Crown of Draga

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Crown of Draga Page 13

by Emma Dean

Raena listed off a few very famous ones, but Adelina couldn’t bring herself to care. The matter of a dress designer seemed silly when compared to the seriousness of battles on the front lines; where Giselle would be front and center. She was supposed to leave the next day and Adelina was sick with worry. Her sister had never been off planet without the entire royal family before. Father had granted her biggest wish and now she would have to arrest a traitor with his own forces available to him. Giselle had never been tried in battle.

  None of their soldiers had.

  Aside from duels, and mock fights during tournaments, there hadn’t been actual battle for centuries and the last of those veterans had passed before her birth. Not even her grandmother had seen the last war and she was nearing three hundred cycles old. If they actually had to fight Adelina knew there would be casualties, millions of her people dead. Only an alliance with Nash and perhaps the Drakesthai could save them.

  Perhaps Adelina could gently suggest they ask Nash and his remaining warriors to train their own soldiers. The Corinthians were far more violent and bloody, and that experience and nature could turn the tide of war. They needed to wake up their soldiers and ignite that fierce instinct to fight and protect.

  The light dress she wore still felt too heavy. Adelina tried not to make the tugging obvious. Her grandmother would snap at her if she noticed. The maid handed her a cup last, as was the custom. Adelina murmured her thanks and then patiently waited for the maid to pour the tea for each of them per their rank.

  Elara was technically not royalty and attended the queen as a female guard, or a lady-in-waiting. She never drank tea. Elara sat in a corner of the solar as usual and gazed outside as if she wasn’t listening. Her courtesan training made sure they were all safe and Adelina secretly liked her quiet presence.

  The ritual of the tea was interspersed with talk of the last royal wedding and how fashion had changed since then. The dowager queen only glared as she fixed her tea, choosing to stay silent on the matter.

  Finally the maid curtseyed and left the room.

  There was a moment of silence as the Queen tapped her simulcast and the small light in the corner of the room went from blue to red. The solar was sealed and no one would be able to hear them. No device or tech could eavesdrop. There was nothing but quiet as they each fixed their tea. Adelina kept her eyes down on her cup and waited until her mother and Raena had the first sip.

  Their mother held her tea carefully in her lap and sighed. “I am so sorry, Raena,” she said, switching over to Ilashyan. The language of females kept their secrets even safer. “I know much has fallen on you since your father fell ill. I wish you did not have so much to deal with so young. You should have the time to properly study before taking the throne.” The queen shook her head with regret.

  Adelina blinked back sudden tears. She hated that their father was ill. She would have thought in this day and age the healers could fix him when they could so easily grant long life. Their medicine was good, but it wasn’t good enough. She kept her eyes down and refused to look up. If her grandmother saw the sheen of tears she would be in for a punishment and the last one three cycles ago was gruesome enough she did not wish to ever repeat the experience.

  Raena briefly touched her mother’s hand in comfort. “I know, Mother, but I have studied hard and even Father believes I am up for the task.”

  She hoped Raena would bring up what was discussed in the council meeting soon, but as the lowest ranking and least dominant it wasn’t her place to interject, not until someone asked her to speak. They all had to follow protocol and wait so she sipped her tea and ate a tiny sandwich that did nothing to sate her hunger.

  Protocol was everything. Protocol and culture was what separated them from their ancestors and their barbarous ways.

  Unfortunately Giselle didn’t follow protocol very well. “Aside from the arrest on Treon, is there anything else you would like me to take care of?” Giselle asked. Adelina wanted to know more as well, but she wasn’t brave enough to test their grandmother.

  For once there was no backlash. “Examine their seat from top to bottom, arrest them and bring them here for their execution. Make sure there is nothing on Treon that can be used against us. If there are signs the Neprijat are within our borders send me an emergency cast,” Raena said. “The Neprijat wouldn’t make promises without taking something for it, whether it’s the loyalty of Treon’s soldiers, or the use of their planet to hide Neprijat forces. Either way I want you to be extremely careful.”

  Raena actually look worried, only the safety of the Queen’s solar allowed her to show any real emotion at all. “The recorders will be on you constantly, but redirect them long enough to inspect the underground manor. Choose only those you are sure are loyal to assist you.” Raena acted as if she was already queen and Adelina preferred it, but it unsettled her when their mother sat there next to them.

  “Giselle is not a real warrior,” their grandmother spat, practically throwing her cup and saucer on the table.

  The old crone would outlive them all, Adelina was sure of it.

  The dowager queen had no real power anymore and she hated that fact. The only power she still held was in their mother, Queen Adele. The dowager had trained her. Their mother was a lower noble from the outer rim, but Grandmother had trained her in the old ways, the stifling sexist culture they’d had before equality was fully put in place. Mother could never truly deny the dowager queen after the cycles spent as her shadow.

  Outside the Queen’s solar her grandmother was nothing but the King’s mother. She kept to her own suite of rooms for the most part, opting out of any and all public appearances since ‘no one appreciated her.’ But during the weekly tea she held Queen Adele in her grip and used her to make them all obey.

  The second Raena was queen the dowager would be sent to live on her own estate and their mother would become the dowager queen, or the Queen’s Mother. Thank the three-faced goddess. It was all so complex and obnoxious Adelina was glad she would not have to deal with it or be the one to send their grandmother away.

  “Mother,” Queen Adele warned. “Giselle is a real warrior whether we like it or not. It has been decided by your king.”

  The tension in the room spiked and Adelina let her eyes rove along the black-wood bookshelves that lined the room. She studied the small desks set up for sending a cast, or some personal hobby a lady might have. Despite the long-standing equality some things were simply preferred by one sex over another, but if Adelina had been born of the merchant class no one would care if she suddenly decided she would like to become a warrior or a miner. No, because she and Giselle were princesses there were expectations of them. That Giselle had finally forged her own path frightened the dowager and her old ways.

  “I have more training and skill than most males ever will,” Giselle snapped. “I am more dominant than you grandmother, and you better watch your tongue. Times are changing and if you cannot accept them, then you too will become obsolete.” Her sister’s nostrils flared in outrage.

  Even though Adelina agreed with Giselle she knew it was not the time or place. Not with the way their grandmother watched them with the eyes of a galina, ready to pounce and tear them to pieces.

  “You forget your place, second-born,” the dowager queen snapped. Her teeth practically clacked together with the force of her words. “You are a princess and not a general. You will never be one. Get that through your thick skull.” She slashed her wrinkled hand through the air as if beheading all of Giselle’s hopes and dreams. “How dare you speak to me so?”

  Oh goddess – Giselle was in a rage. She wasn’t going to let it go this time. Adelina set her cup down and made sure she would be able to move as quickly as possible if necessary.

  “I dare, grandmother, because it seems as though you have forgotten that we are built to protect our people and simply because I was born female I am somehow considered less able to protect them despite all the contrary facts. I may never be general, but I
will fight to protect, what we’ve been designed to do as Dragans. The time of a male-dominated society is over. Perhaps you should read more casts on the issues of our galaxy and less concerning how to properly fold a tablecloth,” she snapped.

  The silence that followed was as fragile as real glass and Adelina winced when her grandmother slowly rose to her feet with all the grace and poise of her two hundred and eighty cycles. “Adele, discipline your daughter before I do.” Violating protocol had harsh punishments. It didn’t matter if Giselle was right, or not.

  Adelina was on her feet the second their mother moved to obey the dowager and placed herself in front of Giselle before the strike could land on her sister. Adelina didn’t have the courage to speak her mind the way Giselle did, but she could protect her for saying everything she wished she could. Adelina’s face whipped to the side so hard and so fast she stumbled to the floor.

  Their mother gasped in horror at what she’d done, hands flying to her mouth.

  Adelina stayed on the floor but moved to her knees quickly and knelt in front of the queen. “Please mother, Giselle is only speaking the truth, however incorrectly. If she must be punished, please let me share in the punishment.” A strike across the face was only the beginning. It wasn’t necessarily the pain, but rather the humiliation and embarrassment that was supposed to remind them of their place.

  Adelina had only been physically punished the once, but she had seen Giselle suffer punishment far too many times over the cycles for fighting against the restraints of their rank. Adelina could no longer stand to watch.

  She dared a glance at Raena from the cover of her long lashes and her sister watched the unfolding events with narrowed eyes. Raena was always slow to react, slow to decide, but it was not because she could not do what was necessary. It was because she considered every outcome and possibility before committing herself to the best possible choice. It was what would make her an excellent ruler given the time.

  Adelina only wished she would decide quickly enough to save her sisters from a grueling punishment before it was too late.

  “Adele, your children are a disgrace. If you will not punish them I will.” The dowager queen made a step towards Adelina and Giselle grabbed Adelina’s shoulders to push her out of the way, but Adelina was stubborn and would not budge. She had chosen a path and she would stick to it.

  “Stop.” The quiet command whipped through the room. Everyone froze at the authority in the tone, the demand to be recognized and obeyed. A look of shock crossed their grandmother’s face and she turned to Raena as she slowly stood from her chair. Every part of her sister screamed ‘Queen.’ “You will remove yourself from the Queen’s solar, grandmother.”

  A strangled noise came out of the dowager queen and Adelina winced, keeping her eyes down. She’d felt the brand of her grandmother’s cane before and didn’t wish to experience it again.

  “You forget your place, Raena,” their grandmother snapped.

  The power struggle between the three queens in the room had Adelina’s nerves screaming at her to grab Giselle and run. It would only be worse if she ran and incited their predatory instincts. So she kept as still as possible while Giselle slid to the floor next to her and knelt by her side. Both of them focused down on the carpet while the decision of what to do with them was made. Elara didn’t move a muscle from her corner as she waited. Giselle squeezed Adelina’s hand only once before the both of them became still as statues.

  Raena’s command practically shuddered against the walls despite the quiet words, despite her small stature and lack of a physical crown. “No grandmother, you forget your place. You are no longer reigning queen, Mother is. Queen Adele is the Queen Consort of Draga and you will treat her as such. I am your Crown Princess and in two weeks’ time I will be your Queen Regent. You are nothing more than the king’s mother, title remaining out of respect. You have no power and you do not outrank me. If you do not drop this issue I will be forced to take action as my father, King Orion’s proxy.”

  Holy gods.

  Raena was now the official proxy of the king. When the contracts had been signed and done Adelina had no idea, but it gave Raena all the power of their king, including decisions of state. She could declare war, or order an execution, and the only person who could stop her was their father. The brilliance of keeping it a secret wasn’t lost on Adelina.

  Their grandmother’s face turned purple with rage.

  “How dare you,” she hissed at Raena. “You are barely thirty cycles with no experience. How dare you order me?” The dowager queen’s cane came down on the floor with a loud ‘rap,’ emphasizing her words.

  Their grandmother couldn’t let go of the past, clutching to the last dregs of power until her dying breath, but Raena wouldn’t stand for it any longer.

  “Elara, remove the dowager queen from the solar. Then please inform the palace staff to pack her things and deliver them to her estate. She will be moving to the Dowager House sooner than anticipated.” Raena was not fazed at all. She even fluffed her skirts and sat back in her chair as if she had simply ordered tea. “Tell the staff there will be a reward if they have her there by dinner.”

  Adelina nearly choked. A part of her wanted to laugh and a part of her was too frightened to move. She didn’t know if Raena was allowed to remove their grandmother to her estate before the appointed time, but who would stop her?

  Elara stood from her corner and Adelina watched her feet as she crossed the room. Silently and without question she obeyed the crown princess. “Your majesty’s orders will be done.” Elara did not look surprised Raena was proxy to the king. She must have known; bedroom-talk perhaps.

  The dowager queen sputtered and resisted but she was old and Elara was much stronger than she looked. All courtesans were. The second the two of them left the solar, Adelina could feel Raena’s attention shift to their mother.

  “You were not incorrect in performing the punishment for violating protocol, but you were wrong for striking Adelina instead of Giselle despite the unexpected action. I could invoke your punishment as well, but I believe it would be better if both punishments were forgotten.” The spark in Raena’s violet eyes warned Mother which choice she should make. “You are the reigning queen, and I relinquish the choice to you.”

  It was impressive their sister managed to look down on their mother from her sitting position. Adelina’s knees began to ache and she hoped a decision would be made soon, regardless of the outcome.

  The queen gave a quick nod to her daughter, and soon-to-be queen. “I waive my right to punish Giselle and the matter will be forgotten.” She reached down and gently helped Adelina to her feet. Her mother brushed the hair from her face and kissed her cheek before embracing her in a hug. “I am so sorry my sweet girl. Will you accept my apology?”

  Adelina pulled back and gave her a shaky smile. “Of course, mother. All is forgotten.” She kissed each of the queen’s cheeks before stepping aside. Adelina remained standing, close enough to Giselle to touch her. She wanted Giselle to know she was not alone no matter what it may seem, or feel like at times.

  Raena had done what she could for them with protocol invoked. Adelina was grateful for that at least.

  The queen looked down at her second-born, still on her knees with her eyes fixed on the intricate design of the carpet. Giselle and Adelina had no power, and their rank meant nothing in a room full of queens. Only the submissive position protected them.

  “Giselle, you may rise. Your violation of protocol has been forgiven and forgotten. Please ensure to request the chance to speak free of protocol in the future.” Their mother sighed and her hand cupped Giselle’s cheek, face full of regret. The two had never gotten along well. “I know it can be difficult, but it is our place to support and not to question.”

  Giselle’s anger didn’t waver in the face of their mother’s love. “May I speak my thoughts, Queen Adele?”

  Their mother dropped her hand at the formal tone and nodded sadly.
r />   “I thought our weekly tea was the only place it was safe to question and provide insight that might not otherwise be shared. All our lives Adelina and I have trained and studied to support Raena when she becomes queen. We learned the arts of subterfuge and the gathering of information through seduction as well as our rank. If we do not share what we have learned, or our different opinions, how can we possibly help our sister? It is not the same for us as it is for you. Raena will not be Queen Consort; she will be Queen of all Draga.”

  The queen winced at the reminder she was only royalty by marriage and was not born into it. She sighed. “I waive the required protocol from our tea and anything further will be decided by the king’s proxy.” The balance of family and rank was almost impossible at times. The lines blurred and it was easy to make mistakes.

  Adelina did not like conflict within her family, but things would not change if they were silent. Raena would be queen soon and if Giselle and Adelina wanted better for their lives and for their people they had to start speaking up now.

  Raena nodded acceptance to the pass of power and she was now reigning queen in all but actual title. “Protocol is officially waived from the tea. Any and all can speak freely without repercussions or threat of punishment until protocol is officially re-invoked.”

  Adelina breathed a sigh of relief and pulled Giselle to the couch with her. The slight bounce and ruffle of skirts would normally earn her a scolding, but for this small period of time they were free to relax the insane standards expected of royalty.

  “So, have you thought more on the idea of marrying Prince Nash?” the queen asked Giselle.

  Adelina stiffened. The topic had died after Nash had escorted her to the ball, but it seemed they weren’t free of their mother’s incessant determination to wed them all off as soon as possible.

  “I do not plan to marry any time soon,” Giselle managed. “I am being deployed tomorrow, Mother. Can we please talk about something else?”

  Adelina took out her shreve and pulled up the design she’d created for Raena. She had drawn the necklace on a portrait she’d done of her. Adelina was slightly nervous.


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