Winter's Beast: A Beauty and the Beast Novel

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Winter's Beast: A Beauty and the Beast Novel Page 20

by Twyla Turner

  “Hey, Yury. This is Doctor Marie Moreau. She’s a facial reconstruction surgeon and specialist. She’s been hounding Winter for years to expand the Happy Faces Foundation to Europe. She’d like to talk to you for a moment.” Faith informs me.

  “Hello, Yury. How are you feeling?”

  “Like I have been shot.”

  They both chuckle before she continues.

  “Faith told me that you’re Winter’s bodyguard and that you were shot while protecting her from some crazy fan.” I look at Faith, and she shakes her head slightly, signaling me to go along with her story. “And for that as well as my own selfish reasons, I’d like to help you with your facial scarring, pro bono. For your heroic actions deserves to be rewarded and in the process, Winter can see my work when she comes out of hiding after her stalker is found. And maybe she’ll be willing to work with the children here in Europe as well. The hospital only allows me so many pro bono cases, but with her foundation, I can help a lot more children.”

  I look at the doctor and then at Faith. Winter’s manager had come up with a bulletproof explanation for everything that had transpired that night. I am impressed.

  “So what do you say? Are you willing to let me work on your scars? I might as well, while you’re here and healing from your other wounds.” The doctor asks hopefully.

  I think of finally being able to walk down the street without hearing gasps of fear or disgust. To look people in the eye and not see pity. To look in the mirror and not hate myself. I think of finally being worthy of having Winter on my arm.

  I know she doesn’t care about my scars and loves me not only despite them but because of them. But when people see us arm and arm one day, I don’t want to see that look of ‘what is she doing with him’ that I know they’d give us.

  I look up at the doctor and nod. “Yes, I will do it.”

  “Perfect!” She claps her hands together in front of her. “I’ll go get the paperwork for you to fill out.”

  She disappears out the doorway, and I look at Faith.

  “That was some story.”

  “I had to come up with something. I didn’t want to do anything that would draw attention to Ivan. I don’t want him hurting her out of desperation if the police show up on his doorstep. I have a feeling that only you can get to her safely. I also figured after everything, you deserve your vengeance.” She leans in and continues in a hushed voice. “So get better, so you can kill that motherfucker.”

  Chapter 28

  Ivan sees the single rose on his desk and freezes. He knows.


  I lean forward into the light of the desk lamp. Ivan’s eyes widen in shock at my face. I wonder if it is my new face or the fact that I am still alive that gives him pause. Either way, it does not matter.

  “How did you…” he trails off.

  “Survive?” I cock my head as I look at him. “Your other guards are not as good as me, boss. You see, I would have found out who delivered the car and who set up the private jet. Your other guards do not know how to tie up loose ends. Winter’s manager was there and called for help.”

  “You are right. You always were the best and most thorough. But uh…no hard feelings, right? You know how I operate. And hey, you came out alright.” Ivan tries to defend himself. Poorly, but he tries.

  “That would be fine if I was one of your regular guards. You were the only male figure in my life. You were the most important person in my life for a long time. I would have taken a bullet for you. I did not expect to take one from you. The one chance I had at being happy, and you were so torn up with jealousy that she actually wanted me that you would rather kill me than to let me be happy. That is some sick and twisted shit, Ivan.”

  “Aww, come on, Sko-”

  “It’s Yury,” I growl.

  Ivan raises his hands, palms out to calm me.

  “You know, I should thank you for that. Because of you, anyone who knows I exist, only knows me as Skotina. You were not a decent enough man to give me a last name. Your name. So because of you, I am a ghost. A dog. Your pet. I do not exist. This face does not exist. Your killer does not exist. Thank you.”

  Pop! Pop!

  The soft pops of my gun with a silencer attached to the end echo in the room. I can see the shock register on Ivan’s face as the bullets hit their mark. He crumples to the floor.

  I slowly get up from behind his desk and walk over to his prone body. His eyes water as he looks up at me. Blood sprays from his mouth as he coughs. Roles have been reversed.

  “I would’ve ripped out your spine from your body, but because you were like a father to me, I decided to give you a more humane death. Goodbye, old friend.” I mimic the words he’d said to me before I lost consciousness in the airplane hangar.

  But unlike him, I make sure I finish the job.


  I put a bullet right between his eyes.


  “It's okay. I’ll do whatever it takes to protect you from him,” I talk softly to my stomach as I rub my bump.

  In all honesty, it’s more to soothe me than the baby. I’m at a loss as to what I should do now. And it won’t be long before Ivan sees me and notices I’m pregnant.

  A knock sounds on the other side of my door, and my heart drops to my stomach.

  It can’t be.

  “Come in,” I call out.

  I watch the door open and in walks a man I’ve never seen before. Yet he looks familiar.

  “Winter,” his voice makes me gasp, and my hands instantly start to shake. “It is me.”

  He cautiously walks up to the bed with a smile on his clean-shaven face. Up close, I can see the faint lines of past scars, but barely noticeable if you didn’t know they used to be there.

  I crawl on hands and knees towards the edge of the bed. I sit back on my haunches and just stare at him.


  “Faith called for help, and the doctors saved me. And another doctor who heard about me and who wants to meet you to talk about bringing Happy Faces to Europe did the surgery and treatments to fix my face,” he explains.

  I’d recognize those brown puppy dog eyes anywhere, but I have to make sure I haven’t cracked and gone insane. Like he’s some kind of mirage my brain made up to cope. So I raise a trembling hand to touch his new face. My fingers meet smooth skin against chiseled bone. He’s real.

  I launch myself towards his chest as I dissolve into hysterical sobs. I cry because I’m overjoyed. I’m relieved. I’m free.

  Speaking of, I pull back from the warm circle of Yury’s arms.

  “What about Ivan?”

  “It is taken care of,” he states matter-of-factly. “And because of that, we must go quickly.”

  “I want to see him with my own eyes first.”

  Yury nods.

  I jump out of bed, grab the notes Yury wrote me that I hid under my mattress, and walk out the door of my five-month prison. Other than the notes, there is nothing I want. No reminders of this place.

  He leads me to Ivan’s study, and sure enough, he is laid out on the floor with a pool of blood surrounding him. His eyes stare sightlessly into nothing. The death stare.

  I slowly walk towards him. I’m careful not to step in the blood surrounding his head. I stare down at him for a few moments. All the emotions that have built up inside of me for the past several months bubbles up and overflows. I can’t stop myself. Before I know what I’m doing, I’m kicking his lifeless body, over and over. Strong arms wrap around me and lift me away from my captor. My tormentor.

  “Shh… It is okay, Winter. It is over now.” Yury whispers in my ear. “We most go now.”

  He lets my body slide down his and my feet touch the floor once more. Satisfied that I said my peace, I quickly turn and back out of the room. Yury takes my hand and leads me out the front door to the elevators. He makes sure he keeps his back to the camera, so he faces me. All I can do is stare at him as we go down.

  He has always been
beautiful to me. He could have never gotten the surgery, and I would’ve been a happy woman. But I know this brings him peace, and for that, I adore his new face. He is absolutely gorgeous, and I have no doubt I’m gonna have to keep an eye on the ladies from here on out.

  “Is it okay,” he asks. “You haven’t said whether you like it.”

  “Yury, you were beautiful to me before. You know that. But I love it. You’re handsome as hell. Just remember who loved you first when the ladies start slipping you their numbers.” I warn him and give him a sassy grin.

  One minute I’m standing there teasing him and the next he lifts me off the floor and wraps me up in a bear hug. His plump pink lips find mine, and I can’t help the catch in my breath as he flicks his tongue against mine.

  It’s been four long months, and I think I’m at the horny stage of my pregnancy. I’m ready to climb him like a tree.

  The elevator doors open and we hurry out of the building into fresh air. I haven’t breathed it in way too long. Around the block, Faith is waiting for us in a ‘getaway’ car.

  “Faith!” I screech as I get inside.

  We awkwardly hug over the driver’s seat.

  “Thank God! I was about to have a heart attack and call the police anyway.” Faith presses a hand to her heart.

  “We’re good. He won’t bother us ever again.” I inform Faith, giving her a look.

  She nods her understanding.

  “Let’s get outta here. I booked two rooms at a nice hotel for the night.” Faith says as she pulls out into traffic. “I figure we could all use a good night’s sleep since everyone is finally safe. And I assumed you both would want to have a proper reunion instead of hopping on a plane right away.”

  “Thanks, Faith. That would be perfect.”

  Yury reaches for my hand and clutches it tightly.


  I walk into the hotel suite behind Winter. I have not been able to keep my eyes off of her since I first walked into that room that had been her prison.

  She looks even more beautiful than I remember. She has a glow about her. Maybe I have it too because we’re finally back together again.

  She walks towards the king size bed and lightly touches the bedspread. She turns to face me, and I see that confidence she’d found those months ago hasn’t diminished.

  “I have something I want to tell you,” she says quietly.

  “What is it?” I step closer.

  Winter grips the hem of her dress and slowly lifts it over her head. It clears her white curls, and she drops the lightweight material to the floor. My eyes begin to devour her beautiful full curves, and they stop at her stomach.

  It is not like how it used to be. Her stomach used to be soft and slightly rounded. Now it looks hard and rounder than before. My eyes shoot up to hers, trying to find an answer.

  “I’m pregnant. You’re going to be a father.” She smiles sweetly and then quickly continues. “And I’m one hundred percent sure the baby is yours. You’re the only man I’ve been with without protection.”

  My legs eat up the space between us and I clutch her face in my hands before taking her lips in a savage kiss. I know I should be gentler, especially in her condition. But I’m overwhelmed with feelings, and I cannot hold them back.

  I quickly turn her around and help her unclasp her bra. My lips find her neck, and she gasps as she presses her ass into my erection. I rip her panties down, unclasp my pants, bend her over, and slide home. I know I should have prepared her for me, but I couldn’t wait.

  “Aaaaah! Yury!” Winter cries. “I missed this…so much.”

  My teeth grind as I hold back the climax that is already tightening my scrotum. I wrap one arm around her waist and lift her off of the ground as my other hand clutches her throat. I use all of my strength to lift her up and down my length.

  “Shit, Yury. I’m gonna come soon. I want to see you.” She pleads with me.

  I release her from my grasp and sit on the edge of the bed. She doesn’t waste any time crawling onto my lap. I help ease her down onto my cock and her swollen cunt squeezes me tight.

  I press my hand against her rounded tummy and marvel over the fact that I am going to be a father. It is my chance to right the wrongs that were done to me. To be the father that I had needed.

  I raise my eyes to hers, and I can’t help the tears that are gathered there. Hers mirror mine as she blinks at me. Winter holds my face in her hands looking closely at the face I was supposed to have all along. I hold onto her hips as she rides me.

  “I love you so much, Winter. You and our baby are my world.” I tell her as the tears finally slip down my face.

  “I love you, too.” She says with a watery smile. “I’m so happy.”

  She wraps me up tightly in her arms, and I pull her closer. Our lips find each other as our orgasms crest. Catching each other’s cries in a deep kiss.

  The nightmare is finally over.

  She is mine.

  They are mine.


  Three years later…

  I feel a kick to the gut. Followed by a tuck and roll. Ending with a tiny butt protruding from the side of my stomach. My daughter. Our daughter. Summer Lily. Yeah, we decided to keep the season and flower theme going when we found out she was a girl. Giving her what would’ve been my name, no matter if I passed on the albinism gene to her or not. She could come out green for all I care. The name stays. I’ve been calling her Summer for months, and I can’t see her as anything else. Especially, since it was Yury who had first come up with the idea as if that was his plan for the kid all along if it turned out to be a girl.

  He had been so nervous when Alexei was born. He had been afraid he’d hurt our son. That he was still a monster. Years of brainwashing was hard to break.

  But the night Alex was born, and the moment Yury laid eyes on him, it was love at first sight. And he took to being a dad like a fish took to water.

  In fact, he is way better than I am at being a parent. The slightest sound from the baby monitor and he jumped up in the middle of the night to check on him. To change his diaper. To feed him. I don’t mean to brag, but I’m the most well-rested new mom in the history of the world. I have to fight him to let me do anything.

  Which is why Alexei is Daddy’s little boy, and those two are thick as thieves. It’s the ‘terrible twos’ alright. The two of them constantly getting into trouble roughhousing.

  I’ve told Yury on numerous occasions that the next kid is all mine. He doesn’t get to hog both of them. Summer is already Mommy’s little girl.

  I pretend as if I’m jealous of their bond, but in reality, I love it. It is beautiful to see them together. I had to keep myself from bursting into tears at times.

  Yury had said once while watching Alex sleep, “I thought that loving you was all the space my heart had. I had no idea it expands. I do not think I have any room left in my chest, it feels so big.”

  Yeah, I totally had to hold back the tears.

  I hear a familiar knock on my dressing room door. A smile spreads across my lips.

  “Come in.”

  The door cracks open, and two heads pop around it. One high above and a little one down below. I grin at them through their reflection in the mirror and then turn as Alex comes flying across the room on chubby toddler legs. I reach down just in time to scoop him up.

  “Alexei,” Yury says in a scolding tone. “You know your mama should not be picking you up right now.”

  I smile and shake my head at my overprotective husband. “It’s okay, Yury. I’m alright.

  “Mommy, you gonna sing?”

  “Yes, baby. I am.”

  “But you sing for me.”

  “Yes, but other people like to hear me sing too.”

  “Okay, mommy. I share.”

  He is the most precious little boy I’ve ever seen. But then again I’m sure I’m biased.

  I kiss him on his sweet little lips and set him down on his feet. He immediately runs and
launches his little body into Yury’s awaiting arms. Yury walks over and leans down to give me a kiss. I clasp his handsome face and run my thumbs over his strong jaw. I hear Alexei giggle. Yury pulls away and smacks a sloppy kiss on the side of our son’s face.

  “Ew! Gross, daddy!” He makes a face and wipes his cheek.

  Yury chuckles and then looks down at me. His soft, brown puppy dog eyes melting my heart. Alexei has the same eyes.

  I’ll never get tired of the way he looks at me. As if I am the sun, lighting up his whole world. I suppose I am. I made him feel human again. I was the first person to show him love. Because of me, his face had been restored. And I carried and birthed the apple of his eye. So I’m not ashamed to say that I am the center of his new universe. As he is mine.

  Luckily, he only has eyes for me because once his face was fixed the ladies came out of the woodwork. Every time I look around some woman is flirting with my man. It was actually quite comical. To see his face when it happens is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen, next to our son. He’d blink in shock, pull away from their clutches if they were bold enough to touch him, and then if I was near, he’d reach for me and pull me in front of him. Or if I wasn’t, he’d frantically search for me and give me a look that said ‘save me.’

  He wasn’t used to the attention, but I guess after twenty years of being ignored, feared, or pitied, I would be the same way.

  “We will be watching up front. Good luck.” Yury winks before carrying Alex upside-down and giggling from the dressing room.

  I laugh. Yury can never say ‘break a leg’ like you’re supposed to before someone performs. He’s too protective to even say the common phrase to me. He thought it was a cruel thought to have.

  I love that man with every fiber of my being and the life we’ve built together only gets better and better every day.

  The Beast snatched me in the night and stole my heart.


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