Grace of Gods Boxset: Reincarnated Greek Gods YA/NA Series

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Grace of Gods Boxset: Reincarnated Greek Gods YA/NA Series Page 62

by Kyleigh Castronaro

  “You shouldn’t be ashamed of him.” She was astute in reading my reaction.

  “Why not?”

  “Because, he’s not as bad as you think he is. He’s just misunderstood.”

  “There’s a difference between misunderstood and difficult.”

  She laughed, “no, he’s misunderstood. He’s the perpetual child. The trickster God.”

  “I thought the trickster of the Greek Pantheon was Hermes.”

  “Technically, yes, but Hades is as much a trickster God, as him. Hades doesn’t just trick mortals, he tricks his siblings and fellow Gods. He wears a mask of hatred and anger to mislead the others and keep them from realizing his truths.”

  “Which are?” I asked, intrigued as to her position on my God.

  “He is lonely, heartbroken, he fears being forgotten and not being loved.” I felt myself go cold as she spoke, if not for knowing she meant Hades, I could’ve easily believed she spoke about me. “His own brother tricked him into taking the Underworld, believing it was a gift, but when he got here, he was disappointed—disillusioned. He saw only death and none of the good things.”

  “There are good things in death?” I asked incredulously. Valentina reacted suddenly, rolling toward me quickly and sitting up.

  “Of course there are. Lovers, separated by fate, can finally be reunited. That is beautiful. A mother who lost her child before what was rightfully seen as their time, can once more hold them against her chest and tell them how much they were loved. As mortals, we understand death as an ending; but here, in our realm, it is just a beginning. They enter through death into our hall and there we open a door to another world of immortality that no mortal believes they could’ve ever achieved. Within that immortality, they no longer suffer, but find delight in quantities they would’ve never believed possible.”

  “And what of those we cast into Tartarus for punishment?” I said regretfully.

  “Those who deserve punishment, only brought suffering to those whose lives they touched in the mortal world. What right do they have to eternal happiness, when they risked their souls for fleeting happiness when they were alive?”

  I stared at her in surprise, I would’ve never imagined that my Valentina—whose heart grew with each new person she met and took into it, would harbor such coldness. But then, I knew who she imagined suffering for eternity, she had been at the hands of such cruelty.

  “I guess you’re right,” I said softly, reaching out and touching her cheeks gently as she smiled at me.

  “Death is just another stage, there is nothing to be scared or hateful of. And those who should be afraid, have every reason to be.” I nodded, wrapping my arms around her waist as she crawled back into my lap and kissed my face.

  “You have no reason to be lonely anymore, I am here with you, so I may mend your broken heart. You will never be forgotten so long as these walls echo your existence. And you will always be loved by me, as you have always been loved by her. So let go of your masks, believe in yourself… The walls that you believe are in front of you are of your own making, and so only you have the power to bring them down. I know they’re already crumbling, otherwise I wouldn’t have made it in… So let me in, Griff.”

  “It’s not that easy,” I whispered back to her as her lips continued to make their way along my neck, jaw and up to my lips.

  “It is. It’s just letting go.” Her mouth continued to distract me, trying to convince me of her words as her hands moved so knowingly over spaces on my body that felt electric when she touched them. For someone as equally as damaged as I was, she seemed far more capable of putting it aside.

  Perhaps this was how she moved on every day and lived with herself and the things that happened to her. But I knew better, I could see it in her eyes. She had yet to move on, she just wore masks of her own and deflected the pain she felt by distracting herself with other people, as she distracted me now. I didn’t know how healthy it was to deal with things like that, but who was I to tell her differently? I would deal with my problems with drink and alcohol. As soon as I thought of that, I realized I didn’t know how long it had been since the last time I’d had a glass of something. My fingers twitched with want; but then—did I really need it anymore? Valentina was my new drug, she kissed away the pain and it was easy to forget, as she suggested, if I focused just on her.

  My thoughts rapidly disintegrated and grew muddled the more she worked my nerve endings into a frenzy and the rest of my body hummed with desire. I reached out, sliding gentle fingers along the patches of exposed skin she offered me. Her body tensed gently as I rolled my hands along her curves and she pulled back her mouth from mine as the tension in the air changed.

  I didn’t know if she was truly ready, or if she was pushing herself for my sake. Maybe this had nothing to do with me at all, and it was something she needed to do to bring back a piece of herself, she had lost a long time ago. But she pressed her palms into my shoulders and eased me back against the mattress, as I gladly let her take the lead. She knew enough to know what to do and this way, she could do what she wanted, without my risking crossing any unknown boundaries.

  Time passed at her command, while my movements shadowed and complimented her own, as they led. Before I would go through the motions in a haze, barely even noticing there was another person there. But with Valentina, she enraptured me, and I scarcely took my eyes away from her. It felt like a dance we had both been practicing for years separately and this was the first time we’d ever put it together. Every step was matched and every movement met. Nothing felt awkward or out of place as we melded together like the two halves of one soul we knew we were.

  Once we’d finished, she fell at my side, curling against it as she panted softly to catch her breath. My fingers traced the trail of her spine before sliding back up to entangle in her hair.

  “Are you okay?” She nodded with a breathless laugh, pressing her lips to my ribs before burrowing her face more. I tore my eyes away from her finally, tucking my free arm under my head, as I smiled up at the canopy above us. Maybe Valentina’s brand of medicine would work after all, I felt more whole now, than I had ever before in my entire life. Maybe letting go was as simple as she made it sound, and she had been the key I’d been missing all along.

  Sleep began to pull me under, so I closed my eyes, feeling its weight on my chest, just as Val shifted. I felt her warmth pull away and my eyes shot open, worry already creeping up the pit of my stomach.

  “Old habit,” she said, shooting me a grin before stifling a yawn. I frowned in confusion before watching her slip from the side of the bed and onto her knees, her elbows catching on the mattress as her hands clasped together. She bowed her head, her eyes flicking shut and I realized what she was doing.

  “O heavenly father—” she began, before frowning to herself and biting her lip, “Zeus,” she added as a quick correction, “and great mother, Hera. Together with their brothers and sisters, please bless my own on Earth. Bless my mother and my father, who I forgive every day for he knew not what he did. Bless Griffin, who I love and can’t live without—” I smiled slightly to myself, “and bless everyone in the world who is hurting or being hurt. They need our love and guidance. Amen.”

  She shuffled quickly back onto the bed, yawning once more. I watched in amusement as she cuddled up beside me once more, closing her eyes ready for sleep.

  “Does it still work as well if you know you’re praying to Aidan and Savannah?”

  She poked my ribs, “it’s the thought that counts.”

  “Oh, of course,” I teased, making her poke my ribs again.

  “There’s nothing else I can do right now for my loved ones, and everyone else on Earth is under the wrath of the Titans. Atlas says the prayers of the mortals help us with our power, so if another Goddess prays to the Gods… That’s got to be like triple the power right?” She opened her eyes long enough to smile sleepily at me.

  “Definitely,” I agreed, leaning down to kiss her foreh
ead. “Sleep tight.”

  “You too,” she said softly, sleep already pulling her under. “Love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  Chapter 17

  The next morning, my heart flew into thrills of excitement as I woke with my arm wrapped around Valentina. Snippets of the night before replayed for me, plastering a goofy smile on my face. I felt genuinely happy for the first time in a very long time. I couldn’t honestly remember the last time I had felt like I deserved this kind of feeling. But with Valentina next to me, I knew she believed I was. That was good enough for me.

  She curled more into my body, her small form melding against me like wax. From this angle, it hurt to look down at her, but I couldn’t stop myself as my eyes glued themselves to her luscious, full lips, and how they puckered just a little, while she slept. Her eyelids fluttered with the last remnants of a dream she was having. Her breath came out in soft pants against my skin and I couldn’t tell if it was a good dream or a bad one. She shifted, fighting with the sheets, and I decided to chance it. Even if it was a good one, I was sure she would forgive me. So I shifted myself, leaning down enough to plant a soft kiss on her supple cheek before making my way to those beautiful lips.

  “Mmm,” She murmured, her hand coming up to grip my chin as she kissed me back harder, before pulling back breathlessly. “Is it morning already?”

  “I’m afraid so.” She curled against me suddenly, wrapping her body tightly around me like she was trying to hold me there. “Whoa, what’s wrong?”

  “You’re going back to Olympus today. I won’t be able to know if you’re safe or not.” I pulled back as best as I could, so I could look down at her and read her face.

  “We could try setting up viewing screens in the throne room if that would make you feel better?”

  “I would still rather go with you.”

  “Val…” I started, a soft frown already beginning to paint itself on my face.

  “I know, I know. It’s safer for me here.”

  “I would feel a lot better with you only coming up to Olympus, once we have the key. That way we know, worse comes to worse, we can just throw them out of Olympus if that’s what we need to do to protect you.”

  She kissed me softly with a grin, “you’re sweet.”

  “Tell that to Aidan.” I made a face as I sat up reluctantly, stretching myself out.

  “Are you nervous about working with him on this?”

  “Would you be, in my shoes?”

  “Perhaps a bit, but you have nothing to worry about. I’ll speak to him.” She stood up from the bed, pulling the fur blanket with her and wrapping it around her slight frame.

  “Great, my hero,” I teased, making her swat my foot.

  “He’ll play nice if I ask him to.”

  “My point is, he shouldn’t have to be asked. I know I made a mistake, but he can’t honestly look me in the eye and tell me he’s Mr. Perfect himself. I wouldn’t hold it against him, if the roles were reversed.”

  Valentina had made her way across our room and tugged the wardrobe open, staring up at the array of clothing behind its great wooden doors. There was no doubt, this was a closet for the Prince and Princess of the Underworld, if the rich, dark tones of the fabrics were anything to go by. I watched her pull a deep velvet purple cloak out by the hem, drawing her fingers down it lovingly.

  “I think you would find yourself reluctant to even be in the same room with him, if the roles were truly reversed.” Her voice was pointed as she pulled the cloak out of the closet completely to admire the golden edging running down the seams.

  I considered what she meant. If it had been Aidan in than bathroom with Valentina, I probably would’ve killed him. It was a wonder he hadn’t killed me to be honest.

  “Fine. Speak to him if you want. Or don’t. I don’t care. I’m going to suck it up and deal with him no matter what, for the sake of everyone and not my pride.”

  “Good.” She smiled at me, twisting around to display the slinky black dress she’d put on while I was distracted.

  “I don’t think that’s appropriate for battle, but if you want to leave that on the side for our victory evening…” I smirked at her as I flopped back on the bed, tucking one arm under my head to admire her entirely.

  “Noted and catalogued,” she teased before pulling the dress back over her head.

  “Changed my mind. You can put that outfit aside.” She glanced over her shoulder at me at threw the dress at my head.

  “Pervert.” She was grinning though, so I grinned back.

  “Can’t blame me for trying.”

  She laughed to herself, but I watched the blush crawl beautifully up her neck and onto her cheeks, as she turned away to look over the closet once more. She picked another outfit this time, a high-waisted black skirt that fell modestly to her knees. The shirt she put on, was a little more revealing and rather uncharacteristic of her, as it stopped before her belly button. She seemed to consider the fact that it was an unusual pick for herself as she stared into the mirror.

  She fussed with the outfit for a moment or two before turning to look at me. She opened her mouth to ask and I moved quickly off the bed, nodding my head.

  “You look beautiful in whatever you want to wear. Just make sure, you’re comfortable with it. I don’t want you wearing something for the sake of pleasing someone other than yourself.”

  She looked back at herself in the mirror, trying to decide if the outfit was appropriate for this new Valentina she was becoming. Her head cocked to the side admiringly, as I stepped up behind her, wrapping my arms low around her waist, bare skin brushing against bare skin.

  She smiled at my reflection, her eyes falling to where my arms sat on her belly. As she continued to look uncertain of the outfit, her eyes danced from looking at my face to back down to the clothing.

  I wondered if she felt obligated, no matter what I said, to appeal to whatever tastes she believed I had when it came to women’s clothing. I was going to say something to ease her worries, when she gasped suddenly, grabbing my forearm so tight her fingernails bit into my skin.

  “Do you see that?” Her voice was a little higher than normal, her eyes widening to the size of saucers.

  “See what?” I said stupidly, looking intently at the reflection, expecting something to jump out at me. But all I saw was her— clinging to me in terror—and my worried and confused expression looking back at us.

  She didn’t answer as her eyes widened impossibly large, her mouth slackening as she leaned in slightly toward the reflection. I continued to search futilely for whatever it was she was seeing, but I was blind.

  The more she stared at the reflection, her expression slipping from one of intrigue to horror and I felt her entire body tense against me, her nails breaking through the layers of flesh beneath them. I heard myself hiss in pain, but I didn’t move, I didn’t even try to fight her as I continued to scrutinize her face, attempting to figure out what was happening to her.

  Surely this had something to do with Persephone. Her Goddess must’ve taken over though I couldn’t understand why. We were getting along, everything was wonderful.

  Maybe Persephone had a message for her husband. I steeled myself for the inevitable sparing match that would come from the intermingling of husband and wife, but my guess was off. She didn’t speak, neither did Valentina. Her physical body continued to remain almost frozen, if not for the soft twitches I continued to feel from the pressure of her fingers.

  It felt like an eternity when her eyelids finally closed and began to shudder against her cheeks. Her body collapsed slightly against mine and she took a deep breath like she was emerging from water.

  “Val?” I turned her quickly in my arms, cupping her face and assessing her for any damage. “What happened? What was that?” She blinked a few times, to remove the haze before staring up at me in surprise. She seemed to have forgotten I’d been there all along.

  She giggled uncertainly and stood up on her own, u
sing me as a brace for a moment before waving her hand.

  “Nothing. Persephone just came to me. She does that sometimes.” She smiled, leaning up on her tiptoes to kiss my cheek. “Nothing to worry about.” It was easy for her to say, but harder for me to do. For a good two minutes, perhaps even more, she had remained unmoving, unblinking, practically not breathing in my arms and she wanted me to not worry about it.

  She pulled from my arms to grab the cloak she’d left on the footboard of the bed, shooting me a look as if to say I was the ridiculous one.

  “Are you getting dressed? I don’t think your attire will make things any easier with Aidan today,” she teased with a little smirk that would’ve made the King of the Gods proud, before tossing the velvet curtain over her shoulder and wrapping it around her as natural as she would a coat.

  “Yeah. I’m right behind you.”

  I shook my head in disbelief, moving to the closet myself and poking through the clothes. I was some standard black jeans, black t-shirt kind of guy, but the outfits that were in there, looked a lot more GQ than I was prepared to attempt. It took me a few minutes to fish through them before settling on a pair of chinos that were dark enough that I figured no one would tell the difference, before pairing it with a silk button up. I tried to leave it open at the top for a more casual appearance than one where I looked like I was going to dinner with the Queen.

  Running my hand through my hair as I passed my reflection on the way to the door, I paused for a moment as I realized that, in a way, I did look like the Prince of the Underworld. And for a moment too, I felt like him.

  A small smile had shifted its way onto my face before I carried on, crossing the threshold and entering immediately into the throne room where Valentina had found Aidan and Savannah amongst some of the other Gods. As I approached them, I realized that given how my night had turned out, a fact Aidan seemed to be able to read directly from my face, I had completely forgotten about setting up the trap room.

  Aidan’s eyes slithered over me, before jumping to Valentina, who was grinning as brightly as ever; as though the episode in the bedroom hadn’t occurred. I watched the vein in his forehead pulse protectively before his eyes leapt back to me. Instinctively, I held up my hands to dictate my innocence, which only led him to look back at Valentina in surprise.


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