Book 7 of The traveler.

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Book 7 of The traveler. Page 9

by Robin Miller

  I said, "it would be good exercise. I need to buff up my telekinetic muscles. The more I do, the more I know I can do. I may not want to find out how great this power can be, but with this war that is upon us, I must try to do my best for the sake of the planet."

  Owsee, "worried about losing control?"

  I said, "if I can move a mountain of dirt, I can also dump it on someone." Owsee, "before you lost your memory, you were working on control by playing with small things. Juggling fruit or catching fish without a net. It helped you learn to focus your power."

  I said, "I had a dream I could control lightning."

  Owsee, "once, when you were pissed off, we had a bad storm. But could not say you were responsible."

  I said, "well, I better get a good night’s sleep, tomorrow is going to be another big day."

  Owsee said me too and went to his apartment over over the barn, as I went inside. I said goodnight to Kitty, and the children as they listened to the last storyteller of the night on the radio.

  I had no dreams, that I can remember, that night. But I woke up feeling full of energy.

  Day 92

  Owsee joined us for fish and potatoes, and Gripper was soon there to have coffee with us. Owsee said he would make sure his crew got to work on the ships that needed repairs, and try to mine the rest of the site for my clubs and hotels. He gave me a list of the ones that were mined in case I could get by them today. Gripper asked if we were going to check on things on the space station first, or go right to moving old ships.

  I said, "let's see to the station first, Owsee has enough old ships to start with." The children asked what they could do today, and I said how about helping the dock crew with the fighters ammunition refit. They were happy to again be part of the engineering crew. I asked if Kitty needed help with her current orders this morning, and she said she got caught up last night and took care of it. So after breakfast Kitty went to work, Owsee headed for his spaceport at Central city, and the rest of us were off to the space station. When we got there Gripper and the Twins went straight for the fighters, while I went to astrophysics to check on the new data. The chief Plexon engineer was there, checking on what was happening on Plexon. He said, "I didn't know anyone was running a program down here, nice design. Do we have our young engineers to thank for this work?" I said, "yes we do. They're working on the fighters today, but I came down here to look over the data from last night. How are things looking?"

  Chief, "the debris field is just now passing Plexon. Can't know how much fell on the planet or is burned up, and no one is returning my call. According to the model the debris will hit Tronex in two days, and us four days later. If there is nothing to change its path that is."

  I said, "that's what it looked like yesterday. How wide is the field now?" Chief, "the data puts it at around 10,000 miles."

  I said, "it's a little bigger than it was before it swung around Plexon. Well let me know if you hear anything, I hope all the robots burned up. I need to call Tronex to see what they are going to do."

  I then went back down to the landing bay to talk toGripper. We used the dock Master's office to reach a friend of Gripper's on Tronex. While he was trying to get through I found a bottle of monk juice in Owsee’s desk and helped myself to a drink. When Gripper reached his friend he said, "you didn't call me back. What's going on there?"

  His friend "Newne" said, "it's been hard to find anything out. No one has a clear picture of the problem, or what to do about it. Even Plexon is not talking to us." I said, "you have two days before the metal eating robot spiders get your planet. If they don't burn up on their way down, the things will start eating holes in anything they can find that is metal, and you will be quarantined until they are all destroyed."

  Newne, "we make farming and mining equipment, we don't have much in the way of warships. We never even needed a space station because Plexon is so close. But we can't reach them to find out what they will do for us. Can you give us any help?"

  I said, "do you have any mines or explosives?"

  Newne, "we sell mining explosives, lots of that."

  I said, "you may want to start making mines to put in orbit, maybe rig some old ships to blow up. I can send a few ships to fire upon the debris field, we may hit something, but the more we knocked out the less you will have to deal with. What authority do you have?"

  He said, "I am the chief of commerce, which is the power over anything that will affect trade or production on or with Tronex."

  I said, "well I would say the M.E.R.S. would for sure effect your commerce. So I must be talking to the right man. Is there is anyone else we need to go to before I start toward you with a fleet of fighters?"

  Newne, "I am the highest authority for off world negotiations."

  I said, "fine then, you start building mines, and we will let you know where the best place will be to do the job. Meanwhile I'll see if we can do some damage, talk to you soon."

  I then said to Gripper, "I have a feeling the Plexons may be having a bit more trouble than they thought they would."

  Gripper, "if even Newne can't reach them, their communication satellite must be out."

  I said, "well if it's made of metal, it's full of holes by now. How about you take a strike force of the fighters that have been refitted with extra ammunition. Use my Plexon heavy fighter for extra power, but don'tget too close. I don't want holes in my ships."

  Gripper, "I'd be honored to lead the strike force sir, but what are you going to do that would keep you from it?"

  I said, "I'm going to Plexon on my living ship "Id," I want to see firsthand what we are up against."

  Gripper, "that ship is the only one that can go there without worry of being attacked."

  I said, "make sure all the pilots take all safeguards. They should wear their suits and helmets as well, and stay away from the debris field. That's going to be hard because it's so spread out, but it will be your job to bring them all home safely." Gripper, "I won't let you down sir."

  I then went to my ship and started toward Plexon. It would take a couple of hours to get there so I took a nap. It didn't matter that I was not tired, I still nodded off. My ship woke me as we passed through the debris field near Plexon, still in phasecloak, the M.E.R.S. were a bit bigger than the ones I saw on Spectrownem. They were clinging to the large rocks and not moving much. They took no notice of us as we pass through them, then down to the planet. We didn't need to get very low before seeing lots of small arms fire. The Plexons had a problem with the metal eating robot spiders that did not burn up asthey came down. We zipped around checking one place then another, the problem was widespread. I asked my ship if it would not mind if we took one of the broken robots back to look at. It said it would be fine, so we picked one up and headed home. I napped for the trip home as well, as it was the best way to make a long trip short. When I got back I looked up my engineering friends, the Twins U1&U2, they were at the plant that made the electromagnets. I asked them to have a look at the broken robot I had. They did a scan and said it was using some rather large memory crystals, but they could not tell me what was on its mind because it lost power to its CPU. They said there was no backup system, and a large EMP would most likely shut them down.

  I said, "that's good to know, but the field is over 10,000 miles wide. It would take a large solar flare to do it, and they won't be coming from that direction." I asked how it was coming with the mines, and they said they could only make a hundred or so a day. I told them the latest model shows part of the field will pass close to the second moon.

  I said, ”we don't want the things that close to us, so we need to set up a number of mines there, as well as anything else you two have to take care of the problem.”

  They said, U1, “what makes you think we may have anything,” U2, “up there that would be of any help?”

  I said, "just between you and I, the factory you have in the old mines in lunar two do not concern me. Unless the metal eating robot spiders make use of it, so
let's just say we don't want them, any of them, so close to us. We could just let any that will land on the moon do so, and deal with them later, but I rather wipe them out now so we don't need to deal with them ever again."

  They said, “if we did have our secret factory on lunar two, it would be well protected.”

  I said, “the Plexons thought they had nothing to fear from the robot spiders, and now they are a quarantine planet with no communications. All I'm saying is that now is the time to make plans. So if you don't see any reason to use space mines around lunar-two, just let us know, I'll use them in defense of the planet. We need all the help we can get.”

  They said, well blowing them up before they even reach the moon is still a good idea, but if you think you may need the mines to help protect the planet don't worry about the moon. I'm sure we can rig a few EMP’s that will do the same job. There is nothing on the surface of the moon to be hurt by a large electromagnetic pulse blast."

  I said, "you're right about that, and it's a good idea. I'll leave it up to you." As I was leaving I said, "by the way, my book factory could use another shipment of ink before that becomes impossible, when you have the time. 50 drums would do."

  They said they had at least that much in storage on planet, and would send it over. I thanked the men, and went to the space station to see how things were going. The Twins were still working with the engineering crew on the fighter upgrades. I asked if they wanted to go to lunch with me, but they said they had got some food from the replicator, and were fine. I said okay and told them what I saw on my trip, and what U1&U2 said about the robot I showed them. They said it was too bad the debris field did not pass through a system without people, or we could set off a large solar blast that would produce a electromagnetic pulse to wipe most of the their CPUs.

  I said, “unfortunately we can’t always solve our problems with bigger bombs. I’m going to lunch then working on a number of things. Kitten, do you want a ride to your music lessons?”

  She said she forgot all about them and would indeed like a ride. So we went to the music store and found Muser given a lesson to apair of children trying to learn the flute. They were just ending their lesson for the day as we walked in. I told them I played the flute as well, and showed them my white dragon flute. They asked if it was true that there were only five white dragons ever made. I said that's the word. They asked me to play it for them, so I did a short piece for them to hear what a sweet flew it was. The two children then thanked me and left. Muser showed me a list of things needed to fix up a studio for him and a proper place to teach music. He had the estimated cost as well. So I gave him a credit chip with more than enough on it for what was needed, and a advance on his pay so he could get anything he may need for himself. He said he would call the order in right away so he could get started on the work this afternoon. I said I would bring the tools by when I came back to get kitten.

  I then left and went to the club. I ordered the soup and gave the band a call to see if they could play tonight, but not all night long. Just four hours, the two before midnight and after. They said they were in negotiations to play at another club, but they would tell them they were now booked.

  I said, "good, and while we are at it, I would like to book you for the night after we fight the metal eating robot spiders. All night party, and then one night each week after that, and after I get some more clubs built have you play five nights a week, if you don't mind being my house band that is."

  They said they would love to play for me as often as I'd like, and it would be nice to be booked up. I said, “fine, then I'll tell my bank to credit your account.” Newsy stopped by the table saying he was about to go do the news, and wondered if I had anything new for him.

  I said, "as a matter of fact I do, Plexon did not do as well as they had hoped against the metal eating robot spiders. The planet is now infested and I would call for a quarantine by any ships coming or going there. Tronex has asked for help in fighting this problem, and we have a fleet of ship's attacking the debris field the robots are in, as we speak. Work on space mines is going well, and the owner of the central city spaceport is working on five old ships, to be used against the metal eating robot spiders as we speak and we are taken more to him today. I hope other stations are doing their part. I'll even pay for the parts if they need me to. Talking about parts, we have a new parts lists for all the ship parts on the planet. Just go to space station programs and look for the world parts list. It will tell you if the part is on planet, and who has it. Remember, we need time to put in the remote controls as well as the bombs, so we no longer have a full week to work on the ships. I hope everyone will pitch in and help us put the fleet together."

  Newsy, "I'm glad I recorded it. I'll run it just as recorded."

  I said, "also ask the ports to call in to the radio station website, and let us know who is helping out there, so we can say thank you to them on the radio. Feel free to press the point that this is the only city we know of yet that is fixing up old ships for the war."

  Newsy, "I'll lay it on thick."

  He then said he had to get to the radio station to do the noon news. I said, “by the way, you can tell people that the band the acoustic 10 will be planned at the club tonight.”

  He said, "I'll do that," and left to do the news. My soup came, and it was a cream of mushroom with a dumpling. I forgot to ask what kind of mushrooms the chef used, it was good tasting though. I ate bread and cheese with it and have a beer. I wanted to kill some time before going back to get kitten, so I went to one of the sites where I would build a new club and Hotel. It was a sandy place next to a ship yard. There was no one around so I set my mind to moving the sand for the club and hotel basement. I turned my telekinetic enhancer on and started to move the sand. First a little, then a storm of sand flew out and over the desert. When the sand and dust had settled there were two large holes where the club and hotel would go, and I was not all that tired.So I went to another site to do the same. Though it was dirt it didn't seem to matter. After the holes were ready I went to my book factory to get some tools Muser would need. While there I called the man that did the stone bunker we now call my club. I said to Digger that I had two holes ready for a bunker in each, if he had any time. He said, "no digging, that's the fun part, but of course I'll build your bunkers." I told him where the sites were, and that I would soon have many more, at least another 17.

  He said, "this is going to be my best year yet, for bunkers."

  I then got my box of tools and went to the music store. While waiting for kitten I called my main contractor and told him about the two sites that were dug out and ready for work to start on my new hotels. And said the other sites would be ready within the next few days, I would let him know. He said he would start putting the crews together, and getting things started.

  I said, “while you are getting the steel and stone, I will work on deals for all the rest.”

  He said, “pluming and power will need to go in hand-in-hand with the construction, but we usually get a deal.”

  I said, "then you can handle that part. I'll takebids for everything after the stone is hard. If they come to you with a bid just sendthem to me, it's the only fun I get out of the deal."

  After my talk with the contractor I could hear it was quiet outback, so I went to see if kitten was done. As I walked in Muser said, "perfect timing, we were just wrapping up for the day."

  I said, "a box of tools is by the checkout counter. I think there is everything you will need."

  Muser, "I appreciate the opportunity to show you how handy I can be." Kitten and I then went back to the space station. Kitten joined her brother working on the fighters while I gave Gripper a call, from a dock master's office, to see how things were going. When I reached him he said they were on their way back with all ships intact. I told him I wanted to set up a check station, away from the space station, to make sure they did not bring anything back with them. He said he would hold the fleet halfway between the m
oon and the station until they had the chance to inspect the ships. I said I was going to move a few old ships, and to give me a call after he had docked. I then went down on the docks and talked to the Plexon engineer. He said he heard I went to Plexon, and wanted to know how things were. I told him what I had seen, and that it may take them a few days just to get their communications back, butthe people should be alright. He said it was good to have even that small bit of news from home. I asked if he had family there and what they did. He said, “five children all grown up, and with families of their own. They have their own parts factory on the planet, and I hope the M.E.R.S. did not give them too much trouble.”

  I asked how the work on the fighters was coming along, and he said, “moving along faster now that we have the Twins helping. They are fast workers, and helpful to everyone.”

  I said good to hear it, and that I would be back to take them home in a few hours. On my way to my ship I passed the flight director, and asked how training was going.

  He said, "only 35 of the old pilots came back, but we filled the empty ships with 15 pilots that wanted to learn to fly fighters. So we have the men but there is a lot of green to them."

  I said, "well at lease we don’t have to worry about an enemy that will fire back. If they can fly, push a button and bring the ship back, it's the least I will ask of them. But there is no telling what we may run into one day, so let's not go light on the training."

  I then flew down to where we left my big ship Tubby, and flew to the next old ship to be moved to the port for repairs. But it was hard to get to with my ship, there was just not enough room to land. I suppose we could toss down some tow lines, but I could not do that by myself, so I went to the next one on my list. The instructions were to land next to a lake with a nearby farm. I found the landing site and went down, but still could not see the ship.

  The farmer came over and said, "I guess you're here for that old ship." I said yes and where is it, and he said, "in the middle of that lake. Been there for 30 years, but it's not deep. If you swim out to the middle you can just stand on top of it."


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