Reserve My Curves 2: He Still Belongs to Me

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Reserve My Curves 2: He Still Belongs to Me Page 3

by B. M. Hardin

  That chick had my trigger finger itching and that was nothing but the truth!

  Being nice to her just wasn’t going to work.

  Detective Wiley just might have to find him someone else to do the job.

  If I had to do it, worrying about going to jail for prostitution and whatever the other charges were, would be the least of my problems.

  I was sure that messing around with Carmen, I would be going to jail for murder.


  “Envy, I just want to take you home with me,” one of my regular clients said.

  The things that the idiots said on a regular basis!

  “Oh really, I don’t think your wife would like that,” I laughed in Mr. Ben’s face, but he didn’t crack a smile.

  Mr. Ben was a fairly new client of mine, since it wasn’t all that long ago that I’d started sleeping with the married men. But since his first time on Envy’s rodeo, he came to see me once or twice a week.

  He was biracial and in his late forties.

  He never talked much about what he did for a living, but I knew that he had a whole lot of money and he didn’t mind giving it to me.

  He was also the rich client that had requested me and had gotten a glimpse of me on the bottom floor, when I was just a regular maid.

  He was the reason that Carmen had initially offered me the promotion to come up to the thirteenth floor in the first place.

  “Oh, my marriage is the only thing standing in the way? Well, we can handle that situation. Just say the word and she’s gone,” he said with a straight face.


  If he didn’t get his crazy ass out of here!

  “Mr. Ben, now you know that wouldn’t be right.”

  “Says who? That’s your opinion, not mine. Oh, I get it. You’re just using me for my money, just like everybody else?”

  Is he serious?

  He was the one paying for my pussy, so if anyone should feel used in this situation, it should be me.

  But because I was becoming extremely freaked out with the conversation, and because I had the detective’s words in my mind about getting my client’s to really trust me, I told him what he wanted to hear, shifted his focus back to sex and then satisfied him with my mouth just the way that he liked it.

  I swear things and the people on the thirteenth floor were getting crazier by the day, which was a sure sign that it was time for me to get the hell away from this place.

  I’d been walking around on egg shells at the hotel since being approached by the ugly detective.

  I always felt like someone knew what I was up to or like someone was always watching me; which of course the detective was watching all of us.

  He’d explained that in order to start building a case against Carmen and all of those in charge, I had to get in close and find some things that would be deemed useful.

  They wanted hard proof.

  They already knew that they were paying as many people as they could to be in their corner, so they needed hard and strong evidence.

  He wanted the name of the head honcho or honchos in charge. I mean the ones at the very top of the operation. He wanted their sidekicks, other names, investors, financial information, and anything that could directly tie the lawyers, doctors, judges and celebrities to the hotel.

  They wanted it all and they expected me to get it.

  The question was, how in the hell was I supposed to do that?

  Though I wasn’t exactly sure of how to go about it all, it was clear that it had to be done.

  So, Carmen had to become a top priority, more or less.

  I really and truly disliked her, so trying to communicate with her on a personal level was going to be hell.

  But this was the only way to keep myself out of trouble so I was going to have to figure it out, one day at a time.

  After I was done servicing Mr. Ben, I tried to ask a few questions, but he didn’t really much to say.

  Hell all he wanted to talk about was taking me home with him and stupid stuff like that.

  I’ll try questioning him again when he was in his right frame of mind.

  “You seem a little on edge about something,” Silas said to me once I was home later on that evening.

  I was off from the hotel for the next three days, and I planned on using that time to get my mind together.

  Of course I couldn’t tell Silas the truth about what was really bothering me.

  “Oh no, I’m fine. I’m just a little tired that’s all,” I said to him.

  Silas smiled and placed my feet into his lap.

  He began to massage them and I closed my eyes to relax and focus on the feeling.

  He was saying all the right things; sweet things, flattering things. He said all of the things that a woman wanted to hear, especially after a long day of “work”.

  But that moment was short lived.

  The ringing of the doorbell told us that the baby was home.

  Instantly, I smiled.

  When the baby was gone with Nolan, I missed him like crazy.

  I figured that once I was done with the hotel, I would keep him all week and Nolan could just get him on the weekends.

  Things between Nolan and I were still weird but since I’d put it all on the table, we hadn’t had sex or even come close to crossing that line.

  Actually, he was a lot more nonchalant.

  We only spoke about the baby and that worked just fine for me.

  I sent Silas to the door to get the baby so that I didn’t have to face Nolan, but my little plan failed.

  “Envy I need to talk to you,” Nolan shouted.

  For some reason, I got a bad feeling all at once.

  I headed to the door to see that Silas wasn’t holding the baby.

  As a matter of fact, neither was Nolan.

  “Where’s the baby?” I asked him.

  Nolan just looked at me.

  I could tell that there was still some frustration, on his end, but for the most part, I was more concerned about where the baby was.

  “Where’s the baby?”

  “He’s fine. I came to tell you that I’m not bringing him back,” Nolan said.

  My heart broke instantly and it felt as though it had been stomped on repeatedly.

  For a second I could barely breathe.

  “What do you mean you’re not bringing him back?” Silas asked him, since I was finding it hard to speak.

  “He’s my son. I’m on the birth certificate and I’ve been seeking legal counsel. I’m moving away with him. I just thought that I would stop by to let you know,” Nolan said.


  This could not be happening!

  He couldn’t do that…could he?

  “Nolan, please. Please don’t do this,” I begged.

  His face was so angry.

  It was obvious that he was doing this to get back at me but this seemed a bit extreme.

  “I can’t be around you. I can’t continue to see you,” Nolan said and then he turned and walked away.

  Against my better judgement, I ran after him and tried to reason with him, but he wouldn’t listen.

  He stood at the car door as I cried and begged him but he didn’t seem to care.

  “Nolan, let’s go,” a voice from the car said.

  I looked in the backseat to see if the baby was there but when I didn’t see him, I checked to see who was speaking from the passenger side of the car.

  At the sight of her, I almost passed out.

  It was Marie; the woman from the bus…Keymar’s other child’s mother.

  “What? Wait? You know her?” I asked Nolan.

  He looked at me as though I’d asked a stupid question.

  “Yes, we’re cousins. She’s one of the one’s that’s been helping me with the baby,” Nolan said.

  Well I’ll be damned!

  If it wasn’t one hell of a small world!

  I shook my head and turned my attention back to Nolan who was now trying to figure out wh
ether to listen to my voice, or to the voice that belonged to Marie.

  I hadn’t seen her again since she’d told me that the man that I had been madly in love with had cheated on me and had a baby with her.

  Of course there hadn’t been any exchange of information, so our daughters were growing up without getting to know each other.

  Thinking about it, it didn’t seem fair to the girls, but that wasn’t important at this very moment.

  Finally, Nolan pushed away from me, got into his car and drove away.

  I stood there in tears, as I watched his car until it was out of sight.

  Was this really happening?

  Was he really trying to take the baby away from me?

  “Envy?” Silas called out to me.

  I’d forgotten that he was even there.

  Slowly, I turned around to face him.

  “Did something happen between you two that I need to know about?”

  Damn it.

  Nolan had made the remarks on purpose.

  How would he have felt if I’d blurted out his little secret?

  “No. He wanted more but I told him that I couldn’t do that to you or Tia,” I lied.

  Silas studied my face for a second.

  Now, I was crying uncontrollably so even if he wanted to see something, through my tears he wasn’t going to be able to find it.

  So, instead, he walked closer to me, and embraced me.

  “Don’t worry about a thing. I got you,” Silas said and I knew that he meant just what he’d said.


  Chapter THREE

  “Hi,” I said to Carmen as nice as I possibly could.

  It was going to be so hard to be nice to her, but I didn’t have a choice.

  She looked at me as though I was a stranger on the street.

  Once she turned her back to me, without saying a word, I knew that she had no intention on being casual, so I had to find a different approach.

  “You were right about Silas,” I said behind her.

  At the sound of that, she turned around so fast that just watching her almost made me dizzy.

  Well duh, at Silas’s name, she was all ears.

  Of course in reality, Silas and I were just fine, but she didn’t have to know that.

  “He’s just not who I thought that he was,” I said to her now that I had her full attention.

  “I told you. I told you. What did he do?” she said and followed me to the lounge.

  I fed her some bogus lie about Silas cheating on me and I told her that I’d called off the wedding.

  Luckily Silas had taken my ring to have it cleaned, so it wasn’t on my finger and everything looked legit.

  Now I was just going to have to remember to take it off each day before coming into the hotel and putting it back on before going home.

  Funny, I wore it while I slept with the clients and none of them had ever even noticed.

  Or maybe it was that they hadn’t cared.

  Either way, thinking about it now, I definitely didn’t need to be wearing it while I screwed someone else.

  It just didn’t seem right.

  Some might say that I didn’t love him because of what I was doing, but they would be wrong.

  I loved him so much.

  I was only at the hotel because of the contract, and that whole thing with Nolan had been a mistake.

  I was emotional. We both were emotional.

  But my mind was clear now, and I knew that Silas was everything that I’d never needed in a man.

  And he was all mine.

  As I moved around the lounge, Carmen followed me and spoke so negatively of Silas and told me that he couldn’t be trusted and that I’d made the right decision by walking away from him before he hurt me even more.

  I had to force myself not to roll my eyes at her and I was trying my best to bite my tongue.

  She was such a hater!

  But it was okay though.

  This little bonding moment was just what I needed.

  I needed her to learn to trust me and I was going to use Silas and say whatever else to make sure that she did.

  After talking a little more, I headed to shower and she headed to do whatever it was that she did while everyone else on the floor were serving sex.

  As I showered, I couldn’t help but think about my life and this crazy situation that I was in.

  I thought about how I’d ended up here; which in turn caused me to think about the baby.

  It had been two weeks since I’d seen him and I missed him so much.

  Nolan still wouldn’t answer or return any of my phone calls. I couldn’t believe that he had done something so foul.

  And it was all to hurt me.

  It was all because I couldn’t give him the type of relationship that he wanted from me but on the flip side, neither could he.

  He was married!

  Not that his marriages ever really stopped him from doing what he wanted to do anyway.

  I hated the fact that I didn’t know where he lived.

  He’d always offered to just pick the baby up.

  Silas had taken me to see a lawyer and though he’d said that I could try to battle Nolan in court for rights and custody, at the end of the day, Nolan was the baby’s biological father and pretty much everything was on his side of the fence.

  But Silas said that he would continue to talk to a few of his friends and see what else he could do.

  Nolan was a piece of work and I’d almost let him fool me into thinking otherwise.

  And I was sure that his stupid ass cousin, Marie, had something to do with his crazy decision to keep the baby. I mean, why was she in the car with him in the first place that day?

  She’d never been with him before.

  She’d probably come along for the ride, just to see the look of pain on my face.

  I could tell from that day on the bus that she was still bitter about what Keymar had done to her.

  There was no telling what type of negativity she was putting in his ear.

  It was clear that she had some sort of animosity towards me but I wasn’t the one who had left her barefooted and pregnant.

  That was Keymar…not me.

  So, I couldn’t be held responsible for a dead man’s mistakes.

  But she wasn’t even an issue at this point.

  At the end of the day, I just wanted the baby back.

  And I was willing to do anything.

  Finally freshened up, I headed to my room with everything, but sex, on my mind.

  I opened the door to find two men inside.

  Confused, I stepped back out of the room to look at Carmen as she walked a new maid to the room next to mine.

  “Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you that you were booked for a threesome. Enjoy,” she said with a smirk on her face as she entered the room with the timid woman behind her.

  Oh how I hated her!

  I peeked back into my room and both men were naked and ready to go.

  I’d never had a threesome, considering that I’d backed out of the one with Keymar.

  To be honest, I was definitely feeling some kind of way.

  The memories of what he’d done to me, taunted me for a second, but I knew that in this situation, I didn’t have a choice.

  This was absurd but this was the game and for the moment, Carmen was still in charge.

  The sooner I got started, the sooner it would be over, I thought as I closed the door behind me, and as a single tear rolled down my face.

  Arriving home later that day, I was happy to see Silas and Horizon.

  Silas had definitely stepped into the role of being a father figure for her and I was truly thankful.

  The way that she interacted with him made me feel as though I had deprived her of something for the first three years of her life and I felt bad.

  Sure it wasn’t our fault that Keymar had passed away, but it was me who refused to get back into the dating worl
d all of that time.

  But love came right when it was supposed to.

  Horizon was standing on a chair beside Silas, as he chopped cucumbers for a salad.

  “Hi baby,” he said.

  I kissed them both and then sat in one of the kitchen chairs.

  Silas wanted us to move to his place.

  His home was three times the size of mine, but it didn’t have the same sentimental value.

  It didn’t have the same southern charm.

  So, he was staying with us and said that if it meant that much to me that we could settle there forever and he would put his place on the market.

  He would do anything to make me happy.

  “How was work?” Silas asked.

  “It was fine I guess,” I said.

  “You know you don’t have to work right?”

  “I know. It won’t be much longer.”

  “So, when were you going to tell me that you worked for Carmen?”

  At his comment, I almost pissed on myself, literally.


  What did he mean?

  How did he know?

  Carmen told him didn’t she?

  That b….

  “I put two and two together that night. It was clear that she’s your boss and that you are a maid at the hotel that she runs. I guess I understand why you wanted to hide that you were a maid; it isn’t the best job. Really, I do understand. But now I’m telling you that you don’t have to clean up after people anymore. I can take care of you. You know that. You don’t have to be anyone’s maid,” Silas said, interrupting my last thought.

  I let out a deep breath.

  Okay, so he didn’t know the whole truth.

  He just thought that I was a maid.

  I could deal with that.

  “I’m sorry for saying that I ran a hotel instead of just being honest. At the time, I guess I didn’t know how,” I said.

  “It’s fine. I guess that makes us even. But let’s make a deal---no more secrets and lies okay?”

  I smiled at him and nodded.


  Of course I didn’t actually mean it, at least not yet.

  But soon enough I would be free from the hotel and I would have a clean slate.

  And I was going to be Mrs. Okeke and I couldn’t wait!

  “Oh, and I wanted to ask you something,” Silas said.

  For some reason, I got nervous.


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