Millionaire's Instant Baby

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  Four heart-tugging stories about the littlest matchmakers—as they find their way through the Buttonwood Baby Clinic and into a family’s welcoming arms!

  THE BABY LEGACY by Pamela Toth

  Special Edition #1299

  When an anonymous sperm donor tries to withdraw his “contribution,” he learns a beautiful woman is eight months pregnant—with his child!

  WHO’S THAT BABY? by Diana Whitney

  Special Edition #1305

  A handsome Native American lawyer finds a baby on his doorstep—and more than he bargains for with an irresistible pediatrician who has more than medicine on her mind!


  Special Edition #1312

  Pretend to be married to a millionaire “husband”? It seemed an easy way for this struggling single mom to earn a trust fund for her newborn. But she never thought she’d fall for her make-believe spouse….

  MAKE WAY FOR BABIES! by Laurie Paige

  Special Edition #1317

  All she needed was a helping hand with her infant twins—until her former brother-in-law stepped up to play “daddy”—and stepped right into her heart.

  Dear Reader,

  With spring just around the corner, Silhouette’s yearlong 20th Anniversary celebration marches on as we continue to bring you the best and brightest stars and the most compelling stories ever in Special Edition!

  Top author Sherryl Woods kicks off the month with Dylan and the Baby Doctor, a riveting secret baby story in the next installment of AND BABY MAKES THREE: THE DELACOURTS OF TEXAS.

  From beloved author Marie Ferrarella, you’ll love Found: His Perfect Wife, an emotional story in which a man loses his memory and gains a temporary spouse…. And reader favorite Victoria Pade continues her popular cowboy series A RANCHING FAMILY with Cowboy’s Caress, a heartwarming story about a woman who’s ready to travel the world—until love comes to town!

  Millionaire’s Instant Baby is rising star Allison Leigh’s must-read contribution to the series SO MANY BABIES. In this provocative story, a dashing tycoon gets more than he bargained for when he hires a single mom as his pretend wife in order to close a business deal.

  THE BLACKWELL BROTHERS continue to capture hearts in the next book of Sharon De Vita’s cross-line series. In The Marriage Promise, a Blackwell brother is determined to woo and win the forbidden love of a beautiful Amish virgin. And you won’t want to miss Good Morning, Stranger, Laurie Campbell’s dramatically poignant story about a woman, a child and a handsome, mysterious stranger who uncover secrets that bring together a meant-to-be family.

  It’s a month chock-full of great reading and terrific variety, and we hope you enjoy all the stories!

  All the best,

  Karen Taylor Richman

  Senior Editor



  For my own Prince Charming.

  Happy anniversary.

  Books by Allison Leigh

  Silhouette Special Edition

  *Stay… #1170

  *The Rancher and the Redhead #1212

  *A Wedding for Maggie #1241

  *A Child for Christmas #1290

  Millionaire’s Instant Baby #1312


  started early by writing a Halloween play that her grade-school class performed for her school. Since then, though her tastes have changed, her love for reading has not. And her writing appetite simply grows more voracious by the day.

  Born in Southern California, she has lived in eight different cities in four different states. She has been, at one time or another, a cosmetologist, a computer programmer and an administrative assistant.

  Allison and her husband currently make their home in Arizona, where their time is thoroughly filled with two very active daughters, full-time jobs, pets, church, family and friends. In order to give herself the precious writing time she craves, she burns a lot of midnight oil.

  A great believer in the power of love—her parents still hold hands—she cannot imagine anything more exciting to write about than the miracle of two hearts coming together.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter One

  “I’m looking for a wife.”

  Emma Valentine turned her attention away from the tall man who’d just made the flat statement and focused on the feel of the unfamiliar, wonderful weight of the baby in her arms. Her son, barely one day old, took her breath away. All the months of waiting, of worrying, of planning. All were wrapped within the soft blue blanket, contained in the eight pounds of perfectly formed baby. She drew her finger along his velvety cheek, not wanting to wake him, but unable to resist touching.

  “Miss Valentine, did you hear me?”

  She bent over and pressed her lips ever so gently against her son’s perfect forehead. Her son. She straightened when the door behind the man swished open and Nell Hastings, one of Emma’s favorite nurses, appeared to take the baby back to the nursery.

  Emma reluctantly surrendered Chandler. And only after the door had swished closed again did she turn her attention back to the man.

  Her arms felt woefully empty, and she folded them across her chest, painfully aware of the sight she must present to the man who looked so flawless he could have stepped from the pages of a men’s fashion magazine. She shifted gingerly in the cushioned side chair and wished she had more clothing covering her than her pink chenille bathrobe and pale hospital gown. “I’m sorry. Mr….?”

  “Montgomery. Kyle Montgomery.”

  Emma nodded. Dennis Reid, the chief of staff at the Buttonwood Baby Clinic, had introduced him when he’d stopped by. Obviously Dr. Reid had come by with the intention of introducing this man to Emma, though she couldn’t fathom why. Up until now, Emma’s only contact with Dr. Reid occurred when the man went into Mom & Pop’s. The diner where she waitressed was located across from the medical complex and she knew a lot of the clinic’s staff.

  She studied the man standing in her room, from the cuffed hem of his black pleated trousers that broke ever so perfectly over his gleaming leather boots to the white shirt flowing over an impressive set of shoulders. The button at his throat was unfastened, but Emma figured he probably had a tie in his car or his briefcase. She knew instinctively that this was a man who’d been born wearing imported suits and silk ties. Even his chestnut hair had fallen precisely back into thick waves when he’d raked his fingers through it.

  “Dr. Reid was saying something about you needing assistance with a job?” she asked. It helped to look in the vicinity of his ear, she decided, rather than into his starkly handsome face. Because then she didn’t feel quite so much like a wrung-out dishrag in the face of his masculine elegance.

  “I don’t know how I can help,” she went on. “As you can see, I’ll be busy for the next little while, and after that…” She trailed off.

  After that it was back to her two jobs and the worry about paying the hospital bill. She’d already determined that the tuition for her next semester of college courses would have to wait.

  “I believe we can help each other, Emma.”

  She swallowed the dart of nervousness that rose when he crossed the room, passing the other bed—
empty for now—before pulling out the chair opposite her.

  Almost as if he recognized her reaction, he seemed to consciously relax his rigid stance. He sat, rested his arms on his thighs. Clasped his long fingers together. Almost smiled, but didn’t quite make it. “As I was saying, I need a wife. A family.”

  Good gravy, he smelled nice.

  The thought shocked her. She moistened her lips. “Mr. Montgomery, I really don’t know what you—”

  “Kyle.” He halted her confused words. “And I can explain. But it’s occurred to me that this isn’t the best time. You’re tired, and my offer might be better received after you’ve had some rest.”

  “Mr. Montgomery…” Emma tugged self-consciously at the lapel of her robe, then flushed when his startling green gaze followed the movement of her hand. She’d been blessed, as her mama termed it, with a curvaceous figure by the time she’d turned fourteen. Becoming pregnant and having a child had only increased the problem.

  She swallowed and tried again. “Kyle, I really can’t imagine how I can help you find your family. But you might as well tell me what’s on your mind now, because I’ll be leaving the hospital this afternoon and I—”

  “Already?” Lush black lashes narrowed around his intense gaze. “Surely you’re not up to being released yet.”

  She wondered if she’d accidentally been given some type of drug other than acetaminophen, because this was surely the oddest conversation she’d ever had. Mr. Mont—Kyle seemed distinctly annoyed. As if he suspected she was receiving inadequate care. “Women don’t spend days and days in the hospital anymore when they give birth, Kyle. I’m healthy, as is my baby. Everything went just fine.” Thank heavens. “And studies show—”

  “I wasn’t casting aspersions on the medical care you’re receiving. I was just surprised.” He sat back in his chair, laying one arm on the minuscule table beside it. Emma had the strongest impression he was mentally drumming his fingers against the tabletop. “Right. I apologize for the timing here, but Dennis Reid seemed to think you might be able to help me, and I’m running short of time.”

  “Do you think I know your wife? What is her name?”

  “I don’t already have a wife, Emma.” He hesitated for a fraction of a second. Just long enough to make her stomach drop to her toes. “I need one. And I’m hoping you’ll be her.”

  Thank goodness she was sitting. Because if she hadn’t been, she’d have ended up on the floor. “Mr. Montgomery,” she said firmly, “I don’t know what Dr. Reid led ya’ll to believe about me, but—”

  “I’m going about this wrong.” He sat forward again, bringing with him that tantalizing scent of expensive aftershave. No drugstore brands for this man. He was strictly the charge-by-the-quarter-ounce type.

  He linked his fingers together again, regarding her with eyes that gave no hint of the manic mind he must possess. “Dennis said I could count on your discretion.”

  He seemed to be waiting, so she nodded hesitantly. The call button was just out of her reach, but if she leaned to the side, she could probably get to it. She would get to it, because she was a mother now. She would protect her child with every fiber of her being, and that meant she also had to protect herself. Even from a sinfully attractive madman.

  “I run ChandlerAIR,” he continued calmly. “Have you heard…Yes, I can see by your expression that you’ve heard of us. I’m in the middle of some delicate negotiations with a company we are acquiring. The founder of this company has some old-fashioned ideas about how he likes to do business.” Kyle paused, as if she needed a moment to digest what he was saying.

  She nodded, since she didn’t know how else to respond.

  Kyle’s lips twisted slightly and he turned his attention to his hands. “He refuses to deal with anyone who is not the fine upstanding family man he is,” he elaborated. “Acquiring this other company will benefit ChandlerAIR, but it will also help the economy here in Buttonwood. Provide jobs. Increase tourism—”

  “I understand the economic benefits, Mr. Montgomery. Surely this other man would understand that, as well, wouldn’t he?” She brushed back a lock of hair and was dismayed to realize her hand was trembling.

  “Payton Cummings is perfectly happy to retain control of his company as long as he needs to until he finds the right opportunity. The right—”

  “Family man,” Emma murmured.

  “Exactly.” Kyle’s lips tightened for a brief moment. “I’m more determined to see this acquisition through than Cummings is. Assuming the trappings of a family man is something I’m prepared to do to attain my goals.”

  “But…but why me? Someone in your company, your girlfriend…”

  “I don’t have one.”

  Men who looked like Kyle Montgomery always had a woman in the background somewhere. Whether they admitted it or not. She swallowed the bitter thought.

  “I don’t have time in my life right now for personal entanglements,” he was saying, his voice deep and smooth. “And I don’t want to create any ties with my associates that might later cause discomfort.”

  “Discomfort,” Emma repeated. It was the word so often used to describe childbirth to prospective parents. She considered it singularly inadequate to describe the reality. “But with me, a total stranger, there would be no cause for later…discomfort.”

  “Essentially, yes. I’m new to this area, Emma. I’ve bought a house and I’m moving ChandlerAIR’s corporate offices from Denver. Having a family that lives here dovetails nicely with what Cummings already knows about my plans.”

  “Then he probably already knows you’re not married.”

  “He doesn’t.” There was no room for doubt in his assurance.

  She argued, anyway. “You can’t know that. I’ve seen articles now and then about your company. About the services you offer and its success.” Phenomenal success, if Emma recalled correctly. She also recalled his company being praised particularly for its progressive policies toward its employees. “I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t follow the business pages very closely. But even I know a little about your company. A man you’re plannin’ to do business with like you’ve described would obviously know a great deal more. Including some personal details.”

  Kyle nodded. “Those are valid points. But until last year when he moved to Durango, Cummings had been living in New Mexico. Our paths didn’t cross. Besides which, I’ve always kept my private life private. Only my closest associates know much about me personally. I prefer it that way.”

  Emma couldn’t imagine it. There were times she suspected every resident of Buttonwood knew the business of everyone else. It was almost as bad as her hometown in Tennessee. “But to suddenly produce a wife? I just don’t see how you can possibly hope to fool anyone.”

  His eyes narrowed. “I can count on your discretion, can’t I, Emma?”

  She winced. “As if anyone would believe me if I went around announcing that a guy like you walked into my hospital room one morning and asked me, a simple waitress, to be his wife.”

  He frowned. “For appearances only,” he corrected. “I meant no offense. This is a delicate situation. Cummings already thinks I’m married. But he’s been showing more interest in that area of my life, and I’m going to have to introduce him to my wife, I feel certain, before he’ll close the deal.”

  “You told him you were married because he wouldn’t do business with you otherwise?”

  “I told his stepdaughter I was married when she came on to me at our first meeting.”

  “Oh,” Emma murmured.

  Kyle grimaced. “I didn’t want to jeopardize my plans. It seemed, at the time, the easiest way.”

  “And you couldn’t have just said you didn’t want to mix business with pleasure?”

  “Let’s just say that Winter Cummings is a determined woman who doesn’t necessarily hold with her stepdaddy’s values.”

  Kyle’s hand moved and Emma realized he was unclenching his fist.

once word reached Cummings that I’d been recently married, he was willing to meet with me himself. I wasn’t going to derail the deal by getting into explanations.”

  She was believing every word that left his lips. He was utterly serious.

  And his seriousness seemed far more dangerous than his being nuts. “Perhaps Mr. Cummings and his crew aren’t the type of people with whom you want to do business,” she suggested faintly.

  Kyle smiled tightly. “I want Payton Cummings’s company,” he said. “If it takes a family to get it, I’ll produce a family. At least for show.”

  Emma swallowed. “But to…to marry strictly for the purpose of a business deal? That seems so, well, extreme, don’t you think?”

  “It wouldn’t be a real marriage,” he said. “I just need you and your son to pose as my family. The two of you would move in with me—strictly business,” he assured when she caught her breath audibly.

  “But, sugar, it would be a lie.” Her face heated as the words burst out.

  Kyle felt an odd stirring when he let himself look at the young woman opposite him. Her melodic voice had been growing increasingly smooth, like warm honey. There was more than a touch of the South in this dark-haired beauty. He’d had women call him all sorts of nicknames from darling to pig, but he knew he’d never been a sugar. He dragged his thoughts front and center, where they belonged. “I have to consider the weight of what I’m trying to accomplish.”

  “Ah.” She nodded, her big brown eyes studying him steadily. “The old ‘end justifies the means’ reasoning.”

  “I want to add more flights, Emma,” he said truthfully. “More flights, more service, more employees. The only people who will be hurt if ChandlerAIR’s acquisition of Cummings Courier Service falls through at this late date will be the considerable number of people within the Four Corners area who won’t be able to work for me. That’s four states, Emma. Colorado, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico.”

  “I did pass geography, Mr. Montgomery. And regardless of your motives, it still doesn’t make lyin’ right.”


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