Texas Holdem (The Hell Yeah! Series)

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Texas Holdem (The Hell Yeah! Series) Page 19

by Sable Hunter

  “And our Kristen!”

  “Yea, he’d better treat her right.”

  “He will.” Avery looked positive. “After all, he’s a McCoy.” As soon as she made the off-hand statement, she read the look on Tricia’s face. “Lance might not be a McCoy, but he’s not a bad guy. He made a mistake.”

  “I know. He’s been hurt as deeply by all of this as I have.”

  “True, but that still doesn’t give him the right to turn on the one person who loves him more than anything,” Avery grumbled.

  “Make up your mind!” Tricia laughed. “Are you defending him or not? You’re making me dizzy.”

  “Sorry, I’m not sure.” Avery laughed. “I guess I’m not making any sense. I feel strongly about both sides of my argument.”

  “I understand, I’m confused too.” Tricia knew Avery was right about one thing – she did love Lance more than anything. “He hurt me, Avery.”

  “I know he did.” Avery pulled her chair closer to Tricia, almost knocking over a display of Hallmark cards. “I’ve tried to put myself in your shoes. Isaac pushed me away once, if you remember.”

  “I do remember. He devastated you.”

  “He did.” She held up her left hand, flashing her wedding set. “We worked it out.” She squeezed Tricia’s hands. “I’m not saying he’ll never hurt me again, but if he does – I’ll listen to him. I’ll talk to him. I’d give Isaac every benefit of the doubt.” Avery sniffed her nose and grinned. “And then, I would probably kick his ass.”

  “I’ve felt like kicking Lance’s ass,” Tricia admitted. “Believe me, if I’d have known about his past with my grandparents, I would’ve been horrified. I haven’t seen my grandmother since learning what they did to his family, but when I do, I’ll tell her how I feel.”

  “She’s trying to make amends to you, Tricia.”

  “Yes, but she needs to make amends to Lance, also.”

  “How is Lance handling the epilepsy?”

  Tricia frowned, hunting the right words. She was used to her best friend asking anything. They had very few secrets, and those didn’t usually stay secret very long. “Completely different than I thought he would. I really expected it to bother him. He’s been so loving, even holding me through the seizures that I’ve had in his presence. I know he’s making a special effort because of the baby, but he sincerely seems to want to be with me.”

  “Well…” Avery shrugged her shoulders. “I think you should be with him.” Seeing Tricia’s surprise, she smiled. “I really do. You and Lance belong together.” Avery winked at her best friend. “Cady said so.”



  “Speak of the devil,” Avery whispered and Tricia giggled.


  He looked a bit uncomfortable, so Tricia decided to have mercy on him. “Come in, Lance.” She glanced at the clock. “What are you doing in town in the middle of the day?”

  “Maybe, he’s come to take you to lunch?” Avery interjected with a speculative look.

  “Well, yes, that’s exactly why I’m here,” Lance began, before he was interrupted by the wail of a baby.

  “I think that’s my cue. There’s somebody else here who’s ready for lunch.” Avery rose to gather her things. “I’ll see you two later.” She kissed them both. “Be good.”

  Once they were alone, Lance held his hat in his hand. “Can you break away for a sandwich?”

  “I can.” She grabbed her keys. “Turn over the sign to CLOSED.”

  “Will do.” Lance offered his arm to Tricia after she’d locked the door to the shop. “Where are we going?”

  “Let’s go to the Grillhouse, I want to make better memories there with you. Okay?”

  She leaned her head on his shoulder. “I’d like that. Pawnee came to have supper with me a week or so ago. I like her.”

  “Good. Everybody could use more friends.” He pointed at a SOLD sign on the shop next to Tricia’s. “Noah bought his mom this space for her import business.”

  “I heard about that at Skye’s birthday party. Noah seems so happy to have his mother around.”

  “Oh, he is.” Lance glanced down at Tricia. “I should’ve told you this earlier, but with everything going on between us, I just haven’t.”

  Seeing that he looked worried, Tricia reacted with concern. “What are you talking about?”

  “The paternal grandparents of Skye’s baby are challenging the adoption.”

  “Oh, no! What are you doing to stop it?”

  “There’s not a whole lot I can do, except support Skye. Zane has made sure that she can keep the baby while the proceedings are ongoing. He’s also sent a special investigator up to Oklahoma to see what he can find out about the people.”

  “Poor Skye.” She touched her middle, wanting to protect her own baby. “If there’s anything I can do, you’ll tell me, won’t you?”

  He kissed her on top of the head. “Of course, I will.”

  They stepped to one side as a man in a golf cart came scooting down the sidewalk. “I don’t think he’s in the right place, do you?”

  “No.” Lance laughed. “Would you like a golf cart? It worries me to know you walk around town so much during the day.”

  “I just make a few deliveries and I need the exercise. You’ve got to quit worrying about me, Lance. I’m doing good. I haven’t had a seizure in days, the meds are kicking in.”

  Lance tucked her hand under his heart. “Good. I know stress has been a trigger in the past. What else triggers an episode? Do you know?”

  Tricia didn’t want to talk about this now. “Not really. Sometimes bright flashing lights, like an ambulance can do it. My period has been known to bring them on too.”

  “You won’t have to worry about that for a while,” he teased.

  “True.” They passed a few shops and Tricia happened to glance it at a window where baby clothes were displayed. “I guess I need to start thinking about a nursery.”

  “I talked to Aron about adding a room onto the cabin.”

  This surprised Tricia. “You did?” She didn’t know how she felt about that. “I don’t want you to go to a lot of trouble.” They hadn’t made any long-term plans and until they did, Tricia didn’t want to get too comfortable.”

  “This won’t be any trouble; a crew will come in and handle everything.”

  “Can we talk about it later?” She hated to avoid the subject, but she just wasn’t ready.

  “Sure.” Lance sounded a little disappointed. When they came to the restaurant, he opened the door to allow her to walk in ahead of him.

  Pawnee greeted them with delight. “Welcome!” She gave Tricia a hug. “Glad to see you two together,” she whispered in Tricia’s ear.

  She gave Pawnee’s arm a squeeze in answer. “Good to see you, Pawnee. We’ve got to get together again, soon.”

  “Let me get you two a table.” As she escorted the pair across the restaurant, she leaned in to whisper to Tricia. “Guess who has a date this weekend?”

  Tricia’s eyes bugged. “You!”

  “I do. I’m not sure what it means, but Levi asked me out.”

  “Wonderful! I hope everything works out for you.”

  “For you too.”

  Once they were seated, Tricia perused the menu. “I think I’ll take a salad.”

  “You need more than a salad, get some protein. How about the salmon?”

  She made a face at him, but agreed, “Fine, I’ll take it blackened.”

  “Good choice.”

  “Did you come into town on business, or just to see me?”

  “To see you, you are my most important business.” The smile he gave her made Tricia shiver.

  “You know, if you keep that up, I’m going to begin to take you seriously.”

  “I hope so.” Lance laid his menu down. “I’m dead serious. I want us to forget any of the bad stuff happened. If we could turn back time, we’d be in this same place and be totally happy and totally in lov
e. You would still be pregnant and we’d be planning our wedding.”

  Tricia held up her hand. “Don’t go so fast, Lance. There are some things we need to deal with. First, I want to talk to my grandmother about all of this. I want to tell her how I feel and see if there’s anything I can do to fix it.”

  Lance leaned forward. “No. I don’t want you to talk to your grandmother about Shenandoah.”

  “Why?” Tricia didn’t understand, he seemed almost panicked about it. “I want to right this wrong if I can.”

  “No.” He cut his hand through the air. “I want to start clean. The ranch is ancient history, you’re what’s important to me now.”


  “I’d really rather you didn’t talk to her at all.” Seeing her face, he quickly recanted. “I don’t mean that, she’s your grandmother. Just don’t dredge this topic up with her. I don’t want to taint what we’re building between us now.”

  He seemed so sincere, Tricia agreed, “Very well.” She smiled at him. “Let’s talk about something else, shall we?”

  “Okay.” They placed their order with the waitress, then he took her hand. “Would you like to go to the movies with me tonight? There’s a thriller playing and I’d love it if you’d go snuggle with me.”

  “I’d love to.”

  “All right, we’ll catch the early show. I’ll pick you up after work, we’ll grab a bite to eat, then head to the theater.”

  Tricia nodded, happier than she’d ever expected to be again.

  * * *

  “I can’t believe you tossed your popcorn in the air!” Lance laughed as he unlocked the door to the cabin.

  “Well, I wasn’t expecting the killer to pop up out of nowhere! With those 3D glasses, I thought he was making a grab for me.”

  “I love it.” Lance grabbed her for a kiss. “Popcorn was coming down like rain, it looked like a confetti parade.”

  “I had a good time, thank you.” She hugged him back. “I don’t remember the last time I went to the movies.”

  “We need to do more things just for fun.” Lance pushed her hair back from her face. “I haven’t done enough of that in my lifetime.”

  “I’m having fun with you.” She relaxed against him, enjoying how it felt to be held in his arms. Outside, lightning flashed and thunder began to roll. “I think we’re in for a storm.”

  “Looks like it.” A storm was rolling inside of him too. Every night, he went to bed hard and horny. She was becoming more and more receptive to his touch and the nut-knotting kisses they’d been sharing kept him on a slow burn. Tricia was almost his again. He could feel it. It was only a matter of time before their natural chemistry became more than she could resist. His groin pulsed at the memory of the night they’d shared. “Can you sleep during storms?”

  “Like a baby,” she quipped, pulling out of his arms. “Thanks for tonight, Lance. I think I’ll go to bed. Tomorrow’s another day.”

  “Are you sure? Can I tempt you with a cup of cocoa? We could sit out on the porch and watch it rain.”

  “In the porch swing?”

  “Sure thing, you go get comfortable and I’ll meet you out there.” Lance hurried to the kitchen with a grin on his face. Every little privilege she gave him felt like a victory. “Do you want marshmallows?”

  “Yes, sir!” Her voice reached him from the porch.

  To speed things up, he used the microwave and when the chocolate mix was warm, he peppered it with marshmallows and hurried out to join her.

  Tricia made room for him in the swing and they drank their cocoa while the storm lit up the nearby woods and pastures with bolts of dancing lightning. “This is beautiful, isn’t it?”

  Lance took a moment to answer. “I don’t know, I can’t see anything but you.”

  “Lance, you’re so bad,” she chided him, but she did it with a smile.

  “I’d love to show you how bad I can be.” He patted her knee. “Put your feet in my lap.”

  She slipped off her shoes and turned carefully in the swing, resting her feet on his thighs.

  Lance caressed her skin, running his palm up her leg, smoothing the velvet flesh above her knee. He kept his gaze on her and with every flash of lightning, he enjoyed the satisfied look on her face. Lance also enjoyed the sight of her nipples poking through her thin blouse. The little nubs made his mouth water.

  “The cocoa’s good, thanks,” she muttered, more to break the sensual spell he was weaving than to be polite.

  “Perfect end to a perfect evening.” Unless he could get her in bed. She lifted her head and he could feel her eyes on him. He tucked a satin strand behind her ear, taking advantage of the proximity to run his finger down the side of her cheek and down to the place where her heart beat pulsed beneath his fingertip.

  “Yes, one I hate to see end.”

  “It doesn’t have to.” He bent near her and nuzzled the soft skin of her neck.

  Tricia’s breath caught in her throat and her nipples beaded. “Don’t tempt me.”

  “Oh, baby, that’s my mission in life. Tempting you.” He rubbed his hand up her skirt to caress her thigh, savoring the velvet of her skin and battling the need to slip his fingers into the heaven between her legs. He could feel her muscles tense at his touch. “Is it working? Wanting to hold you, kiss you, and love on you has been driving me crazy.”

  “It’s working too well, I’m afraid.” With that complimentary pronouncement, she swung her legs down and stood to her feet. “I’ll take your cup, if you’re finished.”

  Disappointed, he relinquished the cup and let out a long sigh. “Sleep well, baby.”

  “You too.” Tricia didn’t run away, but she stepped quickly. If she didn’t, she wouldn’t have been able to resist him another moment.

  …A little later, in bed, Tricia rolled and tumbled. As in the fantasy Avery had woven into her book, the storm raged outside while she lay all alone, craving her lover. Knowing he was right down the hall, wanting her just as much, only added to her need.

  Sitting up, she pushed a stray lock of hair from her face. She looked out the window, staring out into the dark night, knowing the next flash of lightning could illuminate her path. What was she waiting on? Should she go to him? Every day she was becoming more vulnerable to him and every day she wanted him more.

  Throwing aside her doubts, Tricia sprang from her bed and went running down the hall before she could change her mind.

  In his room, Lance lay in his lonely bed, watching the play of light and shadows as bolts of power darted from heaven and forced their way deep into the earth. He couldn’t relax, his body was stiff with need. At times like this, he questioned the wisdom of bringing Tricia so close, yet not being able to possess her. He owed her his protection, he owed her his devotion, but what he wanted to give her most was the worship of his body and a place in his heart.

  A slight noise in the hall caused him to jerk his head around. When he saw the pale form standing there, he wondered if his eyes were deceiving him. “Tricia?”

  “May I come in?”

  This was no ghost, this was an angel from heaven. “Oh, hell, yes. I’ve waited so long.”

  Her feet moved of their own accord. Whatever the future held, tonight was theirs. This chance at love wouldn’t be denied. “I couldn’t stay away.”

  Lance didn’t wait for her to make it all the way across the room, he met her halfway. “Thank God, I have prayed for this moment.”

  His thumb traced a gentle path down her cheek, stealing her breath with the tender sensuality of his touch. “I’m not asking for this to mean something, Lance.”

  “Bullshit,” Lance growled, as his arm came around her. “This means everything.”

  Tricia quivered. He was naked. Powerful. She sank against him as his hands framed her waist, the familiar scent and feel of him overwhelming her senses. “Will you have sex with me?”

  “I’ll make love to you,” he whispered into her golden hair, one broad hand cradling her
head to his chest. “I’ll make such sweet love to you.” Holding her tighter, he pushed his hips gently against her, allowing Tricia to feel his arousal. He was fully erect, large and thick.

  “That’s what I want,” she whispered. As he tugged her gown up and over her head, Tricia felt her limbs grow weak from sweet surrender.

  “I want you so much, I can’t breathe.” His voice was hot on her neck and his heart raced beneath her hands as they rested on his chest.

  Her blood began to sing as the heady rush of desire raced through her veins. She stared at his lips, his perfect, male lips. For so long, she’d ached to feel them on her body. “Kiss me, Lance. Kiss me like you mean it.” Her lips parted in anticipation.

  “Close your eyes, precious.”

  She complied and the whisper of his lips against hers flamed the need within her. Rough velvet, that’s what his mouth felt like as it softly caressed hers. Back and forth, stroking and teasing. In the twilight shadows, with electrical energy crashing just outside the window, she felt like she was caught up in a dream.

  “You’re so beautiful, I have to see you,” he muttered, flipping on a bedside lamp. Returning to her lips, he sipped at them, teasing her to respond, while his hands, rough and calloused, were hot and hungry on her naked back. Consumed with need, she massaged his chest, relieved when he bent her over his arm and deepened the kiss.

  Twining her arms around his neck, Tricia arched her body against his. She almost fainted with delight when he gave her his tongue, stroking along the seam of her lips, playing with hers as she licked him back.

  “Let’s go to bed.” He lifted her in his arms and laid her on the spread, blanketing her with his body. “Am I too heavy?”

  “Never.” She accepted his weight, cradling him to her. “Oh, I love this.” She writhed beneath him, tilting her hips up, sighing with satisfaction when he tucked his manhood into the notch between her thighs.

  “Feel me?”

  He moved on top of her and she gasped as she felt the rasp against her clit. “God, yes, more, please.” Tricia almost swooned as he moved again – and again – creating wonderful heat, tiny sizzling sparks that exploded across her skin. His hard chest teased her breasts, making her nipples hard and achy. “I’ve thought about this all day, every day. I haven’t been able to concentrate on my work. Yesterday, I mixed tulips with carnations.”


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