Besting Brady (Hearts of Hollis Book 2)

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Besting Brady (Hearts of Hollis Book 2) Page 7

by Nicole Dykes

  I don’t give him time to respond before I hang up. Ten minutes later, I arrive at the field and get out of my truck. The old hay bale is still where it’s always been. I grab a few empty beer cans and bottles from the back of my truck and go set them up. It’s time for target practice. My favorite way to blow off steam.

  I get my .270 from behind the truck seat and prop it on the hood. I turn the safety off and line my scope up on a bottle. The glass shatters with my first shot. I feel my tense muscles begin to relax.

  Your daddy has lung cancer.

  I take another shot and hit the empty can. I breathe out and suck another breath in.

  It’s terminal, Brady.

  “You do realize it’s five o’clock in the morning. We have to be at work soon.” Caleb states as he walks up beside me. I didn’t even hear him pull up. I fire another shot and let another bottle shatter.

  “Did you go to your dad’s grave?” he asks and I shoot him an angry look.

  “Why would I do that? There’s nothing there except bones buried six feet deep and a cold headstone.”

  “That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go there.” he counters. “I’m sure your mama would enjoy your company.”

  “Oh, so while you’re sober you think you can give intelligent advice?” I jab. Caleb crosses his arms and leans against the side of my truck.

  “If you only called me here to insult me, I can just go find Casey for that.” he quips.

  I don’t comment. Instead, I lean back down and focus on another target. I let the crosshairs line up right on the Bud Light label. My conversation with Lilly fills my head. When she’d asked about my dad, I answered her so nonchalantly. He died a long time ago.

  Yep, I didn’t tell her that today is the anniversary of his death. Thirteen years ago today, my dad died and I’m still not over it.

  “You need to put a damn shirt on.” Caleb comments. “Are those scratch marks on your back?”

  “Shut up.” I mumble, half grinning. I hand him the rifle and grab my t-shirt out of the cab of my truck.

  “You act like it’s not late November.” he smirks.

  “It’s Texas.”

  “So, are those scratch marks from Kelly or from the new waitress?” he asks. “And for your sake, I’m hoping Kelly.”

  “When I screw the waitresses, they don’t lose their shit.” I joke. “Eighteen, man? Seriously?”

  “She didn’t tell me she was eighteen until after. I was honest with her up front about what it was. You know I don’t lie.”

  “I know. So, tell me straight, were you still fucking around with Tori or not?” I ask. “I know what she told Casey and I know you’ve gotten defensive as hell every time I’ve asked you.”

  “Casey and I were on a break when I hooked up with Tori. We absolutely were not together.” he answers. “It was one time. Casey and I got back together and you know how we are when we’re together. You remember the night Logan had that party?”

  “Yeah. You were shitfaced.”

  “Well, Casey was pissed and I thought we went on a break again. She said we were through and left me at Logan’s. Tori was there and anyway, I let her give me a blow job, but that’s it. When I saw Casey the next day, she didn’t even remember the damn fight!”

  I laugh, knowing exactly how the two of them are, especially when they’re drinking. “So, what’s the problem?”

  “Tori told her more than that happened and that it kept happening. She believed Tori. I don’t get it, Brady. Everything me and Casey have been through since junior high and she believed her.”

  “I don’t know what to tell you. Just give her some time. You and her always get back together.” I assure him.

  “No, not this time. It’s really over.”

  Caleb shoots a few rounds and finishes off the last few targets left on the bale of hay. He props the gun against the truck and pulls a pack of cigarettes out of his back pocket. I watch him light one up the way my daddy always used to. I don’t recall ever seeing him without a cigarette.

  “So, you’re a smoker now?” I ask and he shrugs. “Careful, you know that shit will kill ya.”

  I say this half joking, half serious. He knows exactly how I feel about smoking. I don’t need to tell him or give him shit about it. What I need is for his sister to come take him out of Hollis. At least for a little while.

  That way I know he’ll become my best friend again. Eventually.

  Chapter 16


  “Hey, can you grab that table real quick?” Jade asks me as she hops behind the bar to handle some rowdy patrons begging for their drinks.

  I nod my head and walk over to an elderly couple that just sat down, “Good evening, folks. Are you interested in our dinner menu?”

  “We know what we want. We’ve been eatin’ here for ages, girly.” That comes from the man and I smile.

  “All right, what can I get you?”

  They give me their order, which I find adorable. They are sharing their meal, because the hamburgers here are apparently “enormous”. They are both so comfortable with each other and it’s easy to see they have been together for a long time.

  I finish writing down their order, “I’ll be right back with your drinks and I will put this in.”

  They both nod happily like they are pleased and I walk up to the bar where Jade is filling a pitcher, “They are the cutest couple ever.”

  She laughs, “They’re the Moore’s and you’re right. They are adorable.”

  It’s Friday night and it’s just Jade and I working since Casey has class. The bar is semi-full, but it’s missing someone. Brady hasn’t been in since Wednesday night when he helped me out. I wonder if he’s making it up to Kelly by staying away or if it goes much deeper than that.

  The bell dings and I look over way too eager, hoping Brady is here. I see Madden walk in and nod to Jade before taking a seat. Caleb is behind him, I breathe a sigh of relief. They are always together. Two other guys file in and then my brother, Landon, who I haven’t seen since the store opening.

  I should be excited that he’s here and maybe I have a chance at talking to him, but my heart sinks when I wait and don’t see Brady’s cocky grin anywhere in sight.

  He’s not with them.

  “I’ll get this table too, Jade.”

  She smiles, “Thanks, hun. I knew you’d have this.”

  I take the drink over to the elderly couple, assuring them that their order will be out soon, before walking over to the table with the large group of men.

  Madden smiles up at me from the menu. I notice Landon has one in his hand too. I swear they are the only two in the bar that use them. “Hey Lillian, how’s your night going so far?”

  He’s so nice. He was never a blatant asshole or anything, but usually kept to himself in high school. This town has really changed him. “It’s going well, thank you. Jade’s kind of swamped at the bar.”

  He nods his head, “Yeah, she thrives under pressure.”

  He grins, obviously proud of his girlfriend. I want to ask where Brady is so I try to as casually as I can to bring him up, “You guys are missing someone.” I look around the table and then land back on Madden, “Brady isn’t here?”

  Caleb shifts uncomfortably next to him, “He has shit to do.”

  Madden purses his lips, like he’s worried and knows that’s bullshit also. Brady is here almost every night. It’s strange that he hasn’t been in since Wednesday and I can’t help, but feel responsible. It can’t be a coincidence.

  I nod my head at Caleb, “He’s been busy this week then?”

  His eyes shoot up to mine, “Why the fuck do you care so much?”

  Damn. I guess I wasn’t casual enough. “I was just making small talk, Caleb.”

  He laughs at that, “Nah. Look sweetheart, if you want a piece all you have to do is ask. I’m sure Brady would be more than willing. You don’t have to act like you care, he’s not really like that.”

  “Don’t be an
asshole, Caleb.” That comes from Madden and I stop for a minute, enjoying having my brother stick up for me. That’s a new feeling.

  He rolls his eyes, “I’m not. I’m just saying, she’s been drooling all over him for weeks now. It’s crazy because she can have it if she really wants it.”

  Caleb is very clearly in a bad place and I know it’s over Casey. I’ve tried to give him a break, but he’s being a total asshole and I barely know him. “Look, you guys are in here every evening, when one is missing, of course I’m going to notice.”

  “He’s fine.” Caleb says and I don’t know if I believe him.

  Landon puts his menu down, “Well, now that we got all that out of the way, can I please get a hamburger and fries?”

  I nod my head at his matter of fact attitude. That’s exactly how I remember Landon Steele. All business, all of the time. “Of course.”

  I take everyone else’s orders and then go back up to the front to put my order in. Jade takes a five-dollar bill from a customer and he tells her to keep the change. She then looks to me, “Is Caleb being an asshole?”

  I try to shrug it off as I fill two pitchers of beer for their table. “I’m starting to think that’s just his personality.”

  She smiles sadly, “It’s really not. Caleb is actually a pretty good guy at heart. He used to be the one to make everyone laugh and was playful. More like Brady. He’s just…I don’t know. This thing with him and Casey has totally changed both of them.”

  I listen to her words, trying to imagine a playful, and not bitter, Caleb. If Jade is taking up for him, it must be true. Casey is her best friend in the whole world and he’s Casey’s enemy now. “I’m sure that’s really hard to watch.”

  “It is, it sucks so bad and Madden and I are hosting Thanksgiving this year. We couldn’t invite one and not the other so we had to invite both. This is going to be a disaster.”

  My eyes widen at that thought. Casey and Caleb in the same house, sitting at the same table eating a holiday meal. Yikes. “Yeah, that may be hard to watch. It was bad enough at lunch last weekend.”

  She laughs, “Well, you can suffer through it with the rest of us if you want. We would love to have you next Thursday.”

  I laugh, “Well, that’s hard to pass up.”

  “So, don’t. It’ll be fun, I promise. If we have to lock Caleb in the bedroom with his plate of food then so be it, but they aren’t going to ruin my first Thanksgiving with Madden. Both of his brothers will be there and Amelia. Jack and his wife. Marlene and Brady, it’s going to be great.”

  I smile at her excitement. She can’t wait to play hostess. “Of course, I wouldn’t miss it.”

  I can’t believe I’m going to miss Thanksgiving and maybe even Christmas with my parents, but we all knew that when I planned my trip and we are going to celebrate when we get back. My parents are actually going on a vacation for Christmas so they wouldn’t be home anyway.

  “I’m glad you will be there, Lillian. Hopefully we can keep the shenanigans down.”

  I laugh at that and then feel my heart leap up to my throat when I hear the door open and see Brady saunter in. As much as I want to deny it, I can’t. I’m happy he’s here.

  Chapter 17


  I catch a glimpse of Lilly as I walk in, but I don’t let my stare linger long. The past couple of days have been rough for me. They always are this time of year though. My mom gets a little depressed and spends a lot of time at my dad’s grave. Then she gets a little clingy with me and becomes a little smothering. I don’t really mind. I just let her get it out of her system.

  When I got off work Thursday, I went to her house and she started to cry, begging me to go to his grave with her. I hate going. She knows this, but it never stops her from begging me to go. I finally caved and drove her to Hollis Cemetery.

  I stared at my daddy’s name, Daniel Brady Thompson, on that cold hard stone for twenty minutes while my mom sank to her knees and deposited the fresh flowers she’d bought onto the cement slab. She stayed longer while I waited in the truck.

  On the way home, I listened to her soft sniffles and held her hand. She made me promise not to ever smoke. Of course, I promised her. I’ve been promising her this since I was twelve years old.

  At her house, I heated her up a can of chicken noodle soup and then we watched old reruns of M.A.S.H until she fell asleep on the couch. She mumbled my dad’s name in her sleep when I covered her up with a blanket.

  “You good?” Caleb asks as I take a seat at the table.

  “Uh, yeah.” I answer. Him and Madden both look me over as if making sure I’m telling the truth. “Yeah, I’m good.” I assure them.

  I’m grateful to both of them for Thursday night. I know I don’t have to thank them or even bring it up. That’s not what we do. But Thursday night I’d called and they’d both shown up. At the cemetery. I was a fucking mess.

  I couldn’t even talk to them about my dad. Caleb knows though, but Madden didn’t know, yet he was there for me. Both of my friends were there for me.

  “The waitress was asking for you.” Caleb grins.

  “Yeah, but Caleb was a prick to her.” Madden scowls. “I swear, we need to send him to fucking charm school or something. He has no tact.”

  “I wasn’t rude, I was honest.” he argues.

  “With you, there’s no difference.” Landon cuts in. “With me, there’s a difference.”

  “You’re almost the same person.” I inform them and they look at each other then start laughing.

  “Sorry, but I haven’t scared off any waitresses.” Landon defends. “Nor am I on a mission to bag every woman in Hollis.”

  “Mission almost accomplished.” Caleb smirks.

  I start to make a smartass comment, but Lilly walks up with a tray of food. She sets plates in front of everyone and I’m surprised when she sets a cheeseburger in front of me. My usual.


  “It’s your usual, right?” she asks and I nod.

  “See? Told you she wants you.” Caleb teases and Madden punches his arm.

  “I’m doing what a good waitress would do, Caleb.” Lilly says.

  “I’ve learned that good waitresses give good head after work too. Do you do that?” he laughs.

  “No wonder Casey won’t give you another chance. You’re a fucking douche.” Lilly states, coldly, and saunters off.

  Caleb stares after her, but doesn’t respond to her jab. He knows she’s right and he knows he deserved it. It’s nice to see some more of Lilly’s spark instead of her being so fucking polite.

  “Now Caleb, that was an example of being rude and honest.” Landon grins and lightens the mood at the table. “Fucking burn.”

  “She just ripped my fucking heart out.” Caleb laughs, pretending to stab his heart with a butterknife.

  I look up and see Lilly and Jade trying not to laugh. A few more crude comments are made and I laugh along with my friends until I feel my phone buzzing in my pocket. I pull it out and see that it’s Avery. Finally. I walk outside as I answer.

  “Brady? What the hell’s going on?” she asks as soon as I answer.

  “It’s about fucking time, Avery!”

  “I’m sorry, I’ve been busy. I do have a life you know and it’s a shitload bigger than that fucking town you live in.”

  “I need your help with Caleb.” I tell her. “Him and Casey broke up.”

  “They’re always broken up.” she laughs. “Then they’re together again, then they break up again. This has been going on for years.”

  “I’m serious, Avery. He’s fucked up. He’s drinking every damn day and I mean coming to work drunk. He’s hooking up with a different girl every night.” I explain. “He’s smoking.”

  “I…I can’t come back to Hollis, Brady.” she says, her voice quiet.

  I know Hollis is the last place Avery wants to be. I know it holds bad memories for her, but Caleb needs this.

  “Look, I’ve talked to him until I
’m blue in the damn face. He won’t listen to your parents or me. He has good days and then he’s passed out in the back of my truck or here at Jack’s bar. Hell, I’ve even found him passed out by your parent’s pool. What if he would’ve fallen in?”

  “Oh my God, Brady!”

  “He’s angry all the time and he lashes out at everyone. He’s not going to get his mind clear of Casey being in the damn town that only reminds him of her. He won’t leave unless you come get him. Just…do this for him, Avery.”

  I hear her sigh into the phone and I pray I’ve gotten through to her. “I’ll see what I can do.”

  That’s all I can ask for. I know she won’t make any guarantees. She hasn’t been back to Hollis in over five years. She said she was never coming back.

  “I was thinking you’d skipped town or something.”

  I smile at Lilly who is standing just outside the front door of the bar. “And leave my favorite place? Nah.”

  “You know, whatever you had going on these past couple of days, if you need a friend to talk to about it, I’m here.” she offers.

  I lean in so that I’m only a few inches from her and I hear her breath hitch in her throat. I know just from the subtle blush that has crept across her cheeks that she wants me to kiss her. Her lips have even parted in anticipation.

  “Lilly, I promise you that I don’t just want to be your friend.”

  She swallows as I step past her and go back inside, wondering if her lips are aching for mine like mine are for hers.

  Chapter 18


  I wake up in my small apartment above the bar and quickly take a shower. I have to admit, this apartment is really growing on me. I’ve never lived alone before. I’ve either lived with my parents or with roommates while attending college. It’s strangely peaceful.

  Madden was right about the quiet though and I leave the radio or television on in the background quite often.

  I finish my shower and step out onto the purple rug and dry my hair before wrapping one on top of my head and walking over to the fogged up mirror.


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