Held Down

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Held Down Page 76

by Pamela Prim

  “Hey, you can count on me.” Rochester sat upright and drummed his fingers on the desk. “But I was just curious… why would a woman like you – you’re obviously very attractive and could have any job you like… but why here in a prison?”

  “I don’t know… maybe it’s my calling.” She yawn and arched her back.“Either this or a nun.”

  “A nun?” He almost laughed.

  “I like taking care of people… especially lost souls.”

  “Like these prisoners.” He raised an eyebrow at her.

  “Yes, some of them are truly repentant.” The redhead replied, clasping her hands together under her breasts for emphasis.

  “I suppose you play a part in their rehabilitation.” He grinned, his brazen stare lingering on her bosom.

  “I do what little I can, and hope for the best.” She followed his gaze and smirked. “Everyone deserves a second chance.”

  “Yes, of course.” He looked up at her. “And I’d guess this one is mine.”

  “Yes, and no matter what you did to get here, if you truly – deep in you heart – are sorry, you will find retribution, no matter what.”

  “I do believe I will, Nurse.” He gave her another wide smile.

  “Yes, you will, Doctor.” She smiled back.

  “Tell me about the men here, Della, you’ve known them for years… anything I should know, to keep things going smoothly.”

  “They’re just the same as any patient for a medical practitioner.” She replied, running her hand carelessly through her hair. “Yes, some are violent in nature, some unbalanced… but they are all in need of help and guidance.”

  “I like your optimism, and combined with your sarcasm, that’s quite a contradictive combination.”

  “As long as it keeps me focused to do my job well.” Della slowly walked toward the door.

  “Oh, yes.” He nodded hurriedly. “As far as I’ve seen, you’re doing a great job here… I’ve a lot to learn from you.”

  “”You’re not flirting, and certainly not teasing…” She eyed him curiously. “I’m not quite sure what then you’re doing.”

  “Just getting down to business, my dear.” Rochester fiddled with a pencil on his desk. “I too prefer to keep profession and pleasure on alternate tracks.”

  “Well, I hope I’ve given you all the info you needed for today… I’ve got to get home and crash.”

  “Have a good day’s rest, Della… I’ll see more of you tonight.”

  “More of…” Her laugh was spontaneous. “There you are… and just when I thought you were getting all stuck up on me.”

  “Ha, not a chance, Miss Swanson.” He eyed her swaying hips as she walked away.

  “See ya later, Doc.” She waved back at him and left the room.

  “I certainly will see you later, my dear…” The young doctor chuckled under his breath. “And I’d want to see it all.”

  As the door closed behind the night nurse, Rochester accessed the database on the computer, pulling up info on all inmates known as Mel. He found two. Picking up the phone, he requested the jailer overseeing the men to have them sent in one at a time for routine check-ups. After a few minutes a tap on the door made him look up.

  “Prisoner 847-125 as you required, Doctor.” A uniformed guard standing outside his door announced.

  “Send him in, thank you… and keep guard outside.”

  “Yes, Doc.”

  Rochester looked carefully at the man entering the room. His hands were cuffed and he had an inquisitive look on his narrow face. He was heavily muscled and the standard issue prison garb stretched impressively over his chest and shoulders. The tattoos on his forearms and upper arms were very distinctive, but none that he could recognize.

  “Prisoner 847-125, Melchestore Malone.” He addressed the man. “Or Mel, for convenience. I am Doctor Liam Rochester.”

  “Hey Doc, whassup? How you duin’?” The deep rumble was instantly recognizable as the one he had heard the night before.

  “I’m quite all right, Mr. Malone?” The young man smiled. “And how are you?”

  “Call me Mel, Doc.” The muscular convict rumbled. “And I’m duin’ okay. Heard youse from New York. I’m from New York too… it’s all good, yeah?”

  “Yes, it’s all good, Mel.” Rochester nodded, fiddling around with some of the equipment. “I called you hear to see if everything’s fine with the inmates, health wise.”

  “Yeah, we’re all good here, Doc.” Malone grinned and flexed his bulging biceps. “Lookit me, Doc, I’m stronger than an ox.”

  “Very impressive, Mel.” The young doctor smiled as he typed on the keyboard. “And I understand you were all taken good care of… by the late Doc Scott and Nurse Della.”

  “Too bad about Doc Scott, man.” Malone shook his large head. “He was a good guy… and Nurse Della, she’s an angel, that sweet woman.”

  “Yes, that she may be.” Rochester agreed with a smile. “I hope she’s taking care of everything in the night shift.”

  “Don’t worry about her, Doc.” The convict grinned, a gold tooth glinting. “She takes good care of us dumb fuckers… we don’t deserve a goddess like her.”

  “And yet here she is, spending her life in the service of men like you.” The young doctor sighed, strapping a pressure reader onto Malone’s dense upper arm.

  “Like I said, Doc,” he shrugged his immense shoulders. “…she’s an angel, that Della.”

  “We could all do with an angel every now and then.” Rochester said sagely. “Makes life a little easier to live.”

  “So why’d you call me here, Doc?” Malone flexed his arm as the pressure increased. “Is everything okay with me… am I goin’ ta die?”

  “Far from it, Mel… you’re in the pink of health.” The doctor from the big city laughed, reading the report on the monitor. “I just wanted to run a few tests, is all… for pressure, heart rate, etc.”

  “So what do you think?”

  “I think you’re as strong as an ox.” Rochester unstrapped the device and patted the man’s broad shoulder.

  “Hey, I already toldja that.” Malone grinned, flexing his powerful triceps a few times.

  “Is there anyone else like you?” Rochester inquired, narrowing his eyes. “I mean, big and strong…”

  “Sure.” Malone nodded indifferently. “Schnitzel Reinhold… he’s from Europe.”


  “Yeah, everyone calls him that… his real names a bitch, way too long to remember… Schwatzellingermeyer or somethin’.” Malone laughed out aloud. “The guy’s a hoot… you’ll like him.”

  “I’ll see him next. Thank you for your time, Mel.” Rochester stood up and signaled the guard outside. “You’ve been very cooperative. I’ll see you again soon.”

  “Nice meetin’ you too, Doc.” Malone called out as he left. “Say hi to Nurse Della for me.”


  “Nurse Della Swanson.” The young man whispered to himself and smiled, leafing through her file, his thin fingers caressing the ten year old photograph attached to her data sheet. “What on Earth would make you stay here for ten long years, especially since you’re such a looker?”

  William Rochester wasn’t particularly interested, but slightly curious maybe. His meeting with the two inmates confirmed that she was sleeping with them, but he couldn’t fathom why she needed to do this. He picked up all the clues right, she preferred her men strong and dangerous. Melchestore ‘Mel’ Malone was in for life, on charges of manslaughter. And Schillizergenmaier ‘Schnitzel’ Reinhold was a mercenary for hire with a record of killing more than a hundred people.

  It was Reinhold who almost spilled the beans, in his excitement to show his appreciation for the night nurse. The European giant of a man expressed his gratitude for her care with a lot more enthusiasm than the New York gangster. And Rochester was sure now that she had a few more men there under her special care, in the night shift. Her duty record showed her taking on the night shift
ever since she had joined and almost never had a day off, not even for Christmas.

  He glanced at his watch. She would soon be there for her shift. Scott was too old to catch her in the act, and maybe a few of the guards were either paid off of under her special care too to let all this happen. He would be a fool to pass up on this slice of pie that was being dished out here. A click on the door heralded her approach and he turned to face her with a wolfish grin on his youthful face.

  “Evening, Doc.” Della smiled as she walked in, her starched uniform spotless and extra tight. “How was your day?”

  “Good eve to you too, Nurse.” His grin widened. “I had the most pleasant day… and I hope it continues that way.”

  “Glad to know you’re settling in well, Liam.” She exhaled deeply, tossing her purse on the desk. “So what did you do today… anything I should know of?”

  “Well, I had a good time… checking up on a couple of inmates.” He rubbed his hands together. “I was terrified at first to be so close to such hardened killers, but I realized as I spoke to them, they’re as normal as anyone, just caught up in the wrong side of the net.”

  “I’m glad you see it that way, it’s the first step to rehabilitating them to society.” Della smiled. “Most people would just prefer to let them rot in here for eternity.”

  “Eternity is a long time.” The young man nodded. “But I’m curious…how does one rehabilitate mass murderers?”

  “Who did you check up on?” She eyed the computer monitor before him.

  “Couple of guys… Malone and… Bagel or something… ah yes, Schnitzel.”

  “Oh!” Her voice faltered a bit. “…those two are serving multiple life sentences.”

  “How do you rehabilitate men like them?” He asked, looking right at her. “Do you have some kind of special method that works on them?”

  “Are you asking in rhetoric or me in particular?” The night nurse looked at him quizzically.

  “Either… each of them said that they highly appreciated your care for them.” He shrugged his narrow shoulders. “And they seemed like nice, cheerful men, despite their criminal records, so whatever you’re doing for them… must be beneficial.”

  “Oh… well, I hope so.” She shuffled her feet and looked out the little window.

  “But realistically, even if they do wish to reform, pardoning their crimes would be next to insanity.” Rochester kept his gaze on her. “No court of law would advocate it.”

  “That’s true.” She sighed, smiling slightly. “But everyone deserves a second chance.”

  “Is that what you’ve been doing for them, Nurse… giving them a second chance?”

  “Where are you going with this, Doctor?” The redhead stood before him, hands on her flaring hips.

  “I walked in on you and Malone last night… ” He replied, in a matter-of-fact manner. “Got the shock of my life, I did.”

  “Oh, fuck!” She looked away, her hands balling into tight fists.

  “Well, yes.” He smiled at her. “And he sure enjoys the second chances you’ve been giving him.”

  “I… you have no…” She glared at the young doctor, her hands clutching at the edge of his desk.

  “Him… and Reinhold.” Rochester went on. “And a whole lot of others I’m sure whom I am yet to check up on.”

  “You little snoop.” She cried in exasperation.

  “Hey, it was too obvious, and I didn’t snoop… I went back down to collect my bags.”

  “What did those two idiots tell you?” She demanded, leaning back on the wall.

  “Nothing much.” The slender man shrugged. “But I picked up on the clues, being smarter than I look helps.”

  “So now you know.” Della laughed sardonically. “What do you want from me?”

  “Am I supposed to want something?” He raised his eyebrows.

  “Why else would you be doing this then?” She slapped her palm on the desk.

  “Does any of the guards know, and how about O’Reilly?”

  “The warden?” She gasped. “He’d kick me out so fast… no, none of the guards know.”

  “How do they not?” He was surprised for real.

  “No one really cares for these prisoners.” The redhead sighed, sitting down on the chair before him.

  “Not as much as you have been… for the last ten years.”

  “And now I have you to care as much too, Liam.” She smiled at him wanly.

  “Why do you do it?” He leaned closer, staring at her hard. “What makes you want to do it?”

  “I don’t know.” She looked away, flustered.

  “Is it a kind of fetish, or a compulsion?” He pressed on. “Does fucking a dangerous criminal give you a kind of heightened sexual gratification?”

  “I… well, kind of… and giving these guys something they crave for makes me feel… well, blessed.”

  “And you’ve been doing this for the whole time you’re here?” Rochester withheld an urge to laugh. “How the hell did you start doing this?”

  “Not the whole ten years.” She gave him a look of indignation. “I took my time, picked out the right guys, gave them a little more attention than the others… made them and myself feel comfortable with one another…”

  “Hmm.” He smirked. “Wow! I mean… that’s quite a wild adventure you’ve been on.”

  “And now you’re going to destroy it all.” She said, suppressing her anger.

  “Well, I have no love lost for the warden.” He grinned at her lecherously. “And I like you the most here… hell, you’re the only one I like here.”

  “So you’re not going to tell the warden anything.” She eyed him with suspicion.

  “Not yet…” Rochester rubbed his temples and leaned back on his chair.

  “Damn you, Rochester, you want a piece of the action too… fuck, you’re a little blackmailer, aren’t you?”

  “I didn’t make any demands.” The young doctor had a smirk on his smug face.

  “You didn’t say it, but your leering eyes have been all along.” She replied hotly, running her fingers through her lustrous red hair.

  “So what do you say?” He held out his hands.

  “When do you want me?”

  “Tonight… unless you have prior appointment with your care bears.” He gave her a sly wink.

  “No, I don’t have any for tonight.” The redhead stood up, smoothing down her tight uniform.

  “That’s convenient.” He eyed her luscious curves and shifted uneasily on his chair.

  “But to really get me going, I need to know what you did to get you here… no one in their right mind would want to work here.”

  “And yet you are.” He stood up and stepped away from the desk.

  “I get my wilder needs fulfilled without the risks.” Della sauntered over to the sickroom and trailed her hand over the bedrail of one of the beds. “The bad boys here can only give me what I want, and take nothing away.”

  “But I’m different.” He replied, following her into the small room. “I can take everything away.”

  “I don’t think you’d want to.” She turned to face him and began unbuttoning her blouse. “But I still want to know the bad things you did to get in here.”

  “Will knowing of my crime turn you on even more?” His eyes were transfixed on her enticing cleavage. “Will that make me bad enough for you to risk getting in the sack with me?”

  “Yes on both counts.” She unbuttoned her blouse completely and stood with her low cut bra and heaving breasts exposed. “Now tell me, Doc, what the fuck did you do?”

  “Long story, I’ll give you the quick short version.” He said, his breath quickening at the sight of her near naked breasts. “I had a high position in a reputed medical center with my own wing, ran it the way I liked with my own team of doctors, nurses and technicians. We were a great team; we worked hard and played even harder.”

  “Quite the prodigy, were you?” She asked, teasingly caressing the upper slopes of h
er breasts. “What did you play?”

  “Games of love not meant for the faint hearted.” He swallowed hard, his erection getting really painful in its confined space.

  “Some crazy fetishes, like mine.” She cupped her breasts from under the bra and pushed them higher.

  “Yes, with toys and tools of bondage, all that sort of exciting stuff. Our patients paid good money for the special treatment. And then it all went wrong.”


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