Held Down

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Held Down Page 127

by Pamela Prim

  “So you’re the captain now…” Bella was almost breathless. “…and what of me?”

  ‘Captain’s are in need of cabin boys all the time.”

  “So my ruse continues…” She smiled warily.

  “Aye, with none the wiser.” He kissed her on the cheek.

  “And Bran…” She suddenly realized. “Oh, good heavens, I’d forgotten all about him.”

  “If he be alive, we will need a new Master Steward.” Hinds took a deep breath.

  “Then Gillard too is dead?”

  “Aye, even before the captain.”

  “And Bran…” Bella ventured fearfully.

  “Methinks he is sound, I did see him fight rather well,” The new captain said with some conviction. “…before I came upon Brushbeard and you.”

  “I pray he is.” She exhaled loudly.

  “You do that… for all of us onboard.”

  “And what of our journey?” She remembered she had a destination to sail to.

  “We will sail for Port Cartage, replenish supplies and recruit able-bodied men to replace the ones we lost.”

  “And what of me… and my destination.” Bella eyed the man cautiously.

  “We will arrive there, eventually…” He hugged her closer. “…and there are duties for a captain’s cabin boy to meet.”

  “What kind of duties?” She picked up the gleam in his eye.

  “I can think of one right now.” He gave her a knowing smile, guiding her hand down to his renewed arousal.

  “I think I’m going to like my new role as the captain’s cabin boy.” She replied, sliding down his muscular body and grasping the base of his rigid cock. She licked her lips, a sudden urge to take the throbbing organ into her mouth overcoming her.

  “Enough talk, to work.” She heard him growl, the intoxicating scent of his arousal filling her nostrils as she opened her mouth wide over the red hot organ pulsing in her slender hands.

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  Story 57

  Alicia scrolled through Craigslist, desperately looking for a job. She had just been registered as a nurse but was avoiding having to get on at a hospital as much as possible. The smell of them, the anti-septic made her sick. So did the speed at which they moved the emergency patients, the little kids and old ladies with broken hips. Alicia would much rather go into a private practice with a family doctor.

  She had graduated in a massive class and it seemed like all of her mates had planned better than she—most of them had jobs lined up for the moment they got their licenses. Alicia had been let go from the nursing home she had worked at for three years just two weeks prior to graduating. There was panic in her chest each time she sat down to search for a job. She wondered what would happen if she didn’t find anything, how she would pay off her loans, whether or not she was even qualified at this point to work as a manager at Burger King. Alicia had always been prone to anxiety.

  She took a deep breath, calming herself, and continued to scroll until she reached a promising headline.

  RN needed for paid internship/possible full-time position.

  Alicia clicked on it and skimmed through the posting. It was a doctor who ran his own practice and worked alone, in need of part-time help for at least six weeks. She wrote down the number and closed her laptop, dialing her cell phone with shaky hands.

  “Hello?” came the voice on the other end. His voice was deep and soft; Alicia relaxed a bit at the sound of it.

  “Hi,” she said. “My name’s Alicia Meyers and I am calling in regard to your Craigslist post looking for an intern.”

  “What are your qualifications?” the man asked. She swallowed, told him she’d just gotten her nursing license, that she had working as a CNA at a nursing home while she was in school. He paused on the other end for a moment.

  “Would you be willing to meet for an interview?”

  “Yes,” she said quickly, grinning and giddy. “When?”

  “In an hour,” he said. She agreed, desperate, and wrote down the address that he gave her. She got ready quickly, throwing on makeup and combing through her tangled curls, slipping into her most professional dress and a pair of modest heels. Alicia looked at herself in the mirror, satisfied, and grabbed her purse. She hoped she wouldn’t run into traffic on the way to the office. She always expected that everything would go wrong at any given moment, especially when she needed so desperately for it to go right.

  She arrived at the office in plenty of time, knocking at the door, shifting nervously in her heels.

  Alicia froze when the man answered. There was something about him that nearly knocked her from her feet—some sort of power glowing behind those green eyes. He had salt-and-pepper hair and a slim, firm frame. His greeting glance was hot on her face, intense and penetrating. She felt herself blushing as he invited her in.

  She was for some reason afraid to shake the man’s hand, afraid to touch him. He was beautiful in his own way—probably early fifties, body limber and languid in his movements, back straight and proud. Alicia kept her hands clasped in front of her as he gestured for her to sit down across from him at his desk.

  “I’m Xavier Cunningham,” he said. He extended his arm to hers and she had no choice but to take his hand. He held her eye as she did so, his lips curving into an enigmatic smile.

  “Alicia,” she said; her throat dry. “It’s nice to meet you, Dr. Cunningham.”

  “Did you bring me a resume?” he asked. Her heart fluttered with nervous energy. She had forgotten all about it in her rush to get to the office.

  “I’m so sorry,” she told him. “I completely forgot.”

  She was blushing hard, deeply embarrassed. Xavier leaned back in his chair, propping his long legs on the desk, grinning lazily at her.

  “It’s alright, Miss Meyers. I think you’ll do just fine.”

  Alicia was surprised and elated.

  “When would you like me to start?”

  “Tonight at eight.” His green eyes studied her face intently. He put his legs down and reached forward to take her hand again, brushing her palm with the tips of his fingers when he pulled away after a few long seconds. Alicia dragged her teeth over her bottom lip, confused and flustered, and stumbled over her words as she promised to return in a few hours. She felt his eyes on her back as she turned to leave, and it was all she could do to keep her legs working as she walked away from him.


  “Good evening,” he said in that lilting, melodic voice. He smiled at her, all charm, as he let her in the door. He locked it shut behind him and led her into the back room, where he saw his patients.

  “I need to ask you something, Alicia.”

  “Yes?” She tried to take deep breaths, to slow her heartbeat. She still wore her dress from earlier in the day, not sure whether she was actually beginning work or if he would simply show her the ropes. She had her scrubs folded up in the backseat of her car, just in case.

  “My practice is rather unorthodox,” he said. “I need to know that you can handle that.”

  She swallowed, meeting his eye, regretting it immediately when her body flushed hot under his gaze. He noticed. She knew he noticed by the way he looked at her, amused and slightly surprised.

  “What do you mean?” Alicia asked. Her tongue felt heavy in her mouth. She looked away, scanning the room. It was much like any other doctor’s office, the walls white and sterile, everything shining and clean.

  “You’ll see.”

  Xavier crossed the room and began to unbutton his shirt, sliding it off of his shoulders and folding it, placing it in a cabinet. Alicia watched him, unable to look away, fascinated by his lean muscles and his slim waist. He either didn’t notice or chose not to acknowledge her stare, instead reaching into a bag on the floor and pulling out a fresh white shirt. He put it on and turned toward her, rolling the sleeves to his elbows.

  “Our first patient should be here in about ten min
utes,” he said. “I’ll show you where some supplies are until then.”

  Alicia allowed him to lead her around the office. Always, she was aware of the location of his body. She held her breath once when he stepped close to her, reaching to the top shelf of a cabinet to show her where he kept the extra syringes. He had paused, lingering close to her body, so close she could feel the heat radiating off of him. He took a few steps back without touching her, without remark or incident.

  A doorbell rang and he walked to the front door, unlocking it and ushering in a squat man who was about Alicia’s age. The man was limping, favoring his left leg, wincing with every step.

  “This is fucking killing me, doc,” he said to Xavier, who nodded sympathetically and led him into the back room. He assisted the man onto the examination table, and pulled up one leg of his jeans, talking to him all the while.

  “Who is this?” asked the man, interrupting the doctor, gesturing to Alicia. “When the hell did you let someone else in here?”

  “Don’t worry,” said Xavier calmly. “She’s my new nurse. She knows how to keep silent. Don’t you, Alicia?”

  “Yes, doctor,” she replied, eyes focused on the wound on the man’s calf. It was a deep, throbbing red and severely swollen.

  “This is infected,” chided Xavier. “I told you to keep it clean and bandaged.”

  “Yeah, well,” said the man, “I ain’t exactly a nurse, now, am I?”

  The doctor clicked his tongue. “You have to take care of it or there’s nothing else I can do for you. You’ll have to go to the emergency room and explain why you have a bullet wound in your leg.”

  “I can’t give them my name, doc, you know that.”

  “So keep it bandaged. Alicia, get me gauze and antiseptic. There are some pills in a blue bottle below that cabinet there.” He pointed to the corner of the room. She hurried over and retrieved the supplies, setting them on a small table next to the doctor. The man winced when Xavier dabbed the antiseptic on the wound before wrapping it up. The doctor handed the man the blue bottle and told him to take it home.

  “Antibiotics,” he said. “Two every four hours. Come back if you need to, but I’ll just have to send you to the ER. Got it? Keep it clean.”

  The man slid off the table, groaning when his leg made contact with the floor. He thanked Xavier before handing him a wad of cash. The doctor locked the door behind him after he limped out, pressing his back to it.

  “Now what just happened?” he asked Alicia.

  “Criminals,” she said. “You treat criminals. People who can’t risk being found out.”

  He grinned. “That’s right,” he said. “Good girl.”

  Those words sent a rush of heat down her body, flowing below her stomach and resting between her hips. Her eyes were on his lips and she licked her own without thinking.

  “So, do you still want the job?” he asked, bringing her back to the moment. She lifted her gaze to his eyes. They were dancing, teasing her.


  He paused. “Good.”

  “Our next patient will be here in about a half hour. We have a little bit of time.”

  She gestured for her to follow him into the exam room.

  “Get on the table,” he commanded.

  “I’m—I’m sorry?”

  “Get on the table.” He smiled at her. “I have to make sure you’re fit enough for the job, do I not?”

  Alicia stared at him. It took her a moment to realize that he was serious. He patted the fabric with his hand.

  “Come on, Alicia.”

  She climbed up and sat down, her legs dangling over the edge. A small gasp escaped her when he pressed two fingers over her pulse. He held her eye and grinned, his skin hot on hers, holding on for a full minute before pulling away.

  “Your heart is racing,” he said. “Is that normal?”

  Alicia shook her head, her mouth too dry to speak.

  “Hmm.” He ran his tongue over his lips. “We might have to measure that again a little later.”

  Next he put the stethoscope to her chest and told her to take deep breaths. She knew her breathing was shaky, shallow and a little ragged. The doctor lowered the cold pad just between her breasts. Her eyes were closed, her lips parted. She was squirming on the table, wondering why she was reacting like an adolescent schoolgirl, both ashamed and excited all at once.

  His hand moved to her back and he slowly unzipped her dress all the way down the length of her spine. He held her still with one hand on her waist and pressed the stethoscope against her ribcage, whispering for her to breathe, allowing his fingertips to touch her skin as he pressed his hand against her. Alicia was almost disappointed when he zipped her back up. She was shaking.

  “Open your eyes,” he said, “look at me.”

  She did. His lips were curved in a smirk, his eyes laughing.

  “You did well.”

  “Thank you,” she breathed.

  “You’re more than welcome,” he told her, putting his hands on her hips and lifting her off the table.

  “Want some coffee?”


  She showed up the next evening in scrubs. He took one look at her and sent her home to change.

  “I don’t understand,” she said, “I’m your nurse.”

  “Go home,” he repeated. “Put on a dress. This isn’t a regular office and I need you to present a certain image.”

  So she did, slipping into a small black thing that hugged her every curve. It was absolutely risqué, definitely inappropriate for a workplace, but Alicia had a feeling that was what he was going for. The thought of it soaked her through her panties. She had spent the entire night and day thinking about him, his touch, his eyes. One shift and she had lost her shit to some chemical attraction.

  His eyes grazed slowly over her body when she returned, finally meeting hers.

  “Good,” he said. “Go get the exam room ready for the next patient.”

  Alicia felt him watching her from the doorway while she worked, covering the table in sanitary paper, arranging his tools next to his workspace. She looked over her shoulder and he grinned at her, his arms crossed.

  “Looks great.”

  She blushed. They waited for the next patient in silence. She poured him a cup of coffee and pressed it into his hands, then took a sip of her own and sat on the counter. When the doorbell rang, she answered it, allowing a tall, copper-skinned woman into the building.

  The woman immediately threw herself into Xavier’s arms, kissing him full on the lips. He wrapped his arms around her and laughed.

  “Hello, Angelique,” he said.

  “Xavier, my love,” the woman was beaming. She turned her attention to Alicia then, raising her eyebrows.

  “Is this your newest toy?”

  He glanced at Alicia and winked at her. “This is my nurse, Alicia.”

  “A nurse,” said Angelique. “She’s pretty.”

  “She’s ravishing,” he said casually, leading the two women into the exam room. Angelique stripped herself completely naked in front of them, sprawling out unabashedly on the table.

  “Any bleeding?” Xavier asked, pressing the stethoscope to the firm curve of the woman’s round belly.

  “None,” she said. “Some cramping and my tits hurt, but that’s about it.”

  “Are you taking vitamins?’

  “Of course. I want my baby to be beautiful,” the woman said, patting her stomach. “Did you get the machine?”

  “I’m afraid not,” he told her. “Sonogram machines are hard to come by.”

  She scoffed and sat up, her eyes settling on Alicia.

  “You ever had a baby, girl?”

  Alicia shook her head.

  “It sucks. Don’t do it.” She lay back down, gazing amorously at Xavier.

  “When are you going to marry me, doctor?”

  He chuckled, but didn’t answer. He told her everything looked good, that she should come back in a week. She got up, got dressed,
and walked to Alicia. The woman put a hand to Alicia’s cheek and kissed her on the corner of the mouth.

  “You’re lucky,” she said, laying a pile of money on the counter before leaving.

  “Is that baby--?”

  He laughed. “Mine? No.”


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