Grace of Gods Boxset: Reincarnated Greek Gods YA/NA Series

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Grace of Gods Boxset: Reincarnated Greek Gods YA/NA Series Page 80

by Kyleigh Castronaro

  The necklace in my hand began to light, pushing through the cracks of my fist. The harder I squeezed the brighter the light became until it seemed like my fist was the light. It moved through my hand into my veins and just like that it shot to my heart, lighting my body like a Christmas tree.

  “Aidan?” Savannah grabbed me by the shoulders, watching as the sunken features of my face reverted and the color returned to my face. I could feel the magic flowing through my veins, I could hear Zeus come back to me and strangely, I found I felt whole. Shaking off the tingling sensation going through me, my eyes shifted to Savannah and she was staring at me with such a look of concern, I felt… disgusted.

  “Pull yourself together, woman.” I rose, walking to the closet and pulled it open surveying the clothes inside. After a moment I closed it again, thought about what I was looking for and pulled the doors open again. I reached inside for the ceremonial gown, taking it out carefully and walking back to the bed to take off the common threads I was wearing instead. As I fastened the gown at my shoulder with a sigil signifying my station, Savannah rose and stepped back.

  “Zeus?” My head snapped up to look at her, narrowing slightly.


  “Savannah. Neither Hera nor myself like being referred to as an object, so you can start with our name.”

  “You can start by losing the attitude, woman, or you will regret it.”

  “Stop calling me woman.”

  “That is what you are, is it not? Or have you taken to the Bacchic ways and shed the identity of gender?”

  “I’m a woman.”

  “Then your role is to bear my children, even if I am perfectly capable of bearing them myself – I will remind you.”

  Savannah’s jaw tensed as her eyes narrowed, “Where is Aidan?”

  “Resting, the work ahead is for a God, not a mortal and I will fix this mess you have caused.”


  “If you weren’t satisfying enough for me, I would not have any need to stray.” Her hand landed a hard slap across my cheek but all it managed to do was make me laugh as I reached out and grabbed her by the wrist.

  “I like your mortal’s spine, wife. But I will remind you of your place in this marriage, I am King of the Gods, that includes you and you will show me the respect I deserve.” It was far too easy to toss her onto the bed, grabbing an ankle and pulling it away from her other leg.

  “No. We’re not having sex with you like this. Give me back Aidan and we’ll talk.” She fought, trying to give a pitiful display of power. But as I crawled onto the bed, pinning her with my weight, holding her hands above her head she stared at me and I could see my wife’s resolve melt in her eyes.

  “Aidan… Take back control, please.”

  “He can’t, and he won’t for some time. Not until this mess is fixed.” She huffed, turning away as I leant to kiss her. She bit my lip defiantly, but again the only response she got was a chuckle.

  “You forget I enjoy the fight, the hunt… It’s part of the thrill… I convinced my wife once, I can convince you too, mortal girl.”

  “You’re not my boyfriend.”

  “No, you’re right. I’m your husband and King, you will acquiesce.” I kissed her this time and no teeth found my lips. But her lips did not move with mine either. She laid there, almost as if she were lifeless. It would not trouble me. In my life, many women had responded in different ways, she was not the first to lay like this and she would not be the last.

  I adjusted my robe as I finished, climbing off her. Savannah curled into a ball on the bed, her jaw set in defiance as she glared at the wall and didn’t move.

  “I expect this time the child will remain in your womb where it belongs. No more of this abortive nonsense. As Goddess of Childbirth, it is your godly necessity to bear children, and you will.”

  “Go screw yourself.”

  “Wife, that’s what I have you for.” I climbed off the bed and walked causally to the door, narrowly missing the pillow she threw at me. I laughed again, walking out of the room in search of my younger brother. We had work to do and whether he liked it or not, I was going to get him to work with me.

  But first, there was one thing I needed to do to was ensure Hades would take my side.

  Chapter 11

  Finding the crossroads again was easier this time, only because any place where two roads converged would do. I stood there for a moment, knowing the procedure. An offering had to be made but I was King of the Gods and witch or not, she had to come when I called.

  “Hecate.” My barreling voice echoed down both corridors to my left and right, the rumbles shaking the walls and dislodging stones precariously clinging to the edges of rocky crags that made this place. She did not appear right away, if only to attempt a power play but at the end of the day she knew. She answered to me, whether she liked it or not.

  “My lord.” I turned to find her in her real form, at least she had the sense not to bother with any of her disguises with me. As Zeus, I could see through her magic.

  “Your vessel is…”

  “Suitable,” she said, tugging at the length of black hair hanging over her shoulder. “You bellowed my lord, have you come to take back the mortal’s deal?”

  “No, I believe it is a fair deal and your solution may work. However, getting Hades to agree will be a little more difficult. I will need your help.” I held out my hand to her and walked as she slid her smaller one into it. Closing my eyes, I drew on the memories of Aidan and sought the right one for what I needed. Images flashed before my eyes, the arrival at Olympus, the parties, the sex, Savannah. Ah, there.

  She appeared out of nowhere, standing on the edge of the cliff as the wind whipped around her face. A particularly rough gust of wind hit her and she bent over, doubled against the mountain trying to keep her footing. Her eyes were wide as she looked around, taking in her surroundings until her eyes fell on me.

  “Aidan!” Her mouth moved but no noise made its way to me as the wind stole her voice and carried it away down the mountain. She pushed her hair out of her eyes with determination and began to move. She had the sense to get low to avoid giving the wind a larger target to hit, crawling painfully toward me. Her knees were bare in that tiny dress she was wearing, I could only imagine the damage she was doing to them as she made her way toward me.

  It felt like an eternity before her hands touched my feet, holding onto them before taking the rock to brace herself. With one foot in front of the other she stood, holding onto the rock so the wind didn’t carry her small body away.

  “Valentina? What are you doing here?”

  “Saving you!” She reached out, touching my side where the eagle had torn my liver away. I winced inwardly, desperately trying to keep a steel look of bravado on my face.

  “Looks painful,” she said as she looked back at my face, hopefully I gave nothing away.

  “I’ve dealt with worse.”

  “You don’t need to act tough right now Aidan, no one is watching but me and I can tell you that looks extremely painful.” Except I did. The last thing I needed was this teenager knowing I wasn’t tough as nails like I pretended to be. I shrugged, as best as I could in my condition, and looked at her nonchalantly.

  “Only mildly painful.” She looked like she wanted to slap me or stick her finger in the wound if only to prove her point but good sense stopped her.

  “C’mon, we’ve got to get off here and find the others.” The others. My mind returned to the throne room, to the damage they had caused, to Griffin… His betrayal. My eyes flashed with anger and hatred before looking back at her.

  “How did you find me?” They hadn’t announced what my punishment was and I was sure as hell no one had followed me through the portal to this place.

  “I was in the Underworld when the Titans mutinied.” I frowned for a second, shaking my head. I could’ve sworn I saw her at the party last night. Although, Savannah had been looking for her. She wanted to get ready together but
she couldn't find her best friend. I told her not to worry, Val would show. I was sure she had, hadn’t she?

  “It’s a long story, I’ll tell you once I’ve gotten you unchained.” She took the chains in her hand and began to tug with all the might her tiny body would give her. But nothing happened, not that I expected it to. Did she not think I had tried? I had been here for twelve hours already, there was nothing else to do but tug at the chains.

  “I’ve tried pulling them,” I tried to remain as nonjudgmental as I could. What were teenagers learning in schools these days?

  “Any other suggestions?” Yes, and now I had a second God here with me, it might work. I nodded my head and closed my eyes, my ribs were aching as they continued to try and stitch themselves back. Being immortal had its perks, like not dying, but the pain didn’t disappear because I was immortal. Oh no, I had to live through it. Curling my hand into a fist like I was holding something I concentrated all my power into it, forcing it to manifest in the shape I wanted.

  I felt the lightning bolt long before I saw the brightness behind my eyelids. I also felt Valentina step away, abandoning her post at my side. The force of the power I held in my hand made my weak body shake and my ribs felt like they were ready to break open and rip apart again.

  “Take it.” I managed to grunt through gritted teeth.

  “I can’t. I don’t have the power to hold it.”

  “Yes, you do. Zeus is Persephone’s dad, he won’t let it hurt her.”

  “How… - How did you know I was Persephone?” This was not the time to talk about this but I opened my eyes anyways to give her a look that hopefully said it all. After all, I was King of the Gods, plus of course, Zeus was going to recognize the vessel of his daughter when he saw it.

  “It was evident Valentina, but everyone was under strict orders to let it play itself out.”

  Something flashed across her face, pain maybe or betrayal, I felt bad instantly but I knew I didn’t have time to throw her a pity party on top of the mountain. We needed to get out of here before the eagle came back.

  “Atlas knew that Hades would kidnap me again? He knew and he forced all of you to let it happen.” My second guess was right. Betrayal.

  “Well, we didn’t know that he would kidnap you and I wouldn’t have let it happen, even if I did know. But Atlas said that certain things needed to happen for you to fully ascend to your Goddess. This isn’t the time to discuss it though, take the lightning bolt.” I seemed to get through to her as she reached out and took it, the power and might of the bolt shaking her entire body. “Okay, you should only need to touch it to the chains and they will break.”

  She did as I asked, touching the bolt to the chains as she looked at me with a strange look in her eyes.

  “So, you’re my dad.” I wasn’t sure what she meant by asking, there was some soft kind of longing in her voice that had me questioning what it meant. I was a decade older than her, not old enough to truly be her father and yet there was something in her eyes that almost seemed to beg me to be it anyways.

  “In a way.”

  “My last dad kind of sucked at his job.” The emotions shifted and this time an unmistakable pain and anguish appeared on her features.

  “Apparently, so do I.”

  “You said it yourself, you didn’t know that Hades was going to kidnap me. Besides, it looks like it all worked out for the best.”

  “For now.” She broke the last of the chains and stepped away as I pulled myself out of their shells and twisted my wrists to loosen them. She gave me back to the lightning bolt and I freed my ankles before dropping off the rock. I couldn’t help but look to the sky to make sure the eagle wasn’t on his way back before my numb limbs went out from under me and I slipped to the ground. One hand held the side where the ribs were still healing, the aching echoing through my entire body. When I turned my eyes to her as she spoke, the sun low in the sky illuminated her from behind like a halo and for the first time I saw what everyone else saw in Valentina.

  The memory ended and Hecate let go of my hand and stepped back.

  “You wish for me to take on the form of this child.” I nodded my head and stepped away as well, crossing my arms over my broad chest. This vessel wasn’t nearly in as good shape as I had once been, in fact he was almost scrawny compared to my former self and yet, I had seen the others. Apparently, future mortals took little interest in conveying their power through the sheer size of their muscles.

  “Hades’ vessel fell in love with this child and she died recently, as you know. I believe if we can convince Griffin he is seeing her, he will agree to be with you. It will be your choice whether you reveal your true form to him or not but for now, in his grief, I know this is the only way you will see yourself on the throne by his side.”

  Hecate looked thoughtful for a moment as she considered this before she finally nodded. Truthfully though, she knew she had no other choice. If ruling the Underworld was her desire, she had to play by the rules of its King and right now, Hades was missing his real Queen.

  “Alright.” I looked back at her and before me stood a perfect copy of Valentina. If Aidan were here he would've believed it to be her, she had managed to mimic her voice as was my intention by showing her the memory.

  “Excellent.” I held my arm out to her and smiled deviously. Aidan didn’t have the ability to think about these things, he desired to trick Hecate at the end of the deal but of course, he did not know the witch the way I did. She would not be tricked easily and it was better to play in tandem than double-cross a Goddess, anyone who desired to survive in our world needed to know that.

  “Let’s go find Griffin.”

  Hecate was better suited to manipulate this world than I was and it only took a small amount of magic to navigate our way back to the so-called throne room. It was nothing compared to the glory of my own but if it satisfied my dark-souled brother, then so be it.

  Speaking of the dark one, he was seated on his throne with a bottle precariously balanced on his knee as he watched the souls file by him desperately calling out for relief from this existence. I could never understand how he tolerated these pathetic mortals but he did not seem to be looking at them as his glazed eyes stared vacantly across the room.

  “Had—” I stopped myself, realizing perhaps it was best not to give away Aidan’s lack of control if Hades’ mortal was still in control. “Griffin.” His name echoed around us, amplified by the spirits around us. His eyes turned away from whatever ghosts he was seeing and his eyes widened as he stared at Hecate beside me.

  “How- What- Is-” He spluttered, his thoughts, no doubt, short-circuiting as he tried to make sense of what was going on. Hecate, for her due, played the role perfectly as she left my side and ran to Hades like she was truly the child she appeared to be. Griffin barely had time to get up as he caught her in his arms.

  “You’re real, this is real?” His hands moved up and down her body before cupping her face, staring into her eyes as he found himself incredulous. “It’s not possible, I saw you die,” he whispered, bowing his head so their foreheads were pressed together. In a tender exchange, I stepped forward with only one intention on my mind, to move this all along.

  “This is the Underworld after all Griffin, it is the realm of the dead.” He pulled away from her slightly so he could see me as I spoke before he looked away again. He ignored what I said to cup her face once more and kiss her deeply. Whether this was what Hecate wanted or not, it was what she was getting. It took a bit of effort not to roll my eyes at the display until they finally broke for air.

  “Yes, she is alive, yes, I found her, you’re welcome.” I smirked at him before getting closer, taking her arm and pulling her slightly away from him to refocus them. “But I need her help, she’s seen the side of Asher none of us have. She was telling me on our way here Asher was talking to her about his plans, she is going to help me stop him.”

  “No, it’s too dangerous.” He stepped off the dais and reached fo
r her.

  “Griffin.” I held out my hand, stopping him from getting closer. “I’m not going to let her get hurt again, she’s going to take me to where I’ll be able to corner him and hopefully kill him. She’ll come right back here to you.”

  “I’ll come with you, I’ll help. I want him dead too.”

  “You’re drunk, and if your eyes are any indication, you’re high too. I can’t afford to have to babysit you while I’m trying to fix all this. You need to stay here, when the time is right, you should be here to allow everyone to go through and back to Olympus when it’s safe. You’re needed here, in the Underworld.” He looked torn and whatever it was battling inside of him made no difference to me.

  “Baby,” Hecate stepped forward, laying on the concerned girlfriend a little more thickly than I thought was believable but Griffin bought right into it as she took his hand and kissed his palm. “I want to do this, I want to help. Like Aidan said, as soon as I’ve made sure he is where he needs to be, I’ll come right back to you. We’ll get you sober and we have an eternity together, an eternity of love and happiness.” It was a momentous effort not to roll my eyes and manage a smile instead of a grimace but I did it.

  And Griffin bought it.


  “Good, great. And the first thing you should do is shower because you smell like death and whiskey.” Griffin looked over at me with a glare before glancing back at Hecate, sweeping her hair out of her eyes before kissing her again.

  “Be safe.”

  “I will. I promise.” He nodded and let her go, she could return to my side. With her back to the prince of darkness, she smiled mischievously as if to ask how her performance was. I nodded and set my hand on her back, guiding her back out of the throne room.

  “Don’t forget to shower, Griffin.”


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