Heir to the Throne

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Heir to the Throne Page 9

by Andrew G. Wood

  “And she hasn’t run off screaming,” Lord Elthan said in a tone that was clearly mocking his own son.

  “No, father…Elysia seems not to remember anything…I’ve explained that we are now married, but nothing more.”

  Frederick watched as his father seemed to appear deep in thought. “Perhaps this may yet still work. We will need to get the story straight about her parents. Come back to my office, and we’ll discuss matters further.”

  Frederick followed his father back as requested, noticing the man now walked with a lot more purpose in his step. Once back inside, Frederick was asked to shut the door and take a seat, and to listen to what was being said.

  “Getting our stories straight is of the utmost importance. If this wife of yours is gullible enough to believe our series of events, then we need to make sure we are both telling her the same thing.”

  “I understand, Father,” Frederick replied, sitting as if a small child waiting to be lectured.

  Lord Elthan explained that Elysia should know that cultists had invaded the palace and killed the royal family.

  “All of them?”

  “Yes, that is most important. If for one second she thinks that her sister and that brat brother of hers might be alive then she’ll know something is wrong.”

  Frederick listened further, as he was told that since the wedding the other nobles had rejected her and Frederick taking the throne, as was their right.

  “Play this right, Frederick, and she might yet manage to persuade the Brenthellin nobles to her side!”

  After listening to his father reiterate several times what Elysia must and must not be told, Frederick headed back to his quarters. Passing the guards at his door, he was somewhat surprised to see her up and out of bed, and sitting down quite contently on one of the cushioned chairs. Noticing her husband return, Elysia cast her gaze his way, even affording him a smile.

  “I don’t remember anything, Frederick,” she said.

  “That’s okay, I’ll help you remember,” he replied, sitting down beside her and taking her hand in his, before lifting it up slightly and kissing it softly.

  “I don’t even remember our wedding. Why?”

  Frederick made a soft shushing sound, “That’s okay. We are even trying for a family of our own, but haven’t had any success yet,” he added.

  Knowing there was no time like the present, Frederick took one long deep breath and started to explain the story his father had been so adamant about keeping to. The tears of sadness that rolled down Elysia’s face as he explained about the murder of her father and step-mother, and then of her sister and half-brother were genuine.

  “It’s okay, I’m here for you,” Frederick said, placing an arm around her shoulder and pulling her in close for a hug.

  Frederick let Elysia digest what she had been told before continuing, leaving her to have a moment or two to grieve for her loss.

  Despite knowing all this was positive, Frederick felt a little disappointed with himself that he was betraying the woman he loved. However, he also knew that if not for this pack of lies he was feeding her she would very likely turn against him, Frederick knew he needed to keep up the pretence. He was certain his love for her was real and given a little more time now had hope that she could feel the same for him, even without the use of the dark magic contained in the necklace. Perhaps Loretta had done them a favour in changing whatever spell she had placed upon it, although Frederick knew that small steps would have to be taken to ensure Elysia’s full trust, and more importantly her love.

  Later that evening, after supper, Frederick held Elysia in his arms.

  “Perhaps we should retire to bed, my Dear, “ he said softly.

  Unsure as to what her reaction would be, Frederick afforded himself a smile as Elysia allowed herself to be guided towards the bedroom door. He then helped her undress, caressing her gently before helping in her into bed. Feeling himself aroused at her compliance, Frederick hurriedly undressed before getting in the bed the other side.

  After extinguishing the lamp at the side of their bed, he leaned over and kissed Elysia gently, before whispering to her that he loved her. At first, his more passionate kisses seemed to receive little in the way of response, but after moving his hands to caress lower down her body, it was clear to Frederick he would yet get his way. Without further delay, he rolled Elysia on to her back, still kissing her lips before moving his own body in a position on top of her. He felt a sense of great relief as his wife moved her legs apart, and he felt himself enter inside her.

  Chapter 10.A change of heart.

  Luca had only been at Whitmore Castle for a little over a day when Lord Romley informed him the meeting was set. Three more days from now and he would have to be paraded in front of a room full of lesser nobles from his father’s lands. All, of course, should be loyal to him as he was next in line to the throne, but it appeared Lord Romley was taking no chances. As Luca had already discovered, it was hard to know who to trust and who not, as some of the southern lesser nobles had already turned against him in favour of Lord Elthan. Security was going to be tight, and none of the nobles would be permitted with any kind of weapon; something which Luca thought might be difficult to implement.

  As was the norm, Lady Oakley and Lady Dalby spent most of their time sitting in the drawing-room chatting while they sewed or knitted. Samuel and Nerina, Theo and Clarissa had spent most of the day with Luca and Edward as they had been given permission to explore the castle. However, the fun part was somewhat spoiled by the fact that Lord Romley’s and Lord Dalby’s guards insisted on following them everywhere they went. Despite the annoyance, the six of them did have a good time, if only because they enjoyed each others company. Moreover, Luca was pleasantly surprised when Nerina of all people started chatting with him.

  As to what Luca had done or said to deserve this new level of respect he wasn't sure, but for the first time since they had actually met, Nerina seemed much more open and friendly towards him. Not that Luca was complaining, he actually liked her, and had never really understood why she had always seemed to be so mean to him. Now, for whatever reason, she was actually quite pleasant and never once saw fit to call him any names or make some snide remark about him. If anything, Nerina actually appeared to be going out of her way to be especially nice to him, something that Edward had noticed almost immediately.

  “Seems that someone has an admirer,” Edward whispered as the group explored the large library within the castle.

  Luca blushed at the remark, “Well keep your opinion to yourself or else I might mention that someone has a crush on my cousin.”

  Edward’s grinning face changed the instant those words had left Luca’s mouth, although in a way Luca actually regretted saying them. He knew Edward had feelings for Clarissa, and bringing the subject back up obviously caused some degree of hurt.

  “Sorry,” Luca said, surprising himself as much as Edward.

  Edward patted him on the shoulder, “No worries. I just look at her and think about what might have been if I were somebody important.”

  “You really like her that much?” Luca asked glancing across the room to where his cousin was browsing a row of books with Nerina and Theo.

  Edward let out a loud sigh, “It doesn’t really matter does it.”

  Luca thought it best to leave it at that and suggested they walk over and join the others.

  “Oh, Luca, look at this book,” Nerina said excitedly. Although Luca wasn’t actually that interested in the book Nerina was showing him, the fact that it was her that was doing so made him somehow want to look.

  “It’s a book on witchcraft and wizardry. Do you think magic really exists?” She asked.

  Luca initially just shrugged his shoulders wondering why Nerina had picked that particular book out of the hundreds available.

  “I think so, Yes,” he eventually said.

  “You know if they catch a witch or wizard, they are supposed to burn them?”

thought about that for a moment or two before giving his reply. He remembered how some force had protected him in his dreams, and assumed it some kind of good magic, although he had never worked out from where it came. In truth, he had even contemplated the idea that he might actually be magical, although, despite numerous efforts to do anything that might suggest as much, he had failed miserably on each occasion.

  “I think there are probably good and bad people who use magic…So perhaps the bad ones should burn…you know like Lord Elthan's sister, for example, they say she is a witch.”

  Nerina looked up from the book and glared at him, and Luca found himself staring back into those big brown eyes of hers. He cast her a smile, one that he hoped showed that he was glad they were at least friendly towards each other. As to whether he had answered her question in the way that she approved of he wasn't certain, but Nerina’s mood didn’t appear to change for the worse after he’d replied.

  “When you are king, will you outlaw all magic? I mean, Lord Elthan’s sister is a prime example of how it can be used,” Nerina asked.

  Luca didn’t know why the sudden interest in such matters, but being as she was nice to him for a change, he thought he’d answer it as truthfully as he could.

  “No, I don’t think I would. Like I said, I guess some are good, and some are bad, so they should be treated and dealt with accordingly.”

  In truth, until he had learned of Lord Elthan’s sister being a witch, Luca had always been somewhat sceptical that magic even existed, despite there apparently being laws against it. However, even though he had never mentioned it, he was convinced that some greater power protected him from some dark evil force when he slept.

  Wanting to keep the conversation with Nerina going, Luca thought to fire the same questions back at her.

  “Do you think magic exists, and if so, would you punish people for using it?”

  He watched as those big brown eyes stared at him for a few moments, feeling all strange and tingly inside. Nerina just shrugged, put the book she was holding back on the shelf and turned to talk to Clarissa. Luca just stood there with his mouth gaping open, a little lost for words. He felt a hand on his shoulder and glanced over to see it was Edward.

  “That went well then?”

  Luca just shook his head. “I just don’t understand her. One second she’s all nice and chatty, next she ignores me.”

  “That’s women for you,” Edward said, sighing loudly as he glanced over to where Nerina was chatting to Clarissa, focusing on the latter.

  “My father always said they are a difficult lot to understand sometimes,” Edward added.

  “I think I agree with that,” Luca replied.

  In the evening as they sat down for dinner, Luca was somewhat surprised to see Nerina take the seat to the left of him. Ordinarily, she went out of her way to be as far away from him as physically possible while still sitting at the same table. However, this evening it appeared things were going to be different, despite the fact Luca had thought she had reverted back to her old ways in the library earlier. He glanced over at her and smiled when he spotted her looking his way, unsure as to what game she could possibly be playing. As Edward had said, women were certainly difficult to understand, or at least this one was, and something with which he had to admit he had no experience. Luca wondered whether his cousin, Clarissa might be able to give him some pointers, but then again, she was quite friendly with Nerina and would probably just go and tell her what he’d been asking, so thought it best not to.

  The serving staff entered the dining room and almost in military fashion went about placing down the various platters in the centre of the table. Luca had to admit, that the food here was excellent, much like he had enjoyed back at the palace. It wasn’t that he ever thought the food served by Lord and Lady Oakley wasn’t nice, it was. Yet if Luca had to compare the two, he supposed the food here and at the palace was that little bit grander. There were more choices, and even the way it was served up was just a little more extravagant as if a cook had actually taken time and effort just to make the serving platter look more attractive.

  Luca glanced over to his right where Edward was seated and was glad to see the young man now a little more familiar with the correct decorum. Waiting for the staff allotted to cater to his needs to place what he wanted on to the plate as opposed to reaching over and fetching it himself. Luca smiled as he thought that perhaps they would make a gentleman of Edward yet. Naturally, as the future king, Luca was given the honour of being served first, despite it not being his house. Not wanting to delay the others getting their food, Luca chose quickly, opting for some venison and green vegetables.

  Once they all started eating, Lord Romley moved on to the topic of the meeting. While he didn’t have to travel for another day or two yet, arrangements were already being made for a vast military escort. From what Luca was told, it seemed there would be a force of over two hundred soldiers, travelling with him from Whitmore to Greensill. Although Luca thought that was probably a little over the top, he thought it best to listen rather than speak his mind.

  “To keep you company, Edward will naturally be at your side. To ensure you are only surrounded by people you know and trust, Lady Oakley has suggested that her children Samuel and Nerina accompany you to act as your personal staff.”

  “Really?” Luca asked, evidently shocked by the remark. He glanced over to Samuel and then to his left where Nerina was looking at him and smiling.

  “Must we stay here?” Theo asked.

  “I’m afraid so, my dear,” Lady Dalby replied. “Only Nerina and Samuel will be going with his majesty,” she added.

  Luca was unsure as to why Nerina and Samuel had been roped in to act as his attendants while he was away, but glad in a way that they were. However, he also remembered the last time Nerina had been forced to help after her father had seen fit to punish her. The girl had seemingly gone out of her way to complain and moan about everything Luca had done, almost to the point where it was probably easier just to do it himself rather than ask her. Not wanting to take a giant step backwards as regards their relationship, Luca leaned over slightly towards Nerina.

  “You know you don’t have to if you don’t really want to,” he said, keeping his voice low so only she could hear.

  “I want to,” she said with a grin before returning her attention back to her food.

  “Oh, okay,” Luca said. While that wasn’t the reaction, he was expecting, in a way he was glad of it nonetheless.

  Once the meal was over, and drinks were being served, Imogen made a small announcement.

  “I believe my brother will soon be approaching fourteen years. The last week before the summer ends, I believe.”

  As all eyes turned to look Luca’s direction, he found himself blushing. While he had known his birthday was due soon, he wasn't quite sure as to exactly when it was having lost all track of time since leaving the palace.

  “Unfortunately, there will be little time for celebrations,” Lord Romley added to proceedings, putting a dampener on it.

  “That’s okay…I’m not overly bothered,” Luca replied nonchalantly waving his hand.

  “Nevertheless, at fourteen he is deemed a young man, and should be treated as such,” Imogen added, seemingly not dropping the subject of his forthcoming milestone.

  Luca was unsure of what the difference was now and him suddenly being categorised as a young man next week. As far as he was concerned, he was already a young man, but he supposed it did perhaps mark the end of his childhood.

  “Perhaps when all this is over we can hold some small celebration?” Imogen added again.

  “Once all this is over, I think we are probably due a big celebration,” Edward added somewhat tongue-in-cheek, which got a few laughs from those around the table.

  “What will you do then, Edward?” Clarissa asked from across the other side of the table.

  Luca turned and could see Edward’s cheeks reddening just a little. As much as Edward tr
ied not to get embarrassed when Clarissa spoke to him, it was evidently clear to Luca that he did. To try and help his friend out, Luca thought to reply on his behalf.

  “Don’t fret cousin,” Luca said, trying to keep his voice level and sounding serious. “I shall probably have him cleaning the privies at the palace, he’ll not be simply cast aside.”

  Edward turned his head sharply towards Luca, and from the expression, upon his face, he was uncertain as to whether the remark was a joke or not.

  “I think you have the answer, My Lady,” Edward eventually replied looking back over at Clarissa.

  “Perhaps when your done cleaning the privies you might visit us on the Casillian Isle?” Theo said. “Although make sure you have a bath before you do,” he added with a grin.

  Once Luca had retired to his quarters he slumped down on one of the chairs beside the fireplace. Although the weather was still generally mild, the staff at Whitmore Castle has seen fit to light a small fire in the hearth. While not overpowering, the heat given off gave the room a comfortable temperature. Edward sat down on the chair opposite and let out a sigh.

  “What’s up?” Luca asked.

  “I think you know,” Edward replied.


  Edward nodded his head.

  “I think she likes you too,” Luca said, trying to say something that might make things better.

  “Yes, but even if she does, I know somebody like me will never be good enough,” Edward replied.

  “Don’t put yourself down, Edward. You are a good person…well usually, and if you like her and she likes you, then I don’t see it being a problem.”

  Edward let out a scoffing sound. “Was that you trying to give me a compliment? Even if that were the case, you know as well as I do that she would be expected to have a man of nobility. I’m sure Lord and Lady Dalby would love the thought of me being with their daughter.”


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