Held Down

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Held Down Page 110

by Pamela Prim

  Until now.

  Milo pressed his lips against hers. He gently parted her lips, his tongue finding hers.The kiss was much more gentle than Talia expected, as was his touch as his fingertips gently traced her chin. Her head was spinning as Talia tried her best to remain in control of her senses. It was difficult being so close to Milo. She wanted so badly to tell him how she was a novice and that she was afraid that her inexperience would disappoint him.

  As if he knew what was on her mind, Milo spoke.

  "I know that this is all new territory for you. It's fine. We will take our time."Gazing in her eyes, he took her hand in his.

  "Talia, do you trust me?"

  Nodding first, she replied "Yes, Milo. I do."

  He had been a caring teacher for her up until now. Why should this experience be any different, she reasoned with herself.

  "We will only go as far as you are comfortable. I just have to confess. I have felt the chemistry from the moment you walked into my studio. From the first day. But I did my best to maintain the student/ teacher relationship. I did not want to affect your chances of doing well at your audition. Nothing should get in the way of the work at hand."

  Talia was not sure what would happen next, but she knew that she was safe with Milo. He would definitely take care of her physically and emotionally. That she was sure of.

  The next time his lips touched hers, he did not let go. And it was all for the best as the passion ignited and the temperature did a steady rise. She did what she had come to know, Talia followed Milo's lead. In one motion, he picked her up off of the bed and carried her to the bedroom.

  As he swept her away to the bedroom, Talia quickly wondered if it would be the stuff of romance novels and movies.

  They started off slowly, Milo taking care with each touch and each kiss he planted on her body. It seemed as if he planted a kiss and then waited for her body to respond. When she did with a sigh or a light moan, he went in for more. When she breathed, exhaled, it gave him the permission he needed.

  Milo increased the passion, held her body in his arms, explored her. Knowing that his eyes were on her, that he was not going to stop giving her the attention that she had been craving for the past few months.

  Suddenly, it felt that they were as in sync as they had been on the dancefloor. It was a familiar cadence. There had been this song and dance for months and now they were about to make music. Sweet music.

  The way he undressed her methodically. The way that he took care to admire her body as he removed her clothing. Talia knew that she was in good hands. Strong hands that held her tightly as he kissed her. He was such a gentleman and asked for permission to take the next step.

  Permission was granted. Talia braced herself for the sensation, but as she felt him enter her, it was sweet, and slow and perfect. Milo looked her in the eyes, watching and taking care to let her know that he was going every step along the way with her.

  Talia shuddered as their rhythm picked up pace. It was a whirlwind as a tidal wave of emotions and sensations washed over her. As he touched her, Talia felt her body ignited in places that had never been awake before. She closed her eyes and focused on all that he was doing. Anticipating a kiss on her thighs, feeling his fingertips massage her hardened nipples. Talia wanted more and she asked Milo not to stop. He promised her that he wouldn't stop but told her to be patient.

  Milo then did what she anticipated most. He showed her what ecstasy really felt like. Commanded her body to do things she was not aware it was capable of doing. As he thrust, parting her thighs for better access, Talia held on tightly. Her body accepted all of Milo. She tried to give as much as Milo was giving, but he did what he did best. Milo guided her, each stroke bringing her closer and closer to the sensation that she did not know was going to be as life shaking as it was.

  It started in a small ripple, like a pebble skipping in the water. Then the ripples became stronger until a small wave washed over her. Talia tried to catch her breath, to no avail. Milo only let her have a brief moment before he went back to strumming her body like a cello. He knew where to touch, where to kiss, when to touch, and when to kiss. And just when she thought that she could not take any more, the ripple started and the wave washed over her again.

  There were so many things that she wanted to say in those moments, so many things she wanted to tell Milo, but instead she tuned in and let her body do the talking. She and Milo were having this intimate conversation, no words said. It was the most amazing connection, to not have to say much at all to one another. There was a power in that silence between them.

  Milo stroked her hair, kissed her lips as a moan escaped her lips.

  "Are you alright?"

  Biting her bottom lip, Talia nodded. She thought that he was going to give her a brief moment to catch her breath. He did not.

  Instead he pulled her closer to him, as if there was a space to get any closer and slid deeper inside of her. Talia felt herself falling, felt herself coming into more unchartered territory. She was not prepared.

  Milo whispered some sensual things in her ear, telling her how much he loved her body and how he loved how soft she felt against him. He constantly checked to see how she felt, making sure that she found pleasure in the things that he was doing. He did not seem to worry about what she could do to give him pleasure, simply concerned about making sure her experience was amazing. It had been so far.

  His hands clutched tightly in hers, the waters continued to overflow. Talia did not mind one bit. She did not mind that Milo turned the heat up a bit. He suddenly became a man on a quest to quench his thirst. It was as if he could not drink her in quickly enough.

  "Milo, I'm not going anywhere," she whispered as he lowered his kisses. The trail led from her navel, then lower, and then lower again to her thighs. The feel of his lips on her inner thigh, teasing left her quivering. She instinctually placed her hands on his head, trying to steady him as he found that sweet spot, the place down below that he knew he could speak to bring pleasure.

  All Talia could do was close her eyes and let Milo take control completely. The moan was slight at first, but when the dam broke, there was no way to contain herself. Her body writhing with pleasure, she tried to clutch the bed, a pillow, or something to steady herself so that her body would not go into utter convulsions from pleasure. She wanted more and begged Milo not to stop.

  "How did that feel?" he asked. His voice had a bass to it, sweet and sexy, and tinged with longing. The man seemed insatiable and Talia was not sure that she could keep up with that kind of appetite.

  For a moment, she wanted to lie there, relishing in the glow. But Milo was not done with her. He entered her again, gently. Her body responded, her legs clutched around his waist, begging him not to move. Talia wanted to stay in this moment as long as she could. It had taken so long to get here and now she did not want it to end.

  His kiss brought her through the next wave of pleasure. Talia was sure at that point she would not be able to take any more. They were both lying there, sweat covering both of their heaving chests. Milo took Talia in his arms, softly running his fingers through her hair.

  "Stay the night with me please, Talia."

  Her answer was yes, as she nodded off to sleep.


  The sun poured through the window. Talia had no clue what time it was. Stretching, she tried to find her phone to see how long she had been asleep.

  Rolling over, she saw that Milo was not next to her. She closed her eyes and hope that it had not all been a dream. It hadn't because she was not in her own bed. She could still smell Milo's cologne in the sheets.

  Taking another moment, she rolled around in the king sized bed, feeling the satin sheets against her skin. Trying to figure out the words for what happened last night was difficult. She was not sure that words could sum up her first time. Milo had taken care to make things so very special for her.

  The scent of coffee and breakfast was in the air. She still did not know what time
it was. It did not matter. She did not have anything on the agenda until much later in the evening.

  Scanning the room, she tried to find her clothes, but instead she found a men's robe at the foot of the bed. Wrapping herself in the plush cloth, Talia sat at the foot of the bed, trying to gather her thoughts. Everything had been so perfect.

  "Good morning."

  The bedroom door opened and there was Milo, standing there gallantly with a silver tray.

  "I thought that you would be a bit hungry. I know that I am famished."

  That smile.

  "I am. What time is it?"

  "I thought you could stand to sleep in. It's after nine a.m. Unless you have to go somewhere."

  She shook her head. "I don't. I have time to stay. And especially for breakfast."

  He set the tray down. "Wonderful. Here is yours. I will return with mine."

  Milo did just that, sitting in the bed next to her.

  "You did all of this for me, Milo?"

  He shrugged as if it was nothing much at all. "I did. I thought that you would appreciate a bit of hot breakfast and that well, after such a special day and night yesterday. I thought a little homemade breakfast would be in order."

  "Thank you. I appreciate it."

  "She sipped her coffee."

  "How is everything?"

  "The pancakes are so fluffy. Be careful. You could quickly spoil me with all of this good food."

  "I wasn't talking about the food."

  Talia set her fork down, sipped her coffee. Setting her mug down, she spoke.

  "Everything was beautiful. So unexpected and so very beautiful."

  Milo scooted closer to where Talia sat. He took her hand in his and kissed it delicately.

  "I wanted everything to be so special for you."

  "No regrets," she replied. "None whatsoever."


  When Talia got the call that she had gotten the position in the new dance company, she could not be more ecstatic. The first person she thought to call was Milo. When he did not answer, she did not think twice. Instead she sent him a text and told him that she had good news.

  A knock at the door startled her. She was not expecting any company.

  When she opened there door, she could not see the person behind the extravagant bouquet of flowers.

  "Oh my," she squealed in excitement.

  "I hope you like them."


  He entered her home at her invitation. "These are for you, Talia. I hope that you love them. Congratulations. But then, we knew that you would ace this."

  With one motion, Milo pulled Talia into his arms and whirled her around. He presented her the flowers as he dipped her and kissed her lips.

  "They are beautiful. Thank you, Milo."

  She took the flowers from him and set about finding an appropriate vase for them.

  "What was going through your mind that day of the audition? What motivated your focus? I never asked you. I sat in the audience that day and watched you and it was as if you were an entirely different person. I was intrigued and amazed to see that side of you come out in full force."

  Talia smiled. She could openly admit the answer. "You. You were my inspiration."

  Milo blushed. She had never seen the man blush. It was actually quite endearing for Talia to experience.

  "Really?" Milo replied.

  Talia shrugged as she arranged the flowers. "I don't know. Something inside of me awakened. Something inside of me wanted to push for more. I felt so free. Like I could do anything. The thought of my leg even being injured never even crossed my mind while I danced. I had this power. It was raw. I felt sexy. I felt unstoppable. And I just channeled all of that in my dance."

  Milo walked over to where she stood and kissed her hand. "I am so happy to have been a part of that experience. You have been this amazing creature from the start. I just wanted to make sure that you knew that, that you felt what I saw in you."

  His lips lightly brushed hers. "I would love to take you to dinner." He offered the entire kiss, planting his lips firmly on hers.

  "Dinner would be lovely. Thank you."

  Talia was not sure what was happening between herself and Milo but she was open to go along for the ride. Open to the romance of it and the sheer exhilaration. Over dinner, Milo made sure she laughed and smiled and that she was able to enjoy herself. For the first time in life, Talia felt a strength and a passion that she never wanted to stop feeling. It was if a fire was lit and as far as she was concerned, there would be no extinguishing the flames.

  Milo had lit that fire. And she wanted that fire to continue to burn as the Olympic torch burns, for years to come, never going out. Even if Milo would not be the man to tend to the fire, Talia had learned that living with that passion was necessary. And as far as she was concerned at this point, she would not live life any other way.

  Story 50

  “Make a short video of yourself masturbating on the Dean’s desk.”

  I choked, my mouthful of cocoa spewing out of my mouth and spraying across my laps and onto the floor as I threw a disbelieving look at my roommate and her giggling friends.

  “Euuwwww, Diane, could you be any more gross?” Lily Bass scolded as she threw me a box of Kleenex and turned her face away in disgust.

  I cleaned up the mess and looked up at Lily as I absently tossed the used tissue into the bin. “Have you completely lost it? How could you ask such a thing?”

  Lily looked back at me, “It’s called a dare, Scaredy Cat!”

  “Precisely,” Neila Dorman cut in. “You made me flash my boobs at Mr Reitman last week, didn’t you? That poor professor almost had a coronary.”

  “Yeah, but that was just —” I began.

  “A dare? You’re right. And I did it. This is also a dare.”

  I swallowed, “I had rather pay up.”

  “Fine! $20,000,” Lily stated nonchalantly, stretching forth her hand, palm up.

  I stared at her palm as though mesmerized. This had all started as a prank and now it was snowballing out of proportions. Where would I get $20,000? This was all my fault I thought. I had started these outrageous dares and just three weeks ago, Mandy Peters had almost sold her Aston Martin to pay up. She had finally carried out the dare; walked right up to the Dean and given him a hot slap in full view of an entire body of students. Then of course she had had to pretend to be having a seizure to keep from getting expelled.

  What would happen though if I didn’t pay? I looked at the other girls; Neila, Lily and Mandy. There was determination and silent anger in their eyes and for the first time I realized how much the girls really loathed me. What had I been thinking? This was madness. What had possessed me to rope these girls into this silly game? Now they were taking it so seriously that I just knew if I didn’t pay the damn money or do the dare, I would soon be facing the university panel talking my head off to avoid being expelled because of some false ‘anonymous’ report.

  “You—” I tried.

  “No way out of this one Diane. You made the rules; you started this dare and for the past two weeks I’ve been sucking your pussy every night to pay for not being able to take a nude picture with the school statue at high noon!” Lily spat.

  She looked very angry and now that I thought about it, I realized that perhaps she hadn’t enjoyed sucking my pussy as much as I had enjoyed it. Cumming in my roommate’s mouth every night for the past two weeks had been the highlight of my day; just thinking about the night pleasures awaiting me made me wet all day in class. Even now I could feel my clitoris swelling and pulsing in wicked anticipation.

  Say what you will about Lily Bass, the girl was good with her tongue— and her hands.

  For that matter, so was I, I thought. I licked my lips as a thought occurred, “Okay it was my mistake. I’ll suck you back for a whole month if you want. But I can’t masturbate on the Dean’s desk; it’s out of the question; someone is bound to see me and rat me out to the old geezer. I could get k
icked out of school.”

  “Too bad,” Mandy said without an ounce of sympathy.

  “The one who chooses the dare chooses the punishment Diane,” Neila reminded me.

  “Yes, so as eager as you are to eat some pussy, you have to go fuck yourself on the Dean’s desk,” Lily said, her choice of words deliberate. She detested me, I realized and she was letting me know in her own inimitable style. Lily was one of those brainy people who could play on words and make one sentence say fifty different things if she wanted. I had started this Impossible Dare challenge three weeks ago. The first week had been Mandy’s turn and she had had to slap the Dean or cough out fifty grand. She had done it in the end rather than sell her car. Neila had had to flash her boobs at Professor Reitman and Lily had had to suck my pussy every night because she had not been able to give a campaign speech naked; tonight was the last night of Lily’s two weeks of cunnilingus.

  I stared at her feeling the entire blood drain from my face. I was really in trouble, I realized.

  I swallowed my pride and looked up at all three girls as I pleaded, “Please. Choose some other dare. Anything.”

  Lily tossed her hair and looked away. Mandy looked down at her smartphone and Neila began to play with her nails.


  “Fine! Do it on Professor Eleftherios’ desk and take a video,” Lily said. “Final offer.”

  I stared at her beaten. It was not really much of a better option. Professor Calix Eleftherios was the guy every campus girl drooled over. He was Greek, tall, blonde and golden-eyed with a whip-cord lean physique, streaks of silver at his temples, and large masculine hands that made me think he must be seriously hung. I had taken his course last semester and it had been a miracle I had not made a fool of myself tripping for the guy. He was eye candy but he was also incredibly strict; he was even probably worse than the Dean! Why last two semesters, he had filed a sexual harassment suit against one Freshman for whistling when he walked by.


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