers along the thin material,but she felt everything he did. His hand moved upward and then back down creeping underneath the elastic of her panties and down over her pussy. His hand cupped her there and he studied her face.

  “Explain what you’re feeling.”

  She pushed her hips forward to feel his hand closer against her. “Aroused. My heart is beating so hard.”

  “If you were in an intimate setting would you want your companion to continue or stop?”

  “Continue,” she said breathlessly, swallowing again.

  “Like this?” His fingers moved between the folds of her pussy and slid along each side, slowly moving forward and backward.

  Samantha’s breathing got harder, and she felt her hips responding to him. Glancing up at Andre, his hand moved along his stomach as he watched intently. She glanced down at his pants and saw a large bulge protruding forward. When she looked back up at him, he was staring at her.

  “Explain your feelings, Miss Cooper.”

  “I, um.” She licked her dried lips and tried again. “I want sex. I want to orgasm, and it aches so bad deep inside.

  “Andre, would you assist me please?”

  “Yes, of course,” he said pushing at his cock through his pants. “What do you need?”

  “I’d like to make this enactment of intimacy as real as possible. If it’s okay with Miss Cooper, I’d like you to kiss her with some passion while I continue my testing.”

  “Is that okay?” Andre pleaded for her to say it was okay. She nodded, her hands grasping the sides of her table.

  He lowered his head toward her, and she closed her eyes until she felt his lips on hers. They consumed her mouth and his tongue penetrated inside, twirling around hers. She moaned and moved her hips as she felt Dr. Christian’s fingers slide inside her pussy. He stroked her while Andre kissed her harder.

  “Shall we move forward, Miss Cooper?”

  She nodded wildly, her arms snaking around Andre’s neck. Her pants were being removed from her hips,and she picked her butt up off the table to assist their removal down her legs and off her feet. Dr. Christian placed his hands on Samantha’s inner thighs and pushed her legs open as he massaged them seductively.

  Andre pulled her top off and yanked her bra up over her tits and pressed them together, licking each nipple and giving each one its own attention until it was hard and long. He rubbed himself through his pants and sucked Samantha’s left nipple into his mouth. His tongue toyed at it teasing and sending shocks throughout her body. He had moved to the side only long enough for her to see Dr. Christian kneeling between her legs, his face moving closer to her pussy. Andre blocked her view just before she sensed a tingling sensation between her legs. She was aware of Dr. Christian’s hands on each of her thighs, holding her legs apart, so the only thing that would have been causing her such a feeling was his mouth. The thought of him tasting her sent her body down a direct path toward an orgasm. She moved her body back and forth, her hands on her breasts and her mouth open and breathing hard.


  He nodded at the doctor and held Samantha’s wrists as the doctor stood up and wiped his mouth.

  “We can’t allow a premature orgasm, now can we, Miss Cooper?”

  Her eyes were wild as she watched Dr. Christian stroke himself and Andre pull her hands to the side.

  Chapter 4

  “You are such a good patient,” said Dr. Christian. “So obedient, wouldn’t you say, Andre?”

  “Yes. We like obedient patients,” he said, lowering his mouth to her ear. He whispered to her very low. “And we love it when we get the rare chance to fuck them.”

  Samantha panted, still trying to decipher what was happening.

  “Do you consent to this, Miss Cooper?”

  She looked at the doctor and then at Andre, her head in a complete fog. She found herself nodding. Dr. Christian smiled, putting his hands on her knees as he looked down at her. “Open my pants, Miss Cooper.”

  She sat up and edged herself toward the end of the table, her body shaking wildly. She had to concentrate on working her fingers to grasp his zipper and pull it down. His cock strained against the soft material of his pants,but she got the zipper down with some struggle and some assistance from the doctor. When he pulled his pants down far enough, his cock sprang forward and protruded toward the right.

  She stared at it, not moving until Andre wrapped his hand around her wrist and directed her hand toward it. She wrapped her fingers around the shaft and began stroking him. He sighed and put his head back, his hands on his hips. He moved back and forth as she stroked her hand along the shaft. She glanced up into his face, loving the reaction he got from her touch. Andre stood to the side and disrobed, his hand stroking his own cock. He was much bigger than Dr. Christian, and it was intimidating being naked with such strong and well endowed beautiful men.

  Andre’s chest was broad and his body was so dark, Samantha shivered at the thought of fucking a black man like Andre. Dr. Christian moved closer, his hands cupping her face and pulling her up straight. He kissed her hard, his tongue playing with hers and his hands moving down to her tits as he massaged them. His thumb rolled over her nipples causing her to react and breathe heavier. Andre moved behind her, straddling the table and pulling her closer until his cock was pressed into her lower back. He intertwined his arms around hers and pulled her back until her body was wide open. Dr. Christian pushed her legs open and moved between them, his cock rubbing against her pussy lips.

  “One more time, Samantha.” His voice was velvety smooth,and his eyes penetrated hers. “I’m going to fuck you for the first time, taking your virginity from you. This will cure you and the deep seeded ache you have for cock.”

  His blatant language intensified her arousal,and the only thing she could do was respond by a nod of her head. He smiled and leaned forward, sucking her nipple into his mouth. He pushed her head back exposing her neck to Andre. Andre’s mouth was on her, biting and sucking her tender skin. She felt the doctor’s cock open her pussy and she held her breath. She looked up at him as he stood up straight. Andre’s hands were on her nipples, his thumb and forefinger rolling them and keeping her sexual appetite at the edge.

  Dr. Christian’s eyes stared into hers, the corners of his mouth slightly smiling. He pushed forward quickly filling her pussy with his cock, wrapping his arms around her and freezing. She gasped, wincing at the pain until it slowly subsided and went away. The doctor moved back and forth slowly at first, and Samantha’s arousal increased quickly. She moved her ass back and forth on the table until Andre stood up and Dr. Christian laid her back, pulling her to the edge. He fucked her slow, watching her body.

  “I love the way your tits move back and forth as I slam my cock into you, Samantha.”

  She couldn’t respond. She was on fire. She wanted nothing more than this, sex, fucking, she felt dirty,and it made her crazy.

  He increased the pace and massaged her body as Andre stroked himself on the side. Samantha looked over at him, her tongue running over her lips.

  “Do you want some of this, Miss Cooper?” he asked, stroking himself.

  She nodded and waited for him to get close enough. She opened her mouth and felt his hardness slide over her tongue. It was spongier than she had anticipated, but hard inside, and so big she could barely get her mouth around it. She trie
d her best to suck on it, pulling her teeth lightly over the edge of his head.

  “Hmmmm, yessssss,” he moaned. He pushed his hand into her hair and directed her head to do what he wanted her to do. She bobbed her head back and forth on him while the doctor fucked her pussy faster, his hands clutched around her hips.

  Although it hurt when he pushed in all the way, she mixed the pain with the intense pleasure he gave her. He pushed the palm of his hand over her clit and rolled his thumb along the top causing her orgasm to race to the end. Just before she felt it take over, he stopped and pulled out, giving Andre a high five. As if they were tag teaming, they switched positions,and Andre stood between Samantha’s legs, his cock twice the size of the doctor’s cock. Dr. Christian waited patiently while Andre moved in closer, lined his cock up with her opening and took his time pushing into her. She held her breath, feeling him stretch her open. More pain radiated as he worked his hips back and forth, pushing himself into her.

  “Samantha?” Dr. Christian said softly. She turned her head to him, and he clutched her hair, directing him into her mouth. She tasted her juice still coated on him, and she swallowed as his precum coated the back of her throat.

  “Oh, fuck,” cooed Andre as his eyes closed and he slowly fucked her. “You’re so damned tight; you’re going to make me cum very quickly.

  She felt hands all over her body as the two cocks fucked her holes and penetrated her virgin body. Andre tensed up, his hands grabbing her thighs hard. She looked over at him just as he pulled out and covered her stomach with everything he had for her. He stroked it a few times with his hand and smiled as he slowly opened his eyes. She continued sucking the doctor’s cock until he pulled away and moved to the end of the table. He took Samantha’s hand and coaxed her up until she was standing. Her legs ached from the intensity, but she stood up and turned around as the doctor directed her to.

  “Lay down on your belly, across the table,” he said.

  She complied and felt her legs being pushed open. His hand covered her pussy and rubbed her there until she felt his cock slide back into her. He pumped himself in and out of her his hands firmly gripping her hip bones. Andre stood on the other side in full view for Samantha to watch as he stroked himself slowly.


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