Besting Brady (Hearts of Hollis Book 2)

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Besting Brady (Hearts of Hollis Book 2) Page 3

by Nicole Dykes

  “You do realize how much you had to drink, right?” I tell her. “Besides, I want to show you what I’ve been working on first.”

  “It’s late, Brady.”

  “It’ll only take a minute.” I assure her and hold out my hand. Lilly looks down at my extended hand and then slowly places her hand in mine. “This way.”

  I lead her towards the stairs behind the bar. I’m honestly pretty proud of what Jack’s entrusted me with. Normally Caleb would be over a remodel like this, but Jack’s given me free reign.

  “Is this the part where you take me somewhere private and kill me?” Lilly jokes.

  “This…is one of my jobs.” I explain. “Almost finished.”

  I push the door open to the apartment and flick on the small lamp on the table. Most of the furniture has already been moved back in.

  “Just have to finish the bathroom remodel now.” I say and lean against the door as Lilly looks around the apartment. Everything has been updated and remodeled. Jack even splurged on DirecTV.

  Lilly walks towards me, a serious look on her face. “I like it.”

  “Me too. It’s been fun…”

  I’m interrupted mid-sentence by her lips crashing into mine. Fucking hell. I wasn’t expecting that.

  I haul her against me, lifting her enough so I can carry her to the bed. Her heels clink to the floor as we walk. Our hands move in a frenzy, shedding each other of the barrier of clothes. I don’t even let her get my jeans all the way down. To my knees is far enough.

  I grab a condom from my back pocket and tear the package open while she eagerly strokes me with one hand. I quickly sheathe myself and push away the thought that I should slow down. It’s obvious that a quick fuck is what Lilly wants. What she needs. I tug her panties to the side and slam into her with a groan.

  “God, yes!” she cries out. See what I mean.

  I keep a steady pace, making sure that she comes at least twice before I even think about my own release. When I’m finished, I do everything I should. I kiss her softly, tell her how fucking incredible she was, and hold her in my arms a few minutes before I go dispose of the condom.

  When I return, she’s snuggled under the covers half asleep. This is my dilemma. I brought her up here and now she wants to stay. Shit. I know I can’t leave or Jack would be pissed that I let someone stay in the apartment - unfinished apartment - without me. Hell, he’ll be pissed that we stayed here together. So, I ease into the bed behind her and figure I’ll wake her up early and we’ll head out. This is the last thought in my head as I doze off.

  When the sun shines through the window first thing the next morning, I roll over and reach for Lilly. I consider the possibility of round two before we head out.

  “Lilly?” I mumble and open my eyes. She’s gone.

  What the fuck?

  Chapter 6


  I hop out of the shower in the bathroom of my small motel room. I quickly put on some clothes and walk out of the bathroom, all of the evidence of last night’s hookup washed off of my body. Somehow though, I can still feel him.

  Brady. God, that was hot. I’m not sure what came over me last night when he was showing me around what will soon be my home for a few months. I’m usually a long commitment sort of girl. It’s not really like me at all to have casual sex with someone who was a complete stranger to me before yesterday, but I thought what the hell. It had been a while since I’ve been with a man and he’s sexy as sin. I knew he wouldn’t disappoint and damn was I right.

  Of course, part of me doesn’t know who I am now. When I dropped out of medical school, I moved right back in with my parents. Unfortunately, my father’s mother is in failing health and my father told me she would be moving in too. I was so grateful to my father and mother for letting me move back in without lecturing me and making me feel like a failure for leaving school.

  They have always been supportive, incredible parents to me. So, imagine my surprise when I was cleaning out my father’s den to make room for my grandmother and I found adoption papers. They never said a word to me.

  I was flabbergasted when I saw the name of my birth parents on my birth certificate. Stanton and Elizabeth Steele. People I had known most of my life. They were my biological parents. I’d been to their house, been to their hosted events constantly throughout my entire childhood and well into adulthood. They never said a word to me about it either.

  Instead of confronting my parents immediately, I decided to sit with it for a bit. I needed to clear my head and really try to process it. After a few days, I realized that they didn’t tell me because it didn’t matter to them. I was their daughter in their eyes and that’s all that mattered. The curious side of me is dying to know every detail, but what if they couldn’t have children? What if adopting me was their miracle? I don’t want to bring up a painful past to two people who have done nothing but be there for me and care for me.

  My anger and confusion actually lies with the Steeles. Why would they give me up when they have other children? Everything has run through my head, but I have no clue. I do know that I was in Keegan’s class in school. We are the same age. That leaves me to believe the only logical answer is he’s my twin. I don’t see the similarities other than our hair and eye color.

  It’s still hard for me to process that I have brothers that I’ve known of, but never really got to know. Last night, talking casually with Madden was the first actual conversation I’ve had with any of them. He seems so much more laid back than the picture I have of him in my mind.

  I’m still not sure how I’m going to tell them about any of this. What am I supposed to say? ‘Hi, I know I didn’t say this at the beginning, but I’m actually your sister. Now what can I get you to drink?’

  I’ve gotten myself into quite the mess, but it just felt like fate. A week after I found out the truth I saw a news article about the Steele brothers opening up a hardware store in a tiny little town south of Dallas. I had to take the chance to get to know my brothers without our parents around.

  As far as I know, we were all left in the dark by them. I had some strange fantasy about us working together to discover the whole truth. Now they just think I’m a drifter passing through town. I will tell them though. Somehow, I’ll find a way.

  I put in a pair of diamond earrings that my father gave me for my eighteenth birthday and then stare at them in the mirror. Maybe they aren’t the best statement. I look down at the outfit I chose to wear. A silk blouse paired with a black knee length skirt. I really stick out here. I should have bought some more sensible clothes for this trip. Maybe Jade can point me in the right direction.

  Since all of my clothes are like this, I grab my keys and leave the motel before driving to the bar.

  When I get there, it’s almost five and I see a lot of cars and trucks parked out front. Not as many as there were yesterday, but it’s still pretty busy. I walk inside and see Jade talking to a woman our age with dark red hair, behind the bar.

  I walk over to them and Jade beams over at me, “You came back!”

  I can’t help, but laugh her excitement. “Of course.”

  She gestures to the woman next to her, “This is Casey, she is the other waitress I was telling you about. Casey, this is Lillian.”

  The girl smiles over at me, studying me, “Hey, it’s nice to meet ya.”

  I nod my head politely, “It’s nice to meet you too.”

  “You ready for Friday night in a rowdy little country town bar? Things can get exciting.” I can’t tell if Casey’s being sarcastic or not since she grins at me when she says that.

  Jade elbows her. “Don’t scare her away!”

  I shake my head, “Don’t worry. I’m not afraid.”

  Jade gives me a reassuring look. She’s so nice. “Don’t worry, you survived last night just fine and that was with the grand opening rush. You’ll do just fine, but I’ll keep you shadowing me again for the most part. Do you have the key for me?”

  Oh no.
The key. I left it with Brady last night. “I um…”

  I feel a strong presence next to me. I know by his masculine scent, a sexy combination of sweat, saw dust and soap, that it’s Brady. I feel something metal slip into my hand as his says, “Hey, Jade can I get another pitcher?”

  “Already? Damn, Brady pace yourself.” That comes from Casey.

  Brady just laughs, “Tell that to your boyfriend.”

  The beautiful auburn headed waitress glares at him, “He’s not my boyfriend anymore. Your problem now.”

  Jade hands him a full pitcher and I mouth thank you to him. He just gives me that sexy smirk and winks at me before walking back to the table.

  I can’t help, but to stare at his sexy ass packed into a pair of tight blue jeans as he walks.

  “Here’s the key, Jade. Thanks for trusting me.” I tell her and she gives me a genuine smile. Casey doesn’t seem to notice.

  “If you want some advice on how to survive Hollis, don’t get involved with Brady Thompson.” Casey says and then adds, “Or anyone at that damn table.”

  Busted. “I um…” I stutter like an idiot.

  Thankfully Jade interrupts, “Brady is not that bad.”

  Casey takes the tray off of the bar that Jade just filled with drinks. “Please. Thankfully you had Madden to come along and sweep you off your feet, cleaned up his mess, but don’t tell me you don’t regret Brady.”

  So, they did date. Jade shakes her head at her friend, “I don’t. We are friends and the past doesn’t matter.”

  She scoffs at that and heads to a table at the back of the bar. Jade looks slightly worried, “Just ignore that. Casey hasn’t been herself lately.”

  I nod and take the apron Jade offers me and tie it around my waist. “Okay.” My curiosity gets the best of me and I ask, “So you and Brady dated before you and Madden?”

  She walks over to the keg filling up another pitcher, “It feels like a lifetime ago, but yeah we had a little thing for a while. Nothing like my relationship with Madden.”

  I turn and casually watch Brady who is now seated next to Madden at the table full of men. They seem fairly chummy considering Brady is Jade’s ex and Madden is her current boyfriend. I can feel Jade’s eyes on me, “Although, maybe don’t totally ignore Casey.”

  I turn back to face her and try to play dumb, “What do you mean?”

  She grins, “Brady. He’s a great guy, but he’s not really a long-term commitment kind of guy.”

  I smile to myself thinking about last night. It was great, but I honestly have no intention of sleeping with him again. “You don’t have to worry about me. I won’t be here long.”

  She laughs heartily at that, “Right.”

  I know that she thinks this town will suck me in, but once I finally tell my brothers who I am and spend a little time with them, I’m out of this tiny town and back to Dallas. I can always visit, but being a permanent resident isn’t an option.

  I still don’t quite understand the appeal of this place.

  Chapter 7


  I should’ve made Lilly sweat. Squirm a little. It would have been funny to see what excuses she came up with about the key. Hell, I’m lucky I even saw it. I noticed it on the table by the lamp right before I’d left. Alone.

  I watch her now as she helps Jade serve a large table of a family of six. She looks out of place in her dress skirt and blouse. Black stiletto heels can’t be comfortable for a waitress.

  “What happened to you last night?”

  I straighten up as I hear a familiar voice. Kelly Harden. My somewhat girlfriend. Okay…she’s not my girlfriend, but we have been fucking for quite some time. She likes to consider herself my girlfriend, despite how often I tell her it’s not serious and not to call me her boyfriend. If it wasn’t for her, things with Jade and I might have turned out differently.

  I take another bite of my burger and cock my eyebrow up at her. She looks angry, but I know that won’t last. It never does.

  “You were supposed to come over. I waited up for you.” she complains.

  “I got busy.” I answer, although I feel absolutely no need to explain to her why I didn’t show.

  Kelly pulls up an empty chair from the table beside us and nudges Tate so he’ll make room. She sits so close, I barely have room to eat. I hear Tate grumble that she’s “crowding” him, but she doesn’t pay him any mind. Instead, she grabs a French fry off my plate, slathers it in ketchup, and eats it.

  “What about tonight?” Told you. Her anger is already gone.

  “He’s busy tonight.” Caleb interrupts and Kelly glares in his direction. “You need to give him some damn breathing room, Kells. The man can’t fart without you being there to smell it.”

  I laugh at Caleb’s crude remark, but Kelly doesn’t find it funny at all. She throws a fry at him across the table. He throws one back and I think for a minute that they’re going to have an all out food fight.

  “Enough!” I stop them. “Fucking childish bullshit.” I grumble and then feel guilty when I see tears well in Kelly’s eyes. One thing I can’t handle is seeing a woman cry. I saw my mom do that enough in the past to last me a lifetime.

  “I’ll try to come see you later.” I concede and Kelly shoots Caleb a triumphant smirk.


  I look up and Lilly leans behind Kelly to refill my tea. There’s no room between the two of us for her to squeeze in. If she’s bothered by mine and Kelly’s closeness, she doesn’t show it. Nothing in her demeanor gives away that I was balls deep inside her last night.

  “Thanks, Lilly, and can you bring me one to go?”

  “Sure.” she smiles, letting me call her Lilly, and everyone else asks for the same. I’m ready to get out of here and try to find out from Caleb exactly what my plans for the night are. I see Casey glaring at him from behind the bar, where she is picking up an order. Caleb’s eyes are on her. I wish they would just make up before they kill each other. Since I don’t see that happening anytime soon, I have to get him the hell out of here, away from the bar.

  Jade and Lilly bring our to-go drinks and I stand up to take mine from Lilly. As if staking her claim, Kelly pulls my head towards her and smashes her lips against mine.

  “I’ll see you later.” she grins and saunters past Lilly.

  I glance back at Lilly and wait for the explosion. The “how could you?” or “what a jerk” deal, but she looks completely unbothered. Somehow…this bothers me. A part of me wants her to be bothered by what just happened. Effected just a little.

  Then the part of me that thinks with my lower head realizes this is fucking great. She’s the female version of me.

  And I can have fun with that.

  Chapter 8


  I wake up the next morning in the same small motel room. The room is musky and I cannot wait until the apartment above the bar is finished so I can get out of here. Jade told me last night that Brady was going to work on it today and put the finishing touches on it. She said I should be able to move in tomorrow.

  When Brady gave me the tour, it had seemed complete to me, so that’s not surprising. My entire body flushes at the memory of being in there with Brady. I’m still kicking myself for not going for round two that night and drawing it out a bit longer.

  I climb out from the stiff sheets and scratchy old comforter. I asked Jade last night if there was anywhere I could buy some more appropriate clothes and somehow it turned into her, Casey and I going shopping together this morning. I’m meeting them at the bar in less than an hour so I really need to get a move on. Apparently the nearest town that has any sort of clothing stores is almost an hour away.

  I’m honestly excited about a girl’s trip, although I’m not really here to make new friends. Jade is dating one of my brothers so it couldn’t hurt to have her on my side. I’ve had a few friends over the years, but mostly friendships of convenience. Our parents were friends and we all ended up at the same social events. I’v
e never had a friendship like Casey and Jade’s. I was only around them for one night, but can see they have a deep, unbreakable bond.

  I get ready quickly before driving to the bar. I park my car and walk inside, bumping almost immediately into Brady’s firm body right inside the front door. I guess I should’ve looked before opening it. He gives me a slow, easy grin, “Hey.”

  I smile at him and take in his casual outfit. Same jeans and a t-shirt he always has, but the look really works for him. He should never change it. “Good morning, Brady. What are doing here so early?”

  He points to the stairs that lead to the apartment above. “Finishing up your new place. Shouldn’t take me long. You can probably move in this evening if you want.”

  That’s great news. Goodbye dingy motel. “That’s wonderful. Thank you.” I quickly add, “And thank you for covering for me about the key.”

  He shrugs like it’s no big deal. “No problem and I’m sorry about that thing last night.”

  I raise an eyebrow at him, not quite sure what he is talking about. “What thing?”

  He looks at me like he doesn’t believe that I don’t know what the hell he means. “Come on, Lilly. I mean I’m sorry you had to see me with Kelly, like that.”

  Ah. Kelly? That must be the girl hanging all over him last night like a puppy dog. That poor thing clearly wanted me to know that he was hers. “Brady, it’s really not my business. You’re a grown man and can do whatever you please.”

  Now he cocks an eyebrow at me, studying me closely, as if he thinks I’m going to go into a jealous rage. Of course, there is small part of me that envies her, getting to explore that rock hard body all of the time. Another part of me pities her since her boyfriend clearly isn’t as devoted to her as she is to him. It sure as hell didn’t take much convincing from me to get him to stray.

  “Right.” Brady looks slightly irritated when he says that.

  I give him another sweet smile, “But your girlfriend seems really sweet, although clearly starved for attention.”


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