Winter's Beast: A Beauty and the Beast Novel

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Winter's Beast: A Beauty and the Beast Novel Page 4

by Twyla Turner

  I watch as Winter and her manager, Faith Kym, walk out the theater and head to a town car parked at the curb. They are both dressed in their finest. Her manager, Faith is in a sheer, fitted dress with sparkles all over it. Underneath all she wears are black, high-waist panties and a matching bra. Winter is much more conservative in her dress. It’s a simple, red fitted halter dress. But against her pale skin and wild shock of white hair, the dress stands out. She stands out.

  Once they are inside, I pull the car out into traffic a few cars behind theirs and follow them. We only drive for a few minutes before the town car stops outside of a popular club with pulsing beats streaming through the front door. The line to get in wraps around the building.

  I watch as Winter and her manager exit the car. They wait for their hired guard to give the keys to the valet, and then make their way towards the door. The bouncer looks at them as they approach. I can tell that he is shocked by Winter’s unusual appearance and is contemplating letting them in. Her white hair is out in its full glory, her fair skin almost translucent. The dark-haired woman turns and points to something. The bouncer looks at it, and his eyes widen. Then he quickly removes the blue velvet rope, letting them pass.

  I lean forward to look out the windshield at what her manager had pointed to. Up above was a giant billboard for Winter’s show on top of a building. Her face smiles down happily from the ad.

  Now that’s a VIP pass if I ever saw one.

  We quickly exit the car. I toss the keys to a valet attendant, and we head for the entrance to the club. The bouncer looks up as if he is about to deny us, but he sees my face and his eyes widen. Then he looks at Ivan and recognition registers on his face. He quickly unhooks the velvet rope, gives a nod, and a respectful ‘sir’ to Ivan as we pass.

  Ivan points to a dark secluded corner in the club, and I lead the way. It has a booth on a slightly elevated dais with a clear view of Winter, her manager and most of the club. Her guard hovers nearby.

  I’d be worried about him if it was not for the fact that I know he drops her off at their townhome at night, and then heads to his own home. He will not be a problem.

  I watch as they receive a bottle of champagne from a waitress. Her manager pours them two glasses. She lifts hers and Winter follows. Faith says a few words, and then they clink glasses and take a sip. They smile and laugh. Winter is stunning.

  Faith’s eyes scan the crowd, luckily I’m pretty much in the shadows, so she can’t really see me. But Ivan is sitting under the soft lighting above the booth. Her eyes immediately stop on him, and she gives a small smile as he grins at her leisurely.

  “Game. Set. Match.” Ivan says under his breath. “Oh, this is going to be too easy.”

  Ivan gets up and strides with an easy gait to the bar to order a drink. I watch him glance over at Winter’s table. She’s watching a couple dance seductively on the dance floor. But Faith is peering over at Ivan from under her lashes. He gestures with a nod of his head for her to come over. Faith says something briefly in Winter’s ear before stepping away.

  Winter glances at her manager as she walks towards Ivan. My boss quickly turns his head, so Winter doesn’t spot him.

  Once Faith reaches him, he smoothly walks around her so that his back is to Winter, making sure she doesn’t get a good look at him. Then he says something that immediately makes Faith flush with color and giggle. Ivan’s skill with women is legendary. Which is exactly why we are here. A woman said no to him. That does not sit well with Ivan.

  I always wonder if I would have been the same if I had never been disfigured. Would I be cocky and arrogant? Or would I be just confident enough to approach a woman? It’s something I will never know.

  Winter looks over at her manager just as Ivan reaches out and strokes a thumb down Faith’s cheek and Winter looks on longingly. If I could see my own face, I’m sure mine mirrors hers. I wonder if she too lacks the confidence to talk to the opposite sex like I do.

  Ivan says something else to Faith, and she nods. Faith heads back to their table and Ivan heads back to ours.

  “She’s leaving with me. Skotina, you can go and meet Miss Rose at her home and escort her to the plane. I’ll be there waiting.” He pauses. “Oh, and take your time. I plan on giving Ms. Kym the special Petrov treatment.”

  He winks.

  I nod my head and immediately make my way towards the door.

  It doesn’t take me long to cross town to her place. I park on a side street and quickly head for the back entrance to the townhouse. I don’t have much time before she gets here. A few minutes, maybe. I pull out my tools and turn the lock in under a minute. I walk through the house surveying my surroundings.

  I can smell her. The same scent I smelled when she ran into me a month ago. Jasmine.

  I make my way upstairs and walk in each room. When her scent becomes strongest, and I see a vanity filled with feminine items, I know I’ve found her room.

  My growing obsession with her tempts me to look through and touch her personal belongings. To get to know her better.

  What can I say? She smiled at me. No one does that. At least not initially. But I already feel like a stalker as it is. I don’t want to further that feeling by invading her space.

  Instead, I quickly grab items on her dresser and in the bathroom that look like she’ll need for her stay in Paris. I stuff them in the black bag I brought and then head for the closet. I step inside, closing the door behind me.

  Guilt continues to eat at me.

  I hate what I’m about to do to her. The part I am playing in her abduction and forcing her to do something she does not want. But on the other hand, I honestly don’t believe I could let her walk out my life, now that she has unknowingly stepped into it. I want to be near her, and this feels like the only way. Besides, boss wouldn’t let me have her anyway. So this will be as close as I can get. And since he will probably only trust me to guard her, that could be the opportunity I need to get to know her. To get close to her.

  She may not want me in that way, but maybe in time, we could be friends.

  So I take a deep breath, swallowing the guilt and wait.


  “It’s finally over!” I shout as I practically fall into the town car after my performance.

  “Yep. You’re all done. And I see relaxation in your future.” Faith grins at me as the car heads towards a popular club we were told about to celebrate the end of my successful tour.

  “Thank the Lord! I need it.”

  “Oh stop. You know you love to sing, and you love how the audience fawns all over you,” Faith says knowingly.

  I roll my head on the backseat to face her and give her a dirty look.

  “Oh…you know you love it.” Faith grins at me. “Every night was sold out this month. Each night ended with cheers, standing ovations, and white roses thrown at your feet. You love every minute of it.”

  After I became popular about five years ago, it somehow became a thing, that instead of people throwing red roses on the stage after a performance, they’d throw white roses. I suppose they were paying homage to my name and my coloring. A winter rose.

  So after years of being teased and bullied for that same coloring, who wouldn’t eat up a little adoration?

  “Okay, I won’t lie. It is nice. I just should have added time to rest in between each tour stop. Just a week or two to breathe before my month long residency started and to enjoy whatever city I was in.”

  “You didn’t even want to be here in Moscow. Did you actually want to spend an extra two weeks here?” She looks at me incredulously.

  “I would’ve stayed in London a little longer then.”

  “Well, next time we’ll fit in some relaxation time.”

  “Thanks,” I say sarcastically since the tour is already over and it could be a few years before I go on another.

  The car stops out front of a busy club in the heart of Moscow. There’s a line around the corner, and I sigh. This is going to be a long night,
and personally, I’m ready for bed. I’m only going out to indulge Faith. She’s hoping to find some hot Russian man meat to close out the end-of-tour celebration.

  “We’ll never get in, Faith.” My voice is tinged with a bit of a whine as we get out of the car and wait for my temporary bodyguard.

  Faith glances up and then grins conspiratorially.

  “Yes, we will.”

  I glance up at what she was looking at and smile at my image smiling back at me.

  She’s right. The minute she points at the billboard with my big head plastered on it, the bouncer immediately lets us in.

  The place is crowded, and everyone seems animated and in a good mood. We find a table in the middle of the club, Faith loves to be seen. And a waitress materializes out of nowhere, ready to take our drink order.

  Once we get our drinks, we barely finish two glasses before Faith excuses herself and heads over to the bar.

  “Some hot guy just gestured me over to the bar. I’ll be right back,” she wiggles her eyebrows happily.

  I glance over, but his back is to me. He seems familiar, but I shake it off. I don’t know anyone here in Russia. Probably just my imagination messing with me.

  As I sip my bubbly, my eyes roam the club. A sexy couple is working it on the dance floor. The way they’re moving, it doesn’t seem like it’ll be long before they’re having sex in front of everybody. It’s mesmerizing.

  I tear my eyes away before I start having heart palpitations. I look over to where Faith is with her mystery man. He caresses a thumb down her cheek, and I feel a jolt of envy flow through me.

  Ever since my ex who shall not be named, I haven’t thought much about being in a relationship again. But seeing that small gesture sent a shock of longing through me that I didn’t know I had.

  A few minutes later, Faith comes up with excitement dancing in her dark brown eyes.

  “Okay, so don’t be mad at me,” she begins with a cringe.

  “What? He wants to take you on his yacht?” I tease her.

  “Actually, even better. He wants to show me his private jet and wants to take me on a trip to the South of France!” She clasps her hands together in front of her, practically jumping out of her skin. “He said you can come too if you want.”

  “No, I’m good. I’ll just head back to the townhouse, get some sleep and head to Paris in the morning.”

  “Are you sure?” Faith asks skeptically. “Your tour is officially over. You should be celebrating. And besides, I don’t wanna leave you alone.”

  “Of course, I’m sure. I’m a big girl. I have the guard with me tonight and tomorrow he’ll take me to the airport. Trust me, I can make it there on my own. Besides, technically your job is done for the moment. Take a vacation. Go have fun. And give me all the juicy details when it’s over.” I grin at her.

  “Thank you, Winter. You’re the best boss ever.”

  She leans in to kiss my cheek.

  “Just be safe. There are crazy people out there, you know. Text or call me with information on where you’re staying and who he is, alright?”


  “Love you,” I pull her in for a hug.

  “Love you too!”

  She squeezes me back tightly and then releases me to head over to her new man. I can’t see his face, which bothers me. I know I should probably go over and introduce myself and to get his info, but before I can even step towards them, they disappear into the crowd.

  Your wingwoman skills are the worst, Winter.

  “Lord, please let her be okay with him,” I say under my breath.

  I toss back the last of my champagne, signal my guard that I’m ready, and then head for the door.

  I almost fall asleep as the car takes me back to the townhouse. I dread packing…again. I’m tempted to hire an assistant just to help me pack when I’m on tour. But that would probably be the height of laziness and classic diva behavior. A status I try to avoid.

  I’m seriously debating on whether to wake up extra early and pack then for my late morning flight or pack now and sleep in. I think I’m gonna go with the former. I can’t even think about packing right now.

  I always give every ounce of energy I have in me when I perform. Especially, on my last night. So I’m always wiped out and tonight is no different. Plus, those couple of glasses of bubbly aren’t helping either.

  Once the guard pulls up to my building and lets me out, I thank him and go inside. I grab a glass of water out of the kitchen before heading upstairs. I walk into my room, strip out of my cocktail dress and remove my bra and throw on a comfy tee without evening turning on the light. I fall into bed in just my panties and t-shirt. I’m pretty sure I’m asleep before my head even hits the pillow.

  I’m not sure how long I’ve been out, but something suddenly wakes me. I open my eyes and turn onto my back. Hovering over me is a massive dark figure. I open my mouth to scream as terror races through my veins. A large hand covered with a leather glove catches my cry for help, just as I feel a pinch in the side of my neck. A slight burn follows it. My eyes immediately get heavy, and I realize too late that I was just drugged with a needle.

  I cannot even describe the level of helpless terror I feel as I slip into unconsciousness, while a dark figure hovers over me. Going to do God knows what to me.


  I am sorry.

  I find a pair of sweats and pull them up her bare legs once she is completely out and then I lift her dead weight onto my shoulder. I can’t remove the image of her terrified face illuminated by the moonlight streaming in through the windows from my mind. I hate doing this to her, but it is best to just do what Ivan wants.

  It would have been so much easier if you knew that and had just said yes, Winter.

  I quickly, yet quietly carry her down the stairs and out the back door to the car. Once she is belted in and I slide into the driver’s side, I grab my phone and send Ivan a text.

  It is done.

  My signal to let Ivan know I’m heading to the jet. I drive through the city, obeying all the traffic light and driving the speed limit as to not draw attention to myself. Ivan may have the police in his back pocket, but I still do not want to give them a reason to pull me over. The fewer people who knew, the better.

  I reach the private airport, exclusively for the wealthy and Ivan is already on his private plane waiting. I lift Winter into my arms and cradle her against my chest. She feels right there. If only she were there of her own volition.

  I carry her easily up the steps and duck inside the door of the plane just as Ivan steps out of his custom made bedroom in the back. He’s zipping back up his pants and buckling his belt as he looks up.

  “Ah, Skotina! You’re here.” Ivan claps his hands gleefully. “And with my precious cargo.”

  I don’t like the claim he’s already staked on her, but there’s not much I can do about it.

  I ease her down onto one of the plush leather seats. I adjust the headrest so that her head and neck will not be jostled too much and then I secure her seatbelt.

  Ivan watches me closely.

  “You like her,” he says matter-of-factly.

  I say nothing. But when do I ever?

  Ivan rubs his jaw before speaking again. He’s never really made me angry. His next words do.

  “Maybe I’ll let you have her when I’m finished.”

  I imagine him spitting his teeth out. One by one, after I’ve punched him in the mouth.

  Instead, I take my seat across from Winter, secure my belt, and stare out the window. He takes the seat next to me and stares at her for a while.

  “If she’s anything like her manager, I’m going to have a lot of fun. If you know what I mean.” Ivan says with a nudge to my shoulder.

  What have I done?

  Chapter 5

  I slowly come into consciousness. My bed in the Moscow townhome is pretty comfortable, but it feels extra luxurious now. Like sleeping on a cloud. I snuggle deeper into the covers and stre
tch like a cat.

  The image of a dark figure, the feel of a strong gloved hand over my mouth, and the pinch and burn of a drug being injected into my blood stream makes me shoot up in the bed. My eyes dart around but the room is dark, and it’s hard to see where I’m at.

  A light in the corner clicks on.

  Ivan Petrov sits in a high-backed chair next to a small table with a lamp. The light from the lamp doesn’t extend much further than the table and chair, making him the focal point in the room and still leaving me with no idea of where I am.

  He grins at me like the cat that caught the mouse.

  “Good morning, Winter.”

  “What’s going on?” I don’t feel it’s necessary to exchange pleasantries. I want answers.

  Ivan looks down at his dress slacks and brushes imaginary lint from the tops of his thighs. My blood is starting to boil.

  “You said no, Miss Rose,” Ivan says, finally looking up at me again. “I’m not sure if you’ve heard the rumors about me, but I don’t take no for an answer. When I want something, I either ask for it, pay for it, or simply take it. I usually start with the first two and if I’m told no…I take.”

  I am livid.

  “That works if it’s a car, a business or a damn dog. I am a freaking human being! You don’t take human beings like pets.”

  I slide out of the bed and look around. My eyes scan the darkness for a door. I’m ready to make a run for it and peace out this bitch.

  “Skotina,” Ivan says, and I’m not exactly sure what it means.

  The light from a chandelier in the center of the ceiling suddenly drenches the fancy room in light. Standing in front of a closed door is a huge hulking man with a hood on. I feel a chill of familiarity run up my spine.

  The man raises his hands to the hood and pushes it back from his head. An involuntary gasp escapes my lips.

  “YOU!” It’s all I can get out.

  “So you’ve met my Skotina?” Ivan asks curiously, looking at the man.


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