Besting Brady (Hearts of Hollis Book 2)

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Besting Brady (Hearts of Hollis Book 2) Page 16

by Nicole Dykes

  I stiffen at her words and shift uncomfortably on the couch, not because my mom is talking about my dad, but because she just said Lilly and I were in love. That’s not true. I’m not in love with Lilly.

  “Mom, don’t start talking about dad. It’s been a good night.” I tell her, not wanting her to get upset, and hoping I didn’t sound too harsh.

  “I can talk about your dad without getting upset, Brady.” she scolds, but her eyes glisten with tears.

  “Fine, I’m going to get a beer.” I concede and get up from the couch.

  I head into the kitchen and open the fridge, but hear a noise from outside. I know Jack and Ruthanne have already gone and we’re not expecting anyone else. I put my beer back and don’t say anything to Lilly and my mom as I go to the door and push it open. They’re both engrossed in the movie and don’t notice that I’ve slipped outside.

  “Kelly?” She jumps so bad she drops the carton of eggs she’s holding. “You were going to egg my mom’s house? My mom’s fucking house? Are you kidding me? On Christmas Eve?”

  She drops to her knees and begins picking up the broken egg shells. “Screw you, Brady.” She hisses.

  “Screw me? Kelly, are you serious right now? Look at what you’re doing! First my truck, then the picture, and now this? What the fuck?”

  “You deserve it!” she says between clenched teeth. “You deserve all of it and more!”

  I run a hand through my hair and approach her as she stands up. “I’m sorry, Kelly. I’m sorry for the way I treated you.”

  She opens her mouth to say something, but then closes it. She looks down at the carton of eggs in her hands and a tear rolls down her cheek.

  “I didn’t treat you properly and I know that. You were a great person, woman, and you would have done anything for me. I know that and I apologize. I didn’t realize how much I meant to you and I shouldn’t have treated you that way.”

  “We can make things work, Brady.” she whispers.

  “Kelly,” I shake my head, “I’m with someone else now and I’m trying to do better, I really am, but you have to stop this. You can’t continue doing these things to me.”

  She slowly nods, accepting that what she’s been doing is wrong. “I know. I was just so angry and I wanted us to be together, but you started hanging out with that waitress.”


  She glares at me. “I don’t understand.”

  I shrug. “I don’t either, Kelly. I really don’t and I can’t explain it, all I can do is apologize to you.”

  Kelly looks towards my mom’s house and sucks in a deep breath. “Tell your mom I’m sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking. Everything was so good between us and then suddenly…” she sighs, “I’ll stop. I will and I won’t bother you again.”

  I watch her walk away and feel a surge of relief that her antics are finally over. I can’t believe she was going to egg my mom’s house. That was definitely taking it too far. She can attack me all she wants, but leave my mom out of it.

  “Brady? You out here?” Lilly walks outside and slips her arm around my waist. “What are you doing outside?”

  “Oh, I was just going to call Caleb and wish him a merry Christmas.” I tell her, not wanting to bring up Kelly when we’ve had such a good night.

  I lead her over to the porch swing and we sit down together while I get my phone out. I dial his contact, but he doesn’t answer. I leave him a quick message and then try Avery, who answers on the third ring.

  “Hey, what’s that asshole brother of yours up to?” I ask and for a moment, I think she’s hung up. “Avery?”

  “Did you try his phone?” she answers and I can tell by the tone of her voice that something’s up.

  “I did and he didn’t answer.”

  “Oh, well, I don’t know where he is, Brady. He didn’t show up for Christmas dinner with me, so he’s probably with his friends.”

  I don’t admit to her that the thought that Caleb has made new friends bothers me a little. I’m happy he’s getting over Casey and having a good time, but I’m a little jealous at the thought of being replaced. Childish, I know.

  “Maybe his friends cook better.” I joke, trying to lighten the mood. “Just tell him to call me.”

  “Brady, I don’t know that bringing him here was the best idea.” Avery admits.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I thought it was. I mean, getting him away from Casey and Hollis, I was all for it, but now, I don’t know. He’s different. He’s not the Caleb I left in Hollis before.” Avery says and her words bother me. They really bother me. “I’ll tell him to call you, but don’t be surprised if he doesn’t. Merry Christmas, Brady.”

  She hangs up and I stare at my phone a moment before shoving it back into my pocket. He’s different. What does that even mean? He left at Thanksgiving with Avery to go to Los Angeles and get his life back on track. Not to become an entirely different person.

  “You okay?” Lilly cuts into my thoughts.

  “Yeah, babe, I’m good. I have somewhere I’d like to take you.” I stand and hold my hand out. “Let’s go tell my mom goodbye first.”

  We head back into the house and both give my mom hugs. She’s teary-eyed and tired as she says goodnight. She says she misses Caleb and I tell her I do too. I don’t tell her or Lilly about what Avery said.

  When we leave, I don’t tell Lilly where we’re headed. I just know it’s time I brought her here. I open her door and hold her hand as we maneuver our way around the headstones until we reach the one I’m familiar with. I feel her hand squeeze mine and I smile.

  “Lilly, it’s time you met my dad.” I say, quietly. “I was young when he died, but I know he would have loved you. He had this way about him that made everyone love him. And God, his laugh, his laugh was so loud that it just filled the room. People always wanted to be around that laugh. Sometimes I hear myself laughing and it’s nothing like his laugh, not like I remember, but I wish it was.”

  Lilly kneels down. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Thompson. I wish you could have been here longer, because your son is amazing.”

  I laugh a little at her words. Maybe my mom is right. Maybe I am in love with Lilly Benson. Honestly, I have no fucking clue.

  Chapter 42


  The next day, I ride with Brady to Jade and Madden’s house. They decided that since they were all in Dallas for Christmas Eve, we should all spend Christmas Day together. I just hope it isn’t full of drama like Thanksgiving was. Jade deserves to host a chaos free holiday.

  My mind is still reeling from last night. Brady took me to his father’s grave. He cares enough to share that with me and I don’t take that lightly. I can feel everything starting to blur and things are getting confusing. It’s getting harder and harder to ignore the fact that I am supposed to be back in Dallas in a couple of weeks, even though Brady doesn’t know that. Since our relationship is temporary, that means that will be the end of this fantasy we have created. I find myself wanting to tell him when I’m leaving, but just can’t bring myself to do it yet. It will make the fact that I am leaving that much more real and I’m not ready to face it yet.

  Brady parks in front of the cute house and turns off the engine before turning to look at me. “You look beautiful, Lilly. I’m glad we are spending Christmas together.”

  My heart pounds erratically in my chest at his words. “I am too, Brady, and thank you for sharing Christmas Eve with me as well.”

  He gives me that sexy smirk and kisses my lips, briefly making me yearn for more before turning and opening his door to climb out. He helps me out of my side and we walk up to the front door together.

  Madden greets us with a big smile on his face and welcomes us into his home. We are the last ones there and the house is just as packed as it was on Thanksgiving. Casey is here with her professor boyfriend, Derek. Amelia and Keegan are sitting on the couch in the living room, cozied up as usual. Jack and his wife, Ruthanne, and Marl
ene are all standing in the dining room making small talk. Jack with a scotch and the women sipping on wine. Landon is out in the backyard on his phone, as usual. I don’t tell Brady that when I first got here, I thought maybe Jack and Marlene were a thing.

  The only one missing is Caleb and I don’t miss the sense of sadness coming from Brady at that fact. I know how badly he misses his best friend. Hopefully the time away will do him good though and he will be able to return to his old self, which apparently I’ve never seen. I also didn’t miss that something was going on when he called Avery. He didn’t talk about it, but it was obvious in his tone that things aren’t quite right in Los Angeles and if that’s true, I know he’ll blame himself for getting Caleb to go. Now I have to accept that I won’t be here to help him with the aftermath.

  I give Brady a kiss on the cheek and head into the kitchen to see if I can help Jade with anything else and I’m joined by Casey. When we walk into the kitchen, Jade is flying around trying to get everything together.

  Casey just shakes her head and laughs and I clear my throat to let her know we are there. “Um, Jade do you need any help?”

  Jade looks over at us, “Oh, I think I’ve almost got it under control now. I slept in this morning.”

  “Ah, you and Madden spent way too much time in the throes of passion last night, huh?” Casey jokes.

  Jade blushes at her blunt, although I’m guessing accurate statement. We all laugh at that although I slightly cringe knowing that Madden is my brother. Not a detail I need or want to know.

  “Just shut up and help me.” Jade says.

  We quickly dig in, helping her prepare sides and then Jade turns to Casey, cautiously she says, “It’s kind of strange without Caleb here. We haven’t missed a Christmas with him for a long time.”

  I stiffen at the mention of Caleb around Casey and I notice a flicker of something in Casey’s eyes. Maybe she was thinking the same thing. Her defense quickly kicks in though and she says, “Yeah, well whatever will we do without his drunken antics?”

  My eyes meet Jade’s and she just shakes her head. “Casey, come on. There were some really great times. It’s okay to admit you miss those times.”

  “Well, there had to be some since you stayed together for so long.” I add.

  Casey is thinking. I can see the memories flood through her, but then she goes cold again. “We were dumb kids that didn’t know any better. Now that I’m with Derek I know what a real man is and what a real relationship is. I honestly don’t think about Caleb much.”

  Jade and I exchange a knowing look. Yeah, she does.

  We finish preparing the meal and all sit around the dining room table eating and I listen to stories from my brothers about past Christmases. I have a strange ache in my stomach listening to them talk. All of the holidays we missed together as a family. I have felt Landon’s eyes on me a lot throughout the gathering though. It’s like he’s watching me react to the stories and honestly, it makes me slightly nervous.

  After dinner is finished, we all go into the living room and sit around. Brady pulls me onto his lap in an oversized chair and I’m content to be wrapped in his strong arms. I turn to Madden and ask, “So how was the party at your parents?”

  Madden shrugs it off, “Same ole. Not one damn thing has changed. Same boring people, same conversations.”

  “Well, now you are here and can join in on our stimulating conversations about two by fours and trucks.” Brady jokes.

  Madden chuckles. “You know, I would take that any day.”

  Landon’s intense gaze locks with mine. “Hey, Lilly. Have you ever been to our parent’s parties, you know, since you are from Dallas?”

  I freeze and I feel Brady’s body stiffen beneath me. I look into Landon’s eyes, they look accusatory. No way, does he know? “Not that I recall.”

  “Are you sure?” He prods further.

  Shit. I shake my head, unable to speak and Madden looks over at Landon. “What’s going on?”

  Landon reaches in his back pocket and pulls out a picture. I can’t see it yet, but his words tell me what it’s of.

  “I found this in the photo album mom loves to pass around at the parties.” His eyes lock with mine, “It’s pictures from all of the years before.”

  My throat goes dry. Madden takes the photo and Keegan stands up from his spot next to Amelia to look too. They all three stare over at me and I hear Brady’s calming voice in my ear, “Just tell them, Lilly.”

  I take a deep breath and look them straight in their eyes. “I have been to your parent’s parties before a few times with my parents. Well, my adoptive parents anyway.”

  They look even more confused and I can feel all eyes on me. My heart is racing, but Brady’s arms around my waist gives me strength.

  “Why didn’t you tell us you had been to our house before?” Keegan asks.

  “I, um.” Just tell them. “I found out recently that I was adopted. On my birth certificate, it names Elizabeth and Stanton Steele as my birth parents.” I blurt out.

  I hear a gasp in the room and I’m really not sure who it came from. Then I hear Casey’s voice exclaim, “Holy shit!”

  Well, it’s all out in the open now.

  Chapter 43


  All eyes shift to Lilly, including the suited up professor, and I can feel her shift on my lap. I tighten my hold around her waist, anything to try and give her some comfort or reassurance that everything is going to be okay.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” Landon says, confusion clear on his face.

  I’m pretty sure when he was accusing her of hiding the fact that she knew them, he wasn’t expecting her to be his sister. I mean, who would jump to that conclusion? He stands up and runs a hand through his blonde hair.

  “You’re lying.” He grits out.

  “Landon,” Keegan warns, “let’s hear her out.”

  Lilly glances down to me and I give her a nod. She looks back to her brothers, who are all anxiously waiting to hear her full explanation, then she begins, “A few months ago, I found a box in my dad’s office. It had documentation proving that I was adopted by them and that Elizabeth and Stanton Steele are my biological parents.”

  The brothers all look at each other as they take in her words, seeming as though they’re still a little unsure if she’s telling the truth or not. Hell, I would be too if some woman showed up out of nowhere and told me she was my sister, so I can’t really blame them.

  “I can’t say why they did it or what their reasons were, but Keegan, I’m your twin.” Lilly informs them and Landon sits back down, letting out a harsh gasp.

  “You died.” He chokes out. He says it so quietly, I barely even hear him.

  “I what?” Lilly questions.

  “You died.” He repeats louder. “I remember finding a picture of mom with two babies when I was nine, maybe ten, and asking about it, and she said Keegan had a sister, but she’d died. She made me swear not to tell him or Madden about her and I never did. It was you, wasn’t it?”

  “It was me.” Lilly confirms.

  “I have a twin.” Keegan mumbles. “Shit, I have a twin sister. Why didn’t you say anything, Landon?”

  Landon looks as though he could vomit at any second. “I don’t know. Mom said it would make you and Madden sad to know your sister had died so I never said anything. I was upset when she told me and I didn’t want that burden on my little brothers.”

  Amelia grips Keegan’s hand and squeezes his knee with her other hand. Jade seems just as shocked as everyone else, but hasn’t let go of Madden’s hand. Casey and the professor are sitting on the couch, tight lipped for once.

  “Fuck guys, we have a sister and our parents never said a damn word to us about it.” Madden states, angrily. “Not one fucking word. They hid her from us our entire lives. It’s obvious she didn’t fucking die!”

  “I’m so sorry, guys. I didn’t mean to change everything.” Lilly apologizes, a sob catching in her throat

  “Hey, don’t do that.” I tell her, pulling her close.

  “It’s not that, Lilly.” Keegan assures her. “You did the right thing by telling us and I can’t imagine how hard this must have been for you or how your parents must have felt when you found out.” I hear Lilly swallow, actually hear her swallow. “You haven’t told them?”

  “I found the box and didn’t know how to react.” she admits. “So, I started researching first, then planned my trip here. My parents think I’m in Europe with friends.”

  Landon laughs a little. “So, both sets of your parents are liars.”

  “That’s not fair.” Lilly defends. “My parents are good to me. They are really good to me and I would never trade them in, not for anything. I don’t blame them for not telling me who my real parents are, especially knowing that they’d rather tell everyone I died than bring me home with them.”

  Lilly storms out and Jade and Casey follow. I decide to let the two of them console her, knowing she needs girl time and that possibly the guys need to vent a little after the bomb that was just dropped on them.

  “Jesus Christ, we have a sister.” Madden says and looks over at me. “And she’s fucking Brady Thompson.”


  “Penis pic extraordinaire.” Landon grumbles with a half-smile.

  “Maybe we should kick his ass.” Keegan tosses in.

  “Guys…” I put my hands up. “In all fairness, we were together before I knew she was your sister.”

  “And he didn’t even have the decency to tell us she was our sister!” Landon complains.

  “Not my place!” I argue, “But I did encourage her to tell the three of you, so there’s that. You should feel lucky she’s with a guy like me.”

  This gets a laugh out of all of them and I laugh too. I don’t admit to them that I’ve changed a lot for Lilly. That I’m not the same person I was before I met her.

  “Yeah, you guys are lucky. You know me and you know that what we have is temporary.” I explain. “Lilly will go off and marry some doctor or rich guy in Dallas that you three can be proud of.”


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