Heir to the Throne

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Heir to the Throne Page 13

by Andrew G. Wood

  Little did Luca realise, but he had taken control of the situation, something Nerina seemed to be very grateful for.

  “Thank you,” she said softly.

  “Nerina, it’s really not a problem. Now, let’s get this mess cleared, and you can rest a while. In the meantime, we need to figure out a way of telling Lord Romley that we have an uninvited guest?”

  Chapter 14.We know you’re here.

  The meeting with Lord Ashton of Muria, went pretty much the same way as the one with Lord Fallon. The man seemed genuinely pleased that Luca was alive and well, and seeing for himself that was indeed the case had no qualms about declaring his allegiances. Another major nobleman and another army apparently ready and waiting to strike at his request. Added to those from Alborough and the Northern Marches Luca was confident he could already better anything Lord Elthan could muster.

  Although wanting to check on Nerina, Luca knew he had to bide his time and remain calm. Showing signs of unease and appearing impatient for the meeting with Lord Ashton to end would seem rude, an impression he did not want to give those supporting him. Thankfully, Lord Ashton did not require any refreshments, which was just as well, as Luca had insisted that Nerina went and lay down. Not only that, but he also insisted that she use the room, allocated for his own use, and Samuel was to stay with her.

  As Luca watched Lord Ashton leave, he waited for Lord Romley to come back into the room.

  “May I ask a favour of you, Lord Romley?”

  “Of course, Sire.”

  “Lord Casney of Alnor is next?”

  “Yes, Sire. He only arrived this morning.

  “Do you think we could see him now…I’d like to check on Nerina before our meeting this afternoon.”

  Lord Romley nodded his understanding. Knowing that Samuel and Nerina were, in fact, a fellow nobleman’s children, ensured he had their best interests at heart.

  “Oh, and Lord Romley… I need several of your most trusted guards on duty to see that Nerina and Samuel are safe.”

  Luca explained that Samuel and Nerina were going to remain in the house, and being as Lord Oakley was a dear friend, he wanted to know they were kept safe.

  Luca paused a moment while he tried to work out the best way of asking his next question.

  “I know this might sound a little strange. Do you know what Lord Elthan’s sister looks like?”

  Lord Romley gave him a peculiar look. “No Sire. I’m sorry. I have never met her…why?”

  Luca wasn't sure how Lord Romley would take the next part, and although he knew he couldn’t divulge how he had gathered this information, he had to tell him anyway.

  “I have heard a rumour that she is in Greensill…Please don’t ask me how I know!” Luca added hoping to avoid any further questions.

  Lord Romley lifted his hand up to his mouth and rubbed at his chin as if deep in thought.

  “If that is true, Sire… Then you are in grave danger.”

  Luca shrugged, people trying to kill him, seemed quite common, and he was actually surprised at how little it seemed to bother him. Naturally, he had people and guards close by should anything happen, and he supposed that their presence helped in that regard.

  “I would assume if she is here, that I am her target. I also know that we might have to allow her to get close if we are to catch her,” Luca added.

  “Sorry, Sire. I can not put you at risk,” Lord Romley said shaking his head.

  “I don’t see we have a choice. If we start searching for her, she will catch on that we know she’s here and will likely vanish again.”

  Lord Romley stood upright and scratched at his head, “I don’t like this one bit, Sire.” The man paused a second or two before speaking again. “Let’s get Lord Casney seen and then we’ll discuss it further. I’m sorry I can’t allow you to put yourself at risk.”

  Luca knew it was an argument he wasn't going to win, at least not yet, and agreed to Lord Romley’s suggestions. Returning to his seat, Luca waited, albeit somewhat impatiently, while Lord Casney made his way from wherever it was that he was stopping to the house. Edward took up his position against the wall just to Luca’s left, and Lord Romley remained at the door chatting quietly to one of the guards on duty. Luca wasn’t sure why but he felt the need to lift his hand up and feel the outline of the beads on the necklace he was wearing. The fact that Nerina and her mother had enchanted it with some kind of magic to help protect him seemed all too unreal. Yet, somehow he knew it was the truth, despite all his earlier reservations about even believing in magic. For whatever reason, he didn’t doubt Nerina’s words at all and knew what she said was completely and utterly true.

  Luca turned to look at Edward and smiled as he heard voices from somewhere outside the office.

  “Here we go again,” Luca said quietly, but loud enough for Edward to hear.

  Sure enough, a rather large man, who Luca recognised appeared at the doorway, and after standing to greet him, Luca suggested he take a seat.

  “Ah, good to see you, Sire.” Lord Casney said in a deep booming voice.

  While Luca recognised the man, from what he recalled Lord Casney was never really a favourite of his fathers. However, the man was a good friend of Lord Dalby and hence Luca’s mother.

  “I hope you had a good trip, My Lord,” Luca replied trying to remain courteous.

  “Wasn’t too bad…You’ve got a lot of people here,” the man chuckled, his laugh deep much like his voice which Luca thought was actually quite unique.

  Once the niceties and introductions were finished, Luca handed over to Lord Romley to explain everything that was going on, and in turn, Lord Casney told them what he knew. While he had not called his banners as yet, he had put them on standby and would be ready within a few days of him giving the order. Although Lord Casney hadn’t actually declared one way or the other in supporting Luca, the fact he had promised soldiers if needed suggested that he was.

  “I’m so sorry to hear about your mother,” Lord Casney then added, returning his attention to Luca as opposed to Lord Romley.

  Luca tried to look saddened at the thought of losing his parents, “Thank you, Lord Casney. It was a great loss, but I know she would have wanted to me to see justice is done.”

  “Quite right, Sire. Lovely lady, your mother was. Don’t you worry, my house will do all in its power to see that weasel Lord Elthan and those damn cultists are given what they deserve.”

  Luca took that last part as some form of allegiance, thanking the man again for his support and understanding. Luca actually thought the way Lord Casney spoke about his mother, suggested that perhaps there might have been some past history between the two of them. If there had of been it might also explain why Luca’s father had never really gotten on with Lord Casney. Whether true or not, it wasn’t exactly the sort of thing he could ask, and so Luca left that interesting assumption unspoken.

  Once Lord Casney had left, Lord Romley explained he needed to sort a few things out, but would be back within the hour to discuss what to do about these rumours of Lord Elthan’s sister. The fact that such a dangerous person could possibly be in the town, a place that Lord Romley had perceived to be safe, was worrying indeed. While they might have only been a rumour, the nobleman intended to take it seriously nonetheless and had already increased the number of guards in and around the house.

  No Sooner had Lord Romley left, than Luca and Edward hurried out of the office and up the stairs to the bedroom. Although it was technically Luca’s room, at least it was for the duration of their stay, he thought it only polite to knock the door before entering. Worried that Nerina might have been sleeping Luca did so gently, just barely tapping the door with his knuckles. The door opened just a fraction, and Samuel’s head appeared.

  “How is she?” Luca asked, keeping his voice low.

  Samuel opened the door a little further to allow both Luca and Edward inside and placed his finger up to his lips as a sign for them to keep quiet.

’s asleep…Come on, let’s talk outside the room, and let her rest,” Samuel suggested even though he’d just invited them in.

  Luca nodded, and after glancing over to see Nerina lying on the bed all curled up, he did as was asked.

  Samuel took a deep breath, knowing that Luca and Edward probably had dozens of questions they needed answering. However, he hoped by explaining things in a little more detail it might answer a majority of those before they were asked. He started by explaining again that his mother and sister both had the ability to use some form of magic, and although he didn’t fully understand it, knew it revolved around the use of enchantments and the likes.

  “Wait…so she can’t turn you into a toad or anything like that?” Edward asked.

  Both Luca and Samuel turned and glared at Edward, and being as no reply was forthcoming, Edward shrugged his shoulders, “I guess not then,” he said.

  Thinking that his type of questions were not the ones Samuel wanted to answer, Edward decided to keep them to himself and listen to what was said instead. Samuel told them that neither he nor his father had any kind of magic, but they both knew about it. When they had realised that Lord Elthan’s sister had returned to the palace, Lady Oakley had foreseen trouble, which they had thus far managed to avert.

  “The necklace?” Luca asked, lifting his hand up to feel it under his shirt.

  Samuel just nodded. Nerina had a few skills their mother did not, and vice versa, which apparently was the norm for those that possessed such abilities. The small potion Samuel had given her, was something made by their mother to help Nerina control her magic.

  “Sometimes it seems to overwhelm her. The potion just seems to help her calm down again.”

  Luca was absolutely fascinated by the entire thing, and yet he didn’t feel in any way repulsed by the fact Nerina was different. As a matter of fact, it only seemed to make her more appealing to him, even if he didn’t know why that should be.

  “I assume that Nerina and your mother don’t make human sacrifices, as they say, Lord Elthan’s sister does?” Luca asked, not entirely certain he wanted to know the answer in case it was something he didn’t want to hear.

  Samuel chuckled a little, “They use plants, flowers, herbs, sometimes a little animal blood but no, don’t worry we’re not about to string you up and thrust a dagger through your heart.”

  Although Luca would have liked to have been told about all this earlier, he fully understood the reasons why it had not been mentioned. Despite not initially believing magic existed, he had to admit that since leaving the palace his beliefs had been changed. The fact that Lady Oakley and her daughter were both practising some form of witchcraft, something that was punishable by death under his father’s rule, seemed kind of odd. However, Luca understood the need for discretion and promised Samuel once more that their secret was safe.

  “Now we just need to find that sister of Lord Elthans,” Luca said after Samuel had finished his explanations.

  “I think Nerina might be able to sense her. Perhaps if she was allowed in the hall, she might be able to tell if the woman was in there as well.”

  “I thought Lord Romley said only the Lords would be permitted entry. Surely a woman would stand out?” Edward asked, seemingly confused.

  “That’s true, I suppose. How else would she hope to get at Luca? Surely the meeting would be the most obvious?” Samuel replied, rubbing his head with his hands.

  “Well if it were me, I ’d get him on the way in or on the way out…Probably the latter because it would all be over and people would probably be more relaxed,” Edward said, answering Samuel’s question.

  “She’d never get close enough though,” Luca added his own thoughts to the conversation.

  “She wouldn’t need to,” came a voice from the doorway.

  “Nerina!” Luca said somewhat surprised to see her out of bed and standing before them.

  “Sorry, did we wake you?” Luca added.

  Nerina gave Luca a warm smile, “No, not really,” she said.

  “Are you feeling okay?” Luca asked, concerned that Nerina shouldn’t yet be up and out of bed.

  “I’m fine…it was just sensing her being so close that caused a bit of a shock…My mother’s potions always calm me down.”

  Before Luca could ask any more questions, Nerina took it upon herself to explain about her previous comment on Lord Elthan’s sister. When using magic, sometimes you didn’t have to be touching the person to affect them.

  “I know she uses dark powers that mother and I don’t fully understand, but we’ve been reading up a lot on them since learning she was at the palace.”

  However, Nerina explained how she thought this dark witch might try and attack Luca.

  “I think she might try and influence the mind of another. She probably knows you are protected, so will likely attack the mind of someone close to you and have them try and kill you.”

  “Like me, you mean?” Edward asked.

  “Exactly, someone like you,” Nerina replied almost instantly.

  “I don’t suppose you have another one of those necklaces going spare?” Edward said, looking somewhat fearful.

  “It might not be you…it could actually be anybody…one of the guards, one of the lesser nobles, even Lord Romley.”

  “Then we need to find her before she gets the chance to do anything like that!” Luca said with a steely determination to his voice.

  “You think you can detect her position, Nerina?” he added, sounding much calmer than he was actually feeling.

  Nerina nodded to the affirmative, “I just hope she doesn't have the same ability, or things might get a little messy…” she replied, not saying exactly what that might mean.

  Luca wasn't certain how they could proceed with having Nerina track Lord Elthan’s sister without revealing her particular skills to Lord Romley. Being as he was commanding the guards and soldiers in Greensill, they needed him to have them close in and capture her.

  “I’m sorry…I can’t let you reveal their secret to Lord Romley. You promised me, Luca,” Samuel replied immediately jumping to their defence.

  Luca held his hands up defensively, “And I shall keep that promise if you don’t want me to tell…I won’t…ever. I swear on my life! But I don’t see any other way.”

  “Well, unless we tried to capture her ourselves?” Edward suggested. “Just an idea…I mean if we could get hold of her, we could then ask Lord Romley for assistance in keeping her imprisoned.”

  “No imprisonment…she needs to be killed!” Nerina said, catching them all by surprise.

  “Without a trial?” Samuel said, shocked at his younger sister’s comment.

  “She will only escape if you try to imprison her…I’ve already told you she has the ability to influence the minds of others. If we do this…then, Edward, you are going to have to kill her…I need you to promise that before we start, just so you know what you‘re getting into."

  All eyes turned to Edward, and after a few moments of uncertainty, he nodded. “Fine…I suppose killing a woman is the same as killing a man.”

  “And how many of them have you killed?” Samuel asked.

  “Just the one…in Garley,” Edward replied with a wry smile.

  Chapter 15.The witch hunt.

  Loretta had found it far more difficult getting into the town than she had thought possible. Evidently, the rumours of the young prince being here were true, something she had confirmed when manipulating the mind of a young merchant travelling from the town. Naturally, she had used him for other matters as well, none more so final than his sacrifice to allow her to gain entry. Calling upon the powers of the shadow, she had managed to muster up enough strength to cast a spell of concealment. While such a thing could last for mere seconds, such was the draw on her power, it had given her the window of opportunity to sneak past the guards on the main gates.

  However, weakened and tired, Loretta knew she would need to regain her strength before even attempting
to get close to the boy. Security was definitely tight, with guards on every street, and looking somewhat out of place, Loretta thought it wise to keep off the main thoroughfare. Opting instead for a narrow, litter-strewn alleyway, she pulled her cloak over her head and crouched down to rest behind a pile of wooden crates, now bereft of their contents. Trying not to inhale the overpowering stench of decay from the ground, she took short, shallow breaths. Knowing she needed another kill to help regenerate her power, Loretta tried to look for her next easy victim. With little physical or mental energy left, it would have to be a mind easily swayed to allow her to complete her ritual without any form of physical struggle.

  As if her prayers had been answered she spotted a boy, probably no more than twelve or thirteen years old scampering down the alley she was in, probably using it as a shortcut between the main streets. Knowing such an opportunity was too good to waste, she waited hidden behind her wooden crates until the boy approached her position, before standing upright in front of him. The lad seemed startled at her sudden appearance, yet somehow not frightened. Loretta instantly raised her hand, mumbling her spell and the boy suddenly went rigid as if frozen to the spot.

  With a smile on her face, Loretta eased the boy to the ground, littered with scraps of rotting food it was a somewhat terrible place to die, but needs must. In a way the setting befitted the heinous crime she was about to commit, and drawing her dagger from beneath her cloak, Loretta uttered her spell before plunging the blade deep into the boy’s chest and holding it tightly for a few seconds. The air around her warmed, and the smell of fire and brimstone filled her nostrils as those she worshipped came to take her offering. Over in just a few short seconds, Loretta gasped as she felt the chill of death rejuvenate her tired and aching body. Opening her eyes, the body of the boy was gone, nothing now than a vague outline and depression in the pile of stinking garbage on the ground.


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