The Concubine Contract

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The Concubine Contract Page 15

by Eden Redd

  Luci’s smile turned into a wide grin, “You still have only told me five kinks. There is one that’s missing.”

  Nero looked ahead, “If you’re sure you really want to know, I have always liked….”

  Luci put a finger to his lips.

  The player eyed her, “Too much?”

  The kitmori gave him a seductive once over with her eyes, “We can explore that one when the contract is over.”

  The sounds of moaning rose up at the end of the corridor. The troll and kitmori looked ahead as a large pair of oversized doors stood at the end but before it was a wide entrance with naked statues standing on either side. Moans and shadows moved with the warm light spilling out. Nero and Luci stepped to the entrance and looked in, eyes taking in the spectacle before them.

  The chamber was immense with pillars and a throne high up on a dais. The floor was covered in thick cushions and appeared as lavish as the princess’s bed chambers. Harps played as lanterns glowed. A sea of bodies writhed of men and women engaged in intimate acts of carnal lust. Almost every race of creature was engaged in fornication and reckless abandonment. Mouths spilled grunts and moans. Cocks penetrated any available opening while breasts bounced and back arched. Hips drove home the need for release while muffled moans mixed with the crowd, throats full. The sensual acts were conducted like a living orchestra. Woman rode men and men rode women. Females lay between thighs, licking at the budding valleys of other women. Men took one another and sprayed their seed all over muscled bodies. Cries of ecstasy swirled with the playing harps, creating a new song with each moan and whimper.

  Luci eyed the crowd as creatures crawled to others, biting her lip in delight. Nero was stunned to silence, watching as some lay unconscious but still being invaded by hungry desires. Some groups of women held males down, forcing their bodies on them while groups of men stuffed their members in mewling women. There was no line to cross or discussion to be had as the orgy writhed to a raging vibration. Seed spurted and orgasms exploded. Some protested for a moment to relax but it fell on deaf ears in the hungry crowd. Other’s would spray their seed and remain hard, lost to the undeniable desire they could never tame.

  Luci’s arm fell to her side, hand still holding Nero’s hand. Golden eyes looked to tables set up through-out the room. Each one contained bottles of wine, mountains of fruits, breads and meats. Among the cornucopia of tasteful delights, trays stacked with glittering powder intermixed with the feasts. Some of the guests would drink wine while being serviced by others. Other guests breathed in the sparkling powder; eyes lost to the blissful sensations and renewed vigor in their loins.

  Nero caught sight of the trays of fairy dust and turned his attention to Luci. The kitmori eyed the powder, a hunger in her eyes and tremble in her hand. The player gave her hand a squeeze but she didn’t look away from the tempting dust.

  “You don’t need that,” Nero said in a low, confident voice.

  Luci tried to look away, “We could….”

  Nero squeezed her hand hard, “No, we can’t. Keep your mind on the contract. If we stay, we will be lost to this. Remember why we’re here.”

  Luci’s lip quivered, “There’s too much temptation.”

  Nero let go of her hand, took hold of her hip and turned her to face him, “Remember in the tent. You were strong enough to throw it away. You did it once, you can do it again. Throw it from your mind.”

  The kitmori looked up into his dark eyes, “I don’t know if I can…stay strong.”

  Nero pulled her to him, hips touching, “You can. You will. The fun between us will die if you go down that road again. It’s a game, don’t let it beat you.”

  Luci bowed her head, the pain urging her to break free and take a taste.

  Nero held her to him, “If you take a taste….I will be there to pick up the pieces….but not forever.”

  Luci looked up with wide eyes. Pain arced along her heart as someone wonderful showed his strength and his limits. It wasn’t an all or nothing discussion but instead, a gentle warning that her life would spin out of control, no matter how much control she thought she had. The urge to break free faded and she once again looked to the handsome troll with adoring eyes.

  “My my, aren’t you two a beautiful pair,” said a nearby voice.

  Nero and Luci turned to see a long limbed blonde step closer. Long golden yellow hair spilled down behind her head. Breasts bounced freely as light brown nipples pointed. The woman wore a purple thong and high heeled thigh high boots. The woman’s face contained high cheekbones and immaculate smooth skin. Black eyeliner ran along the edges of her eyes as bark purple lipstick colored her lips. An amulet gem hung from her smooth neck and a full wine glass in her hand. Behind her stood a naked creature Nero and Luci had never seen before.

  The creature had an hourglass figure. Red scales ran along her forearms and from the knees down. Hands were feminine but with scales and black nails. Her feet were talon-like, black and curving from scaled dragon-like feet. A thick tail hung limply behind her, the tip touching the floor. Nero drank in thick, sensual thighs. Eyes tracing every contour of her body, plump breasts defied gravity and red nipples pointed. Looking to her face, it held a draconian appearance mixed with a beautiful woman’s features. Oval red eyes looked down to the marble floor as black hair framed her face. A small snout for a mouth pointed down but it didn’t look hard like a dragon’s mouth. It gave her entire face a pointed appearance but hardly distracted from her unearthly beauty. A rune covered collar clutched to her neck.

  Nero was stunned as he gazed upon her. Luci looked past the blonde woman to stare at the dragon woman, her beauty stunning the kitmori.

  The woman turned her gaze and let out a wicked giggle, “I see you like my slave. She is the only one here off limits I’m afraid.”

  Nero and Luci realized at the same time why they were here and immediately bowed before the princess.

  Treyana let out another wicked giggle, “Please rise. We are all here to enjoy the fruits of paradise.”

  Nero and Luci stood up, turning their attention to the beautiful host.

  “I couldn’t help but see you two hesitating to join in on the fun. Is there something not to your liking?” the princess smirked.

  Nero couldn’t think of anything to say.

  Luci jumped in, “It’s his first time at one of these kinds of events. He’s a little shy.”

  Treyana looked the troll up and down, “He certainly has nothing to be shy about. Maybe some wine or fairy dust to calm the nerves?”

  Nero snapped out of it, “Oh…um…no, thank you. I was stunned by your beauty and needed a moment to compose myself.”

  Treyana eyed him with a kind smirk, “I see. So, you came to my gathering so you would have a chance with me? You are a bold one. I often wait and see who lasts the longest before I allow them between my royal thighs.”

  Nero stood at attention, “I meant no disrespect.”

  Treyana let out a wicked laugh, “None was taken. I admire your presumptions. It shows you have a strong need, unless I’m mistaken.”

  Nero slid into the part, “Not at all. Everyone has heard of your beauty and I’m honored to stand before it. I wish to only kneel and let my tongue continue the conversation.”

  Treyana’s eyes gleamed as she looked to the almost nude troll. Nero stood as the princess eyed him like a side of beef, his eyes wandering past her to the dragon kin behind her. Drubella looked up, eyes connecting with his and an electric fire blazing. The player could see the look of intelligence and knowing as she kept her eyes steady on his. The communication was there but Nero couldn’t understand what she was trying to convey.

  Treyana caught the troll’s gaze and turned to the dragon kin. Drubella’s eyes were staring downward. The princess’s lip twisted as she raised her hand up and brought it hard across.

  “Ugly bitch! I told you not to look at our guests! Keep to your place or I will whip you to the bone next time!” Treyana frothed at the mouth.

  A rage burned as Nero tried to keep his composure. Fingers twitched and brow furled until Treyana turned back, Nero’s face now a smooth mask of indifference.

  “Slaves, they never know their place until you beat it into them. After a few hundred years, you think she would know better. Fucking cunt needs another lashing before the night is over.”

  Luci could feel the heat coming off Nero as he continued to stuff down his rage. The player wanted nothing more than to activate his weapons and launch himself at the monster princess. She embodied everything he hated; selfish desire and unchecked power. She could kill anyone in this room and no one would bat an eyelash. Nero guessed they would continue to fuck each other out of fear, or depraved indifference.

  Treyana continued, “Now where were we? Ah yes, helping you to reveal that barely covered spear of yours.”

  “We could ease into it and perhaps see each other as the night progresses,” Luci said as she tried to take control of the conversation.

  The princess let out another hauntingly wicked laugh, “Nonsense! I wouldn’t let these beasts soil such a fine couple such as yourselves. No, I believe as my right, I am to have the first taste.”

  Treyana stepped closer and grabbed at Nero’s cock. The troll tensed as she fondled and squeezed like she owned him. Treyana eyed the uncomfortable troll as fingers took hold of his cock and gave it a hard tug. Nero stepped closer, his chest touching her pointed nipples.

  The princess looked up into the troll’s dark eyes, “You going to hurt me?”

  Nero lost all his composure as he stared at the evil princess, “I’m going to fuck you up.”

  Luci’s eyes bulged in her head but Treyana let go and laughed like a mad woman. The laughter carried on as some of her guests turned and smiled. The moans mingled with the laughter a shard of insanity filled the air.

  “It’s so refreshing to hear someone not cowed down by my title and station. You are a delicious delight and I must have you both.”

  Treyana stepped past them, Drubella following, “Come with me! We require a private place to discuss.”

  Nero and Luci eyed each other for a moment before they followed the princess and the dragon kin. High heeled boots clicked along the stone corridor as Treyana led the way. Nero tried to keep his head straight as he followed. The anger under his skin continued to boil and he wanted nothing more than to pull out his sword and hack at the princess’s neck. Eyes turning to the naked dragon kin, the urge softened as she dutifully followed her mistress down the long corridor. Fingers twitching, Nero whispered in his mind to prepare for the right moment to kill the princess. Once it was done, the second hardest part would be over.

  Nero called up the encounter level as he eyed Treyana’s shapely ass bounce with each step. A green bar appeared in his vision and the words “Difficult” next to it. The player assumed that if he and Luci tried, they would be severely out matched. The information didn’t help the player to feel any better. Hoping the encounter level will decrease once they are in the presence of Rikk and Dulla, the troll kept at the ready.

  Long moments passed before Treyana stepped to her bed chamber door and pulled it open. Without so much as a look back, she stepped inside, the dragon kin following behind. Nero and Luci followed. The two entered and it was Nero who closed and locked the door behind them.

  Treyana sauntered in, turned and sat on the comfortable oversized bed. Drubella stood off to the side by the large cabinet, head bowed and eyes cast downward.

  “Hhhmmmmm, so nice to get some fresh air,” the princess sighed as curtains billowed in the small breeze.”

  Nero felt himself tense up, his inventory screen up and ready to activate his weapons and armor. Luci did the same, a pleasant smile on her face but pointed ears facing forward.

  Treyana leaned back on the bed, propping herself up on her elbows, a sultry look in her eyes, “Is this where you’re going to do it?”

  Nero and Luci stepped a little closer, eyes on the relaxed princess. The very air in the room seemed to change, a dim current flowing between everyone. Nero knew this sensation well. It was the energy one felt right before a blade buried in their back or heart, a feeling like a predatory animal going in for a kill and craving the moment when life left the prey’s eyes. Only it didn’t come from the troll and kitmori. Instead, it dripped from Princess Treyana’s eyes.

  “I thought maybe you were all working together but it would seem you four didn’t get the message,” Treyana leered.

  From the balcony, Rikk and Dulla stepped from the shadows, emerging through billowing curtains. The blue haired mage’s hands crackled with energy while the dark elf held her fingers in odd, arcane angles. Luci pressed her palm to her chest, her flowing white outfit appearing over her body. Nero pressed his palm to his chest, armor, robe and weapons appearing on him.

  Nero glanced at his stats.

  Nero Synn

  Shadowmancer Troll

  Hit Points(HP)- 254/254

  Armor- 22

  Dark Mana Pool(DM)- 220/220

  Strength- 19 (+3)

  Intelligence- 22 (+4)

  Wisdom- 30 (+8)

  Dexterity- 28 (+7)

  Stamina- 22 (+4)

  Charisma- 40 (+10)


  Whisper to the Dead- 22

  Soul Drink- 22

  Sense the Dead- 18

  Troll Regeneration- 14 (Passive ability)


  Sneak- 27


  Raise Pale Skeleton- 5 DM

  Raise Bloody Bones- 12 DM

  Summon Wraith- 25 DM

  Summon Banshee- 40 DM

  Summon Ghost- 45 DM

  Soul Drain- No cost


  Scepter of Shadow Weaving-7 to 21 (Shadow Weaving Ability)

  Short Sword of Decay- 8 to 25 damage (Slow healing)

  Soul Bleeder Dagger- 5 to 15 damage (48 hour lockout)

  Robe of Abyssal Conjuration- Spells at half cost. Take half magic damage.

  Dragon Skull Headdress- +100 Dark Mana Pool

  Enchanted Leather Armor- +5 Armor

  Ring of Shadows- +10 Sneak

  Treyana looked off to the mage before turning her eyes to Nero, “The moment the sun set, an assassin climbed over my balcony edge and tried to slay me as I was waking up. Needless to say, they weren’t that good. Barely stood a chance and I wasn’t even fully awake.”

  The princess sat up and stretched her arms, “But now there are four of you! I wonder what I did to garner so much attention.”

  Nero’s eyes drank in the princess, senses dialed to eleven, “The contract calls for your death,” Nero glanced to the dragon kin, “And her release.”

  Treyana let out a sardonic giggle, “Her release? This ugly bitch belongs to me and my family. I can understand the jealous types who want me dead but this half dragon piece of trash means nothing to anyone. She is an abomination to both her people and lucky she is kept alive at all.”

  Nero’s jaw clenched as the tide of rage and hatred crested and fell like a booming tidal wave, “You’re the monster we are going to fucking slay! Drubella will be free and never have to answer to you or your family ever again!”

  The dragon kin looked to the troll, eyes glistening as a light sprang in her heart.

  Treyana kept her whimsical expression as a delicate hand reached up and caressed the amulet around her neck, “My father will hunt you down if anything happens to me.”

  “Then he will join you,” Nero smirked, “And good fucking riddance!”

  The princess licked her lips, “Nothing like a little foreplay to get the blood moving. Drubella…..”

  The bed chamber seemed to shrink as time slowed down. The touch of chaos bloomed as a wave of energy rippled along every nerve. Nero turned his eyes to see the collar around Drubella’s neck glow. The dragon kin’s eyes turned feral as she opened her maw, gout of flame spilling out and then a stream. The troll spun away as he drew his short swor
d and scepter, the stream of fire missing him by inches.

  Bodies exploded into action. Swords appeared in each of Luci’s hands, fingers curling around the pommels. Silently she darted toward the smiling princess while Nero spun away from the stream of flames. Rikk raised both hands, energy arcing along finger tips. Dulla finished her spell, two arcane circles appearing along the floor, dark figures rising up.

  Treyana touched her amulet and whispered a word. Light blazed as armor shined into existence. White armor covered the princess from head to toe; sword in one gauntlet covered hand and a runic shield in the other. Treyana grinned as the face plate clamped down and she burst onto her feet, charging the kitmori.

  Luci kept her heart steady as she rushed the now fully armored princess. Rikk pointed his hands and thick streams of lightning exploded outward. Treyana twisted her body into a spin, shield up and absorbing the two lightning blasts. The energy crackled around the shield before whimpering out. Rikk mouthed a curse as the princess turned to Luci. The kitmori leapt into the air, blades at the ready. Swinging them around, Luci aimed for the lightly armored neck.

  Treyana lifted her sword, knocking one incoming blade away and slamming her shield into Luci’s chest. The kitmori’s momentum reversed and she was thrown back, twisting in the air to regain her balance. Dulla pointed a hand as two wraiths moved across the room toward the dragon kin.

  Nero kept moving as flames licked at him. The battle turned into span shots as two shadows moved to the dragon kin’s back. Eyes flashed, Drubella swiveled her head and blasted them point blank with molten fire. One wraith vanished as it was consumed with flames. The other stepped closer, reaching out to drain from of the dragon kin’s life force. Drubella brought a talon foot up, slicing hard across. The wraith fell sideways as the Drubella turned her fire stream on it. The wraith whimpered a moan as it was consumed in flames.

  Rikk changed up his spells and blasted two streams of fire. Treyana twisted her body, shield up and draining the spells of its power. The mage took a step forward, arcane words spilling from his lips. Nero advanced on the princess as Luci’s feet planted on a wall. Legs bent to absorb the momentum and she glided down to the floor, joining Nero as he advanced. Troll and kitmori readied their swords as they came in side by side.


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