The Concubine Contract

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The Concubine Contract Page 4

by Eden Redd

  The knight glanced at her for a moment before stepping to the fallen cat woman. Kneeling down, he looked her in the eye before jabbing the dagger into the side of her throat. Nero kept his steely gaze as the cat woman gurgled a little before the light left her eyes and she fell to the ground. The knight pulled off the cat’s pack and threw it aside as her body cracked with light and shattered. Another knight moved to the back pack and rummaged through, pulling out a fist full of gold coins.

  The leader stood up and stepped back to the fox and cat woman, “Two days. You think you can go that long without playing?”

  The shivering cat woman’s brow trembled. A seething rage boiled as her fear turned into fury. The fox woman tried to hold her but the young cat woman shifted her weight, legs coiling under. The knight watched as the cat woman launched at him, claws out. One armored hand reached out and caught a wrist. The cat woman’s eyes widened as a sharp point stabbed into her chest. The knight twisted the dagger once before pulling it back. A stream of blood flowed from the wound as she fell to her knees. Eyes lost, she slumped forward and hit the ground, shattering into shards of light.

  The fox woman stared with sorrow in her heart. Four knights surrounded her, looking down with knowing power.

  The leader stepped closer, dagger at his side, “What’ll it be?”

  Nero stared as the fox woman lifted her hands and pulled at the shoulders of her dress. They moved over smooth skin as the fabric was pulled lower. The leader used his free hand to tap at his armored chest and below the waist. Armor faded away and he was naked from the neck down, his manhood rising up freely. The fox woman gave a blank stare as the knight’s cock bounced before her, waiting. Pulling down her top, creamy breasts bounced up from their fabric prison, pink nipples pointing. A sick wanting filled her eyes as she leaned in close. The knight watched as her lips gently touched the head of his cock and then took the first inch.

  The other three knights tapped at their armors, causing them to fade away and reveal strong bodies. All of them kept their helmets on as they crowded closer. Wet sucking sounds began to rise up as the fox woman’s head began to bob back and forth.

  Nero watched, unable to tear away. Something deep down pulled at his heart but a greedy side reared its dark head. Glancing across the clearing, the elves, paladins and knights stepped further away, talking and laughing into the night. The shadowmancer turned back to the knights, seeing their lust rising and ready to take it out on the defeated player.

  Nero looked to the leader as he stood, dagger still in his hand. The player knew if he could get his hands on that dagger, he would be well on his way to making a name for himself. Nero heard stories of players becoming assassins. Players paid real money to assassinate other players. It was on his to do list to make some cash on the side while fulfilling his darker purpose. He wasn’t sure he would be able to do it so early in the game but that dagger would give him the starting edge he needed.

  The suckling sounds grew as the three other knights stroked themselves, watching the fox woman take thick inches. Nero felt a pang of hatred toward the knights as he watched her being dominated. He didn’t want to judge too much since it could very well be one of her kinks but it still stirred something deep inside. An idea formed when he noticed the knights had no other weapons present. Time would be a factor and he had to kill them as quickly as possible. Looking to the leader again, he knew he had to take him down first, as fast as he could.

  A mist flowed around Nero’s boots as he drew his dagger. The paladins, knights and elves were out of sight. The knights surrounding the fox woman were focused on her and their own perverted desires. Nero knew this was too good a chance to give up. Creeping along the edge of the clearing, he made his way closer to the knights and the fox woman on her knees.

  The air took on a chill, misty breath spilling from Nero’s mouth. He wondered if the nights were always this cold in Lukken. Inching closer, eyes stayed on the group of knights. Nero shifted his vision to the back of the leader’s neck. Wynn was happy to inform him that stabbing in the back or the back of the neck would triple his damage if he wasn’t discovered. There would also be a chance for blood loss, rendering the opponent unable to act unless they healed first. Nero knew he would have to take out the leader, grab the dagger and bolt for the woods. If he moved deep enough into the dark woods, he could evade detection. It was a simple but effective plan, if he could pull it off.

  Moans rose up as the fox woman sucked harder. Eye’s opening a sliver; she looked off to the side as a shadow flowed out from the woods and moved toward them. Moaning louder, her enthusiasm increased. The leader sucked in a breath through his teeth as her tongue rubbed and slathered against his shaft. Bliss stormed through him and he could feel himself getting closer and closer to climax.

  “She’s good. Don’t worry boys, you’ll have your turn next,” the leader said in a thick whisper.

  The others watched; all their attention on the show and holding their own cocks. The fox woman’s breasts bounced as she hungrily sucked. The shadow moved closer, a vague shape against the dark forest backdrop. The moaning grew louder as the shadow moved behind the leader. The knight’s eyes opened and he let out a groan, a second later, his eyes widened to the size of saucers. Something sharp stabbed into his neck just as spurts of seed burst from the tip of his cock. The mixture of pleasure and horror rolled through him and he was paralyzed, a bleeding status effect rolling across his vision.

  Armored heads snapped to their leader as something dark stood behind him, the shine of dark eyes over his shoulder. A hand slipped to the knight’s hand and relieved him of his dagger. Chaos bloomed as horror unfurled before their eyes.

  Hands uncurled from throbbing members but the world moved in slow motion. The shadow twirled, it’s newly acquired dagger flashing in the star light. The knight’s hands moved painfully slow to their chests. The shadow dove into the thick of it, dagger slashing hard across an exposed neck. The fox woman pulled back from the spent cock as blood splashed against her face. The knight before her fell to his knees and stared with wide eyes behind the smooth helmet. Claws flashed as she gave a wicked smile and slashed them across his throat. The knight gurgled as damage tripled once again. He fell back and shattered into pieces of light.

  Nero focused as he moved. Slashing back across the same throat he just cut, one of the naked knights clutched at his neck as he fell back. The shadowmancer was still moving as another knight managed to get his hand an inch from his chest before the soul bleeder dagger buried in his throat. Nero twisted and pulled it out, already moving to the last knight.

  The final knight touched his chest; armor and weapons appearing all over his body. His armored hand grabbed the pommel of his sword and drew it just as Nero sliced at his neck. The knight managed to step back, sword up. Nero’s sneak was long gone and he stood with soul bleeder in hand, his other hand drawing his short sword.

  “Fucking troll,” the knight shouted as he charged.

  Nero let the knight charge him, ready to knock the sword away just as the fox woman was to her feet. Bringing her leg up, she drove her heel into the side of the knight’s armored knee. If it wasn’t covered, the angle would have surely broken it. Instead, it twisted the knight in the middle of his charge and caused him to stumble forward. Nero took the advantage and hacked his sword at the knight’s neck. The blade glanced off but the troll followed up with his new dagger. The point penetrated the neck and sank down to the hilt.

  The knight struggled to regain his footing until Nero twisted the blade twice. Damage alerts filled the knight’s vision as he tried to lift his blade. Nero stared with cold eyes as he pulled the blade out and stabbed it in again. The knight made a strange sound before his limbs refused to work. Cracks of light appeared along his armor before he burst to pieces and scattered across the clearing floor.

  Nero stepped back and witnessed the fox woman as she darted to the edge of the woods. For a moment he could see her and then she was gone.
  You have acquired a Soul Bleeder Dagger! Damage: 5 – 15 (+ STR damage.) Added Effect: players killed by this dagger are locked out of Lewd Saga for 48 hours.

  Nero read the update and smiled before an arrow sunk into his back.

  You have taken 24 damage! HP: 26/50

  Turning his head, he watched as knights and paladins charged toward him, elves behind them drawing bow strings with arrows notched.

  The plan was falling apart. Nero back peddled as several arrows whisked past him, missing his body by inches. The troll stumbled with an arrow sticking out of his back. He focused on the woods. If he made it, he might have a chance.

  The troll managed to make it to the edge of the woods before another arrow sunk into his back. Nero let out a grunt as he fell forward, his chest slamming into a tree.

  You have taken 17 damage! HP: 9/50. You are weakened!

  “Tell me about it,” Nero hissed; the tree the only thing holding him up.

  Limbs flopped as he tried to push himself to his feet. Nothing was working and he was still in plain view. One more arrow and he would be gone. Hands moved to the tree and held on as he tried to get back to his feet. Vision blurred in and out as he tried to take a step.

  The knight and paladin crossed the clearing, weapons ready to send the troll to the afterlife when a mist flowed from the woods. Strides remained true until the paladins felt something slither across their senses.

  A paladin stopped and looked to his left. Horror filled his heart as shambling corpses, skeletons and wraiths emerged from the woods. Backing up, he lost count as many more emerged from behind them. Hollow eyes and growling moans filled the night as dozens upon dozens of undead flowed from the woods.

  “Dead! Dead!” the paladin shouted as he brought up his holy aura.

  The knights and paladins stopped their attacks and turned toward the incoming swarm. Hands raised, the undead grasped at the air, hungering for the light in their bodies.

  Nero managed to push off the tree and stumble into the woods. Vision blurring, he tried to keep his balance. The area around him began to move as skeletons and corpses appeared from around trees. Hands raised, they reached out for him as he stumbled directly into them.

  The last thing Nero saw was bony and decayed hands taking hold of him before everything went dark.


  Slowly blinking, Nero watched flashes of the night sky fill his vision. With a groan, he stirred from his slumber and lifted his head. Eyes widened as several dead stood around him, staring with blank, hollow eyes.

  The shadowmancer moved and sat up. Hands fell to the pommel of his blades and there they stayed. The undead made no move other than a small swaying in the cold, night air.

  Nero quickly took in his stats in the corner of his vision.

  Nero Synn

  Shadowmancer Troll

  Hit Points(HP)- 36/50

  Armor- 5

  Dark Mana Pool- 35/35

  Strength- 9 (+0)

  Intelligence- 11 (+0)

  Wisdom- 12 (+1)

  Dexterity- 12 (+1)

  Stamina- 11 (+0)

  Charisma- 15 (+2)


  Whisper to the Dead- 12

  Soul Drink- 12

  Troll Regeneration- 10 (Passive ability)


  Sneak- 11



  Nero reached around and touched his back, the arrows no longer there. Feeling better by the moment, he turned his attention back to the dead surrounding him. A humanoid shadow slipped in and knelt down between the standing corpses. Glowing purple eyes were the only feature the shadow had as it stared blankly at the troll.

  Nero remembered his ability to whisper to the dead. Spending a Charisma point, he wondered if they were ready to talk.

  “You saved me?” Nero asked.

  The wraith nodded its incorporeal head, “Yes,” It hissed.

  “What happened to the paladins and knights?”

  “They…..retreated…..we….overwhelmed them….”

  Nero let out a breath, “Why did you save me?”

  The wraith eyed him for a long moment, “You reek….of the…dark light….”

  The shadowmancer’s shoulders relaxed. He wasn’t sure how far his class and abilities extended. A strange comfort filled him as he now knew that the dead would pause when it came to attacking him. The thought of them saving him renewed his faith in picking the right class.

  “The fox woman, did you see where she went?”

  “The kitmori……escaped….long gone….”

  Nero nodded, feeling a sliver of loss at not being able to thank her for distracting the knights. The wraith shifted closer on its knees. The troll continued to stare at the undead shadow and noticed as its dark shape morphed and changed before his eyes. Nero couldn’t understand what was happening until the darkness flowed together, forming an outline of a body.

  “You…are…one of us…..but so weak…..” the wraith hissed.

  Nero raised an eyebrow.

  The wraith’s body took on a feminine form as hips curved and breasts took shape. The body was made of complete darkness but it clearly took a woman’s figure, with black nipples rising from firm black breasts.

  Nero’s brow softened as the wraith’s form became semi solid. Purple eyes blinked amid a smooth black face. The shadowy undead floated closer, a black hand touching the shadowmancer’s chest.

  “We….have a…gift……for you…” The wraith hissed.

  Nero was frozen as he sat. A black hand flowed down his chest to his belt, nimble fingers moved to the buckle and with one expert motion, the buckle was undone. Black fingers curled into the black, leather waist and pulled down.

  The shadowmancer didn’t stop the female wraith. She moved with a dark eagerness and only when his leggings were down to his ankles, did the troll press a palm to his chest. Clothes, armor and weapons faded from sight and the blue skinned troll sat, arms back and holding his torso up. The wraith looked down at the troll’s thick, blue member as it rose on its own power. Black fingers moved to the throbbing shaft and coiled around it, giving it a gentle but firm squeeze.

  “This gift?” Nero asked.

  “A gift…..we impart…to you…..if…you first…fill…us…with…life….” The wraith whispered and began stroking.

  Nero relaxed a little but an odd sensation filled his senses. The wraith was not warm or cold. The player could feel pressure around his member but it didn’t feel alive. It felt more like a neutral force, stroking his cock up and down.

  Eyes shifted to the shapely wraith. Her outline was sexy but lack of features gave her an almost alien appearance. He wasn’t sure he would be up for this kind of encounter but glancing to his cock, he knew he was ready. Letting out a sigh, he wondered about the gift the wraith would impart onto him. Knowing his quest, he was fine with any gifts, and a little undead private time to further his power.

  The wraith bent her head down, a line forming where a mouth should be. Black lips parted and a long pointed black tongue snaked out. Nero watched as it licked the end of his trollhood. Cock bouncing to the touch caused the wraith to want more. Tongue coiling around the shaft, her mouth closed over the top. A wet suckling sound filled the woods as the wraith’s mouth slowly took every inch.

  Nero watched as she soon began slowly bobbing her head. Blue inches appeared and disappeared as the undead wanted more. Wet sensations filled the shadowmancer as he soon lost his train of thought, gazing upon the undead. The zombies and skeletons surrounding them continued to watch silently, swaying to a nonexistent breeze.

  The troll’s hands clenched as the sucking motion grew tighter after each passing moment. It felt like the wraith was trying to suck out his very soul through his rock hard cock. Nero would be lying if he said it didn’t feel good. The blissful sensations caressed his alert nerves as the wraith tried to pull his life from him.

  The rhythm continued as the troll’s cock throbbe
d. Nero groaned as he could feel himself getting closer to release. Ready to fill the wraiths mouth, she stopped and pulled away from his cock. Black body moving, she crawled over him and place a single hand on his chest. Pushing down, Nero obeyed as her hips were directly over his. The troll felt his cock stiffened and touch the space between her ass cheeks.

  Firm, black-as-pitch breasts bounced as she reached down with her other hand and took hold of the troll’s thick member. Raising her hips some, she pressed his throbbing head to her forming slit. Nero moved his hips, pressing his cock head to her thin line. The wraith moaned as gravity took over. Hips sank down an inch or two. Black lips parted and soon thick inches invaded her dark valley.

  Nero let out his own groan as the wraith sank down. His thick blue spear parted inner walls and a seductive moan fell from black lips. A storm of bliss rose up and clouded minds. Nero took hold of her hips, forcing her down to the hilt. The wraith leaned forward, her black breasts pushing into his face.

  “Suckle on me… the living….” The wraith hissed.

  Nero parted his lips and clamped down on a raised black nipple. A gasp filled the air as the wraith was caught in his living energy. Nero wasn’t sure what to expect when tasting the wraith. Bliss curled into his lips, begging him to be inside her. The dark energy of her body called to him like a lover he had always known. The shadowmancer closed his eyes as he enjoyed the dark wanting between them.

  The wraith moaned her pleasure, lost to the living touch of a creature. The power of his life force, fueling his member only caused her to moan louder. The suckling at her breasts was a touch of the divine she had long forgotten. Energy stabbed at her between black thighs. Her dark ass vibrated with each downward thrust on the troll’s throbbing cock. Wet sounds played their song as the troll and wraith were caught in a private living storm. The symphony played louder and louder and both creatures closed the distance between life and death.

  “Life…..fill me…with…your….life….” the wraith moaned seductively.


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