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Lost Son

Page 11

by Marcus Abshire

  This all happened instantly and as you can imagine was unexpected. The guards ran, afraid of what they had become. The scientists began to see what was coming and warned the king and queen, who worked to do what was necessary to save their kingdom.

  You see the explosion weakened the foundations of Atlantis and within days, ripped it from the land and plunged it to the bottom of the sea. The king and queen did what they always did and put the best interests of their people ahead of themselves. They soon realized they had control over this unfathomable power and managed to create a protective barrier that kept the city from being flooded and destroyed after the explosion. They protected Atlantis and all Atlanteans from death, while the city plunged to the dark abyss.

  After the Fall, all was chaos. The people were drowning in panic and despair, but the king and queen’s guidance helped pull them together. Many tried to escape, to flee to the surface, but the wild energies that were released from the explosion killed them, effectively trapping all Atlanteans in the city.

  It took months for a permanent protective dome to be erected, but with the magic of the king and queen and the technology of our ancestors a stable city was created. Once the shield was in place the king and queen grew weak. Their exertions had taken a toll on them and they were dying. The seers saw a way for Atlantis to one day be reborn, to rise again from the sea and set their plan in motion.

  First, all ancient technology regarding dark energy and dark matter was forbidden, the test chamber, which housed the machines capable of creating the portal, had been thought to be destroyed during the Fall and all entrances that could possibly lead to the machines were sealed. The DNA of all Atlanteans citizens was taken, to be used after they died.

  I mused.

  That’s right. The delicate nature of Atlantis was tenuous, a citizenry who, after a few generations, grew arrogant would undoubtedly do something and destroy the shield, thus bringing doom upon all of Atlantis, so it was determined that clones would be grown and programmed to continue to protect the bloodlines until such a time when the erratic wild energy that kept escape impossible dissipated. Then the clones would impregnate themselves with the embryos stored for such a purpose, thus bringing the natural blood of Atlanteans back to reclaim what was taken from them, life on the surface.

  But the clones became docile. The mental molding was too good. They soon forgot about their goal and after a thousand years the energies dissipated, but the clones were unaware, they kept to their humble existence for many more thousands of years, allowing Atlantis to fall into myth and legend. Meanwhile the only ancestors of Atlantis that survived on the surface were those transformed by fate. Vampires, werewolves, giants, sea witches and trolls roamed the earth and eventually they too fell into myth and legend as the humans march towards enlightenment drove them into the dark shadows.

  Atlantis’s society was reformed. There were three classes, as you know, the hunters/warriors, scientists/sorcerers, and farmers/maintenance. Arendiol was right, eventually the DNA of our people began to fade and they found someone whom they believed would save them.

  Warlord Karakatos became obsessed with the past, somehow he found out about the ancient experiments and dreamed of opening the portal, of using the energy to fix the people and to fuel his army, an army that would raise Atlantis from the ocean and the dust bin of history and into the world stage where he wishes to rule. His ambition knows no bounds. He will stop at nothing to achieve his goals.

  I asked.

  He believes he knows how to control it. He is quite mad.

  I was hit by a sudden burst of insight.



  Yes, now you begin to realize why I call you lord.

  If what I was beginning to understand was true that was huge. I had to hear it from Neal first though.


  Like I said before, everyone’s DNA was saved in preparation of the day when natural births could take place again. This included the king’s and queen’s.

  Karakatos sent an army of researches to hunt for any information on the ancient event. A young scientist by the name of Brigune discovered historical records that explained what happened to Atlantis and the nature of the king and queen’s ability to control the energy. She also found the DNA chamber which housed the king and queen’s frozen seed and egg. She knew that the key to the future was in their child. Whether it was because of the breakdown of her DNA or some other compulsion, instead of destroying the king and queen’s seed she combined it and impregnated herself, thus activating me.

  As you already know I am a SENTINEL, a guardian and teacher. I am created to protect, teach and guide Atlantean royalty and when you were conceived, I came online. I began downloading all the history of the past 20,000 years, which is why it took so long for me to become fully active. Your mother infused you with an accelerated growth serum which allowed you to mature to a fifteen year old boy in five years. I was on my last few years of Atlantean history when I intercepted the call from Karakatos to kill you and your mother. My protocol to protect you overrode my downloading and I stopped and rushed to your aid. That is when we first met, after they had killed your mother.

  I wasn’t sure how I felt. I had strong feelings towards the woman who birthed me, who took care of me, but if what Neal said was true that would mean the woman whose blood I carried was not Brigune, but the queen of Atlantis.

  I suppose that depends on what your definition of what a mother is. Brigune did not give you any genetic material, but she did provide sustenance, protection and guidance. Queen Andromaleus and King Raiphaim are your parents; they however have had nothing to do with your survival, up until tonight.

  So I wasn’t related to the woman who raised me, who protected me as a child and tucked me in at night. I wasn’t sure how to handle that, I cared for her and remembered her as my mother, knowing my real parents were really ancient Atlantean rulers wasn’t something I thought I would ever have to deal with. I decided to put it aside, there were more pressing matters to deal with.

  I grumbled.

  My lord, your parent’s ability to use the dark energy that is all around us has been passed down to you.


  I’m not exactly sure; you are the first offspring of the only two people who could control the energy. I would assume, like with the children of the First, you should have all their abilities. I suggest we test those abilities, see what you can accomplish.


  Finish what, my lord? Neal nosed his way outside and sat down next to me.

  Neal’s silence was all too familiar.

  I asked, impatiently.

  I am attempting to access the information you requested. After a few moments of silence, he continued.

  The seer’s abilities were great, but not always perfect. They could see possible time streams, multitudes of options, some more likely than others, but still uncertain. His eyes glowed bright gold for a second.

  Time of calm ends, the forgotten remember. Raiphaim’s battle begins.

  War comes, darkness, then light. Neal finished.

  I couldn’t believe that was what
Neal had been talking about. I mean don’t get me wrong. I am glad I have worked hard to be able to take care of myself, but I expected some real workable information that would let me prepare for something big. I trust Neal, he is not the type to believe in frivolous prophecy, sheesh.


  Raiphaim is you, my lord. That is quite significant.

  I really wasn’t interested in prophecies.

  I am sorry, the inquiry about the current events is something I am unable to access.

  I was beginning to get angry.

  The activities of which you ask are something that has taken place after I disconnected from the city’s mainframe. I have no access to that information. I know no more about what is going on than before.

  “Son of a bitch!” I swore standing and kicking some gravel. “So we’re back to where we started!”

  That’s not entirely true, due to recent revelations I have some plausible scenarios that may help. Neal sat still, my little outburst hadn’t disturbed him.

  I turned, looking at him questioningly. Neal’s plausible guesses were usually better than my known facts, I was about to have him continue when I felt something odd. It was hard to describe, but I had the strange sensation that something was wrong. It was like sitting is a calm swimming pool and someone jumping in and the ripples from their splash making you bob up and down.

  “Did you feel that?” I said.

  Feel what? Neal asked.

  I tried to figure out what it was I sensed, but it was gone. Just like that, it disappeared, the night was as normal as always.

  “Nothing.” I shook my head.


  We know the Warlord is interested in re-opening the rift. It is now clear that your parents became able to manipulate dark energy. Due to the actions of Karakatos’s men, it seems likely that he is not trying to kill you, but to protect you. I believe it has something to do with his desires to unleash the alien energy again.

  So what? I was some pawn in this bastard’s game?

  My guess would be that he intends on using you to help him in his plans.

  I asked.

  My records show that the technology used to open the rift was based in harnessing dark energy, something you now have the ability to control.

  I mused.

  I am not entirely sure all the actions Karakatos’s men have taken lately have been directed towards you.

  A thought popped into my head and stopped me cold.

  There is one person who has been unaffected by the actions of the sniper, one person whose presence is still a mystery, one person whose role in all of this is still unknown.

  “Kim.” I said.

  Yes, my lord.

  I stood up to go inside and talk to Kim, see if she knew anything else, something she may have forgotten or deemed unimportant that might help when I felt a slight impact on my chest. I looked down to see the same softball sized lump of foam that incapacitated the werewolves earlier. I reached up to pull it off and found it had already tripled in size. Its sticky consistency trapped my hand and I was unable to break free from its growing prison.

  I mentally sent.

  I’m sorry my lord, but I am unable to move.

  I looked down, the foam had spread to my legs and chest, allowing only for movement of my head. Neal stood next to me, engulfed in his own ever expanding foam cocoon.

  I could do nothing while the foam expanded, hardening almost as fast as it spread. My sluggish movements of protest soon ended as the strong material trapped me. I could do nothing, I was helpless. The foam grew and braced each side of my head, keeping me from moving it. I still had my face exposed, so I could still see, hear and breathe, but I was trapped in an unmovable prison, unable to turn my head or talk.

  I have just detected the oncoming presence of a vampire, moving directly towards us at a high rate of speed.

  You had to be kidding me! I struggled to free myself, tensing against the foam. I could feel it give slightly, but it held firm.

  From the trees directly in front of me came a lone figure. As they got closer I saw it was the sniper. He wore a dark hoodie and pants, heavy work boots covered his feet. He had a black bandana covering the lower part of his face and only his eyes showed. They were an intense blue that took everything in and focused with a sharpness reminding me of a hawk on the hunt.

  I was helpless to do anything but watch as he held the same kind of pistol Arendiol used. He casually stepped towards me, keeping his face covered. He stood a few feet away, glaring at me.

  “If it was up to me, I’d kill you right now.” He growled, from under his bandana.

  I guess he wasn’t a fan.

  “Now, now, don’t be rude, after all I have plans for him, after the Warlord is done, of course.”

  Bouncer boy stepped into view, he seemed no worse for the wear. I guess cutting off vampire’s legs only slowed them down, good to know. He smiled at me as I narrowed my eyes in understanding.

  “That’s right; I can see you working it out. We haven’t been formerly introduced. My name is Sigmund, second to Gregory who was murdered by Agatha, an unworthy bitch, undeserving of being coven leader.” He beamed with energy, enjoying his dramatic entrance.

  He took a few seconds to savor my dawning understanding and then stepped forward and hit me with a devastating blow to the head, everything swam, dizziness threatened to consume me. He smiled and hit me again, this time sending me into the dark depths of unconsciousness.

  Chapter twelve

  I awoke to a splitting headache; my temples throbbed in conjunction with my heartbeat. I tried to open my eyes, but one of them was stuck shut from my own dried blood. I pried it open and tried to look around, feeling as my arms and legs were still bound, only this time by something other than the encompassing foam, that was gone.

  I sent out, hoping he was near.

  Nothing, either he wasn’t answering me for a good reason or he was too far away, or dead. I refused to even entertain the last thought.

  It felt as though we were moving, that I was in some type of vehicle, the motions of being in a car as it bounced over the road was the closest approximation, but for some reason I didn’t think we were in an automobile. My vision was blocked; my head was towards the side of the vehicle. I could hear the soft rumbling of an engine as it hummed.

  “He’s awake.” I heard Sigmund say.

  “It doesn’t matter, he can’t do anything, his bonds are unbreakable.” The other said.

  “Don’t be foolish, he is not to be taken lightly.” Sigmund warned.

  “Shut your foul mouth blood sucker. You are only here because he deems it necessary. Keep your council to yourself.” The level of tension went up exponentially, I was sure violence was about to erupt.

  With a few controlled movements I was able to roll over and get a look around. I was in a space no larger than the inside of a minivan. Sigmund and the sniper sat in the front, clearly navigating. They faced a screen in a transport of Atlantean design which showed a superimposed topographical representation of what I assumed was the bottom of the ocean. The different contours of the ocean floor were visible in a computer generated graphic. There were dozens of instruments, knobs and switches.

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  “Also, I have to go to the little boy’s room, I know, I should have gone before we left, but I was just so excited to get going.” I added.

  “Oh, and are we
there yet?” What the hell.

  “I told you we should have muzzled him.” Sigmund chided.

  The other one turned to me, his face no longer covered. A large scar raced from his left temple down and across his face, ending on the right side of his chin. It gave him a wild appearance; the dim light drew shadows across his face.

  “Your time on the surface has made you weak. The Warlord will harden you into a proper and useful tool.” His absolute confidence of his statements bled through his words.

  “I hope he makes me into a crescent wrench, those things are awesome.” I said flippantly, all the while I was testing my bonds. My wrists were firmly bound together.

  His eyes narrowed to dangerous slits, I saw his body tense for movement.

  “Julake, something is approaching.” Sigmund said.

  He turned away from me, back towards the screen.

  “Fight all you want, you will not break free of your bonds.” He said.

  I ignored him and kept struggling, hoping I could work my way loose.

  “You worry like a child. It is nothing more than a hunter.” Julake’s sneering words oozed from him.

  “Hunter? It looks like a shark.” Sigmund said.


  “The sooner we get back to the surface the better.” Sigmund complained.

  Julake didn’t answer.

  My wrists screamed in pain as my struggles pushed my bonds into my skin.

  “You would be wise to stop yourself from bleeding; in this small space the smell of your dark, deep blood is maddening.” Sigmund’s voice had a dangerous quality to it.

  He turned to me and his eyes flashed bright silver, I saw his fangs slowly grow as he prepared to attack.

  Fast as a snake, Julake snatched Sigmund by the throat and pushed him back into his seat. Sigmund immediately began to fight back when Julake’s words stopped him.

  “The Warlord said he is to be brought in untainted, if you so much as scratch him I will disembowel you and feed you to the hunters before you can blink.” Julake’s threat brokered no argument and I knew without a doubt that he could do it.


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