Grace of Gods Boxset: Reincarnated Greek Gods YA/NA Series

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Grace of Gods Boxset: Reincarnated Greek Gods YA/NA Series Page 59

by Kyleigh Castronaro

  I crossed over the small bridge and entered the throne room, from which another door had been erected directly across from the one leading to Elysium and Tartarus. These would lead to the new apartments for the arrivals but I had no desire to see them. Instead, I made my way up to my throne and sat, leaning back, expecting it to radiate coolness like that of my magic; but the silver was warm to the touch. It felt as though someone had been sitting here for some time and only just had vacated it when I arrived. I was grateful, the warmth made it easier to relax.

  Propping my elbows up on the arms of the chair, I ducked forward, catching my head in my hands. I knew I needed to do something more than conjure a few bedrooms to show the other Gods I was on their side, but hell if I knew what.

  Looking back up from my hands, I thought about the screens in Olympus. Hypothetically, it couldn’t be that different here since the Underworld worked as an autonomous realm. I waved my hand, feeling a bit stupid about it, but thought about having screens like the ones in the war council room. Sure enough, the caves provided and a series of floating screens connected into a great semi-transparent wall. On them, flickered images that took a moment to appear; but there was Valentina, holding a rock in her hand with blood coating her.

  My stomach twisted, eyes scanning for any sign of damage, but she seemed intact still, if not a bit shaken. Savannah and Aidan came into view so I felt myself relax a bit more. My eyes looked over the other screens, but it was mostly just covering the other Gods still roaming the Earth. None of the screens showed me Olympus, not that I’d really expected it. I just wished I had a way to spy on what Soren was up to now that he had my smoke power.

  I looked down at my hand suddenly, flexing my fingers. Did I still have the ability myself? I waved away the screens again, content in knowing I could conjure them and that Val was safe. I stood up and stepped off the rise, stretching my hand out and searching for the coolness I had grown accustomed to being associated with my magic. Nothing happened, I spread my fingers and willed something to come, but it remained the same. I tried to reason that I’d never done the magic without a target in mind and perhaps this was what was holding me back. But it didn’t lessen the disappointment I felt and, no less so, the worry. If Soren did have the full extent of my ability, it was completely possible he would be able to use it on a full scale, he would just be exhausted.

  I couldn’t guess how exhausted, however, because he’d absorbed two Goddesses’ powers by now. Did that make someone stronger in magic, but not in tolerance? Or did it strengthen their tolerance as well? It was a good question; whose answer, I didn’t really want to know. I didn’t want to stop trying to use my own magic though, I still felt strong from the life force. I just needed something to test it on.

  “Cerberus!” Like magic the dog trotted into the throne room, plopping down on its large rear, and stared at me with a look of almost contempt at being summoned. “Good dog,” I said uneasily, holding my hand out to him and moving closer. I felt bad misleading it and making it trust me, just so I could conduct some sick experiment on it. But if the dog was lucky, I didn’t have any smoke magic left in me.

  I got closer, not feeling much braver, as I finally reached out and got ahold of one of the heads. I ran my fingers through the fur, scratching behind one of his ears before giving the other two heads similar attention.

  “Are you missing Valentina, buddy?” He woofed in response, making me nod my head solemnly, “yeah, me too,” I sighed, “I’ve never met someone who has enraptured me so much, with such little effort. There’s something incandescent about her, it draws you to her and you just can’t break yourself away once the connection has been created. Not that I’m complaining either. She’s the sweetest, most gentle, honest, and loving person I’ve ever met. I don’t think she has one bad thing to say about anyone. Soren might be trying to take over the world for his own, but I think Valentina would still find some way to spin it so you could feel the love she has for everyone in his actions.” Cerberus woofed in agreement again, licking my hand as I pulled back.

  In the name of full disclosure, I felt I ought to warn the dog about what I was going to do. He seemed to understand everything else I was saying to him.

  “Soren took some of my magic, I need to see if I still have the ability, or if it’s gone for good now. I’m going to try on you, okay?” Cerberus yelped like I had started to hurt him already, so I scowled. “I’m not going to hurt you, I just need to use your energy to try it out.” We stared at each other for a long time before, finally, Cerberus stepped back and sat down again, still staring at me.

  “Okay, well, I’m going to give it a try, then.” I held out my hand, focusing on the coolness and directed it toward the dog. I could feel the power surge within me, but nothing happened. I could feel his life force though, throbbing and beckoning me. Its siren tones begging me to come to it, to give in. It wanted me to feed the darkness. I felt compelled and my fingers curled into themselves, squeezing a power that couldn’t be seen by the naked eye.

  Cerberus yelped again, pulling me from the reverie, and I jumped in shame.

  “I’m sorry. Sorry, boy,” I said, dropping my hand to my side again, casting him a forlorn look. It didn’t matter how bad I felt about almost sucking the life out of him. Cerberus turned and quickly trotted away, leaving me to my own company. Nothing new there.

  I turned and wandered back to the throne, slumping into, it as I caught my head in my hand. I waved the screens back with my free wrist and watched Valentina appear on the screen again. She was at

  Stonehenge now; I recognized it from the photos, although not having ever gone there myself. Aidan and Savannah were there too, along with a bunch of the other out-casted Gods. Valentina’s plan had worked, not that I was all that surprised.

  My Princess had a stubborn streak within her that when she set her mind to something, Gods help whoever might try to get in her way. I felt myself smile at the thought, my heart skipping slightly as I watched her face. She looked worried, eyes darting from one way to the next. I couldn’t hear anything through the screens to understand what was going on, but I could only imagine she was worrying about Oliver and Soren.

  Savannah appeared in the frame again, ushering her away from where she was standing and I saw it looming in the background.

  My smoke was rolling over the land, making its way toward them like a gale force wind. Everything in touched in its path was suffocated, as my smoke intended for it to be. Soren had succeeded in achieving a large-scale power and now Valentina was going to be subjected to it.

  The smoke slithered closer and I realized it wasn’t going to divert its course; it was headed right for the other Olympians. If this was the force that was supposed to lead people to the cities Soren had chosen as his holding cells, these people were not among the chosen.

  I stood quickly, rushing off the pedestal of my throne. I waved my hand again to remove the screens, calling through the threshold to bring me to Stonehenge. I needed to find a way to stop the smoke, re-collect it inside of me and stop Soren from using it on anyone else.

  Running through the threshold, I emerged in a dark corridor that didn’t seem like it was going to take me to Stonehenge. I kept moving though, thinking desperately of getting to Valentina.

  In the distance, light erupted in the darkness and I skidded to a stop. Silhouetted in the darkness stood a figure, I squinted to see who it was and as we both grew closer to each other there was no mistaking it.

  “You made it. I was worried you wouldn’t, that something might happen to you.”

  “Griffin!” She threw herself into me and we hugged like we were trying to squeeze the life out of each other. I was so relieved she was safe, that she’d done everything she said she would. “I thought... I wasn’t... I—” she spoke again and sounded like she was going to cry. So I hugged her tighter, holding her against me protectively; and forgetting, for a moment, all about the smoke that was descending on the others up above.

  “It’s okay, you’re safe now.

  They won’t find you here, not yet.”

  “I have to get the others then.” She snapped me back to reality and I nodded, letting go of her as she pulled away at the same time. I reached out and took her hand, linking our fingers together. We walked back to the opening she’d come through and I looked up. I knew what I needed to do, I had to get up there and try to absorb back some of my power.

  “You’re not hurt right?” I looked back down at her, wondering if the smoke had gotten to her.

  “Fine, better now that we’re back in immortal territory.” I nodded but I suspected she was talking about something else other than my smoke.

  She stepped forward, tilting

  her head back and called out to the others, “Welcome to my kingdom, all are gladly received.”

  Chapter 14

  One by one, each of the Gods made their way down the spiraling tunnel into the Underworld. And not even one of them tried to hide their panic when they realized where they were. Several commented on the impending smoke up above, which meant there were only seconds before whoever was up there would be devoured by it. Did I stand a chance of going up there and trying to stop it?

  It was, after all, something I had to do since it was my fault that smoke was there in the first place. How had Soren managed to produce it in such a mass effect? As its commander, even I couldn’t send it out in such force.

  More Gods slid down the hole, filling up the small space, until we were all packed in like sardines. I glanced down at Valentina, who was scouring the faces of her friends and allies with concern, almost counting each unharmed face as she searched for those who would need help.

  Aidan and Savannah came last, brimming with the grace necessary of monarchs who oversaw the protection of their people. Aidan turned quickly to Savannah, bending down close to her ear as she shook her head. His hands ran along the curve of her neck, checking for any damage as she said something else to him. He smirked, leaning down once more, but letting their lips touch this time in a soft kiss.

  I felt my stomach turn at the sight of it, a part of me, longing for something like that. Of course, what I had with Valentina was slowly growing, but it was nowhere near that comfortable. I couldn’t imagine kissing her right here and right now in front of all these people. There was too great of a chance someone might come pushing through the crowd and rip us apart. Or, she might shove me away, suddenly embarrassed to be seen with me. That was very likely. Looking away from Aidan and Savannah, I glanced at the petite brunette at my side. She seemed more relieved now that they were here and her head count was complete. Mostly everyone was unscathed and, for that, she was thankful. But the troubles were far from over. We were now living in the Underworld like fugitives, when our rightful place was in Olympus. There was a war brewing; and war always meant death. It didn’t take being the God of its domain to know that.

  “I’ve arranged a corridor of apartments from the right side of the throne room, if you lead them down the tunnel it should take you directly there. Just ask the realm to lead you and it will. Make sure everyone is comfortable in their apartments and then those who want to fight back can meet in the throne room later to discuss plans.”

  “Where are you going?” She turned back to me in a hurry, her eyes widening in fear for my safety. She didn’t know in full what was waiting for me up there, but that didn’t matter to her. I could be hurt and she was worried for me.

  A warmth spread through my belly, but I couldn’t allow myself to worry about her feelings for me right now. I had to make right, the wrong I had done back in Olympus.

  If it meant sacrificing myself to return that smoke demon into me, then so be it.

  “Up,” I said, letting go of her hand heading toward the hole.

  “Griffin, wait. You can’t go up there. That smoke will kill you.” From several of the looks I was being given, I was under the impression she was the only one who cared. No one else would miss me.

  Shaking my head, I continued softly, hoping only she could hear, “that smoke is my fault. I must go up there and try to take it back from Soren. If I can, I might be able to save the population. He intends to wipe out the entire planet.” She stared at me, the conflict absolute on her face. How could someone so pure and innocent, love someone as damaged and guilty as me?

  How could I love her?

  I leaned in, kissing her gently as a series of butterflies welled up in the pit of my stomach. I half expected, as the voice of negativity reared its ugly head in the back of my mind, she would pull away because I was repulsive. But she didn’t, her hands gripped the front of my shirt and held me there against her for a moment longer than I anticipated, before pulling back and smiling.

  “It’s going to be okay,” I assured her, reaching out and tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. Even if I didn’t feel nearly as confident as she’d want me to, I said it. But I knew one thing at least, even if I couldn’t believe in myself, Valentina always would.

  “Please be safe,” she said, squeezing my palm in hers before letting me go. I smiled one more time at her, before turning and heading toward the hole. I paused for a moment by Aidan and Savannah, who were both eying me warily. I was sick of them believing I was the villain. Something had to give.

  “I’m sorry for tackling you in the throne room. I needed them to believe I was on their side.” Neither, Aidan nor Savannah said anything, staring at me placidly. “It was the only way to keep Valentina safe, and to ensure we had a way back into Olympus if the rest of us were cast out.” Savannah pulled away from Aidan’s arm and pushed through the crowded hallway toward Valentina.

  “I don’t know whether I can trust you or not, Griffin. I don’t know where you stand or where your head is. You’ve never given me a reason to believe that you would truly side with us. So if I find out you’re here because you’re working as some double agent with the intention of running back to your Titan friends and telling them about us and what we’re planning—I’ll kill you myself. Even if it hurts Valentina.” I frowned to myself, shaking my head in disbelief.

  “But, if you really are on our side—and I’m not saying I believe it quite yet—I will owe you an apology and I am a man of my word, Griffin.”

  I looked back up at Aidan, “you might be a man of your word, but we both know you’re also a man of your pride. You could never lower yourself to admit that maybe you were wrong about me. That maybe, like you, I’ve made some bad decisions; and mine haunt me in the looks people give me every single day, while yours only haunt you on the inside.”

  Aidan didn’t say anything else as we stood there in a standoff of silence, before finally, I turned and left first. I heard Aidan shuffle through the bodies, no doubt returning to Savannah’s side as I peered up at the rocky ledge hanging over my head. Valentina didn’t want me to do this— she didn’t think I needed to.

  But I did, if only to prove to myself that I wasn’t a bad guy.

  The trouble was, I didn’t know if the effort was worth it. I didn’t know if going up there and sacrificing myself —because potentially, that was what I was doing— would help anyone. The voice in my head said I needed to try. I wanted to prove myself to Aidan, if only so he could prove me wrong about my assumptions of him.

  Even if I somehow did manage to, it would only be a matter of time before I did something else to screw it all up again. That’s all I was; a screw-up. I should have just let Soren finish me off and not trouble Valentina or the others with my sad existence anymore.

  The thoughts pooled in my head like clouds gathering at the brink of a storm. They circled and twisted my mind with a life of their own, they took over my reason and my logic. Staring headlong, at the rock wall before me, I felt no certainly in my actions, I doubted that I would even be able to reach the top.

  Shaking my head, trying desperately to clear the fog, as it rolled into the depths of my thoughts, I grabbed the rock wall and heaved myself upwards.

y fingers slipped on the rough edges, where they were slick with moisture belonging to no natural source. I remembered the blood stalagmites in the room outside the throne room and for a moment I felt horror coil through my muscles. It took effort to maintain my grip and resist the urge to check my palm for the stains.

  I clung helplessly for a moment, before forcing myself up further, the entrance ahead of me looming. I pulled up, my arms shaking with effort, and my head slowly rose out of the cavity, cutting through the terrain of Stonehenge. The smoke hung just overhead, sweeping further out over the land and heading west. I didn’t know what to expect when it reached me, but it didn’t matter, not really.

  It might burn me or choke me, as it did others. It could melt my flesh off my bones or swallow me whole in its tar-like substance. I could only imagine the various horrors that might await me when I got to the top, but I pushed on. I had to; that was my sole intention as my muscles worked to fight on. I didn’t need to do this for anyone else, but myself at this point.

  As I grabbed the last edge between the surface and me, tugging with every ounce of effort I had, I dragged my body weight through and flopped on the ground. The result was anticlimactic; the smoke didn’t even notice I was there.

  It didn’t reach out to me or return to my body; truly, nothing happened.

  Surprised, and somewhat alarmed, I stood slowly, and just as my shoulders rolled up into the smoke, it hit. The clenching of its invisible fist grabbed me and squeezed, catching my breath in my lungs as I hung there in its grip fighting for air.

  My body wanted to panic, it wanted to fight back, but any will my muscles still had, was frozen in my veins by the magic that curled around me. My mind was the only thing that remained clear headed, a voice telling me to call the smoke to me.


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