Because I Love You: A Brother's Best Friend Secret Baby Romance

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Because I Love You: A Brother's Best Friend Secret Baby Romance Page 126

by Amy Brent

  “Hey, asshole. How was it at the office today?” Jack asked me as I got into the back of the Range Rover that he was driving. My friends all had jobs in the investment business, so our days were a lot different. They thought my job was a dream, but it was still work. I didn’t always like the person I was fucking or even want to be in the same room as they were.

  “The usual,” I replied as Chris looked back at me with a chuckle. I kind of preferred to hear about their jobs at this point. “What are you guys up to?” we fell into easy conversation as Jack drove, talking about some of the scores of games over the last week and Xander’s girlfriend. He was serious about the woman that he’d been dating for two years now and considering proposing soon. The other guys razzed him a bit for this, but I found myself wondering what it would be like to just be with one person, content and not wanting to run away screaming. The women that did want more from me were always so clingy that I’d ultimately end up just cutting them off without a second thought. What would it be like to find one and stay with her?

  We parked and headed over to the building that looked to be a sports bar or a pub. I asked Xander how he heard about it and he explained that the owner was a client of his and offered him a night out when they opened. He took him up on it since his girlfriends was visiting her pregnant sister in Seattle and invited us. I walked in and glanced around, seeing a few pool tables, a long bar, and a stage set up. There were various games playing and I glanced back at my friends as something caught my eyes. Xander led the way to the bar and I looked at the curly head of hair on the other side of the bar as we found a spot and ordered drinks.

  It was her, the girl from earlier. She was sitting with a few empty glasses and one half-full in front of her, clearly buzzed. I tilted my head and took her in, seeing that she was wearing the same outfit as earlier but with the jacket pulled off. She was wearing a soft floral tank top and busily typing something on her phone. She looked distressed and I grabbed my beer, taking a sip as I considered whether to approach her.

  “Still on for the week in Belize?” Jack asked all of us as I glanced back at my friends. We always went somewhere together, and I nodded, looking forward to the time away. I did it when the shoots were slowing down a little, since I was in high demand.

  “Hell, yes. I can’t wait to get away.” Chris replied as he glanced up at the hockey game playing on the screen. He was a manager at his office and well on his way to taking the CEO’s place. He was the busiest of all of us.

  “I might take Sarah there for the proposal if I like it enough,” Xander told us as I grinned at him.

  “You’re so whipped,” Jack told him, sounding like every bit of the confirmed bachelor that he was.

  “I think that the proper term is happy,” Xander reminded him as Jack smirked. “You’ll meet someone that you can’t walk away from someday. I can’t wait to see it.”

  “I don’t see forever with anyone being that great of an idea.” Jack looked up at the football game and frowned for a moment.

  “You know what the divorce rate is in this country? What does forever have to do with it?” Chris asked as I looked at Xander.

  “Leave the fucking guy alone. Let him just be happy,” I told them both as he thanked me with a small grin. I liked his girlfriend and knew they’d make a great couple. I looked back to the woman, who was now reading quietly on her phone as she sipped another drink.

  “I’d like to see you get serious with someone with your job,” Jack told me sarcastically as I shook my head. He had a strong point, but I wasn’t going to worry about that until I had to.

  “Yeah, yeah. I’ll be right back,” I told them, grabbing my beer, and walking over to Leila, noticing that other guys were looking her way. She was unaware of the way that she affected others and I realized that earlier today. I moved into the stool beside her and gave her a shrewd look as she glanced at me with wide eyes. They were greener than blue now and recognition flashed through them as she frowned at me. “Hello again.”

  “What are you doing here? Following me?” Leila asked as she looked around slowly.

  “Hardly. I came with friends and happened to notice you.” I sipped my beer as she searched my face for a moment, all too aware of how beautiful she was. “You look like you’ve had a bad day.”

  “I did,” her words were curt and to the point and I raised a brow at her. ‘I don’t need company. Go back to your friends.”

  “Are you ever nice?” I asked her as her eyes moved past my shoulder, widening slightly as she turned back towards the bar. “My name is Lance, by the way.”

  “Stay here,” I heard her hiss as someone went to stand on the other side of the bar right beside her. I saw the way that he looked at her and bristled, knowing that I was checking out her cleavage just before myself. It was just the way that he looked at her that bothered me.

  They exchanged low, heated words for a few minutes as I kept my gaze locked on his face. He wanted Leila. That much was clear. Who was this fucker? I watched as she moved away from him and ultimately closer to me, jumping as he shoulder bumped my chest. She looked at me with a stricken expression and I leaned down to meet his eyes.

  “I think that she wants you to leave.” I glared at the guy, a few years younger than me and scared, based on the look on her face.

  “I didn’t hear her say that,” he told me, anger flashing through his eyes. Leila moved a little closer to me, and I slid an arm over her shoulder as she froze.

  “I’m saying it. Leave her alone.” I watched as he paused, his mouth opening and closing for a moment as I memorized the feeling of her hot skin against mine. He seemed to want to argue with me but gave her one dark look before walking away. I could feel her trembling as she cowered against me for a moment before pulling away.

  “Sorry. He just caught me off guard.” She shook her head and reached for her drink.

  “Who was he?” I asked as she stirred the liquid thoughtfully.

  “He is the boyfriend of a client. A former client now,” Leila sighed and looked down.

  “He’s the boyfriend?” I found him aggressive with her and Leila was clearly bothered by him. “Did the girl ever notice that?”

  “Woman. She was older and no, she didn’t. He hid it from her and she sees him through rose colored lenses.” Leila didn’t have to say anymore to paint the picture of the couple she was describing. It sounded like a younger guy with a wealthy, older woman.

  “What do you do?” I asked her despite the fact that I already knew. She would know that soon enough.

  “Real estate.” Leila spoke softly without looking at me. “It would have been a big sale, but I couldn’t take it anymore. He took it too far.” I looked over to see the guy sitting at a table across the room, glaring at us. Fucker. I’d make up for that sale with the money that I made. “What do you do?”

  “I work from home, freelancing and stuff like that. It’s a good gig.” I was quick to lie since I was certain that Leila didn’t know who I was, at least not yet. I had a good cover for my job and could get a house with it, considering I owned two others. I was thinking of getting a beach house now and maybe selling the condos down the line.

  “I like it, too. It’s nice to have some free time when you need it, though I work a lot. I’m trying to make a name here since I moved from Carlsbad. It’s not that far but a whole new city. I’ve been trying to build clientele.” Leila sighed, and I knew that she was thinking about the woman that she lost.

  “It sounds like you’re doing well. Do you enjoy that?” I asked her as she gave me a brief look. Leila nodded. “That’s good then.”

  We sat in silence for a moment as I ordered us two more drinks. I wasn’t willing to leave her sitting here alone with that guy here and she seemed to be getting drunk, which made her more vulnerable. I needed to protect her, and I wondered what the fuck Leila was doing to me. I didn’t care about women this way. It was an hour later that she said that she was going to go home, and I asked her how she
was going to get there.

  “Leila? You’re not driving, right?” I asked her again as she shook her head.

  “I can walk or get a car. I’m close.” She stood, and I took in her full chest with a quick, hungry look.

  “I am walking out there with you either way. It’s dangerous in this city.” I stood with her and she wrinkled her nose at me, looking adorable. We walked together to the front of the bar and I shot a dark look at the guy from earlier as I placed my hand on her lower back. Leila walked out front and her curls blew in the breeze as I watched for a long moment. Leila reached down to take off her heels and gave me a curious look.

  “I’m in those apartments. Want to walk?” I watched as she pointed to a place about three blocks away and nodded easily. She led the way, holding her shoes as she stepped carefully on the cement. We were on a road that overlooked the ocean and Leila glanced over every now and then. “I love the ocean. I had to live near it after Carlsbad.”

  “I enjoy it myself. In this crazy city, it’s nice to find some peace and quiet every now and then.” I looked over the dark water as I kept an eye on our surroundings, letting her relax and enjoy the view. There were a few people out, but nobody seemed to want to bother us and I stood taller as I grinned, feeling like I was making a difference to someone for a change. We made our way down the street as she went quiet again and unlocked a gate to walk into the complex, looking back at me. “I am walking you to your door.” I assured her as she stepped back and let me by, giving me a hint of her sweet, citrus scent. Leila walked forward, winding through the walkway until she climbed a staircase to a rounded brown door.

  “Here we are.” Leila leaned against the door and gazed up at me for a moment as her lips fell into a natural, sexy pout. This woman managed what so many others worked so hard to achieve and she had no fucking idea. “Thanks for walking me.”

  “I wanted to make sure that you were safe. This is a big city, you know.” I reminded her, placing my hand on the door as I leaned closer. Her eyes widened slightly as they darkened, and I saw the need in her eyes as I pressed my forehead against hers. “Leila…can I kiss you?” My lips were brushing hers before I got an answer and she let out a breath as I felt the sparks between us. I pressed my mouth harder against hers and let our lips mold together as I slid my hand into her soft curls. Leila gasped as my lips parted hers softly, taking this slow. This wasn’t a movie kiss or one with one of the casual girls. Leila wasn’t casual. I kept it moving slowly as she kissed me back, her hands still pressed against the door.

  She pulled back and closed her eyes, and I stroked her hair back gently.

  “I have to go inside,” Leila whispered as I nodded and backed up. I watched her unlock her door and reminded her to lock the door behind her as Leila nodded and gave me a long look, confusion all over her face. I already knew her number and would be calling her about a house in the next few days, though she didn’t know that yet.



  I couldn’t believe what happened at the bar and afterward. I locked my door and walked to the couch, dropping down on the couch as I touched my tingling lips. I’d never been kissed like that in my life. I closed my eyes and leaned back, feeling the drinks as my head swam for a few minutes. Lance was more than gorgeous. He was addictive and I wanted more. My body screamed for more.

  I went and washed my face before pulling on my brother’s college t-shirt that I always wore to bed. He’d gone to Stanford and was now playing hockey for the Bruins, so we didn’t see each other a lot. I crawled into my bed and dropped against the pillows as I reached for my Kindle. I always liked to read a little before going to sleep and I had tomorrow off now that Nan was off my hands.

  I started a new book as I thought back to Cameron. He really freaked me out at the house but showing up at the bar caught me completely off guard. I didn’t know that he hung out in Santa Monica at all. I wondered what would have happened if Lance hadn’t been sitting with me. Cameron didn’t want to take no for an answer at the house and he wasn’t even with Nan tonight. I felt like he wouldn’t give up.

  I put the Kindle down and sighed. I hoped that it was over with Nan and Cameron and that I could move on. I thought about Lance as I shut off the light and closed my eyes, wondering if I’d see him again. He didn’t ask for my number, but I was certain that he felt the heat between us. Lance probably felt that heat with a lot of women, but it was a first for me. I wanted more.

  I woke up early in the morning and sighed. I had the worst time sleeping in and I rolled over to face the window and looked out, thinking about my day and what I should do. I didn’t have a lot of free time and I rose and walked to my kitchen to make some coffee and read my emails. I had a few hits on some properties that I signed and I responded and thanked them for their interest. I hoped that by responding that I’d gain some more clients and I sipped my second cup of coffee as I turned on a movie on TV. I didn’t work until my open house tomorrow and I considered sitting here all day. I turned my head to look out of my sliding glass door, thinking of the beach just a few miles away. I should go and get my ocean fill while I had a day off and I smiled and turned back to the TV.

  I decided to call Viv and tell her all about yesterday. She listened, expressing anger at Cameron and appreciation for what Lance had done. She asked further about Nan and was relieved to hear that she was not my client any longer. Viv agreed that she was a pain in the ass to begin with and not worth the commission, though she agreed that it was good that I’d see some of the sale. I knew that she was going to ask about Lance and she did as I considered what to tell her.

  I told her about the deli and how he hit on me and then how I saw him at the bar after the incident at the house. She heard me out when I told her that he remained by my side and walked me home and asked when I was going to be seeing him again.

  “He didn’t ask for my number,” I explained as she sighed on the other end.

  “I hope that he calls you somehow, or comes back over. Lance sounds hot.” I laughed, agreeing that he was. I told her that there were so many gorgeous women here that he probably dated, and I was so naive compared to everyone else that lived here. I had two boyfriends in my life and while I wasn’t a virgin, I also wasn’t experienced. That combined with my fear of getting involved with another man was a terrible thing to shoulder anybody with.

  “I don’t know. I’m not ready for anything like that. Maybe it was just a walk home. Maybe that’s it.” I shrugged even though she couldn’t see me.

  Once I was done on the phone, I put on some clothes to wear to the beach. I walked over today and got an ice cream cone before I strolled the sand, taking in the peace that only the ocean gave me. I went a lot in Carlsbad as well, but Bryce ruined that memory for me. I vowed to this as my beach and mine alone.

  I ended up walking into town and doing a little window shopping as I finally started to relax from last night. It had been exciting on every spectrum for me and I just wanted my boring life back I saw a little fish and chips place up to the right and felt my stomach growl, since I didn’t eat earlier with my coffee. I smiled as I pushed the door open, peering inside to see that it was nearly empty before I walked inside. I ordered a platter and a tea from the cashier and walked over to a corner table as I let my mind wander back to last night. As certain as I was that Lance was a player, he knew how to make a woman feel special. He knew how to make me feel safe and like I was the only person in the room. Looking back, I could see that Bryce didn’t do that as much as I thought before.

  A girl brought my food over to me and I felt someone move beside me and slide into the booth across from me as I jumped. I glanced up to see Lance and tilted my head as I fought the urge to smile.

  “Hi. What are you doing here?” I asked as he grinned and glanced at the counter.

  “I saw you walk in and had a yearning for fish and chips, just like that. How are you this morning?” Lance asked as he sipped a drink that I finally noticed he was ho

  “I’m good. I haven’t had a day off in quite a while. I almost don’t know what to do with myself.” I picked up a fry and ate it slowly as I looked at him. “You don’t have any work today?”

  “Not until later.” Lance replied as he leaned back and stretched his arms out. He was toned and muscular and I watched as I swallowed the food that got lodged in my throat. He smiled, and I knew that he caught me as I blushed and looked down at my food. “Want to go to the pier with me after lunch?”

  “The pier?” I loved it there but had such little time to go and he nodded easily.

  “We can go on some rides and eat some junk food once this settles. It’ll be a good time.” Lance smiled crookedly, and my heart jumped as I realized that I’d agreed to spend some time with him. Was this a date or just hanging out?

  We ate our lunch and talked lightly about the town before he took our trash to the bin in the corner. Lance led me out to a shiny brand-new Jeep and opened the door for me as I slipped in, wondering what he did for work. These were expensive, and I noticed that he dressed in good clothes as well. This car looked like it was just bought and when he started the engine, I noted that it was under five thousand miles.


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