Book 7 of The traveler.

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Book 7 of The traveler. Page 14

by Robin Miller

  I said, “wait a minute, how did our buoy do?”

  He said, “they were on it like Owsee on pancakes, and it lasted just about as long.”

  I said, "okay, I’ll have to come up with another way to save the star gate. Call me when you get back."

  The Twins were whispering to each other, then said that if I turned the gate on and jammed it open, anything close to it would be sucked into hyperspace and the metal eating robot spiders will not have time to eat the gate. Then they will drift deep into hyperspace.

  I said, "I don't like polluting between gates like that, but it may be the only way to deal with the problem."

  I got myself another cup of coffee and put some fire powder in it for a pick me up. I asked if Kitty needed help with scarf orders, and she said she did the work last night, then I asked Owsee if he was going to the port. He said yes and would not mind a ride.

  So I said, "not at all, I need to take the Twins tothe Trident, just let me finish my coffee."

  The children helping their mother clear the table, and put some fruit and soda in their bags, then we were ready to go. I told Kitty to have a good day, and the rest of us got on my ship and went to the port. Owsee's mining crew was waiting for him, and the Twins went to the Trident where the engineers from the space station were waiting for them.

  I yelled out, "2 1/2 days."

  Then went to the club for another coffee and to plan my day. I had forgot to call the other three storytellers last night, so that was on my list. I sat down in my booth, and the barkeeper got my coffee while I looked at my mail. There they were, all 17 people I asked for to work at story land Park, each one had left a number or e-mail address I could reach them at. So I called the last three storytellers up first, and each was ready to take the job. Then I called the manager of my hotel, and told him to deal with the 10 storytellers, and to make them welcome. The bartender asked if he could get me anything else and I told him my storytellers were to eat for free, but the drinks would cost them, and to pass the information on to the next workers. Then I put some more fire-powder in my coffee and started to call the other workersfor the park. To asked each one to meet me at the park for a tour at midday then we would have lunch at the club, my treat. I was able to reach them all, and they agreed to be there. It was a great bit of luck to reach them all so quickly, to set up the meeting. I should've thought of it the day before, and had the employment office tell them where and when I wanted to meet. But I guess I was too tired to think straight. The coffee and fire powder was starting to help, but by now it was already just over an hour until midday. I decided to go to another hotel site and try to make another hole in the ground. So I downed the rest of my coffee and headed out. It was daylight at the site, but no one around, just open desert off the backside of a spaceport. This one didn't even have a road to it yet, we would have to fix that. I turned on the telekinetic enhancer and moved the sand from where the club would be, I was a little tired but not bad. Then I set my mind to the hole for the hotel's basement. That took a little bit out of me, but I was not on my knees, just tired. I then went to my freight company and asked my manager if we could spare the mechanics for a day or two, to help with some welding at the port shipyard's. He said, "it's your company. If we get a ship that is down for a day or two, waiting for repairs, it will cost you but we are happy to help in any way we can." So I sent two of my mechanics over to the port to help. Then I went back to the club to sit down and have a drink of rum & juice with some fire powder. I had a smoke and some fruit, well rested up. There were enough sites to keep the crews busy for a while, but that's not why I was doing the digging, or just moving the sand and dirt as it be. It was good telekinetic exercise, and I was bulking up for the big day against the scrapers. If the gift the techno-sages gave me would enhance my abilities a thousand fold, I wanted to have as much natural ability as I could to start with. If I was to do the things I saw in my dream it would take every bit of strength I had to do it right. That was something I could not share with others, even if it may look bad that I didn't go with the fleet today. The kind of power I would have is not an easy thing most people could over look or be easy with. But with any luck, only the children would know, and my ship. But I felt they could handle the truth. Newsy came by and I had him sit with me for a drink, as I told him about the Trident, and how useful it would be if we can get it ready in time, and my goal to get 20 radio stations online just in case anything happened to our satellites. I said we were working on a plan to save the star gate to this section of space, as well as a new computer program that will help us launch all the ships we want to use against the invaders, in a safe direction. Newsy said, "this is all great news, anything new on the park?"

  I said, "10 storytellers have been hired, and 17 coworkers have an interview with me at noon, we are still looking at opening in three days."

  Newsy, "this has been a good day for news."

  I said, "you may also tell our listeners I have started construction on a new club and hotel in capital city, for their convenience, and will soon build one in each time zone. That's 19 more."

  Newsy, "well if they are as nice as this one, you will sure get that business." I said, "they will be just the same, and each one will have live music at least once a week."

  Newsy, "this is a good day for news."

  He downed his drink and said he had to go work up his report. Then I finished my drink and went over to my book factory to see how things were. Arty said he was keeping up with orders, and the ink came in the other day, which was a good thing as we were down to our last barrel. We talked for a bit then I went to the park. My ship gave me a ride there, while I talked to her about the Stargate and the metal eating robot spiders. She saw no problem with letting them into hyperspace, as she said, "we smash robots, fun to play with."

  I took that to mean it was okay, and asked if her family would help smash the robots that were on their way here.

  She said, “no, not in your space, liven ships only protect their hyperspace realm." I thought to myself, well in that case I may as well just leave the gate open as the debris field with the robots in it go by.

  She said, "yes, leave gate open."

  I had forgotten for a moment she was also reading my mind. When we got there, I had her cloak and hover over the entrance to the park. It was about midday and most of the people were there. I wanted to greet all of them at the same time so we waited a little bit as the rest came. I could see them but they had no idea I was up there checking them out. And a great deal can be learned by watching people as they wait, especially if it’s for you. I keep counting as the rest came, and we got to the 17 I had my ship drop me behind the building, then I came out front to great them all. After a short hello I took them on a tour of the park. I explained their duties, and how they would work with each other. The group was of mixed sex and age, and they all had some training in the jobs they would do. I told the guards we would have to get them both uniforms, and the life guard needed to learn CPR. The manager had to be brought up to speed on how things would work, and who to call for deliveries. I toldthem we open in three days, but for the two food stands I think it best if you start cooking tomorrow, and start putting food in their freezer or refrigerators. I told them they would get paid for the extra two days. The trash compactor came and they put it in place. I told maintenance getting power to it was their first job. They said they would need an expense account, and I told them to see the manager. Then I looked over to him and said, "we will talk."

  As we walked through the park I told them to give their account numbers to the manager, so he could make sure everyone got paid. That I didn't expect anyone to get up before the sun, that they all should eat a good breakfast before coming to work, however I expected the park to be open by two hours after the sun is up; and that it would close with the sunset. I said if anyone lives too far away to get to work on time, they should move closer or find another job. I said I understand that sometimes people need a day off, just let
us know so we can get some extra help for the day. I then answered their questions the best I could, as we walked up the road to the club. I had the foresight to reserve two tables, and a couple of bar chairs nearby booth. I shared my booth with the manager, security, maintenance and the welcome lady that would take your credits. The two other tables were filled with the workers from the food and drink booths, with the lifeguard at the bar near us. I asked the bartender if my children had been in yet, and he said, “not yet, but Owsee had some smorgesh pie and meat sandwiches sent over, along with a case of cold soda.”

  I said, "sounds like they're eating on the job."

  Everyone had something different. I just had a meat sandwich, and called Kitty to see if she was in the mood for a seafood cookout tonight. She thought that was a great idea, and that we should have Nursa and Gripper over. I said yes and the doctor as well. She said she would call Nursa, I could talk to Gripper and the doctor, as well as bringing the food we would need. I said I would get the seafood, and she could pick up anything else she thought we may need. Then I told Jolly Jack to have the kitchen prepare me a box of uncooked seafood to serve eight for a cookout, and put in extra. I would pick it up on my way home tonight. He said he would take care of it.

  My manager, "Argentum," Ag for short, said, "a seafood cookout, that sounds good."

  I said, "yeah well, it’s the best way to get my first mate the commander, and the dock-master all together without cutting into their free time or slowing down their day. Everyone has to eat sometime."

  He said, "you got that right."

  I said, "talking about eating, you'll have to rotate the work shifts so employees can eat. The food stands will be a problem, as lunch is a busy time. You’ll need to hire an extra person to fill in part time, like three hours a day, that way each will get a full hour off."

  He said, "an hour for lunch, got it."

  I said, "of course we will not do that the first day. We will wait and see, when and if, it may be necessary. Until then people take their breaks when they can." He said, "three people that can pitch in for as much as three hours a day, but no more. I'm thinking maybe maintenance could help from time to time, until it becomes an everyday thing."

  They were setting right there, so I looked at them and said, "what do you think about that?"

  The three of them agreed that if it was not every day, and just until the park became busy.

  I said, "good, what other problems can we hash out while you have my attention?"

  The two guards said, "we were bank representatives, how much force can we use if we need to break up a fight or take someone out?"

  I said, "you can keep your guns but I want you to carry shock sticks. As I said before, just seeing you on the job is more than most need. It's likely you will end up with a lost child from time to time, that will be part of your job, and if someone needs a doctor dealing with the situation will be part of your job as well. The clinic is just across the road."

  Guards, "will you have guards on the place at night as well?"

  I said, "I wasn’t planning on it, but being so close to the port I may as well get a pair."

  Guards, "a ship could land behind the woods and take all your food, then be three star gates away before anyone comes in."

  I said, "you're right of course, know anyone?"

  They said, "we each know someone that will serve you well."

  I said, "they can start tonight if they like, have them give Ag their bank numbers. They will get the same as you, I'll stop by to meet them when I can." He said, "we rather wear our own clothes instead of uniforms."

  I said, "then you must wear white hats that say security on them." They said that would be fine, and I said, “I will have my wife make up four of them tonight, I would not want to walk into my park at night and shoot my own guards."

  They nodded in agreement, then Gripper called me from the space station, telling me he was back. I told him I would be right up, and slipped out of the booth, saying, "by the way, you two can start tomorrow as well, if you like.” They said they would be there. I told my new manager if there was anything else just e-mail me and I will get back to you, then I left.

  I got on my ship and went to the station to see that there was a number of fighters still waiting to dock, and the ships that came to get water were stacked five deep in line. Gripper was on the docks as I landed, and I asked how it went. Gripper, "about the same as yesterday, we just don't seem to be doing much damage, and the fact that you were not with us again puts a damper on the man's spirit."

  I said, "yes I know, I've thought about that, but there were things I had to do to get myself ready for the big day. I can't tell you more."

  Gripper, "I understand that there are times the captain cannot, and need not, tell his commander some things. It's just the morale of the men I am thinking about." I said, "let's do something about that."

  I taped my communication badge, and said put me onstation wide, and all fighters both here and at lunar one. A moment later she said ready sir, and I said, "welcome back fighter pilots. The blow we struck today may not have seemed to be a great one, but every bit helps and we shall not give up. For those that have noticed I was not with you, I can now tell you about a weapon we have been working on that will help with this war. A Trident warship, I hope to fly in a day or two. Along with the power of the stations, and the fleet of ships we are gathering, we believe we will be a force to be reckoned with. And as far as the rumor goes about my having a secret weapon of great power, just remember that most of the time rumors are not true. Welcome home brave pilots, victory shall be ours!"

  There was a large shout from the docks that made it on the public address to the whole station.

  Then I said, "I'll say that get them up a bit."

  Gripper, "you think?"

  I said, "by the way, we are having a seafood cookout at my place tonight, Kitty has already called Nursa."

  Gripper, "sounds good to me, what is this business about a rumor about a secret weapon?"

  I said, "there are always rumors, why not let one work for us?"

  Gripper, "do you have a secret weapon?"

  I said, "like I say, if I tell you, it would not be a secret."

  Gripper, "by the way, the station near star gate W1 has moved clean out of sight.” I said, "that's a bit more than was needed. Guess they are not taking chances." Gripper, "have you come up with a way to save the gate yet?"

  I said, "the Twins did, we will open it as they pass by."

  Gripper, "won't that just pollute Hyperspace?"

  I said, "the living ships will take care of the metal eaten robot spiders once they are there."

  Gripper, "well it sounds like we have a plan."

  I said, "talking about plans, we need to move the three parts of the station to the safe spot to fire from, and I don't want to wait until the last minute to do that but I also don't want to cut off selling water too soon."

  Gripper, "I see no problem in splitting the station in two shortly before we need to, but the lunar one base must take the miners with it when we move the station. A day should be enough warning to the outgoing ships, the rest will just have to get their water before they leave the planet."

  I said, "then we move the stations tomorrow, I'll put the warning on the radio. I want to check the model in the astrophysics Lab before I go, I would like to start taking the mines to lunar two tomorrow, if the orbit will hold."

  Gripper, "I want to see that all the pilots got back before I call it a day." So I went to the ships communications room, and gave the announcers the news about the water, then to the astrophysics lab to see what I can learn. The closer the space debris with the robots got the clearer the borders became. I could now not only see what side of the planet would be in their path, but just where the moons would be as well. Lunar one was still holding a safe place in the sky, but lunar two would get hit by part of the debris field for sure. We would use the mines there to blow up as many as we could. When I g
ot back to the docks I told Gripper I would see him at my place, and flew to the port to pick up the Twins. When I got to the Trident there were seven people welding all over the ship, and the Twins were working inside. As I came up they were showing one of the engineers how to fit an energy coil and a heat dispenser, between the outer plating and the radiation shield. He said to them I got it now and the Twins walked over to me saying, "it has become more than just a patch job, but it will be ready in time, maybe tomorrow."

  I said, "that would be great, I'm looking forward to taking it up myself. It's just about sunset, are you ready to go home?"

  Kitten, "yes, we are eager to get back to work on the remote-flight program." So we flew over to the club and got the boxes of seafood, then home. Putting them on the back porch, kitten opened a box to find the food was still alive. I said this kind of food is best live until cooked, and the Twins went gathering firewood. I turned on the radio for the news, and it was not quite time for it yet, but just basic music would do. I lit my pipe and got myself a drink, brandy and Ginger ale, but I was thirsty and soon had to make another. I showed the children how to start a fire, and they did a good job of keeping an eye on it until it was burning well. Then I put a few logs on, and I heard something out front, so I went to see what it was. Nursa had just pulled up in a new transport. It was not made for cargo, just people. It had a slick design and seated five. I helped her bring the children inside, as they could not walk yet but they sure could crawl fast. Nursa said, "am I early?"

  I said, "somebody has got to be first. That's a nice transport your got." Nursa, "do you like it? I thought blue would be a better color, but he had his eye on the white one. It’s his money anyway so why do I care?"

  I said, "I don't know, but it sure looks like it will come in handy no matter what color it is. Can I get you a drink?"


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