The Cowgirl's Secret (The Diamondback Ranch Series #)

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The Cowgirl's Secret (The Diamondback Ranch Series #) Page 8

by Novark, Anne Marie

  She raised her chin. "I'm not embarrassed." Liar. Thank goodness her voice didn't give her away.

  Sam stared at her a moment, disbelief evident on his face. Without another word, he began unbuttoning his shirt, tossing it aside before stepping out of his shoes and socks, his gaze locked on hers all the while. When his hands closed over the waistband of his slacks, Tori gripped the sheet tighter against her breasts. Suddenly, she didn't feel as brave as she'd led Sam to believe.

  He hesitated with his fingers hovering over his zipper. "You're sure?"

  Tori inhaled and raised her chin further. "I'm sure."

  With the candlelight flickering across his muscular chest, Sam's expression grew feral, his mouth straightened into a line that Tori realized was supposed to be a smile, supposed to put her at ease. He pulled down the zipper, the grating noise slicing the silence of the darkened room. He shucked his slacks out of the way and strode to the bed in his boxers.

  Tori scooted to the middle to make room, keeping a death grip on the sheet to maintain her modesty. The mattress dipped when Sam sat down close to her. With infinite tenderness, he took her face in his hands and kissed the corners of her mouth, swiping his tongue across her bottom lip, nipping it softly before plunging in. Tori moaned with pleasure. He tasted like heaven. She was fast becoming addicted to Sam's kisses, his touch . . . and him.

  She felt the sheet being gently tugged out of the way and let go of it. Wrapping her arms around Sam's neck, she kissed him back for all she was worth. He cupped her breasts in his big hands, weighing them in his palms, swiping his thumbs over the pert nipples.

  Tori let out a swift breath when they puckered in response. Her panties dampened even more. How could she react so strongly to Sam's touch? Unable to help herself, she thrust out her chest and silently begged him to kiss her breasts again.

  The man didn't disappoint her. He gathered her closer and with one hand on the small of her back, he encouraged her to arch even more, pushing her breasts toward his waiting mouth. He bent his head and suckled her, teasing her aching nipples, laving his hot wet tongue over the peaks, blowing and gently nipping, then sucking hard and long.

  Tori moaned again and grabbed Sam's shoulders, solid and bare beneath her fingers. She threw back her head and closed her eyes. Her body throbbed in yearning. Yearning for something she'd only read about in books. Only imagined in her dreams.

  Sam pulled her onto his lap so she was straddling his groin. His body flexed against the confines of his underwear and hers; taunting her, pleading, promising. He was hard as steel and without conscious thought, her body bucked against his engorged shaft again and again; the friction rubbed deliciously against her woman's core. The feelings were overwhelmingly pleasurable. All sensation seemed to gather in that one tiny spot.

  Oh my.

  Before she knew what was what, she was lifted off Sam's lap and laid flat on her back. Her body protested the abrupt halt of sensual titillation. Sam stripped off her panties and gripped her legs, pulling her butt to the edge of the bed.

  Was he going to do what she thought he was going to do? Dear God in heaven.

  She stared down the length of her torso as he knelt by the side of the bed, his strong hands on her thighs, his head between her legs.

  "Sam?" Her voice squeaked breathlessly. Too much was happening too fast. Her body was screaming, throbbing, begging for something just beyond reach.

  He smiled a wicked smile. "Trust me, babe. You'll like it. I promise."

  Right. Tori fell back on the bed and stared at the ceiling, focusing all of her attention on the sensitized bud that had suddenly become the center of her existence. Exhilaration buzzed alongside anticipation. She was hanging on by a thread, on the precipice of something wonderful. Something mind-blowing.

  She waited with bated breath, wondering what Sam was doing down there. Why was he stalling? Didn't he know she was dying here? Her body pulsed with need. Her heart pounded in her ears.

  Then she felt it. A gentle swipe of Sam's tongue on her most intimate flesh. Another one, whisper soft, butterfly quick.

  Dear God, she'd never felt anything like it in her entire life.

  She fisted her hands in the sheets, her body quivering expectantly, her legs spreading wider, begging for more of that exquisite sensual assault.

  Sam moved his hands down her thighs, closer to her center core. He kissed the feminine folds and with gentle fingers, splayed them across the short damp curls, exposing the nub, pushing against the flesh on either side, waiting a moment to assess Tori's level of hunger and need.

  He pressed the flat of his tongue against her, moving upward in a slow lazy stroke, hovering his mouth above the mound, again waiting, watching. Tori groaned in pleasure and bucked her lower body against his mouth, lifting her butt completely off the mattress, seeking more of Sam's touch, only to fall back again onto the sheets.

  "Easy, babe. We're almost there."

  Sam blew on the dampened flesh, caressing the intimate folds. Her slim body trembled with suppressed passion, her legs bent at the knees, sagging against the mattress, exposing her beauty to his appreciative gaze.

  A fierce pride rose up inside him with the knowledge that he was the first to explore uncharted territory with her. He was pretty sure she'd never climaxed, or if she had, he knew he was nurturing her desire to an almost painful intensity, so agonizing that when she finally came, she would explode in ecstasy.

  And he would be the lucky man to pick up the pieces. She'd be so hot and wild for him, that maybe when he thrust inside her, she wouldn't mind the discomfort so much. He'd promised to make it good for her, and Sam prided himself on being a man of his word.

  Sensing Tori's imminent release, he pressed his fingers together, squeezing the hot woman flesh upward. With the bare tip of his tongue, Sam softly touched the nub.

  Tori nearly came unglued and started rocking and trembling so hard, the bed shook beneath her. The fleeting caress of Sam's tongue stretched her body taut, stringing her nerve endings tighter than a barbed-wire fence.

  "Sam . . . please . . . I need . . . "

  "I know, babe. I know what you need."

  "I need it now . . . Please!"

  Tori thought she'd die if Sam didn't touch her again. She lifted her butt and felt his hands clamp around her hips, and then that wonderful magic feeling of his tongue on her flesh sent her soaring into a maelstrom of sensations too powerful to resist.

  Sam held on to Tori as he laved her with his tongue, milking her orgasm for several moments before finally moving away to grab a plastic packet from his pants pocket. Quickly applying the protection, he positioned himself above Tori, levering his hands on either side of her neck, spreading her legs with one knee.

  "Look at me, babe."

  Tori shook her head from side to side, a faint blush spreading over her body. Slowly, she opened her eyes, a look of wonder shining in the blue depths. She grabbed Sam's forearms, holding on for dear life. "I need something . . . more. I need you!"

  "You got it. This might hurt--"

  Tori pulled frantically at his arms, twining her long legs around his middle, bumping her lower body against him. "Just do it. I need it. I want it. Now!"

  Sam's body throbbed with need and want and desire. He gritted his teeth as he slowly slid into the sleek wet channel, only to be suddenly caught up short. He cradled Tori's cheeks with not quite steady hands as he thrust past the virginal barrier and buried himself to the hilt inside her. Beads of sweat dampened his forehead as he struggled desperately for control.

  Tori bit her lip and a single tear slid from the corner of one eye and down her flushed cheek.

  Well, damn. He'd hoped he wouldn't hurt her, but it couldn't be helped.

  "The worst is over, sweetheart. From here on in, you'll only feel pleasure. That's another promise. Are we good?"

  Tori nodded and smiled. "We're good. It feels . . . wonderful."

  Thank you, God. Sam let out a pent up breath and started pum
ping in and out of her, testing the waters. Making sure he didn't hurt her further. It didn't take long for them to find their own unique rhythm. Brown eyes locked with blue. Sam lost himself in Tori's tender gaze.

  Damn, she was killing him. He didn't know how long he was going to last. He was so close to losing it, and the intensity of his desire fueled the heaviness building in his groin. The pressure was gathering, expanding. He was about to burst at the seams.

  Control, Garza. Where's your fucking control?

  Too late. The faster he pumped, the closer he teetered on the brink. He wanted to prolong the sweet agony, but didn't believe that was possible. It had been too long; he wanted Tori too much. He was glad he'd taken the time and made her climax, because this was going to be quick. His body was more than ready.

  Tori reached up and cupped Sam's jaw, smoothing her fingers down his neck and gripped his shoulders as she moved in tandem with his thrusts. She pushed upwards on his downward plunges and pulled back when he withdrew, only to push and pull again and again. Harder and harder.

  The woman was a fast learner. Little Miss Innocence was innocent no longer.

  Sam thrust in and out, in and out, pumping hard and fast, until with one final thrust, he exploded into a shattering orgasm. His body shuddered in ecstasy as he spilled himself into Tori's warm, willing body lying beneath him.

  Holy crap. He'd never come so hard.

  He leaned his forehead against Tori's, supporting his weight on his elbows and knees, fighting to pull air into his oxygen-deprived lungs. Tori's sweet breath whispered against his cheek, her arms twining around his neck.

  The silence of the night echoed around them, as they lay joined together in bed. It had been a long time since Sam had felt so free, so relaxed . . . so happy. He would climb off Tori as soon as he had a chance to catch his breath. Closing his eyes for a just a moment, he fell fast asleep.


  Tori lay still beneath Sam as his breathing slowed down and regulated. Had he fallen asleep? His head lay on the pillow next to hers, his breath hot near her ear. She rubbed the nape of his neck, loving the feel of his warm bare skin beneath her fingers.

  Tenderness crept into her heart for the big man who lay on top of her, pushing her into the soft mattress. He'd taken her virginity with such gentleness and care. Even in sleep, he was careful not to crush her with his weight.

  She closed her eyes and thought about the life-changing events of the night. First of all, she couldn't believe the orgasm she'd experienced under Sam's hands and lips. Staring at the candlelight dancing on the ceiling, she blushed in the darkness of her room.

  Nothing had prepared her for such a spectacular orgasm. And certainly, nothing had prepared her for the heady sensation of being joined with a man. Lucky for her, the initial pain had quickly disappeared, replaced with the feeling of completeness, fulfillment, and oneness.

  Tori smiled into the night. There was something very exciting and satisfying about lying beneath a strong virile man who was making love to you. Not any man, she reminded herself. Only Sam.

  Except it wasn't really making love. They were having sex. Scratching an inch. Hadn't they both decided neither of them wanted a complicated relationship at this time?

  She brushed her fingers through Sam's dark hair. Unfortunately, she had miscalculated the strength of the bond they'd forged when they made love. The bond she'd forged. Sex was different for men, or so she'd been told. Different for women.

  She was still lying beneath Sam with their bodies joined. He'd made her a woman tonight. He'd also stolen her heart.

  She bit her lip. This was the reason she'd avoided socializing these past three years. She could not afford to fall in love with Sam Garza at this point in her career. Although he seemed to be her perfect match, a relationship would threaten all of her plans. She had to go to vet school. She had to be a veterinarian.

  But perhaps she was jumping the gun here. Maybe she hadn't really fallen in love. Maybe she was just basking in the afterglow of sex. Incredible, mind-blowing sex. With Sam Garza.

  And what about his feelings? He'd told her he didn't want a complicated relationship. He wanted to keep it simple.

  Well, it was too late for that. She was already halfway in love with him. And that made everything far from simple.

  Tori sighed. Could Sam ever love her back? My God. The way he'd touched her. Not only on the surface, but way down deep. Had he only been gentle and kind because she'd been a virgin? Or did it have anything to do with her? Tori McCade?

  Sam lifted up on an elbow and looked at her out of sleepy, heavy-lidded eyes. "Hey, babe. You okay?" He carefully withdrew from her body, grabbing a couple of tissues from the nightstand and handing them to her. "You'll probably be tender and sore. I'm really sorry about that. I hope there's not too much blood."

  Tori blinked and took the tissues, suddenly feeling empty inside where before she'd felt full and complete. "I don't think there's much. It didn't hurt that badly."

  "I'm glad." He kissed her forehead. "I'll be right back."

  Tori looked after his retreating body--his naked body--and decided he looked just as sexy from the back as from the front. He had a tight butt and his back rippled with muscles. She tossed the tissues in the trash and dove back under the covers. Were there clear-cut rules of etiquette pertaining to after-sex protocol?

  She'd just wait for Sam to return. He'd been an awesome instructor in bed. Her body tingled as she recalled all the glorious things he'd done to her. She didn't think he'd steer her wrong on what to do afterwards.

  Who knew? Maybe he'd want an encore performance. Tori took a mental inventory of the condition of her newly deflowered body parts.

  Leaning back on the pillows, she smiled. Oh yeah. She wouldn't mind a repeat performance either. Maybe not right this minute, but certainly in the not-so-distant future.


  The next several weeks flew by for Tori in a whirlwind of going to classes, working at the animal shelter and most importantly, seeing Sam whenever time allowed. Raenell spent most nights out with Joe, thus cooperating and encouraging Tori to see Sam as often as possible.

  They went out to dinner at least once a week, but most evenings when Tori didn't have too much homework and Sam could leave his mother on her own, they ordered take out and ate at Tori's apartment, spending the rest of their precious time together in bed.

  One cool evening in late October, Tori was on her way home from the animal shelter. She was running low on cash and stopped at the ATM. When she got back in the car, it wouldn't start. She tried the key again. Nothing happened. No sound, no click, no nothing. Well, damn.

  She was supposed to meet up with Sam for a late dinner. Right. That wasn't going to happen. She pulled out her cell phone and called him. "Hey, listen . . . something's wrong with my car. I'm going to have to cancel tonight."

  "What's the matter with it?" His deep voice on the other end made her heart squeeze tight as always.

  "I don't know; I'm not a mechanic. It won't start. I'm going to call a tow-truck--"

  "You don't have to do that. Where are you? I'll take a look at it."

  "You mean, you'll come and rescue me? Like a knight in shining armor?" she teased.

  "I don't know about knights in armor," he said with a low chuckle that made her stomach flutter. "But I do know a thing or two about cars."

  "Really? A computer guy like you knows about cars? You have some hidden talents you haven't shared with me yet, mister."

  "Oh babe, we've barely scratched the surface. I have a whole lot more I'd like to share with you. A whole lot more." The suggestive timbre of his voice tugged low in her gut. The nuance of his words shimmied up her spine, reminding her of all they'd already shared, tantalizing her imagination at the implied intimacies they still needed to explore.

  "Tori? Are you going to tell me where you are? I can't rescue you if you don't tell me what part of town you're in."

  She shook away the erotic images crowding
her brain, cleared her throat and gave Sam the address of the bank.

  Twenty minutes later, he pulled in beside her in the parking lot. Tori stood leaning against her car and watched him unfold his long-limbed body from his small red convertible. She couldn't believe how just the sight of the man could send her heart racing into hyperdrive.

  Sam walked up to her and smiled. "Sam's Roadside Assistance, at your service. Ready, willing and able to help you out."

  "I know you're ready and willing--oomph!"

  He jerked her against him to steal a kiss. Tori found herself plastered along the length of Sam's very ready and willing body. "The car, Sam, the car. Can you fix it? Do you know how?"

  "Ouch." Sam put his hands on her shoulders and set her away from him. "You really know how to stomp on a guy's ego, don't you?"

  "Oh, Sam. I'm sorry."

  "Well, you don't have to act so surprised that I know about cars."

  Tori shrugged. "I can't help it. It's one thing for you to fix my laptop. Quite another for you to repair my car."

  "You do speak your mind, don't you? It's one of the things I like best about you. My dad had a couple of vintage cars he was always tinkering with. He taught me a lot about carburetors and engines."

  "Really? So that explains it. You're a man of many talents, Sam Garza."

  He smiled that lethal smile she loved so well. "You ain't seen nothing yet, babe." He swooped in for another kiss, then opened the hood of her car. "Get in and turn the key. I'll have a look."

  Tori climbed back in and turned the key in the ignition only to be met with silence. She got out and watched Sam as he bent over the engine. He looked awfully good with those worn denim jeans outlining his tight butt. The image set her mouth to watering. She swallowed hard.

  Damn, she had it bad for this man.

  Sam stood up straight and pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his hands. "The battery's dead. I'll try to give it a jump. Get in again. You'll have to try to start it."


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