World War VR

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World War VR Page 31

by Michael Ryan

  Dale accepted that Yingtai had acted honorably, but he couldn’t bear to hear the details of how she’d tracked and killed Amy. He couldn’t shake the vision of her throat being slit while he watched.

  “I owe you two lives now,” Jara said to Yingtai. “I vow to accompany you on your next quest.”

  “I don’t know if it’s allowed,” Yingtai said.

  “It’s not only acceptable, Yingtai,” Lieutenant Brinkmann said. “The king has requested it.”

  “He has?” Princess Jara blurted, her tone incredulous.

  “Yes.” He raised his voice. “Attention, platoon! We’ve been offered a new quest.”

  King Talargo offers you a quest!

  Protect Princess Talargo.

  Locate the princess and protect the Jewel of Sartozel.


  Friendly status in the kingdom, 1000 gold bars, 3-carat Deep Blue Emerald of Finest Quality, 3 Magic Books, 1 Royal Mount.

  You’ll be granted a Letter of Introduction to the Court of King Moschatel, and be granted safe passage through his kingdom.

  Accept quest? [Y/N]

  Dale accepted the quest, and made a pact with himself to become ruthless and calculating like Yingtai. Even if he’d had feelings for Amy, he couldn’t deny that she’d walked a dark path and her partner would have cheerfully killed him without a second thought. Now, he couldn’t even be sure that she hadn’t been using him somehow, and that their time together hadn’t been an act.

  Smith looked at Dale with concern. “Back in the Mount Dog—”

  “I’m over that,” Dale interrupted. “It’s in the past.”

  “I know,” Smith said. “But Brian was your friend…”

  “My best friend at the time.”

  “He told me about your ex.”

  “That asshole,” Dale spat. “He had no right.”

  “I think he was just trying to—”

  “Don’t make excuses for his betrayal,” Dale said. “It was my business if I wanted to talk about it.”

  “Sorry.” Smith put his hand on Dale’s shoulder.

  “Life sucks sometimes,” Smith said.

  Dale wiped away a tear. “I’m fine, and I’ve learned my lesson. Fool me once, you know, that’s one thing. Fool me twice? I’m not going to be fooled again.”

  “Okay. We leave early in the morning,” Smith said. “You should get some sleep.”

  “Good idea,” he agreed. “I just want to put tonight behind me.” He returned to the inn, and fell into a restless sleep.

  A woman in hidden in shadows spoke in an unrecognizable voice.

  “I love you, Dale,” she said.

  “You do?”

  “I do.”

  “Do you really mean that?” he asked.

  “Yes. You’re the only one for me,” she answered.

  The woman was still unrecognizable.

  “I’ve trusted before, and lost,” he said.

  “I know, Dale,” she said. “This time’s different.”

  There was no response, only more silence filled the void.

  “Who are you?” he asked after an indeterminate time had passed.

  “It’s never different,” a female voice stated in the dark. “Is it, Dale?”

  The world went black until morning.

  The platoon left Irkalla at first light. Riding his wildebai, Dale didn’t feel much like a victorious warrior heading into battle; he felt like shit.

  “Snap out of it,” Smith advised.

  “You’re right.” Dale gave his mount a kick and settled in behind Kim. She looked at him but didn’t smile.

  Ërin: Worry is an expensive luxury for a warrior.

  Dale: I’m not in the mood.

  Sergeant Dyfrig led the platoon riding his battle armored giraffe. Galina was next on a multi-colored unicorn. Next came Tom in his bat-creature avatar, who occasionally flew ahead to check the trail. Sanjay followed him, mounted on a giant lizard that was sleek, lightning fast, and could climb walls.

  Rikuto Setsu, the Naphil race avatar rode behind him. The Japanese warrior made Dale the most nervous, except for maybe Yingtai.

  Princess Jara and Yingtai brought up the rear, with the lieutenant behind them. Jara and Yingtai both rode bears which appeared to be a panda-grizzly combination. Lieutenant Brinkmann sat astride an African bull elephant, which was by far the most dangerous mount.

  After traveling for several hours, the platoon left the King’s Road and entered the forest.

  “Ensure your equipment is ready to go,” Dyfrig ordered.

  “Should I fly ahead?” Tom asked.

  “No,” Dyfrig answered. “The trees are too dense. You wouldn’t see anything.

  “We should expect an ambush,” the lieutenant said. “Keep our grouping tight, and watch for trip wires, booby traps, or anything suspicious.”


  It was only twenty minutes before they drew the attention of mobs; not Declan troops, but mutant humanoids. The creatures looked as if they were from a post-nuclear-war dystopian world. They were fat and grotesque, and looked as stupid as they were strong.

  The mobs were commanded by a witch-boss who stayed in the distance and coordinated their assault. She also range attacked and healed her minions.

  Dale studied the first monster that rushed him.


  Level 5

  A mutant humanoid.

  Attack style: Brute attack.

  Weapons: Club. Spear. Shield.

  Magic: None.

  Tech: Low level, nothing with more than one part.

  He dismounted, moved towards the mob on the ground, and fired an arrow. The Erbi was knocked back from the force of the bolt. Dale switched to his long sword and attacked without fear.

  Dale felt like a new man. He would kill everything and anyone who opposed him. He blocked a blow from the Erbi’s club, deflecting the strike to the ground.

  He followed the block with an offensive swing, but the Erbi lifted its shield and deflected Dale’s strike, stopping the sword.

  The mutant wouldn’t be easy to kill.

  They traded blows.

  Dale tired.

  He needed a strategy that didn’t rely on brute force.

  He activated his torch skill, a low-level spell, but the only one he could use. He knew it was probably too underpowered to cause significant damage to the Erbi, which was not only a level five tank, but protected by the witch.

  He took a couple of steps backward, dodged the beast’s club, and began the spell, which had a five second cast time.

  Dale looked back and saw Sanjay working on a spell.

  “Sanjay!” Dale shouted. “Can you follow my torch strike with your spear?”

  “I’m on it,” Sanjay said. His impressive jaguar-man avatar activated the atlatl and conjured a spell to imbue the shaft.

  Dale deflected a strike from the Erbi’s club and fired his torch spell at the face of the mutant.

  The beast screamed, slipped backward, and fell.

  Dale flung his dark adder shield behind the beast. It landed on the ground, uncoiled, and became a battle pet. The snake began a relentless series of venomous strikes.

  Sanjay flung his spear, which struck the Erbi in the chest, and it dropped to its knees.

  “ARRRRGGG!!!!” it screamed in rage, and flung its club at Dale, which hit him with the force of a cannonball.

  Dale stumbled and fell; the club had caused significant damage. He brought out the assassin’s rapier, a small weapon, but a high-level one designed for intimate kills. He threw himself at the Erbi and drove it though its chin, straight into the mutant’s brain.

  It screamed, dropped its shield, and groped at the rapier in an attempt to pull it out. Dale kicked the hilt of the rapier, and its sharp point burst from the monster’s skull, and it was finished.


  Killed: Erbi Level 5

  Dropped: Book of Fire Magic


; You’ve killed your first mutant!

  Zombie & Mutant Killing Skill Increased: Lacking Level Achieved.

  As you increase in killing mutant creatures you’ll be safer in dungeons, sewers, and certain brothels.

  Hint: Read Awaken Online for examples of effective zombie use.

  Dale: Hey Ërin, are there zombies in this world?

  Ërin: No, it’s an overdone motif.

  People like zombies.


  Why do zombies appear on the skill tree then?

  Good question. I’d keep an open mind.


  Now get to work, handsome, your platoon could use your help with the rest of the mob.

  Dale retrieved his rapier and Sanjay’s spear from the dead enemy. He handed Sanjay his shaft.

  “Thank you,” Sanjay shouted. “Can you help me with this Houting?”

  Dale moved towards the creature that was attacking his friend.


  Level 6

  A mutant and diseased humanoid.

  Attack style: Brute attack. Toxic breath.

  Weapons: Club. Spear. Shield.

  Dale put away his rapier and shield, and armed himself with his bow. He could also range DPS. He fired on the beast, and as its health dropped, Dale took a quick look around the battlefield to see how the situation was developing.

  Nobody was in trouble, so Dale put the bow away and glanced at the Fire Magic Book that he’d received as a drop from the Erbi.

  Fire Magic Book

  Find power in the coals of the Pyebwa tree: Burn a fire under the half moon, roast the heart of a razordillo, and sing the blessed chant of Rauha King. [Chants]

  Dale: Ërin, can you auto-store these chants in the Fire Magic files?


  The book dissolved.

  Fire Magic Skill increased: Clueless Level Achieved.

  As you grow in fire spells you’ll be able to range support your platoon with awesome displays of destructive fire. You’ll also be handy when starting camp fires during role playing.

  Hint: Fire and Ice do not mix well…Boom!

  Dale warmed up a torch spell, threw fire at the Houting that Sanjay was battling, and watched the mutant scream and dance around as if being stung by killer bees.

  It ran towards Dale, who pulled out his long sword and shield.

  The Houting swung its club at him.

  Dale lifted his shield to stop the blow, but it was a powerful strike that drove him to his knees.

  He swung his sword at the beast’s legs and struck it in the thigh, resulting in a gush of blood. The Houting growled like a dying bear and raised its club, preparing to pound Dale.

  Sanjay stabbed a spear through the beast so hard that it poked through the creature’s backside. Dale cleaved the fallen Houting’s head in half, and it died.


  Killed: Houting Level 6

  Dropped: 2 Carat Yellow Emerald, Fine Quality

  Dale and Sanjay joined the re-platoon. They killed the rest of the mob, and then the boss attacked them.

  The Louhi had two forms of magical assaults (both Ice Magic): Snow Ball and Hail Trees, things Dale hadn’t studied. The witch also had a battle pet, but Dale wasn’t sure what it was capable of either. He had Fire Magic, but what he was capable of wasn’t much against her higher skills.

  Smith, Sanjay, and Sergeant Dyfrig moved to the front and became the tanks for the attack.

  Galina, Kim, and Tom joined Dale with ranged DPS, while Princess Jara, Yingtai, and Rikuto used enchantments to heal the tanks.

  The Louhi conjured up a flock of attacking birds.

  Da Fei Ji

  A swan-like bird with a poisonous bite.

  The fight went back and forth. The platoon would get in a series of good strikes, but then the Da Fei Ji would create such a diversion that the witch could restore her health.

  “We need to stop her from healing herself,” Tom said. “I’ll divert these fucking bird things.” He jumped into the air, flew above the birds, and swooped at them, claws fully extended.

  The tanks slammed the witch with brute force.

  Dale added Fire Magic spells as fast as he could.

  She threw a powerful Ice Spell.


  A glacier spell that caused enemies to slow to half-speed for 3 seconds.

  The spell caused Tom, unable to move his wings, to drop to the ground, and he was swarmed by Da Fei Ji.

  “Help!” he screamed, his health near zero, as the flock of killer birds attacked him.

  Dale was working on a Fire Magic spell that would damage the birds, but wouldn’t help Tom. As a healer, Dale was nearly worthless.

  “Yingtai!” Dale yelled to the healers. “Jara! Tom is down!”

  The healers either ignored him or didn’t hear him, although he could see that they were keeping the tanks alive, even after they’d slowed to half speed with the last spell.

  Tom died.

  Dale fired his torch spell, and the birds burned to a crisp.


  Killed: 6 Da Fei Ji

  Dropped: 6 One Carat Fire Diamonds: Good Quality

  Multi-Kill Bonus: +5% mana regeneration for 1 hour

  Fire Magic Skills Increased: Beginner Level Achieved.

  As you increase in Fire Magic Skills you’ll be recognized as a wizard and expected to do your part as a ranged damage dealer in dungeon quests and other battles. With great power…

  Hint: When role playing, the Fire Magic Skill has its own special skill tree…

  Dale began to warm up another torch spell. Being able to one-hit kill the birds was hugely helpful.

  The Ice Magic spell ended and his platoon returned to their full-speed assault on the witch-boss.

  She conjured another round of battle pets, but Dale killed them instantly, gaining more experience points, gems, and another Fire Magic Book.

  The Louhi Witch began another Ice Spell.

  “This is our chance!” Dyfrig shouted. He turned towards the ranged DPS fighters. “Be ready with everything to attack her right before she unleashes her magic!”

  “Healers, don’t heal for the next round! Attack with everything!” the lieutenant shouted.

  The order resulted in his death.

  The entire rear team assaulted the witch and the tanks struck with everything they had, but she still managed to send off a spell that killed the lieutenant before she died.


  Killed: Louhi, a Level 9 witch boss

  Dropped: 100 bars of gold

  Dropped: Ice Magic Book

  Dropped: 1 carat Ice Diamond: Rare Quality

  Dropped: Wangba Mount, a mutant, diseased zombie mount with a club and shield

  Dropped: Dark Evil Witch Staff

  Dale placed his new items in his inventory. He considered the losses they’d sustained, and the ramifications.

  Sergeant Dyfrig was now in charge. He outranked Dale, who remained the only corporal in the platoon.

  While Yingtai was two levels higher than Dale, and probably the most powerful and dangerous member of the platoon, her leveling didn’t count towards military rank.

  Princess Jara was also a higher level, but she wasn’t military.

  Dale hoped things would work out as he and the platoon regrouped. Except for Smith, and maybe Sanjay, he couldn’t really trust anyone.

  The group rested, talked about their losses, and discussed strategy going forward. They numbered nine, down two from eleven, and had a long way to travel.

  The platoon was on the move again after a half hour, and approached a fork in the path.

  “To the right,” Princess Jara said.

  “Why?” Sergeant Dyfrig asked. He was in charge of the platoon, but he had no authority over the princess.

  She pointed to the right. “Evelake Village is this direction. And we’re not alone in our quest. Look.” The King’s advisors had confirmed the information that Jara had obtained – that Pri
ncess Talargo had likely traveled to Evelake Village on her way to the Arodian mountains.

  Sergeant Dyfrig dismounted and checked the ground. “Kim,” he called. “Come look at this.”

  The Phainopepla were excellent trackers and hunters.

  Kim approached Dyfrig and squatted. She studied the impressions, walked ten meters down the path, and then returned.

  “They’re fresh tracks,” she said. “Four hours at most, but probably less. Various beasts. My best guess is that it’s a platoon sized group, a dozen or so. This is probably the Declan Faction, not NPCs. They were moving rapidly in the same direction we’re headed.”

  “So possible death and no chance of loot.” Sanjay had a dark sense of humor when he was nervous.

  “Okay platoon. Let’s move out,” Dyfrig said. “Kim, you take the point. Keep us on the path, but stop if it looks like our friends have diverted. I don’t want to ride into an ambush.”

  Thirty minutes later they rode into an ambush.

  It seemed the universe had a sense of irony, Dale thought as he dove for cover.

  Ërin: Indeed, handsome. Always watch your back, especially in the shower.

  Dale: Are you working on becoming a comedian, too?

  I only exist to serve you, stud.


  No, just Ërin. But, I’ve considered that position; not my kind of gig.

  The surprise attack hit less than a second after Kim stumbled across a tripwire.

  Six imbued arrows slammed into her. She didn’t have a chance, and was dead before she hit the ground.

  Sergeant Dyfrig sustained hits from two arrows and a spear, but quickly threw himself behind a tree for cover. “Take cover!” he yelled. “Prepare for battle, and somebody put some healing goodness on me, pronto!”

  The platoon dismounted and scattered.

  Dyfrig drew the most fire. He signaled to Dale and Galina and indicated that he wanted them to flank the enemy on the right side, and for Rikuto and Smith work the left. He motioned to Yingtai and Jara to stay back and continue to provide support.

  Dyfrig called Sanjay to join him so they could charge up the middle as tanks.

  Dale moved through the trees with Galina, who was the same race as the lieutenant in her professional avatar. She had good healing powers, so Dale was happy to be paired with her, but he also flashed on the memory of her being disemboweled by the Vulturaptor, so she was hardly invulnerable.


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